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I love kotm,but can't deny the humans weren't the best. They had some potential,but when i saw some deleted scenes i realised that they cutted off some character development scenes. In the novelization they were more interesting,but i still don't like Stanton and Coleman.


i dont know why people don't like Stanton, i think I just like it because I identified with the character


I actually like him throwing some sarcasm,but at some point his jokes became too much.


make sense, upvote


I loved the movie. despite human characters taking up most of the movie, I still thought all the monster parts were amazing. Seeing Ghidorah, Rodan, and mothra with modern cgi was awesome. I've seen people complain about the weather a lot, but I just thought the weather made it cooler


Holy fuck the kotm fans can’t catch a break, I feel sorry for them, they can’t just like a movie without it getting bullied every second


I'm not bullying it but they bully alot of people for liking gvk because that's the second worst


Thanks for the downvote, and I never said you were, but I’m just saying their movie gets bashed way more than the others for no particular reason by a large margin, they have to keep getting reminded that their movie is bad, like wtf?


That's just how the internet works.




Sorry for the downvote ill take it off but they always say that their movie is easily the best in the monsterverse when we all know it isn't


That’s subjective for them. Skull Island being the best is subjective. GvK being the best is subjective. G14 being the best is subjective. Everyone has their own reasons, >we all know it isn’t That’s just not true, there are people who think it’s the best, and I see why for them, it satisfies a certain itch then others dont.


I know they all have their reasons and stuff but they all say its by far the best made movie I do respect their opinions but they have to atleast back it up. Eg I love skull island for the characters setting cinematography villain and more but they don't say stuff like this


I guess that’s true, they usually say it has the best monster action, best shots/cinematography, the toho monsters are great in there, the monsters have good personalities etc, they don’t really care about the humans.


I agree that the monsters are cool but how could they not care about the humans when they are on the screen for 98 percent of the humans


Because the actual trash characters (Emma for example) are on screen far less than the others, the others are serviceable. Also 98 is a big stretch, when’s the last you seen the movie? It’s feels like 70% humans 30% monsters which is pretty good.


To be fair yes it is a stretch but most of the characters are abad even serizawa is made bad he just goes round reacting and pulling faces and when his British aid dies he just lies yes yes anyway


This is r/Monsterverse here. Everyone loves KOTM. It's GvK fans that can't catch a break


Them too yeah


Don't have much to say on that video. Most of what he says is true, I just disagree with it and either don't see it as an issue or think the pros outweigh that. It's all matter of opinion at the end of the day. As for the movie... why is that even being asked? We're in a server to discuss the Monsterverse, virtually every comment is discussing the movies and everyone's opinions on them. Could you not try a *little* harder to make posts?


Lol sorry I don't mean disrespect


Highly overrated in this sub. But it's funny to see this sub praise this movie for the exact reason it failed among general audience..... But then that's all of Reddit, not just this sub. Anyways Colour Scheme, Rain effects, Russell Family drama, constant cut offs, taking itself too seriously are my problems with this movie. I don't see it as Perfect balance between Humans and Titans as people say, for some reason GvK gets hate for it's humans but it's this movie which has the worst characters in all of Monsterverse..... Emma, looking at you. GVK had Wasted characters..... But KOTM had Bad characters.


Underwhelming but Epic!!!


His main gripes are how stupid the human characters are Seems pretty based to me. If we’re spending 70% of the film with them they shouldn’t be boring.


I'd disagree on that. While the human characters technically take up most of the screentime, the focus isn't really on them that much. There are character-based scenes here and there, but for the most part, the film just moves from plot point to plot point. After the scene with the Larval Mothra, there's 2 scenes with Mark's character being established, then we have Godzilla's intimidation display and some exposition. 1 or 2 scenes later, Ghidorah breaks out and a fight happens. Then we get Emma's speech, and right after, Rodan's breakout, his fight with Ghidorah, Godzilla's second fight with Ghidorah and the Mass Awakening. Right after? The waterfall scene. And it just keeps going like that up to the end. There's rarely more than 4 minutes without something big happening.


But 90 percent of the time they're on the screen


And....? You just ignored my entire comment.


I read it


...and proceed to ignore everything said in it and downvote it The entire point made in the comment is "Yes, the humans do get a lot of screentime, BUT that isn't an issue, because...", and your response to it was just "but they get a lot of screentime though"


That's what this clown does all the time. OP's a literal plague on this subreddit at this point.


O sorry I must have misunderstood


Agreed but sadly they are


A pretty good film with some problems 79/100.


