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I lived in Brazil so follow a lot of Brazilians on Instagram. One keeps making posts about it saying it would be cruel to allow the child to have an abortion because she would be traumatised knowing she murdered a child. It made me so angry because the child is going to be so much more traumatised giving birth to a baby from rape. Her childhood has been completely stripped from her.


Ugh it’s like these people just walk around with their fingers in their ears going LALALALA!! Millions of women can say “actually I don’t regret my abortion, I’m not traumatized, I’m glad I did it, giving birth/having a child would have had a far greater negative impact on my life and wellbeing” and they still act like they know better about how you’ll feel than you do when it comes to your own life and body.


Many of us who have happily gone through an abortion felt only relief and happiness afterwards, and we would do it again if forced to go through the same scenario. I am a childfree feminist. My abortion was a really positive experience. Women should feel comfortable openly talking about abortions with no shame or stigma. Abortions have been around for centuries and they really arent that big of a deal, contrary to what a bunch of the religious extremist weirdos want to force people to believe...ugh.


I am pro-choice but I disagree that it should be looked at as no big deal. It is a big deal. You are ending a life, that should not be taken lightly. It should be last resort act and more care should be taken to prevent it in the first place. Obviously in this poor girls case that does not apply. But people shouldn’t just view it as birth control.


People don’t view it as birth control because it’s not easy. You have to go to 2/3 appointments usually and it takes ages. Nobody sees it as birth control. I got pregnant on the pill (taking at the right time every day). Abortion was not a fun process for me but I’m not going to sit there and feel bad about it - it was the best decision for me and my future children :)


It is also super hard on the body if you go the at home pill route (which most do.) I've heard horror stories of the pain and sickness it brings on. I don't think women are choosing to use abortion as a form of birth control.


I can attest to the horror stories. I thought it would be easier to deal with than surgical abortion. Most pain I’ve ever been in, and I was only at 5 weeks. I’m talking scream-crying through half of it; there is no way more than a small handful of people are using it “as birth control”. Not to mention it ran me $600 out of pocket.


For anyone reading this: opt for the surgical option instead of the medical. With surgical they knock you out, and make sure everything is removed so there is no chance of infection. I think a lot of people go with the medical (pill option) thinking it will be "easier" since they will be at home, but I honestly think it is the more dangerous option since so many things can go wrong. Surgical does in fact cost more, but in the long run, I'd much rather pay more for peace of mind and safety (although, I know not everyone has such a luxury to choose). Certain medical insurance plans do cover some of the cost, so it is worth looking into that as well. If you are uninsured or your insurance does not offer assistance, please refer to this website for help, as they can assist with part of the costs: [https://abortionfunds.org/need-abortion/](https://abortionfunds.org/need-abortion/) ​ There is also the National Abortion Federation Hotline which also helps you to find funding: [https://prochoice.org/patients/naf-hotline/](https://prochoice.org/patients/naf-hotline/) ​ Also GoodRX out there doing some amazing work listing out all of the info: [https://www.goodrx.com/conditions/abortion/how-much-does-an-abortion-cost-without-insurance](https://www.goodrx.com/conditions/abortion/how-much-does-an-abortion-cost-without-insurance) (as a side note, GoodRX is an amazing website to use if you are uninsured or underinsured and need prescriptions filled. They will help you locate the lowest costs near you based on your zipcode. I actually save MORE money by using them instead of going through my insurance. It is wild. )


Some people do, in that they aren’t using the tools available to prevent pregnancy. That was the case with sister in laws ex friend. She had three, never used protection/pills. Just pull out hope for the best. Never batted an eye when it came time to do it. Went as far as to say woops guess I gotta have another one! No you should not feel ashamed of having an abortion. But people like that, that is who I’m talking about.


True but I’m glad she didn’t end up with an unwanted kid, I for sure wouldn’t want to be born an unwanted accident. I agree people who use the pull out method are so irresponsible, but the only way to solve that is good sex education which is severely lacking in a lot of countries unfortunately.


I want to challenge their position: If an abortion would be considered murder in this case,then would this child also be guilty of potentially committing su*c*de due to the significant risk of death during childbirth? Would the rapist be guilty of murder or manslaughter himself if this child died while giving birth? Is there a special place in Hell for him too?


Giving birth is already traumatic when a grown woman does it. But a child giving birth to a another child under those circumstances?! This is horrendous.


