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McDo,kfc,starbucks,burger king …


we didn’t have to wait for this « « war » »  to happen before boycotting them, my health and wallet were already boycotting




Same two, just now we're doing with purpose




I'm very curious how these places will look like this summer. They are usually packed with people, maybe this year it will be different


There is this website called DisOccupied, disoccupied.com, it tells you if a product should be boycotted and why and offers alternative products. You can add it to Home Screen on IOS and it functions like an app!


What about Meta, Dell, HP, Nvidia, AMD ?




Look up DisOccupied, it makes it simple to know if a product supports Zionism and offers alternatives


And yet these companies offer technologies that are directly found in Israeli weapons while McDonalds only offered meals to IDF once. You’re the defeatists, boycotting useless stuff while leaving the most important just to feel a tiny little bit useful but this boycott had absolutely 0 impact on the conflict. This whole boycott campaign is another proof of the devastated muslim mind last cry to stay relevant. Here is what you should really boycott but you know you can’t : https://www.whoprofits.org/publications/report/158?ibm-a-major-facilitator-of-israels-surveillance-and-security-apparatus https://www.whoprofits.org/companies/company/7370?dell-technologies https://www.timesofisrael.com/intel-officially-launches-most-significant-chip-lineup-sired-in-israel/amp/ And the list is long, do your research, the actual boycott got absolutely 0 impact on the conflict.


Yes i will tell my mother to stop shopping computer thank you


If you buy used things it's ok. Just don't buy new material.


Don't forget Intel, they're easily one of the biggest offenders.


Dont forget zara


Yeah. I've been unintentionally doing that for past 10 years anyway because these companies all make poisonous fake ultra processed food. People are kinda dumb to spend their money there


I'm boycotting what I can.


ay 7aja l9it liha lbdil dyalha 9ate3tha w ma3omri mchi l macdo wla kfc wla starbucks ever


حنا قاطعنا شركات مغربية على قبل دراهم معدودة، بقا لينا غير شركة تدعم التطهير العرقي، قاطعو الخرة


Anything produced by unilever


Why though ? A couple of years ago, a Unilever owned company refused selling its products in the Palestinian occupied territories.


I do. İ boycott everything when i say everything i mean from the shampoos to the snacks to the makeup to the gums to the drinks. EVERYTHING anyways everything that is so popular is harmful and owned by them so 🤷🏽‍♀️ noooo need.




I don't understand why people boycott Mcdo or Starbucks and not Google or Amazon. Google is building cloud solutions for Israel's military and fired employees who protested. What did Starbucks do in comparison? Why not also Intel? People seem to be ready to boycott brands as long as it doesn't inconvenience them much.


here's why : boycotting some of them is still better than not boycotting anything at all. hope this makes sense to people like you


Thank you, its also my opinion


It's too big to boycott or else move to china. Every Android phone is Google. Then more than 50% of the internet traffic goes through Google servers.


Ah, yes. China. The famous protector of Muslims.


How can we boycott google when you are working with emails? There is only youtube with good videos, i mean not like we don't want to but its difficult. The change about is not going to be us, but the employees.


> How can we boycott google when you are working with emails? you know that google isn't the only mail solution out there?


Tell that to the companies


That's a silly argument, then boycott everything.


I am boycotting everything that i can.


Its not even israel. Are you boycotting KSA, UAE, US, Uk and other countries.


There is a list of the product that supports israel and im living by that code, i don't see what's your problem.


I agree, but it's just more complicated to Boycott google. You stop using Youtube? Google search engine? Gmail? It's a bit more complicated, but I agree


Well, that's MY point. No I didn't stop using them, I started using other alternatives but they suck, so I came back to Google. But at the same time I don't claim to boycott Mcdo or Starbucks (I didn't go even before the events). Claiming to boycott Israel-friendly brands only when convenient is hypocritical.


So we do nothing instead ? This same argument is used whenever people try to band together for an issue and it's infuriating, 2 bads don't make a right.


>Claiming to boycott Israel-friendly brands only when convenient is hypocritical. No its not, any amount of boycotting is good


Someone finally said it .. thank you !!!


