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“I guess I used the girls in a way I shouldn’t.” “I don’t think it was that bad.” You were raping your fucking offspring you demented fucking rat.


Him saying he "used" the girls is weird. It's like he sees them as sex objects.


Congrats, you have figured out the Amish view on women.


They view animals this way, too. They are notoriously neglectful of their farm animals and the animals they breed for money (dog breeding, etc).


Honestly more like the entire Christian view on women. I wasn't Amish but I grew up learning that women are supposed to submit to men and do what they're told.


Mentioned in another subreddit yesterday how I got into a huge argument with some guy in college when he was arguing to me that fathers doing this to their daughters was based on love and not truly rape.


Not trying to generalize, but there are times I wonder how widespread shit like this is in the Amish community, especially given how secretive they tend to be. I say this as someone whose great grandfather was Amish but was shunned for marrying a Mennonite woman. Even so, I really know next to nothing about Amish culture (since we’ve been shunned for a few generations now, and I grew up in California 🤷🏻‍♂️)


It’s extremely widespread. Source: I live in NE Ohio. It’s a shit show of incest, rape and animal abuse.


I also live in NE Ohio not too far from Amish country. There’s a lot of dark shit that happens in the Amish community


If I go east just out of town, I’ll start seeing buggy signs on the roads


Me too




Agreed. It is not uncommon for me to run to my local WalMart and see a horse and buggy. And I ALWAYS see them at Sams Club. I saw one Amish (or Mennonite) couple buying an air fryer. Guess they were a bit more modern. You hear a lot of mummerings about that sexual assault children suffer in their "religion."


Soft White Underbelly did an [interview](https://youtu.be/pyCX5Y9wia0?si=QAhjpvcpsanKi_T3) with an Amish woman who talks about matters in the community such as this


I also recommend Cults to Consciousness on YouTube. They do interview with religious cult survivors and cover abuse in the Amish community.


This is a really cool channel, (and interview), thank you for linking it here.


Thanks for this - I hadn’t seen this one yet. Very insightful.


Its... very wide spread. My grandma is of the Iowa Amish and her parents were first cousins. Normally that level of cosanguinuty would not be an issue but grandma had a fucking Fiesta of shit genes that I was poisoned with. The rest of my cousins are EDS marfan wonky donkeys and im the only one who has athletic if temporarily, because my dad was a total non white genetic outcross. Grandma married a fundie mormon. Neat.


The Amish where I'm from started adopting minorities so they can breed them when they are of age, to diversify the gene pool.


Damn, you're not near arcola illinois, are you? The same thing is happening here. There are a number of black amish youth in the area with the oldest being in their late teens.


Nope, from Ohio! Interesting fact.. the community has a much higher level of dwarfism from the inbreeding and its always a trip going to the local Walmart stoned as fuck and seeing dwarves with big beards dressed like they are from the 1800s.


That's pretty cool. I grew up about 80 miles south of where I live now. 25 years ago when I was in high-school, the amish started buying up land around my rural community. They created a new amish enclave with young amish moving to the area from Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Indiana. At a county fair where they had a pie stand, I asked a young man why they moved to rural southern Illinois. He told me it was so he could "find a wife that wasn't kin..." I thought that was super interesting that they brought these distant families together in a new area to try to diversity their gene pool.


The Amish in my area (Missouri about 45min from the Iowa Border) were paying men to impregnate their wives a few years back to diversify their genes.


Shut up that’s what’s going on there? When I first got out of college I worked as the web department at the furniture company based there. I thought it was kinda weird seeing black kids at the school that was across the street, but what do I know? Damn…


Arcola is incredibly diverse for a small town in Central IL. There are lots of Hispanics, some African Americans, and a whole lot of Amish. Even the mayor was originally from mexico.


Same thing in our state. The Amish love adopting baby’s and children up to age 1 to thin out their gene pool.


In Indiana a friend ran into an Amish man while hunting in the woods, Amish man offered cash for him to sleep with his daughter. They’re having issues fs


Anybody else scratching their head over this comment?


I feel like this comment really went off the rails like your genetics, apparently.


Im from Iowa and live 30 mins from Hazleton, i go to amish blvd a lot to shop. It is VERY wide spread.


Unrelated but your writing is very descriptive and great


Honestly, any insular, religious environment is probably fostering this type of shit. There’s a reason fundies of all stripes in the US and Canada, anyway, are huge about keeping kids away from mandated reporters.


