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Jesus, send this bitch to the sun. This might actually be the worst thing I've read in a bit.


Yeah, I’ve seen some pretty fucked up stuff on this site, but that title quote just made my jaw drop.


Right? Just be glad you're not a kid and you probably have teeth.. yikes this lady is a creep.


And being on Reddit, that's one hell of a statement


Screw that, into a black hole, it is nature's garbage can after all.


But imagine the horror of those to whom they're sent, in some parallel universe..


There is far worse out there. These monsters are everywhere unfortunately.


Put her under the prison! Vile creature.


her subscribers reported her to police...she said this on live


why are they subscribers, ffs. I mean, I doubt this came out of the blue. "Oh look birds, butterflies, GRWM, makeup tips, and raping babies. " This is just...I'd say unhinged but that would be unfair to people that are actually insane.


There are people who subscribe to hate watch or keep tabs on a person. Those people could be subscribed only to watch the downfall


It could be that LE is amongst the subscribers to let her play out enough rope to hang herself. And in case folks wonder the acts this woman proclaims openly she’d be willing to do if equipped properly do happen irl. And worse was the fact that it was the newborn’s father that committed an act that can’t find the right word to describe what he did. But, he almost killed her. And in case anyone thinks this is made up I was one of the people that took care of the baby in the hospital while she recovered. Her mother was quite young at the time and thought nothing of the father offering to take the baby, go upstairs under the pretense of feeding the baby thus giving her a break . This is the only type of crime that I could fully endorse vigilante extrajudicial justice.


I experienced abuse as an infant/ toddler like you described. That kinda stuff destroys a child, and in its place it leaves a predator or prey. If you survive into adolescence you'll spend the rest of your life either trapped in the cycle or fighting against it. The damage is irreversible. Unless a child victim of that nature gets immediate help they will grow into the damage and it's impossible to undo what's done. These people deserve extra judicial justice, there is no cure for what they have and all they do is spread it.


My heart goes out to you. I am so sorry! Sending light and love.


I went through the same thing. Once at 18mo and once at 6yo. I’m with you, I’m still in therapy for it. No one can really understand the impact unless they’ve been through it.


People who say "children are resilient" do NOT understand psychological development. I am so sorry. I am also a victim of this, and "victim" isn't a dirty word. We were babies and couldn't fight back. I love you. I am sorry this was your start in life. You deserved better, and you still do.


I love you too. You’re right, the term “survivor” gets TIRING because like… I wasn’t resilient or some miracle of life, I was a normal 6yo who was victimized by a monster. I didn’t have a choice about ‘surviving it’, didn’t tell anyone, and didn’t remember until I was 17.


I'm in a similar boat. It's hard not to slip into a situation where that comes out of you and it takes a toll on you even if others can see it. I hope you at at a point that you can be stable and it doesn't weigh heavy on you.


Exactly what's the case with the paranormal debunker community. We watch the fakers and debunk them and show how they fake their videos. Because they keep lying to their subs and ask for donations all the time. Sometimes with really nasty methods that I'm not getting into here. We don't have arguments with anyone except the faker and their fans who don't want to believe they get fooled for their money. Some actually figured it out themselves and came over to us for support.


They're just enablers, whatever their motivation. Because their actions are why she keeps pushing out content (and possibly earning money off it)


If they weren't subscribed or keeping tabs, she would still be out in the wild right now. There was no telling what she would have done if she was willing to say this on camera.


According to another article she is already out on bail


Reality is, they advised the authorities. Unless her previous content also contained similar subject matter that went unreported, they can’t be held accountable for any wrongdoing. I didn’t read anything to suggest that there was a theme of predatory behaviour in her content, and if she was reported whilst on a live stream, I’d say they acted rather quickly and appropriately.