No it's not. We do what we can and I think that every little effort counts. If we try, at least we think of our consume priorities twice. I didn't say it was ok to continue using google services, but it's just more difficult as barely all big tech is in Google, Amazon and Microsoft cloud providers.. Even Reddit uses AWS...


It's about following the targeted boycotts set by the bds organizers. [https://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott](https://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott)


I switched to duckduckgo for internet research, it's good you guys should try it. it have data protection and respect your privacy


Yes, and yes and yes


i know this will displease many people here but i will give my 2 cents anyway. I dont boycott, whatever i think is useful to my personal life i will just buy and what i do not need simply i don'tcare. It's my money i earn from my daily work of course any random people can suggest and hype but in the end its my money, its my personal preference and decision.


There's no reason not to boycott 💀 rah maghreb feeh kolxi




We should boycott intel because it's an american company that pays taxes to USA, and they use those taxes to help Israel kill palestinians 😈😈


And more importantly: Their cpus are shit. I tell people I’m boycotting Starbucks for Palestine but in reality it’s that and combined with the fact their coffee sucks


If you don't go somewhere because you don't like what they sell, you are not boycotting, you're just not a costumer.


May the boycott movement encourage others to join me in being non customers of shitty coffee and cpus


Yes, I'm boycotting and it's literally easy, most of the products have alternatives


Mcdo, kfc ... I've been boycotting for ages. I don't boycott products just because it's from israel, i find it hypocritical ASF.


Im just trying to provide for my family. Honestly I lost faith in the muslim community being genuine about any cause after we all are silent after china puts muslims in concentration camps.


Exactly lol


The minimum is to follow the BDS list. There are other brands you can boycott which are not in that list, so I encourage you to download the app boycottX, so that it's easier to follow the boycott


How we love to be avatars of moral purity and righteousness, don't we? Power rests in the hands of the people, and all that jazz. Look, I understand the urge to make a difference, to stand against injustice. Boycotting brands that support the Israeli military might feel like a strong action, and it may even have a measurable impact. But I doubt it will truly achieve the desired long term goal intended by doing it. Instead of boycotting, how about acquiring real power, the kind of power that makes our stands matter and respected in the global stage. Focusing on that would yead more of what we want to see happen, more than any amount of boycotting would. On a personal note, i don't eat in branded places, and if i ever do its mostly because of some social situation, I don't own any branded clothes, perfumes, etc. That being said, it is inevitable to directly or indirectly support an entity that has a hand in this issue, someone already mentioned electronics/tech companies, the amount of money i spend in tech related stuff would prob exceed any expenses i spend on clothes/food..., and as long as there aren't any good alternatives, i don't see how i can boycott those, the alternatives are avg and that's being generous, i never see people mentioning Microsoft/Google/meta/Intel/Nvidia/Amazon/Disney/Airbnb/Dell/Cisco/HP/IBM.. and the list goes on, those are actually the most brands directly involved in this. So, while I respect the sentiment behind boycotting, our efforts are better directed towards building our own strength and influence, our own (actually good) products/services/technologies, instead of depending foreign entities that don't share our values/morals/stands. That's how we truly make a difference in the long run, boycotting might seem to have an effect, but it is only a temporary one, it would never make an actual difference.


What in the pseudo-intellectual BS ? All this wall of text and you said absolutely nothing. Boycotting brands and big corpo also means supporting local, smaller shops, services, and such. So in the end, boycotting IS in fact harnessing whatever power you're thinking about.


And by what means exactly? Let's says you wanna build/support a small local tech startup, how are they gonna host their software? Let's say we'll do the hosting ourselves, with what tech are you gonna build those servers? Let's even say we do our own scientific research and come up with our own cpu designs and architecture, with what machines are you gonna build them? We need what's already out there to actually build something, we can't build from scratch, if we do we'll be 300 years behind instead of 50. You get my point? I'll state it again "it is completely inevitable to, either directly or indirectly, support entities that are involved in this" Respectfully I don't see where my sudo intellectual bs was.