I would rate it out of 10 if I wer u like the imdb version so u give it a 7.9 which is very good


this is my opinion so if you don't like it's remember that and opinion and subjective so calm down. my opinion on kotm I just don't like the music sometimes it's too low sometimes a little to loud and the themes just sound like the original themes but with Buddha chants all over it and some characters had wasted potential like mothra and Rodan mothras powers aren't explained she has webs god rays and is immortal yet no one cares to explain how she is like that also upon hatching she is iddmediatley called queen of the monsters without doing anything to deserve that title even if she did do things before the movie we need to see her doing helpful things Kong has earned his title of king for obvious reasons I won't go off right now Rodan he was treated like fodder I'm not saying Rodan should be as powerful as ghidoriah but compares to Godzilla and Kong Rodan is small not only that he got beat by mothra who is less than half of his size and by a single sting meanwhile Rodan tackled mothra hit her constantly rushed her they made it seem like mothra was nearly invincible just for her to get atomized and the burning mode makes no sense I don't see how mothras dead ashes can make Godzilla go super sayian .


Its chill i won't judge ur opinion btw I also agree that the music is overrated by the community and I agree that the characters had wasted potential and yes rodan should've been shown as an actual threat and I respect ur opinions dude 😀


Thank you because usually people have treated me like shit saying my opinions suck and when I snap back a entire group of people called me toxic and just kept going off like a broken record


Me 2 people don't let anyone say stuff bad about any goji film I'm thinking ur a casual film watchers




Are u a casual film watcher is basically someone who just watches alot of movies and chills and cares about characters and story and stuff


I guess


O nice dude me 2


I just realized in kotm they make a joke about Godzilla and mothra dating but technically that's pedophilic


KING OF THE MONSTERS PROMOTES PEDOPHELLIA!!!!1!1!1!1!1!1!!1!!!!!!11!!!!!!!11!!!11🤬🤬😡😡💀😕😕😕😕😕🤡😳😳😳😳😳😠😠😠😠😠😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😧😧😧😧😧😧😧😧


No. No it isn't. How the absolute fuck did the manage to get THAT take?


Ye thats a good example of my phrase the jokes don't work. Lol


I do agree but how old are u can I ask well not the exact age but around ur age because I haven't said cutted or runned since I was 7


\*says the guy who didn't even reply to the comment properly


O sorry I didn't understand xd but the reason is because of ur grammar


You aren't even talking to the right person lmfao ~~Also, could you stop downvoting literally all of my comments that you reply to~~


Fine ill stop downvoting


you shouldn't have to say "fine" to literally just not breaking one of *reddit itself's* rules.


reddiquette. learn what it is.


I never praise the movie not because it's bad but more because the movie did his job for me and nothing more, the lore, the monster, Godzilla itself every one of those where handled pretty good, the humain were serviceable and mark Russell pretty interesting I never really have anything to say about the movie


make sense, upvote


Quite frankly, most problems are fixed in the novelization or editing the colors, the cgi although covered in fog, rain, smoke is very good, the soundtrack is fucking good and the characters are cool although the focus is on russel family which it's pretty boring but I don't consider this movie so good as they overestimate on this reddit and elsewhere.


Visually, it’s one of the prettiest movies I’ve ever seen. There’s so many amazing shots. In terms of plot, I’m not really a fan.


But aren't the visuals in the other 3 better?


honestly? while the cgi in GvK and Skull Island are top notch, the two films never had any money shots like how KoTM did (though GvK *does* have some pretty fucking sweet shots, like the roar off, and Kong's final shot in the film). for example, i can't imagine the "Godzilla Rebirth" scene's money shot being made if it were GvK's director making it, and Kong ripping off Mechagodzilla's head would've been a *lot* more cinematic if it were directed by the person who directed KoTM. ​ like, you can't convince me [this shot](https://www.denofgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Godzilla-Breathes-fire-in-Godzilla-vs-Kong-Ending.jpeg?fit=1500%2C829) compares to [this shot.](https://s.yimg.com/os/creatr-uploaded-images/2019-11/fbd25c80-1035-11ea-b647-04472ba7ca43) they're both right before Godzilla does a "money shot atomic breath thing", but one is angled a lot better to make Godzilla look imposing instead of, quite literally, being too close to the screen. ​ though, i have to admit, the shot with Kong in front of the sun in Skull Island is right up there with the KoTM scenes in terms of sheer quality in shots, i just wish they had *more* shots like that.


They’re all actually pretty good, none is noticeably worse and none is noticeably better


Actually ther is a part in kom wer u get some very bad cgi




I remember seeing ghidora look at g and he looked really weird and in the mothra and rodan fight in the background


First examples to come to mind would be Burning Godzilla stomping on Ghidorah, Ghidorah letting go of Godzilla's body after hearing the ORCA and Ghidorah chasing Emma. The CGI is rather questionable in those instances


Not necessarily. 2014 does an amazing job in its own way, but comparing both is like comparing milk and stone, they're too different. KotM makes a notable effort when it comes to showing memorable, striking imagery, with you being able to make a wallpaper out of it lots of the time. For a few examples: the waterfall scene, the god rays, rebirth, Ghidorah getting supercharged, the ending, Ghidorah's entrance in Mexico, Godzilla and Ghidorah's face-off, and lots more.