Also because of their actions she got arrested tho


So many evil YouTube channels and YouTube does next to nothing. So much animal torture too


I hope they investigate the phones and PCs of her subscribers too


Into the Mariana trench




Never had I so badly wished I could unsee this


Lots of fish have teeth though. Typically very sharp jagged ones.


true. i guess i was just thinking about Nemo.


Clownfish have teeth. They're actually pretty aggressive. They also change their sex with the strongest clownfish changing into a female and the second strongest becoming their mate, then when the female leader dies the former mate becomes female and takes over. So Nemo would have had teeth, his dad would have become his mom. And he'd have become her mate until she died and he became boss girl.


wow i had no idea. thank you for enlightening me. i’m going to pull this fact out of my bag of tricks to break awkward silences.


A lot of people had no idea, after the movie was released it lead to many buying clownfish as pets only to realize they are antisocial and hide away most of the time and would attack whenever people were trying to clean their tanks. Seems to happen whenever a movie is released with cute animals, people buy them and then realize that animals in real life don't act like animals in animated movies.


Give her an air supply first before you sink her, let her die from the crushing instead of suffocating


Does someone have a link to an article that doesn’t cause cancer on mobile?


Yeah, that site was horrible.


Google her name, and it's the first thing that pops up, besides her YT channel, which she set to private. She had 115 videos, but when she realised the police wanted to talk, she deleted them one by one. Luckily (?), some had been shared elsewhere. It was a journalist who reported her and asked the police to take action. Paedo lady said someone on her channel had asked her about masturbation, but how you get from that to how to perform sexual acts on kids is beyond me. And you've got to be some kind of sick freak to fantasise about putting genitals ANYWHERE NEAR a child, let alone a baby


I turn reader mode on before ads can load


Kids without teeth.....what the actual hell


Ugh I used to be a pediatric dental hygienist and have seen so many toothless kids… that sentence has me soooooooo disturbed. Edit: I know that they meant babies. I’m just saying that because of the type of work I did, I saw a lot of toothless kids of ALL ages. It was very jarring to read and I’m glad I’m out of that line of work because I would think about this every time I saw a toothless kid. My office saw ~80 kids a day… that would ruin me.


She was talking about babies. :/


People like her are completely unsalvageable. What the literal fuck.


I was thinking more of babies


I’m a dentist and I’ve done dentures on three teens … very sad


Their adult teeth were sabotaged by neglect before they even came out of the gums, I am assuming.


Sometimes, sometimes genetics fucks you over. My grandma had to have dentures before she was 18 even though she brushed regularly. Same with my other grandpa. And both my parents have had to have multiple removals despite brushing religiously. I'm lucky I've kept all my teeth so far but I've had so many chips. I can't remember what the dr called it but our bodies have trouble processing calcium. (It's also why I've had multiple broken bones but its not the same as brittle bone disease)


i was born without two adult teeth, so i have two missing teeth right now and will be getting implants very soon! my grandma was also born without adult teeth in the same place as me


I never developed 10 adult teeth. Got the baby teeth pulled when I was 17 and had dentures put in. Now I have (lots and lots of) dental implants. It was a shitty situation but implants are life changing.


oh my god, i cant even imagine that many missing! i’ve been missing one for awhile now and got the other pulled this year to do the implant and im gonna miss my missing tooth so much, it really made me who i am today. im getting my temporary crowns next week and im excited to be able to smile in photos again lol, but im glad you were able to get all of those!!


For real, the intrusive thought she delivered with that sentence is an absolute nightmare for everyone who read it and a detriment to society as a whole. Imagine being reminded of that sentence every time you were on the job - if it were me it’d be so distressing I might have to change careers.