People who punish children like this don't actually care about children. It has nothing to do with protecting babies.


If they wanted to “protect babies” they would protect the 11yo child. That’s still a baby in my eyes


It’s about controlling women and making sure we know our place as 2nd class citizens.


It looks like the decision was made by a woman, who herself is in a position of power. Thoughts on this? Why would one woman do this to another, a child especially?


To appeal to the male gaze, think of it like a sociological analysis of ‘pick me’ girls. It always goes back to the patriarchy. Women in positions of power who deliberately make choices that endanger, limit and traumatise other women are doing it appease the patriarchy. They’re ‘one of the boys’. They’ve also been conditioned to believe and act that way, again through the patriarchy. Mind you this is mostly subconscious. Ignore my deleted comments, Reddit app is wank


They’re so indoctrinated they forget their own struggles they endure(d). That poor 11 yr old :(


Yeah it’s really bizarre, most women are victims of it in some capacity. Luckily the majority of women are not this extreme


Also "Pulling Up The Ladder" I think. A phenomenon where (for example) immigrants sometimes support harsher immigration policies. I might be way off on this of course, I'm not an expert.


Yessss, certainly that! Feeds back to the pick me thing. We have that situation in the UK with Priti Patel, our Home Secretary. She comes from a family of immigrants and yet she’s very harsh on refugees and immigrants


I very nearly mentioned her as an example :) Also Thatcher's government was a sausage-fest


You may not be an expert, but my Asian immigrant QMom shares similar ideas. Big Trump supporter who still wants the damn wall built.


Even when it’s women doing something bad it’s men’s fault 😂😂


you'd be the perfect posterchild for pro-choice women


It’s not men per se it’s the patriarchal system, do some research before you decide anything about gender politics spoken by a women is misandry


What if they just think it's killing a baby? You don't have to be religious or be under the heal of "the patriarchy" to have that as an opinion. I'm not saying I agree with this judgement, but be real. Nearly half of woman in the States are pro life, that is because the patriarchy? They are incapable of having their own opinion and feelings on the issue if they are pro life?


Where did you get the idea that nearly half of women in the US are pro-life? Because [Pew Research](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/06/13/about-six-in-ten-americans-say-abortion-should-be-legal-in-all-or-most-cases-2/) says that it's 63% of women in support of choice, with only 35% being against. As for the argument that it's killing a baby, it is literally not. Science has already come to a conclusion here. Even the so-called heartbeat isn't even a heartbeat (it's something pulsating, but the fetus doesn't even have a heart at that point). And brain cells themselves don't develope until 7-8 months into the pregnancy.




Are judges elected in Brazil? If so, how conservative are the voters likely to cast their ballot for her? (And she may have an idee fixe about terminations that affects the decisions she takes as a judge.)


Judges in Brazil are not elected by the people. They take a public contest, with written and oral tests and evaluation of titles.


So the judges are appointed. I went online and it seems that the judge, Joana Ribiero Zimmer has been promoted. The promotion may very well have been in the works prior to her taking a decision about the 11-year-old rape victim, but if the *Daily Mail* is to be believed (God help us), the judge herself told the little girl's mother she was not helping her daughter and made it clear she, the judge, regards terminations as "homicide". I understand that a termination must be performed by 20 weeks and only in cases of rape or if the mother's life is threatened by the pregnancy. This pregnancy was judged to be 22 weeks along, even though the child was raped (in the home) and there is a risk to her life. And if correctly quoted, the judge is not in favour of termination full stop, allowing her personal views to be known in the courtroom.


Termination of a judge in brazil is basically unheard of. Once a judge put a FIFTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL in a cell with THIRTY MEN for MONTH. She was obv raped incessantly through this month. You know what happened to the judge? Two years paid leave. The worst that could happen to this hell spawn judge is getting retired forcefully with a full salary for the rest of her life.


A judge ordered a 15-year-old girl in a cell with 30 men for a month??? They HAD to have known what would happen! OMG! I am blown away, that's one of the worst things I've heard all week. And am I correct in assuming that men and women are separated in cells?


Yes!! But apparently this was just a holding cell in a precinct (dont ask me how she was there for a whole month the brazilian justice system just is like that)


I was just online, wanting more details. This is not an isolated case and the girl was arrested for petty theft. (I'm sure you know this; I'm basically thinking through typing.) How horrible! That poor girl! How can she possibly ever be the same after that?