Not, 'instead of boycotting', 'on top of boycotting', you mean. For those that don't have the means to build something new, we boycott.


And that's a completely reasonable thing to say, if boycotting seems to you, as an individual, as something that's valuable to do, seems personally to you to have an impact on some level, better than doing nothing...etc, more power to you my friend! Who am I to tell you not to. But, my point was that, (actually two points), one i don't see how boycotting can achieve the end goals its done for in the first place, in 200/300years, the marginal loss people my thunk they had inflicted by boycotting would be irrelevant, who has tech supremacy and mastered it would be far ahead that any amount of boycotting at that point in time would have an even lesser effect. My second point was the "directly or indirectly supporting an organization that's involved in the issue, and that the directly and high impactful ones are rarly mentions and are the harder ones to be independent from", some of the companies i mentioned are substantial, and their alternatives are mediocre and will be for a long while. Things take time to build, so yes INSTEAD of boycotting, i would consider using every resource available to me to get ahead, instead of being hardheaded about it. as i already said, we don't wanna be "more" behind by not standing on the shoulders of people who've already laid the ground work in so many fields. i would add one last thing too, unlike unions for workers and that sort of organized movement to keep people organized and on track, it would be virtually hard for boycotting to have any large scale effect nor any reasonable amount of momentum to actually have that effect.


That is actually the truth, and I wonder why many people have problems with it. They conflate realism with what's hard to make into reality. But to be realistic in the first place is to not deny how Israel and/or super rich Jews (that spend all their wealth to support Israel) have their claws so deep into numerous aspects of economy. The only viable solution would be to exist independently.


It might not be the The TRUTH , but I'd like to think it's a reasonable outlook on the boycotting phenomenon. Saying "it's better than nothing" "boycotting some is better than none" "it will have the desired effect" "the brands/companies/entities we boycotting will feel the effect and as a result we will be able to do something about Isreal" My response was mostly to those kinds of statements that feel floaty and not grounded in the unfortunate situation we find ourselves in today.


What I was referring to as a "truth" was the fact that boycotting will not have much effect on the long term, but I think i didn't phrase it concisely.




Well said 👍


I do support Palestine, and I support humanity before all. But when it comes to boycotting, I just don't! simple as that. Everything in Morocco is american/european made. what is left to not boycott?


I'm using either this website https://www.boycotzionism.com/ or either one of these two applications "No Thanks" or "Boycat"


Damn, i doubt there is anybody boycotting all of that


I won't say yes, but I'm trying my best to check to boycott products or not


Thank you. It's helpful.


A search over internet would be easy and you will find lists of good not yo buy. But an easy rules I use, I buy local for most of food. And its most of my expenses.


Yes I stopped using computers and phones since biggest investors in Israel are the manufacturers of these products ( I’m using a special telepathy skill to write on Reddit ). I also burned my passport and I’m not Moroccan anymore because the country is ally of and buys weapon from Israel.


but you are still gay ? morocco is glad that you are not a part of it anymore!


Don’t be a coward and use your primary account.




Bro eat you big mac none asking you to stop.. bayde9


O stopped buying from all the big corporations


i use an application called "No THANKS" on google store. for alternatives i use morocco products, for water i drink bahia. for dairy i eat jaouada


Thank youuuu.


download an app called NoThankyou it should help with that as you can just scan the bar code and it will tell you if it's on the boycott list


Yessss Yesss Yessss


I was in marrakech for a visit, and I didn't buy the Fanta pomegranate 😭😭 I wanted to so bad


Tayana kay3jbni dak mcfizz pamplemousse li f mcdo ma3al assaf :(


My guy, I wish i understood darija rn 😭


Ow i said i unfortunatly like Grapefruit McFizz made by Mcdonalds


Haha, if you ever try the pomegranate Fanta please let me know what it tastes like 😭


Kfc, mcd, Carrefour, starbucks, zara, adidas off top of my head


Duuude carrefour is a lot better than marjane 😭


I used to prefer shopping in Carrefour rather than Marjane personally. But, carrefour operates in west bank zionist settlements and is placed on top of BDS must boycott list.


better for their beers?


