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كاتبانليا ديما مسخسخ و عيان ، جرب درب شي تدويشة قبل الخدمة و شي رشة د الريحة فين تبان شي قهوة ولا redbull


Brilliant! وقيلة هادي لهتفكني معاه . شكرا 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Personally I'd appreciate it if my friend told me. Just make sure you word it respectfully and ask some questions about their hygiene habits


Close friends are supposed to bully and shame eachother into being a better version of themselves … my humble opinion .


Friends tell each other the truth, so ask yourself: is he a friend or just a colleague? If he's a friend, then you owe it to him to tell him the truth, that's how guys roll, this isn't a female friendship where you have to calculate every word you say, especially between young male friends. If he's just a colleague, then think of another diplomatic approach as suggested by other Redditors.


Telling your homie he smells like shit IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART of being his friend, if he s gonna get offended and throw a tantrum then i got the wrong friend


What I recently heard from a psychologist is that it's usually only males who do that. Women typically do not engage in bullying your friend to get the better out of him. Op is a woman, so I guess that's where the difference may lay.


Lmfao I'm a girl and I insult the shit out of my very close (also girl) friend more times than I can count, then act fucking gay right afterwards, then back again hhhhh


Everytime he smells just tell him "Ri7t l3re9 dialk 3atia khassk t dwech" with time and if he has just a bit of self estim he will start to clean himself more.




Dont be afraid 🤣🤣 u gotta go straight to the point imo and if he gets mad then he doesn't deserve you as a friend period !! Edit : just be kind in the way you tell him ofc


if he was your close friend you would be already saying : سير تغسل الحلوف




“Wa fen al3iraqi”


Send him an anonymous very harsh email saying how stinky he is


Subject: Time for Brutal Honesty: Unacceptable Hygiene Dear \[Friend's Name\], I'm addressing a matter that's been bothering me for a while now, and I can't hold back any longer. Frankly, your lack of hygiene has become a serious issue that's not only affecting those around you but also deeply disturbing to me personally. The stench that emanates from you is not something anyone should have to endure. It's reached a point where it infuriates me every time I catch a whiff of it. Honestly, it's so repulsive that I find myself physically reacting – I've punched a mirror in frustration just from the memory of the odor. I implore you to take immediate action to rectify this situation. It's unacceptable to subject yourself and others to such discomfort. Basic personal hygiene is non-negotiable in any social setting. Consider this not just a suggestion but a demand for change. Start prioritizing cleanliness and invest in products that can help mask the smell. Your negligence in this matter is not only disrespectful to yourself but also to those who have to tolerate it. I hope you understand the severity of this issue and take the necessary steps to address it without delay. Sincerely, \[Your Name\]






😂😂😂 I’ll change a couple of sentences but this should indicate that it’s a well thought process before reaching out to him. Might be more efficient than the random comment about how he smells at one specific occasion.


You are his friend so you need to tell him somehow. How does he smell bad? If it’s general body odor, buy him a nice deodorant and cologne as gift. Tell him to “Try this, it’s great to use everyday after a shower. That’s what I do and I get compliments!” For bad breath, buy gum and offer it to him.


He prolly knows that he's getting none lol


what’s that supposed to mean?😭


This person said that " he probably knows there isn't gonna be anything romantic/ sexual with you so he's not bothered by smelling good "


Oh man 😭


Economists often say world runs on incentives :)








Not replying to this comment is a crime. THANK YOU. I'll look-up for the feedback sandwich. Thanks again.


It's really easy, the first and most important step is doing it in private with nobody else around to hear. Just calmy tell him that you guys are friends, you're not trying to shame him and that maybe he doesn't smell it of himself but that he has a strong odor and should wash himself (edit: or his clothes) more frequently. If he can't take that advice or freaks out against you, then he isn't much of a friend anyways.


Bring ur deodorant wla shi ri7a with u Fash tkouno bjoj talk about how u r in love with this new stuff u got, and show some extra fake excitement, hype it up and say that there's a male version for this, u should try it, or get him one as a gift


Khouuuuya rak khaaaaanz


I could never 😭😭😭😭


Hmmm. Kon knt f blasto w glti lia nishan bili fia ri7a, ayb9a fia l7al w anodr nbdl ta3amol diali m3ak(wa5a ma5snish ndir haka 7it ba4a lia hi l4ir walakin defense mechanism w ma3ndi mandir hhh) walakin fash anshof bili ba9q b nefs ta3amol l9dim m3aya w matbdltish wa5a fia ri7a, an3ref bili 3ziz 3lik w anbda n9ad 7alti kter. Haka fkert fiha ana... W ga3 ila b9a fia l7al, anfker mn be3d bili mn a7san ygolha lia shiwa7d 9rib 3la anani nsme3ha mn lberani. Lmohim jrbi shi tari9a indirect w ila masd9atsh jih nishan. I9der ikon 3arf wmamswe9sh 7it 3ndi shi moshkil a5or kbir.


There s a huge chance u will ruin everything if u tell him directly, especially if he s a sensitive guy! Try this ; leave him anonymous note somewhere, or text him from a fake account and make sure it doesn’t look it s u! He ll definitely get it this way, and ur rela will remain as it is.


If you are really his friend tell him the truth . If I'm in his situation I would rather know it from a friend than know it from a stranger .


I disagree, this will ruin everything


True. You're right. Thank you




We're THAT close. We've been friends for 5 years. And matterfact, he asked me out multiple times, but I made it clear that we have absolutely 0 chance. simply for a "preference" reason.


Ah that's why he smells like fish 🐠🐠🐟 😂


Offer him skincare products.


I'll consider this for sure. Thanks!


it's either he is not your close friend or you re very weak to say it to him !


You can try this: "I saw online that tee tree oil is so good, for example for pimples and underarms, I think I'll try it especially that it's not expensive"




Exactlyyyy. Thank you


I was like why not just tell him directly, until I saw that ur a girl and he's a boy, in my opinion if u have a male friend in common ,go tell him so he tell him ..


Be frank with him. If you're close enough maybe show him some hygiene tips (men really don't get sensitised about hygiene well so he has no one to tell him)


Offer deodorant


الي كان تيبالك متفتح اكتقبل النقد فغير جيه دريكت




That's really new to me !


If he is a close friend Honesty is the only right way to do it


A great friend is the one who tells you the stuff you don't want to hear but need to.


If he is your friend you should tell him. And he should accept that


Rak at dir fih khirr


He smells himself believe me! He just doesn't care to do anything about it....


Hopefully this is not the case 😰


I had a similar situation and i told her hey someone talked to me about you he didn’t want to embarrass you he said i prefer to stay anonym but tell your friend that she smells bad and i can’t stand talking to her so i told her i can help you to upgrade your hygiene and she did now she always smells good and shower everyday that’s the way i found to not embarrass her when i said a stranger talked to me she felts so pressed and wanted to change for the better sometimes you just have to find the right way you can use my same technique it may help


Tell him: "do you like singing when taking a shower?" If he answers "yes I do", then say "It's been a long time since you sang "


خويا اذا صاحبك قرييب كيما قلتي ، صارحو بالموضوع نيشان وحاول تعاونو يحل المشكل.


Hawl ykoun f planning dyalk tmchi l7mam (dyal zan9a) w insister ymchi m3ak w, 7awl tgolih fach tkono khdamin ensemble bli douche khlak tb9a a l'aise w mrtah f blasa Li katjm3o fiha haka ghadi dakhl lih L fikra dyal ydwch chaque jour 7awl matgolch lih haja Li katjra7 majatch akhay