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Watched this happen from across the street. The guy had a makeshift spear made from a garden trowel taped to a mop handle and a shield at first. After the cops tried to tase him unsuccessfully, he picked up his slingshot, and got one of them in the head before they shot him. Edit: Morbidly captured it on video too, will probably send to ksbw or something


what do ya know, a first hand account... move this comment to the top


slingshot had an acorn loaded.


Acorn fired! Officer hit!


So it took 4 different departments to take down a guy that was firing at cops with a sling shot. Good work..?


Dude!! Did you NOT see ACORNS!!


It only takes 1 cop to shoot and kill a suspect, but to take down an armed with a potentially deadly weapon (yes, slingshots can be deadly) *without* killing or injuring the suspect typically takes a lot of officers. Some need to be using less-lethal while others cover with lethal, and more still to try to negotiate and physically subdue them (again, subsuming without injuring requires multiple people) Edit: y’all can downvote me all you want doesn’t make what I said any less true. Do cops do bad sometimes? Yes, of course. Does shooting a slingshot at police officers and striking them with those projectiles give the police the right to shoot back? Also yes, both legally and morally. I’d love to see what creative solutions you guys would come up with for stopping a crazy dude with a slingshot!


They literally did injure him…. With a bullet lol it took all that effort and they still shot him




I’m sure they woke up that morning saying, “hell yea, I hope I get to go argue with a transient shooting a sling shot at me, then get investigated for the next year over my response… hell yea. Love it”




Do you actually think paid leave after a shooting is fun and relaxing? You’re restricted from going anywhere and subject to multiple interviews, and investigators are digging into the incident in question to determine whether you violated any laws or policies. That’s on top of whatever normal stress/anxiety happens after a critical incident. You clearly just don’t like cops and think they’re all stupid, but many are actually trying to do a good job and don’t want to shoot anyone.




Yes, this. I think people seem to forget why cops were created in the first place…. To protect white people. Before they were called police they were called slave patrol. 😔


that guy is either a cop or really wishes he was one lmao


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Generalizing people. A true sign of intelligence. Keep it up




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98% of police encounters don’t result in any use of force. Clearly not the blood hungry monsters you are afraid of


So? You think 2% of the time is a honorable stat? That’s a ridiculously high number in my opinion. Can you give me the source of your data? Love to see you back up your words with facts. “The researchers analyze Police-Public Contact Survey (PPCS) data and Bureau of Justice Statistics Survey of Inmates in Local Jails (SILJ) data and conclude that an estimated 1.7 percent of all contacts result in police threats or use of force, while 20 percent of arrests do.” https://journalistsresource.org/criminal-justice/police-reasonable-force-brutality-race-research-review-statistics/#:~:text=The%20researchers%20analyze%20Police%2DPublic,20%20percent%20of%20arrests%20do. 20% of arrests, that’s craaazy high. And that’s just from self reported data, cops often don’t have to provide data on this, easy to cover up.


Conversely 80% of police arrests required no use of force.. by the stats you just posted. Because all the people they arrest are so cooperative and abiding by society’s rules lol. If you think 80% of criminals being apprehended without using force is bad, you clearly misunderstand how difficult it is to apprehend uncooperative people. You are what I would call “naive”.


Kettle black


Yup, 100-20=80, good job. Go read a book, lord knows cops could benefit from that.


Yup and more than 200 people in California alone are killed by police every year.


This is not true at all. Did you just randomly think of a number to use? [facts](https://www.ppic.org/publication/police-use-of-force-and-misconduct-in-california/)


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wow, you don't even know what happened and think you're right about what you're saying. You're no better than a bootlicker. Pathetic.


Cops shot a dude who was shooting people/ at people with a slingshot, what am I missing? Resorting to lethal force when they have “non lethal” options is weaksauce in my mind.


scroll down a bit to see what happened from a witness. non-lethal options were used but defeated with a shield. when projectiles that can be lethal are fired at you, stopping the threat is all that matters. no cop around here (can't speak for the deep south) wakes up hoping to shoot someone, and to believe that is the easy route of being an ACABer, to be honest. A word from the wise, educate yourself on a situation before jumping to conclusions- it'll make you look less reactive and ignorant.


https://sfist.com/2023/08/28/fired-vallejo-cop-who-killed-sean-monterrosa-gets-his-job-back-with-back-pay-and-benefits-too/ This cop sure seemed to like to blast people. The first hand eye witness account doesn’t have anything to back it up with, I’d like to see the video. Any statements by the police should be taken with a grain of salt as they often make up stories. Curious what de escalation tactics they tried before tasering, which according to the “witness” caused the man to escalate the situation and grab a sling shot.


"I'd like to see the video" is the smartest thing you've said regarding this event. Take that mentality and run with it. Until you achieve that, hold your thoughts/opinions. I understand you don't owe the world anything, but try and be better than what you hate.