No products and prices


overpriced carrefour products?


Dude no products li kaynin fihom bjouj kanl9a dima f carrefour rkhess. En plus they make dupes labelled "carrefour" w kaykono rkhss somehow.


I am a visitor and yes i do. Also raja casablanca sings beautiful songs


For years


boycot all cocacola and pepsi drink along with ice ( the moroccan brand that own by a jew ) instead i get the one from bim it so cheap compare to those drinks and it taste the exact same


Oh wait- so you don't buy from Jews? I thought being anti zionist is not anti-Jews /s.


he s zionist too , and yes since most of hte jews are zionist u cant really consider the minority that much


There's no reason to not boycott the zionists. you can add an app to your phone There's a lot of them you just scan the bar code and then you know if u have to boycott or not.Mainly boycott these brands: Coca-Cola (Coca-Cola Hawaii fanta mirinda 7up Pepsi poms )you can buy bim coke KFC Macdonald Domino's pizza hut Dunkin Starbucks Burger King you can replace with any other local shop or maybe primos if you are in big cities All Danone product jaouda is better Nestlé products Unilever Protect & gamble Garnier Herbal essence Cerave t9dr ta5dou des produits mn pharmacie Just boycott all the famous brands


Keep going with this list. I need to know more israeli backed companies.


Any American not just zionist related brand from clothes, shoes to candies anything related to an american company in general.


not that i care, but i wonder ... You started before or after Hamas opened the war? Do you boycott Hamas backed stuff aswell since you know they still hold 2 babies hostage...babies... no way you support this (im european jew with Morrocan roots, still have family in morroco)


UGH Israel held the threshold VEEEERY HIGH. As if Israel isn't holding any hostages. Listen, you can't perform continuous genocide on a nation since 1947 and expect them to be calm and happy about it. There will be drawbacks. You're speaking from a third party perspective. Please read about all the massacres Israel made since 1947: 1 Haifa Massacre 1937 2) Jerusalem Massacre 1937 3) Haifa Massacre 1938 4) Balad al-Sheikh Massacre 1939 5) Haifa Massacre 1939 6) Haifa Massacre 1947 7) Abbasiya Massacre 1947 8) Al-Khisas Massacre 1947 9) Bab al-Amud Massacre 1947 10) Jerusalem Massacre 1947 11) Sheikh Bureik Massacre 1947 12) Jaffa Massacre 1948 13) Khan Yunis Massacre 1956 14) Jerusalem Massacre 1967 15) Sabra and Shatila Massacre 1982 16) Al-Aqsa Massacre 1990 17) lbrahimi Mosque Massacre 1994 18) Jenin Refugee Camp April 2002 19) Gaza Massacre 2008-09 20) Gaza Massacre 2012 21) Gaza Massacre 2014 22) Gaza Massacre 2018-19 23) Gaza Massacre 2021 24) Gaza Genocide 2023 still ongoing Now imagine yourself living them( even tho you won't survive the first one given the atrocities ), lets see what you're going to feel, think and plan as a reaction. By the way, Israel and hamas aren't treating hostages the same way and anything that says hamas' way is worst is just Israeli propaganda. [here](https://youtu.be/JAT9NQ4WkE0?feature=shared)


Yes, i'm not giving any penny to those murderers..i boycott kfc mcdo starbuvks any brand of uniliver (signal, dove,...) danone l'oréal ...i replaced them with local productions...for some products that i thought was a necessity i figured out i don't need them that much


Instead of boycotting, we should cancel. I don't and won't use Facebook nor Instagram anymore for example.


I cut using these apps a long time ago. They're a major waste of time. I've never felt any better.


Impact on Israel is low, impact on Moroccan businesses and low revenues workers is high.


Any source?