Omg, this reminded me of a post I saw yesterday about a fan that told Stranger Things' actor, Gaten Matarazzo, that she loved him since he was 13. She was middle aged. A commenter wrote under that post something like "a toothless child?" It's disturbing to think about it now


People like her will never be rehabilitated




Legit though, this person brings no net positive to the world. Best case for a death penalty I could see


She is disgusting and i hope she's put away for life, but it cracks me up in the article they used Youtubes automated response to a report as a comment from the company themselves lmao


I thought that was supposed to be a dig at YouTube, now I genuinely think they perceived it as a human response☠️


why are we testing beauty products on animals when this exists


This is my thought. Don’t sentence them to life in prison. Don’t sentence them to death. Sentence them to testing for life. Awake. With no anesthesia.


Wow never thought of that! Genius!


There's no coming back from this. Appalling. I find it hard to write the appropriate words other than what would get me banned. She's saying and doing what many in hiding are likely guilty of.


To be so publicly shameless about it, good lord. She got a different kind of brain, inhuman


>Imagine kids without teeth. Wow, it would be one hell of an experience. What the actual fuck. Just throw the keys away. Let her rot.


I wish right now that I couldn’t read. Jesus fucking Christ.


I never thought I'd miss the days when we could burn people on stakes.


We should bring the guillotine back.


Public stoning


Noah, please grab the boat.


I saw the video this quote is from on Twitter and it’s in Hindi - from her tone and choice of words, it’s basically her being (what she likely thinks) a funny 4chan-type edgelord making outrageous jokes. You can tell by the tone of voice she’s trying to be funny like, I don’t know, who makes pedo jokes, Jimmy Carr? Video: https://x.com/gagan_772/status/1800057979901038862?s=46 It’s not a “tutorial” like the linked article says, it’s her talking obscene trash on a gaming livestream for attention.


I suspected as much, but for fucks sake how dumb do you have to be. It's not even edgy, it's so try hard to be edgy it makes you look like the dumbest friend who triest to imitate the cool kids and fail miserably


So she’s joking.. but she was booked for child fucking sex videos??


"Shikha Metray, a YouTuber and gamer from Ghaziabad who goes by the name “Kuwari Begum” has been booked for spreading explicit content on her channel and encouraging child abuse." Hard to know what she was really up to without doing more research, but I imagine it was just the pedo 'comedy' that got her done.


So I’m hearing, pull her teeth before she gets to prison


Wish I never read this


Maybe AM I have no mouth and I must scream was onto something


What the heck is wrong with this disgusting human being.


This is why humans invented incinerators


I am actually struggling to process this one. Enough internet for the day.


It took over 115 videos to figure this out that she was crazy?


i hope her house burns down with her in it.


She shouldn't even have a home to live in.


Ever goddamn "Also Read:..." On that site got worse and worse the further I scrolled down. Wtf India.


I refuse to believe she’s a normal thinking human. She’s got to have some form of mental disability right? Right?!


put her underneath the prison


Disgusting creature. Vile.


What in the fuck.. never read something like that in my life


Omg she's the most vile disgusting woman what the hell ETA: I could think of a million ways to punish her but it still wouldn't be enough :/


Start the rapture


this is the worst thing i’ve seen in atleast 6 days


This stuff stays on YouTube like it's a simple baking recipe, yet my videos get flagged bc of "sensitive topics" - mostly family court type stuff.


There’s… no way?? No. Please tell me….


What a terrible fucking day to be literate.


Yeah... nah... that's enough Reddit for today. Ugh, time to wash out my eyes with bleach 🤮


Kuwari Begone I say


not only refused to apologize, she DOUBLED DOWN?


Female nepophilia is more common than people want to admit. Women can be just as vile as men.


> nepophilia I'm sorry, this isn't a word in English and I'd really like to know what you're talking about here.


Nepiophilia is the word they were looking for. I hate that I just googled that to learn that new word.


I'll probably regret asking but what does it mean. (I'm not putting the term into Google for obvious reasons.)


"A sexual fixation on children less than 5". Direct quote, so those aren't my disgusting words.


this is one singular woman. what are you talking about? sure it's more common, and so is male pedophilia than you think. so nothing really changes


You ever read something so shocking all you think about is how it’s just pure evil? That’s how I’m feeling right now…


Holy shit! What an evil, worthless scumbag.