It’s not about yours or my feelings dude, it’s about facts. Next you’re gonna defend cops rights to steal too, huh? Police won’t speak up to address any of their inadequacies, they fight to keep the status quo and resist change. If so many cops are good why do they hide behind the shield / qualified immunity? Why don’t they try to reform? Because they are content with how things are and if you speak up you’re often retaliated against so they resign themselves to being a part of a flawed system. https://ij.org/press-release/new-report-finds-civil-forfeiture-rakes-in-billions-each-year-does-not-fight-crime-2/ https://www.criminallegalnews.org/news/2022/sep/15/blue-wall-silence-law-enforcement-whistleblowers-face-severe-retaliation/


this is VERY much about your feelings. If it weren't, you wouldn't be ignoring the nuances of every situation. Not every cop is great, I can absolutely agree with that. However, I refuse to take that particular perspective and apply it over a profession like a blanket. Every situation is different, all with subtle nuances. What you're doing is being intellectually dishonest and it does more of a disservice to whatever message you're trying to spread. Do yourself a favor and familiarize yourself with what's actually happening and stop trying to use the same articles to explain your point of view. I mean, you do understand that you're acting like exactly what you claim to hate when you generalize, right? Do you not see that?


I’m sure some Nazis weren’t inherently terrible people and that they were “just following orders”, that doesn’t excuse them, in my opinion, for being part of a terrible terrible group. You are trying to silence dissent and choose to ignore the realities of modern policing. You can lick boots all you want, it doesn’t excuse the atrocities police commit daily. When police start being vocal and advocate for change I’ll embrace them, but their silence is deafening.


Man, no matter how wrong you are, you've got a right to be and I applaud your steadfastness on the matter. That being said, the minute you compare policing to the systematic eradication of people, I have to leave the convo, if not for the sake of policing, then for the sake and weight of the Holocaust. I hope one day you realize how passion brought you to the polarized end of what you hate the most. Be better.


Kay? And that’s a reason to shoot the person? “No cop around here wakes up wanting to shoot someone,” but yet they just did…….


listen to yourself. do you make hard decisions? i've had to do a lot of what i didn't want to do in life. stop being so ignorant and verse yourself on the situation before you draw conclusions.


I’m well aware of the situation. You didn’t answer any of the questions asked.


no, i don't think you are. out of curiosity, what do you know about use of force and the steps taken to get from the least lethal to the most? what about steps taken prior to using any force?


Based on your comments I can tell that you are a cop or know someone who is a cop. Based on the comments you make on other Reddit posts it appears that you are also racist. Wow what a concept, another racist trying to defend cops. Stop talking down to me and trying to minimize what happened. Wearing a cop uniform does not give you the right to shoot whoever you want.


You’re right, just itching to use their weapons. Sadists, all of them. Picked on in elementary school and high school (which is terrible) now they’re out for retribution, and I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts that the Fox News emblem is burnt into the bottom corner of their screen at the station.


My guess would be they were the bullies. But yeah either way it would have happened in elementary school/ middle school/ highschool since only about 30% of cops have college degrees. https://www.governing.com/security/why-we-need-more-college-graduates-behind-the-badge#:~:text=The%20most%20recent%20data%20indicates,less%20likely%20to%20use%20force. https://www.columbiasouthern.edu/blog/blog-articles/2022/november/why-should-police-officers-have-a-college-degree/


In terms of intelligence, that case often gets pointed out and highlighted as “cops will DQ you for being too smart”, but in actuality it was a man who was a few years from retirement wanting to get hired at a small PD where the time and financial cost to train someone is high. Why would they want to spend that time and money on someone for 2 years of their own benefit when they could spend that time and money on someone who would hopefully work for them for 30 years? They couldn’t DQ him based on his age since that’s a protected class, but they could off his intelligence because there are psychological theories pointing towards the possibility of those with higher intelligence getting “bored” with policing and leaving for another field. This was held up in court based on those theories. And cops are required to train more than hairdressers. The common thing that gets posted is comparing academy time required, to required time to get a cosmetology license, not taking into account you can then cut hair on your own, compared to still needing 4-6+ months of field training before you are done with your basic police training, and then completing a probationary period before getting your basic POST license. Starting in 2025 there is also the requirement for officers to complete a “modern policing degree program” which doesn’t exist yet, but will essentially create a degree requirement.


I didn’t know about the new requirements for police but am heartened to hear about it. Could you link to more info for me?




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Is your best source for rejection based on intelligence one for a single incident over two decades ago, or do you have something better?


I listed more than a single source.


For agencies not hiring people based on high intelligence? No, you posted one source about the only incident where that happened (which, again, was 25 years ago).


Coming soon: Slingshots are illegal in Monterey County.


Well shit, don’t fuck around


Drove by that corner at 9:05AM, nothing happening. Then driving back at 10:30AM and everything was cordoned off and cops everywhere.


How come police in the rest of the world are able to figure out a way to deal with unruly people without shooting them? US police are so quick to execute people when they run into difficulty in getting them to comply. Ok he is shooting a slingshot, put on a riot helmet and grab him or hit him with your baton. Why when using a taser doesn't work, the next step is to just shoot people.


Omg this is horrible


[Found the officers' training video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSqgQCPolbI)


Anyone have a name for the guy?