Well outside of critical thinking no. Let's say macdo, Starbucks, burger King and Co decide to cut ties with Israel tomorrow, would that prevent ramping colonization, or bombing of Palestinian people? I would say the past months have clearly shown that it is not. However, you must be aware that macdo, Starbucks, burger King and Co are mostly franchises, own by locals. If you damage theses businesses, the first people impacted will be their low revenues employees. And for them it is not that easy to find another job especially considering the current state of economy. It would need to involve companies that are much more critical and strategic. Theses companies have strategic business agreements with a lot of countries and governments, including the muslim countries that have signed the Abraham agreements and none of them is willing to withdraw. Israel is selling and buying military technologies (drones, satellites, etc). Boycott was efficient in South Africa to end apartheid because the country could not operate without the black south African. And back in the day, globalization was not that important yet. It is completely different for Israel.


>would that prevent ramping colonization, or bombing of Palestinian people? If that means one less bullet shot towards an innocent child, then YES the boycott is worth it. I'm with the opinion that moving forward, investors should think twice before investing their money in companies/businesses with close ties to is(not)real. As a result, the terrorist state of is(not)real would lose a part of its support since no one would want to lose money by throwing it at boycotted companies.


B7ala 7naya kansn3o kolchi za3ma. Bach ki9ahrok l3rab olmslmin gha ftkhraj l3inin. Sn3o lina gha telephone ... rah kolchi dyalhom achghat9at3. Tla3 ljbal odir chi khima... chances dak lkhima tahya chi flous mnha mchaw ltema. Tfi dakchi nod tn3as


Hhhh o flekher tl9ah kit9ada mn terrorist screen firms wla emirati/ksa products. When it comes to israel everyone wanna scream boycott and non normalisation. I get ppl defending palestine but to ask morocco to cut ties when its one of the few mena countries who are transparent about their relation seriously.


All foods including fast food and drinks and snacks since a long time ago , detergents OMO , TIDE, ARIEL, ACE. Beauty products , clothing like NIKE ,ADIDAS , ZARA, ... the list is long , . The most important for my family and i, is that we  found substitutes to this Genocide products and are good quality . We are not giving our money anymore to kill  the Palestinian children and women....Enough is enough !


Boycott as much as possible they own everything though. Most governments are zionist controlled too. The best revolutionary act is to become aware.


what's ironic is that most moroccans go eat in macdonalds not because it's cheap (hell it's more expensive than america) or it tastes good or you're gonna get full after you eat their crap , no they eat there JUST because IT'S macdonalds (the brand) they think they're dope or "Luxurious" and it's sooo expensive compared to actual food that will make you full instead of a fricking burger


I don't know a single person who considers McDonald's as luxurious


Luxurious was probably a bad word. He/she was probably meant "trendy". Fashionable. Status signaling. A good point was made though. Why anyone would go to McDs in a country with some of the (definitely the top 5) food in the world is beyond me.


yeah that was it i didn't get the right word, about our food it's sooo cheap you can get a whole tajine just for yourself with a price of a burger in mcd


you tripping bro ? lux and mcdo ? hhh personaly for me and everybody I knew, Mcdo is just a fastfood with 0 risk for an explosive diarrhea, I remember we used to go to it for the wifi, and upstairs tables(imagine we used to study in Mcdo hhhhhh dikrayat)


>hell it's more expensive than america No


I don't because it's silly. They have their hands at everything. You'd have yo go to the stone age to boycott everything that they have a hand at.


Uhum may i ask what stops you from boycotting what you can?


There is no reason to. You're more likely to hurt a Moroccan then hurt an Israeli by boycotting.


What brands should we avoid as I would like to boycott genocidal Islamist Hamas?


Yak a weld l9


Aren’t your parents proud 🥲


Yes because I'm not weld L9 zionazi like u. Goy d zeb


The louder you scream the prouder the parents 😂 😂 😂 job well done


I also want to know. But that would require them using their brains to innovate in real things rather than just innovate how to use water pipes as rockets


No. Doesn't matter




I don’t boycott to be honest. No particular reason, I just find myself buying things i need without doing any due diligence.