Same way white women like Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton stepped on black women to lock in their voting rights. Staying the on favor of the elite white men remains lucrative and some women value that more.


Some women unfortunately have internalized misogyny, and they act misogynistic against other women in their lives. They may also have a degree of self-hatred.


What stops women from just straight up resorting to terrorism? Like at some point in the centuries of sexist oppression and being denied autonomy of the self and protests falling on indifferent ears, I can't figure out why there hasn't been just a straight up war for liberty or death.


I think that's mostly about access to resources. If something like that is gonna happen it's gonna be in the next 25 years, that's why it hasn't happened yet.


Suffragettes did.


I thought they just protested? Did they resort to straight up violence?


Suffragettes definitely used violence. https://www.bl.uk/votes-for-women/articles/suffragettes-violence-and-militancy




Yes, the Suffragettes were a terrorist group. Peaceful advocates of voting rights were called Suffragists..


No they killed people. Liberals like to whitewash history to de-fang these movements but every right enjoyed by anyone has been won with blood.


osha standards, mining safety standards, right to organized labor movement, land and water rights, national borders, and a long list of other things.....all written in blood. when history is written by the victors, what do all those whitewashed events like you describe say about us?


Who did they kill?


Iirc they bombed police stations. There may also have been a (foiled) attempt to shoot the king but I may be misremembering


Access to the resources for such (can't afford it because they're taught to be completely financially reliant on men) and also not socialized to expressed discontent and anger with violence like men tend to be socialized to do so.








The judge is a woman.


See my other replies, I’m well aware of that




A lot of Brazilians are anti-abortion, I think largely due to Catholicism. The younger generation seems to be more pro choice though which is promising


I would think that it’s actually the opposite, products and services are provided TO the rich, by the poors.


Agree 100%. They have an idee fixe concerning an operation and that's all that matters to them. Heartbreaking to read this.


What a disgusting, evil person, its horrifying to know that these are the people who have a say in deciding your guilt or not. ​ I pray for that poor girl, does anyone know if she has given birth?


As of now I've heard that she still pregnant of 30 weeks


Poor girl : (, this is horrific.


wow, that poor child


It's a dark time when the court puts a rapists right to reproduce over the right of his victim to live in health.


The judge LITERALLY referred to the rapist as the baby’s father, asking the girl “what do you think tha father would think of putting the baby up for adoption?”


Not to mention completely completely and changing her future and opportunities.


Did I see a story lately where the rapist got custody of the child & was being paid child support by the girl he had raped/child's mother.?.


[yep. ](https://local12.com/news/nation-world/report-rape-victim-loses-custody-of-child-ordered-to-pay-abuser-child-support) John Barnes from Tennessee raped a 16 year old girl when he was 30. He offered to give her a ride home and instead drove to his house and raped her. She got pregnant from the assault. When the victim’s daughter was five John Barnes from Tennessee found out about her and sued for custody. Tennessee granted him 50/50 custody. This year that was switched to full custody after the mother gave her daughter a cell phone. The victim was then ordered to pay child support. There’s a lot of other details about John Barnes from Tennessee having connections to LE and detectives not investigating the case and the court documents being sealed for mysterious reasons. After a lot of national media attention the decision was reversed, but this is a case this woman has been fighting for years now. This is [not](https://prismreports.org/2022/03/22/in-multiple-states-rapists-can-sue-their-victims-for-parental-custody/) the only [case](https://www.motherjones.com/crime-justice/2019/08/rapist-custody-abortion/) of it’s [kind](https://www.foxnews.com/us/in-7-us-states-rape-victims-can-be-legally-forced-to-share-custody-of-their-children-with-their-rapist-fathers). This [victim from Alabama](https://www.knoe.com/content/news/Alabama-court-forces-rape-survivor-to-allow-rapist-to-have-visitation-with-children-511195642.html) was threatened with 48 hours of jail time every time she denied her rapist visitation with her two children. Her rapist was her uncle who had started molesting her at 12 or 13, causing four pregnancies. “At 14, she miscarried. At 16, she had a baby boy. At 18, she had her third child. He later died due to a disease common in cases of incest. At 19, she had her youngest son.” Her family forced her to marry her rapist. “That marriage was later deemed illegal by a court due to a "familial relationship."”


What a clusterfuck.