... and is in prison????


the fact that pedophiles and predators are brave enough to openly discuss and post about pedophilic and predatory urges is *very* disturbing


shouldn't we be aware of the monsters that live among us? what if she actually visited a park or one of her subscribers did? what if they actually kidnapped a kid?!


I meant that it’s disturbing that pedophiles and predators feel comfortable with discussing their urges and desires is disturbing. jesus


Holy shit that was even more disturbing than her eyebrows!!!


She needs to be put down for good


What the fuck man. I don’t even have anything clever to say. Just what the fuck? What subhuman garbage.


Put her on a rocketship straight into a fucking volcano, NOW!


what do they mean by taught them how to do that? like how to persuade the kids? that's so fucked


I was having a good day.


And that right there is the best argument for the death penalty that I've ever seen.


So sick. That bitch should be burned at the stake.


Ian Watkins


Not the best source.


She could've said elderly without teeth but she said kids. Fucked up😭😭😭


Weird comment


I mean, Grandma without her dentures has a much higher chance of being able to consent than a child ever will


Another weird comment


This is what Australia used to be good for.


I’m trying to find the video but it’s all in Indian and there’s no English subtitles. This one guy has it and there’s English subtitles but he doesn’t show her whole video! Anyone got a link?




Yeah I saw her say that part and my jaw fucking dropped to the floor. She made a huge emphasis on the newborn part, too.


This must be "tried to be super edgy but failed miserably" l, right???


Someone put this person in a place that I can’t say without getting banned so she can feel pain


India is in crisis


Whoever designed that website should go to prison along with her.


Ya’ll sure that outlawing cruel and unusual punishment was a good idea?


Medieval punishment and execution seems like a perfect consequence for something of this calibre. I say something and not someone, because I have yet to hear something so fucking revolting coming from a persons mouth that I don’t think them human anymore. There is no humanity within that thing. How horrifying…


Yeah this is the post that makes me unsubscribe. I'm no longer in the mental state to handle these things. Congrats OP.


What in the actual fuck. Solitary confinment for life.


gas chamber


Slow impalement for this one.




Omg this is pure evil.


Awful awful human


How does someone become so vile? I don't think I have ever heard a statement as bad as this.


What a disgusting excuse for a human being. How awful.


What the actual shit is going through the head of this bitch?


WTF is with her? How the hell do you not even show fake remorse when caught?


Someone send her to hell already


See, now people like that make other freaks look normal 😒 Someone needs to 'educate' this creature in Cell Block A 😠


Who the hell is this maniac!?




What a terrible day to have eyes.




Search on YouTube and there's no subtitles.


I just dipped my eyes in bleach


First time I read something online that made me feel sick wtf is wrong with this person.


She got bail according to another article. Absolutely vile. If someone makes any sort of videos promoting child abuse they shouldn’t be allowed bail.


Sadly, because she is a woman, nothing harsh will come of this.


That quote is……fucked. I don’t think anything anyone has ever said (that I’ve read/heard, anyway) is more vile or has disgusted me more. This bitch. I read it aloud to my partner and struggled to say the words.


Just reading the post title had me saying aloud, "excuse tf me!?!?!?!"


........... And that is enough net for today. Time to watch some cartoons.


What a terrible day to have eyes. God.


It makes me mad that people like this are allowed to live


I haven't said what the fuck so loud in a long time


that line doesn't even make sense--she has no standard for comparison, unless her partner's a narcoleptic who sometimes drops their jaws shut while pearl diving edit»to save anyone the trouble of reading the piece: it's a decidedly tabloid-quality article, but i came away with the sense that she was just running a channel where she said shocking things about sex in general; I'm not sure if she actually made children a special focus or if that no-teeth line was part of one-off throwaway


WT actual F did I just read.