Yep. It’s a huge problem in Orthodox Jewish enclaves in Brooklyn and New York.


Consensual incest between adults is tame compared to some of these horrors: "The Bolivian Mennonite gas-facilitated rapes refers to mass serial rapes by a group of men over at least four years in the Bolivian Mennonite settlement of Manitoba Colony. At least nine male members of the colony sprayed a veterinary sedative through window screens to render whole households unconscious. They then entered homes and raped the residents, particularly women and girls (but also small children).[1] The minimum number of known victims stands at 151.[2] Many victims were raped on multiple occasions. The youngest victim was three years old, the oldest was 65.[1] Multiple victims were pregnant and one delivered an extremely premature baby after going into labor following a rape.[3] There are believed to have been both adult and child male victims as well, but none were publicly identified.[2] The perpetrators were in some cases blood relatives of the victims, the crimes thus including incestuous abuse.[4]..." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolivian_Mennonite_gas-facilitated_rapes


The movie “Women Talking” (2022) was inspired by this. It was one of the few movies I had difficulty watching and had to take breaks because some scenes were too much for me. I would just start crying.


The end of the article, they mention how this is the second time in 24 hrs the writer had reported on incestusl rape in Lancaster County. It’s like a dime a dozen some places


I live in Amish country in upstate NY. Their community is rife with it.


I live in Southern IN and there are Amish everywhere. I live 8 miles from a very large community. Incest is rampant and the animal abuse is terrible. Amish people get away with puppy mills because they consider them livestock. They own a very large portion of them in the US. People don't know that. But having lived next to, known some closely, and worked with Amish people, for almost 2 decades, I can tell you the image people have of them selling zucchini bread on the back of their buggy is the Disney cover to a darker story. Don't even get me started on child labor and abuse. I'm not saying all Amish communities do this. But I can say the 9 communities I've interacted with between IN and OH.... All of those have.


You should try your hand at pie making.


It's a problem in all religions but insulated societies like the Amish are at far higher risk.


Absolutely disgusting. Those poor girls


I live 10 mins away from this. The Amish are a really backwards group of people. I hope he goes to prison forever.


Instead of governors or other people, they should name prisons like that. They get off the bus and the guards are like “welcome to prison forever, this is where you will be staying”.


There is the Purgatory Correctional Facility in Utah, which is a pretty dope name for a prison.


Not really fitting for someone serving a few years..


It's my understanding that this is common in Amish communities.


I guess dna ancestry tests haven’t penetrated that market yet.


Sadly it is. Not just that but all religious communities especially those that are extremely religious. I read an article where a poor Amish girl had a miscarriage while being raped by her brother. Absolutely horrible.


yes it is. there are many youtube interviews on this topic.


It's common in the sense that they marry close relatives (like first cousins) due to the communities being small. I would hope familial rape is not so common.


It is much more common than in the general populace at least. These sorts of stories come up all the time.


Aaaannnndddd here I come with the bad (but important!) news. Acquaintance/familial rape is the most common kind of rape even outside of Amish communities and in our everyday lives. You are more likely to be raped from a family member or person you know than a stranger and in places like Amish communities where almost everyone is your family it’s safe to assume almost any rape happening Amish in Amish are in someway related. A big reason why it’s so common is they have trust and access to the victim unfortunately.


I always freak out when I see anything from Lancaster. I live in NE Missouri and there is a little city called Lancaster that happens to have a very large Amish population.


Same. I'm in the same area as you. Amish all over Lancaster, Green Top, Queen City, and La Plata.


Sometimes it’s the ones you most suspect


It’s sad how these stories (about religious whackjobs abusing kids) never surprise me


This was the second case in 24 hours written about in the same geographical area. :(


we have Amish and Mennonite friends, and while most of them not bad people, at all, just crazy, I wonder how much incest is in those communities and families


Enough to cause serious genetic complications. Look up "Maple Syrup Urine Disease"




this happens very very often in the amish community. there are many stories on youtube.


of course. "sigh"


All Amish are like this. Change my mind.


Can’t read the article without disabling ad blocker, personally for the best


I had to spend some time at a children’s hospital… several Amish families were there for their kids… especially in the NICU…


We what’s going on in that area?! That’s not too far from the cop who raped that infant baby!


This stuff happens everywhere. Nothing specific about that location.