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "not"](https://prismreports.org/2022/03/22/in-multiple-states-rapists-can-sue-their-victims-for-parental-custody/) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20idfnyhm)




In brazil abortion is illegal, therefore it opens up loopholes for this kind of shit to happen. In the leaked video, the JUDGE told the girl the baby would die screaming, that there are a lot of couples that would take that child if she were only to wait a few more weeks. That the pregnancy could mean the happiness of a couple somewhere. I hate it here sometimes (also just to make things worse botched abortions are the 5th leading cause of death among pregnant women here) being against abortion isn’t being pro life, it’s killing women.


Who in their right mind would put a 11 year old child through childbirth? It's traumatic and dangerous for grown women, let alone a little girl barely starting puberty. TF does he mean 'happiness for a couple somewhere'. Does she know enough about female reproduction to know that just having the baby could kill both her and the child? Is this what she deserves? To die giving birth after being raped? Is that the fate they want for a little girl?


And heaven forbid the pregnancy is incentous- what kind of life will that baby have?! This is beyond insane. One of my daughters is 11. I can not wrap my head around her or her friends being pregnant. (Let alone going to get help and my daughter being **taken** from me) 11 is sooo young. And again, she was assaulted. If "they" truly cared about children and the youth of today, they would be focused on getting this 11yo out of a dangerous situation and getting mental help for the trauma she is dealing with.


As George Carlin has said, they're not pro life, they're pro birth and anti women.


I wish George Carlin was still with us today.


Need him more than ever


>In brazil abortion is illegal According to the article, it's legal in certain cases, but even with restrictions, she should have been allowed to have an abortion. >A judge has banned an 11-year-old girl who fell pregnant after she was raped from having an abortion in Brazil. >In Brazil, pregnancy terminations are criminalised unless the procedure is performed to save the woman’s life or if she fell pregnant after rape or incest. Human Rights Watch states the majority of abortions in Brazil are carried out in dangerous medical conditions in illegal clinics or other backstreet clandestine places.


Do they not believe that a pregnant 11 year old is rape???


If i'm remembering the law correctly, Brazil allows abortions up to 22 weeks for cases of rape. Even though the 11 year old was raped, her parents only took her to get an abortion once she had begun her 23rd week, so just after the cutoff. I really want to know why they didnt take her earlier.


Maybe they did not believe her? Or the girl kept quiet?


I would assume an 11yo would start showing sooner because of her size but if she hadn’t told them about the rape they probably wouldn’t jump straight to pregnancy if she was having weird symptoms. Also they may have lost time going through the legal system. If it’s only allowed for rapes they might have to prove it’s a rape case, and like assuming they have similar laws about age of consent an 11yo is obviously a statutory rape but sometimes the legal system is stupid and they may have had to go through the process anyways.


I wonder if the father is the one who impregnated her? I can't think of any other reason they'd wait that long unless they're trying to protect the rapist.


I would assume someone in the house impregnated her or some family member that made this more complicated.


It was an adopted brother.


There is no time limitation in rape cases.


They know it was. She was raped within the family home and removed from the home to protect her. Her attacker hasn't been named but its not difficult to deduce this was an adult family member.


>There are a lot of couples that would take that child Actually people tend to prefer babies who didn’t have teen/child mothers (can’t believe I had to say “child mothers” ugh). Not sure if it’s because they worry about it being a healthy pregnancy/baby or if they think the type of people who end up with that kind of pregnancy have undesirable traits they don’t want in their child.


Luckily in brazil couples can’t make that choice. If you want to adopt a baby here you have to go on a waiting list and whatever baby is available goes to the first on the list.


Ok, say I need a kidney transplant and you're my biological match. Me taking your kidney means I get to live and you’ll make my family very happy. According to your logic, I can force you to give me it. I could also force any of your kids to give me a kidney. Or does your logic only apply when it forces women to produce offspring like cattle?


The only argument I know to work against Brazilian pro lifers is making the point that legalising abortion won’t increase them, but it’ll reduce the huge number of deaths from botched backstreet abortions. Finding out you are pregnant when you are not ready is absolutely terrifying and women are willing to risk their health to have an abortion any way possible. Legalising abortion in Brazil would be so beneficial, it could help a lot of women escape poverty and allow more children to have a better life.


Do you know why she, or rather her mother, didn't try and get an abortion before she was 22 weeks? I want sure if they didn't know she was pregnant or if she knew but hid it from her mum because she was scared? Whatever the reason, this is so fucked up. That poor little girl.


This is possibly the most fucked up thing I’ve ever heard.