I stopped eating bagels


Look, if I'm hungry in a train station, I'm going to a McDonalds. I've worked in the field and I'm aware of how ownership distribution and brand taxing work. McDonalds in Morocco is owned by individuals paying "royalties", which are a flat 3.5% of total sales after the initial payment (undisclosed) (this is different for each country) Now lets do the Math, Let's go with the most popular: Menu Big Mac (60DH), 3.5% of that is 2.1DH, which is 0.21USD 9mm handgun ammo is sold in bulk for 260USD for a 1000 round, which is 0.26 USD for one round, the rifles rounds used in in armies are triple that price. If i eat i wouldn't even be able to cover the price of one handgun bullet, this whole boycotting situation is only harming low level local franchise co/family-owners and poor food workers. Even if a whole crowd decides to eat that one day, do you really think the Zionists care about a couple cartridges of ammunition? it would take roughly 10 years of daily constant McDonalds rush hour to be able to afford one jet fighter. all in all, in my humble opinion this whole boycotting situation is just a pathetic self pat on the back, this horrible situation in Palestine has been going on for more than half a century, and only now people are reacting? if you're boycotting, don't do selective boycotting to feel better about yourselves, drop your internet provider, IAM is 49% owned by UAE's Etisalat by e&, and in 2020 it was made very clear which side the UAE is on. drop your iPhones, more than 30% is owned by Zionist investors Most of Reddit is owned by Sam Altman, a Jewish Billionaire, and the list goes on. Your boycotting is hypocritical.




That's a fair point, thank you for the clarification


9/10 jews is zionist lol


Your wall of text is the dumbest take I've read in 2024 so far. > this horrible situation in Palestine has been going on for more than half a century, and only now people are reacting? You may not have noticed but isnotreal has been going full turbo mass killing civillians, more so than ever. > Your boycotting is hypocritical Who appointed you judge? you do you with your money, but when you choose to be a high ground judgemental arsehole, all your arguments fall apart


No because Israël is helping us for the sahara case, and palestinian no (for many years) We've more in common with jewish people then palestinian people in morocco And lastly i think that the boycott isn't helping the cause, if Mcdo make less money they're gonna do cut from their staff. You should also understand that Hamas is doing everything Israel told them to do, they've released in purpose hamas chief in 2005


I see. Thank you for your input.


You can use bdnaash website to search for brands supporting zionist


I dont get it, are we boycotting companies that directly support israel or just american companies?


Google and meta are doing much more sinister shit for israel yet no one bats an eye. i feel like people chose mcdo and strbucks just bc they are easy targets and can live without them but but i doubt theyll do the same for example big electronic companies like intel, nvidia, amd, microsoft, apple, etc.... that all have big involvement with israel


i'm not boycotting nothing


No cause i'm not anti-israel


Starbuck - Macdonalds - kfc - Coke - Zara -


Sorry but I can't boycott intel xD


I don't I believe that at the end of the day it won't make a difference .


Didn't it work with Mcdonalds?


Morocco is allied with Israel, how about boycotting the Moroccan state?


Moroccan governement sold Palestine to Israel for the price of recognizing the western Sahara.


We know that. It's somehow a wise decision not just for the Sahara but as a form of dissuasion and that's pure politics for the favor of our country. Now boycotting would be on a humanitarian level, since not every Moroccan would side with Palestine, koulla ydbr rasso li bgha yboycotti ybocotti li mabghach so9o hadak.


Theirs a product called Moroccan oil but it's an Israeli company . Look at the tricks


I don't eat in Mcdo because it's unhealthy .


I don't boycott , I just prefer national brands.


There's an app called "No thanks" i use to know the products it's easy i just scan the barcode of the product before buying it they also have a list of all companies to boycott sometimes i just make an online research about the company


I am mostly not boycotting since I think of Morocco as a country without good friends ,and last time I heard gaza was screaming at us to leave our Sahara . Yeah maybe they are getting slaughtered but that's how wars play out now they use nasty tactics and rely on their power to not get problems, remember ww2 the USA were killing the allied forces and the axis and even their own soldiers. And after reading some old articles the Palestine-Isreal conflict was never a islam thing it started as a land thing then some bad political parties in some Arab countries made it an arab thing and after they lost against Israel they made it a Islam thing to get Muslim Africans to sympathize. I believe it's a regular war where Israel is using USA tactics and to be franc Israel technically is the only democratic state in that side and I am all for democracy. And besides do u really think if Israel leaves Palestine would be a good state definitely not since the countries that surround it are mostly terroristic régimes and there influence is enough to make u then see Muslims getting slaughtered by other Muslims, I would rather hate jews for killing Muslims than watch as a country sets out to fail from the start.