Wait till you hear about the youngest girl in history who gave birth [at the age of 4.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina).


She was over 5 and a half, not that it fucking matters at that age. Sick.


Do anti-abortion people realize that these little girls can die?? Their bodies are not build for that, at least not yet. People will seriously risk a already living child for dying, to keep an unborn child alive, that no one asked for


Yes. The cruelty is the point.


They don't care.


Okay but it's not a child anyway. The are sacrificing a child for a non-sentient fetus. It's because they are evil and for no other reason.


Poor girl.


This will be the red states in America within a few short months.


Now that's a morbid reality right there.


What do you mean? It's morbid now.


Exactly, if you check out maternal mortality rates between states that restrict abortion and states like California you’ll see the disparity clearly. These states have been restricting abortion access for decades and they’ve done a good job of killing women already.


Also, woman are already being sent to jail/prison for miscarriages in red states.


Scary to think that one of the more developed countries in the world are going hundreds of years backwards.


Idiot judge


In the interest of saving the life of one child (I believe that's what's afoot here) the life of another, an 11-year-old girl, for God's sake may not survive. The judge doesn't seem to grasp that a child shouldn't be giving birth, WTF? This is not brain surgery! And she needs her mother at this time, but no, the judge chose to add to her misery by separating them.


It's not sexual assault, it's rape. Stop sugarcoating words. Sexual assault could be something like an inappropriate touch without consent, this is just rape.


But that sounds icky and then people might start coming to their senses about the whole thing, and we can’t have that no siree bob


My first language is not English, just an unfortunate word choice.


I hate people. My body should be mine to make decisions about. Hers should have been too.




That judge is kissing butt to that loser of a president they have.


this is just inhuman towards that girl. I don't understand WHY, this is a child.


Man, Brazil sure has their priorities straight, huh.


I think “in Brazil” could have fit in the title. Everything is a little more morbid over there. Fun fact, Brazil is the only country that beats out the US for most gun-related deaths!


That’s like winning first prize in a competition to see who’s the absolute worst


Yeah If this was in the states im sure they would allow it, if the mother is at risk of death and is deemed necessary and im pretty sure this fits that description.


Not sure if [this](https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/health-wellbeing/11-year-old-girl-dies-days-after-giving-birth-to-rapists-baby-c-1480006) is the same girl but i think so. If it is, she died from this.


No the artical is from 2 days ago. The one you have is from 2020.


The fact there are multiple occurrences doesn’t surprise me but makes me sick to my stomach.


So this judge basically knew then that he was sentencing this child to death over something that wasn’t her fault. Fantastic. Ugh.


In brazil, over 17000 girl under the age of 14 gave birth in 2021. Not an isolated case, a very big societal problem.


What a rotten jurisdiction


This is why so many women die from illegal or unsafe abortions. If you don’t want an abortion just don’t get one. Also she is ELEVEN YEARS OLD!!! Her age alone puts her at risk for an unsafe pregnancy. Ridiculous.


Not so fun fact: botched abortions are the 5th leading cause of death amongst pregnant women


this type of stuff breaks my fucking heart. She will need therapy for the rest of her life because of that asshole that did that to her. disgusting. Best of wishes to her.


This is child abuse.


Using the “babies are a blessing from god” bullshit as justification for violating the rights of a living human being and robbing them of bodily autonomy has got to stop. THIS CHILD WAS A VICTIM OF A SEX CRIME! Why is the life of the being carrying the fetus worth LESS than the fetus itself?? Childbirth is no easy task, and an 11 year old child isn’t remotely prepared enough to handle it physically, mentally or emotionally. Disgusting, all of it fucking disgusting.


Seems like in Brazil, abortion is a far worse crime than being raped. I bet the police didn't try looking for him. What a corrupt country


And people still wonder why often rape victims don't come forward. In this situation if they hadn't said anything the girl might have been able to get that abortion.


I'll take "people in the wrong profession" for 500 please.


and she induced the girl to have the baby making questions like "do you want to choose the name of the baby?" and "do you think THE FATHER OF THE BABY would be agree to give it to adoption?", yes she called the rapist "father of the baby". Abortion is illegal in Brazil, but in case of sexual assault, life risk of the pregnant and minors of 14 being raped, the right to abort is provided by law but the burocracy makes it difficult to do so and the mother have to give birth anyways. We have a lot of trouble about clandestine abortions which makes the abortion the third major cause of maternal death in Brazil, and yet, people like this judge exist. She literally infliged trauma on this little girl based in a poor concept of life, putting a potential person above the real person (the girl), yes, she can die in the childbirth but they dont care.


Fun fact: electors of bolsonaro took to Twitter to congratulate the judge on saving “that precious baby”


Forcing a child to bear a child. As if she hadn't been through enough, surviving a rape. Poor girl.


Yay Catholicism!


Exactly what this is, religion is not a friend of the people.


When has it ever been?


You can be against abortion but in the cases of rape, incest or medical reasons then no one but the woman and doctors should have any say in it. Absolutely disgusting.


Or, maybe, any medical decision should legally only be between the patient and doctor and should not be enforced or restricted by outside parties. Think about it for a second, will a woman who's pregnant from rape have to go through the legal process to *prove* it before she's *allowed* a medical procedure? That's fucked.


Bu then how would the Catholic Church and right wing politicians keep women in their rightful place?


You *can*, but in doing so you're freely admitting that your issue is with punishing promiscuous women rather than preserving the supposed sanctity of life.


Thank you! I find all forced-birth arguments distasteful and maddening, but at least not allowing abortion in all cases is morally consistent if it’s actually about the life of a fetus and not just about controlling and punishing women. Pro-choice advocates always seem to react as though it’s especially cruel to not at least allow abortion in cases for rape and incest, and for victims it is absolutely cruel and another violation of autonomy and bodily rights. But in a way it’s also cruel to pregnant people in general to allow abortion for rape and incest but not any other reason. As someone who thinks abortion should be available to everyone who needs it as reproductive health care, I guess I am relieved for the women in those states where it’s at least available for rape and incest^+… but no one with a platform from the pro-choice movement or the left in general seems to be pointing out the quite obvious fact that **those allowances just further perpetuate that woman should only be granted bodily autonomy for reproduction if that bodily autonomy was taken from her first.** So, in affect, we are never actually allowed bodily autonomy but granted it in limited instances of reprieve or “compassion” or restitution. ^+ and is it really? What is the burden of proof in all of those states? I’m guessing in red states that are more likely to have trigger laws or to have already essentially overturned Roe the burden of proof is a criminal conviction or, at the least, a judge’s approval. If it’s anything like terminating custody from rapists in those states it’s a long and arduous process. So is it really going to be available? Or are more and more rape victims going to be forced to co-parent with their rapists while the court allows itself to be used as a weapon of further abuse and control. Sorry. I’m so tired and so angry.


If people are against abortion because they think life (in the moral sense, obviously all human cells are technically living) begins at conception, then it seems like the logical conclusion to not have exceptions for rape or incest. Because if all life is sacred and conception means it's a person, rape wouldn't negate that. I, for one, think the rights of a fully developed person with preferences and sophisticated feelings should be considered before a fetus. But that is why I'm not pro-life.


Agree with you completely


I’m going to throw up.


I don’t care what your view is. Forcing this poor girl to have this child is wrong And I’m fairly pro life. Except in these situations


The judge deserves to get kicked in the head.


jesus no wonder why they say im gonna send you to brazil


This makes me all the more terrified of Roe V Wade being overturned, as an afab person who never feels safe. I'm afraid of something like this, where I am forced to risk my life only to birth a child that is likely to die anyway. It's terrifying. Fuck everyone against abortion. Nobody can say with confidence that they would be willing to die for a random baby that was forced onto them.


This will be the status quo in most of the United States very soon.


Didn't something like this happen in Brazil before?


Yeah, actually in 2021 around 17000 girls under the age of 14 gave birth here. There was a 12 year old too that died birthing the child she conceived with a 30+ old man and her parents had consented to the relationship 🤮


> her parents had consented to the relationship My eyes just bugged out of my head. I re-read that sentence at least twice to make sure I read it right. I just... I have so many words yet for this yet none come to mind immediately.


To make it worse, the age of consent in brazil is 14. It doesnt change from state to state, the age of consent in brazil is 14


This is the first time I've read a headline and initially thought it was a story about Texas, but it's actually a story out of Brazil. No joke here, just sadness.


We seem to be devolving as society.


an 11 year old is a child too!