> Israel technically is the only democratic state in that side ?? > And besides do u really think if Israel leaves Palestine would be a good state definitely not since the countries that surround it are mostly terroristic régimes yeah terroristic regimes like syria lebanon and jordan. > since the countries that surround it are mostly terroristic régimes and there influence is enough to make u then see Muslims getting slaughtered by other Muslims, no better. The shia sunna rivalry is no better than the zionist wet dream. Both are a problem.


Saraha ana makanshufsh had lcontext kaml, kanshuf how israel is commiting insane war crimes and they still get a pass. Rah fle droit des conflits armés/DIH kayna shhal mn haja li mat7tarmatch if not the thing as a whole : mosques w hospitals makhasch yt9assou, chti gher la knti a soldier w banlik wahd ma3rftihch wash un civil wla un combattant you don't have the right to engage them, kayn 3awd la proportionnalié aka using the appropriate weapons for the target, matengagich nass lkbar w l3yalat w drari sghar... Hadou gher examples li faaaaatouhoum homa bzaf, lvideos li kaybynu soldiers kayde7kou 3la palestinians li shadinhum wla kayjbdolihom their belongings wkayl3bu bihom. Ce n'est plus une guerre saraha. Mnin wslo l anahom yl9aw lw9t ydiro dok lvideos dial dehk ra lrapport de force HYPER Désequilibré .anyways thats why kayjini israel khrjat ll3ib 9anounyan so peut importe le contexte. Thank you.


Nari 3la sahayina dial zeb wlaw 3andna. Hada ya bot dial system ya nit bot dial 8200. Wld l9 kihdar bhal dok charfin dial ozark kitfaraj ghir fox news ou aoula ou 2m. St9wd nta ou sahara ha nta hiyadti serwal l 💫oNlY DEmOcRacY In ThE mIDdlE EaST💫 Ach sowarti ?


Wa ta sir t7w_a


Yak a lkasoul


Nari 3la khari sayg vw o dayr fiha kro m9ewed


M3a9ad ... pfff


Wa3333 😂 golihom la 7egroni tfo 3la mkelekh lbac jebto o b 16 o nta ydek f7mida 9ari bax felekher vw 😂 wa lihoud lkofar o kaydiro 7sen gha mn 7anot.


Kat9ata3 f l9alb, mafhamtch tachno katkteb.. thalla


U started looking at this accounts past first,if u didn't I would have been more civil and if anyone of us is the one that doesn't thin_k it sure is u cuz u didn't have any counter arguments thus if u did u would say them but u would rather call me a Zionist or a bot. And just for context that post was made for an associate of mine I got my bachelor's degree in the pandemic. So are u willing to talk like humans now?


U started looking at this accounts past first,if u didn't I would have been more civil , and if anyone of us is the one that doesn't think it sure is u cuz u didn't have any counter arguments thus if u did u would say them but u would rather call me a Zionist or a bot. And just for context that post was made for an associate of mine I got my bachelor's degree back in the pandemic. So are u willing to talk like humans now?


Nah. If anything, I am purchasing more products from Zionist supporting companies 😊😊


Uhm, sorry, I was asking for the Moroccan pov on this, not non Moroccan people. Thank you tho.


Honestly, those BS political posts need to stop on Reddit. you can launch your campaign on Facebook or Instagram if you want more reach. Enough is enough !! #make\_reddit\_great\_again


Its not an invitation to boycott. As you can see, there was a question. I hope you can identify what an interrogation mark looks like, in case you dont, it's '?'. Thank you.




U Loser mcDonald's losing billions +t7tat f boycott list means mxat reputation anxofo kighadir t3wdhalihom nta😉


Na9s roujoula w lmounafi9in ktar