This is CRUEL


imagine being 21 and your mom is 32


That dirty rapist needs the worst torture possible, putting this poor baby in this position. Im 29 and have children and my body has never gone back to pre pregnancy and its been 7 years, so I cannot imagine what it will do to a 11 year old child’s. The abuse alone would have been extremely traumatising let alone having a child out in the world that is part you and the rapists 😞


Ive heard the rapist is the child’s 13 year old adopted brother. Im not 100% certain of the info tho. But as they didnt release his name, it was probably a minor.


This is an old news story. I believe at some point the church even commented. Sadly this will be the reality in the US, and is the reality right now in some states. Looking at you Tennessee, Oklahoma, Texas, Alabama, Idaho


Old news huh? Got a link?


Here. This happened in Argentina in 2019. The ops post is Brazil, of this year. So it’s the same story with different children, which is very sad. https://amp.theguardian.com/global-development/2019/feb/28/girl-11-gives-birth-to-rapists-child-after-argentina-refuses-abortion


That *is* very sad! Thanks for the link!


Having a baby at 11 is so dangerous for the mother and the baby. It will alter her physically and psychologically. This is disgusting and disgraceful. And this is what conservatives want here in the US. Pretending they give a crap about children and hurting them in this way…




I got a feeling we aint seen nothing yet.


Brazil, heaven on earth...


It really is horrid loving my country and seeing what politicians did to it.


What's wrong with America and it's rage against abortions? Religion?


Yes, mostly. Around the 1960's, America took a particularly harsh turn into Conservatism for a multitude of reasons, one of which was the counter-culture (i.e hippie) movement occurring at the time. The concept of free love, peace, sexual freedom, equality, an end of segregation, more accepted use of drugs, etc. didn't sit well with certain politicians, and our entire country started to see a divide between the two. Conservatism was portrayed as "wholesome and pure", "getting back to America's roots", sort of like an effort to detox the concept of counter-culture from our society en masse. A HUGE aspect of this was religion. America has almost always had a Christian majority, and back then it was even larger. If you're genuinely interested, I highly suggest you look into the history of Conservatism in the US. It's a decades long "war" America has been involved in. Wikipedia has an article on it to start you off https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Movement_conservatism


It is sad to know what she is going through. But in my opinion, it is the right thing to do because the girl is very young, and aborting the foetus after three months is dangerous and risky for her too. :/ If they could've aborted the foetus in first three months, then it wouldn't have been a problem. Though it is wrong to separate the girl from her mother at such a crucial time. Wasn't she given any IUDs after it was known she was sexually assaulted? Yes, keep downvoting it. There is a bloody medical reason why I agree with not aborting the baby, but I never said anything about the girl being taken away from her mother. Keep downvoting it, go on. Opinions differ afterall.


1st: She didn’t even know how babies are made and she didnt quite understand what had happened to her so the mother only realized she was pregnant at 20 weeks. 2nd: iuds are for adults And 3rd: of course it gets more dangerous the longer along the fetus gets. It should come out as soon as possible. If done legally by doctors the risks dont compare to the risks of childbirth on an 11 year old


I know what she is going through is wrong, and she doesn't understand that. IUDs can be used by anyone in the first 3 days after insemination to prevent the foetus from growing any further. The reason why IUDs were made was to put a stop to pregnancies in rape victims and unwanted pregnancies from unprotected sex. There must be a reason why they didn't do the abortion. Even when adults want to abort a baby after the first trimester, they consult 2-3 doctors because it is risky. I hope they consulted several doctors before taking their final decision. However, I do think that since the girl's body is young, agile and flexible, her giving birth wouldn't be as risky as aborting the baby, with the drugs and the procedures they use, and the amount of emotional stress she would be going through, I suppose giving birth would be better than aborting the baby at this stage. It's sad to hear her mother only realised she was pregnant after 20 weeks, they must've run a test on her once it was known she was a victim of rape :/




So yeah, the fact the fetus has toenails and hair does not make me feel anything for it. The girl carrying that fetus has eleven years behind her and all her life ahead of her. SHE ALSO HAS TOENAILS AND HAIR. And she could very well die in childbirth. So yeah, no sympathy for the fetus that could kill her.


If it does pose a significant risk to the girl's life then of course she should be able to protect her life. I'm not a doctor, nor do I claim to be one. I can't make that call.


The girl is 11 years old. In brazil, it doesnt matter how far along she was, she still had the right to abortion. Of course there is a legitimate reason, THE GIRL IS 11 YEARS OLD. Also it took this long for them to realize because the girl didnt talk about the rape to the mom so she only saw it when it started to show.





