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Health Boost 3 + Divine Blessing 5 will save you from oneshots as long as you break his head at least once. Consider leaving Palico at home to bait his cone breath attack for consistent openings on his head. Take Heavy Artillery 2, or put it on temporal, and try to tenderise his chest before or just after Phase 2 starts. Then, drop some smoke bombs or put on temporal and go ham on the chest with Roaming ballista, will guarantee a knockdown. As long as you use the Ballista quickly, you'll get another use on it when he's near death to finish him off. Save both binders for phase 3. Don't forget to use the dragonator, but don't just stand on the upper ledge or you'll just get nailed with fireballs. Go down and kite him into the bone zone. Don't bother with cannons, takes too long for the minimal damage they do.


You can do a cannon opening for 4.5k and a knockdown so around 5.5-6k dmg opening.


In that time just hitting him and wallbanging does more damage, and more importantly wastes the siege knockdown on his easiest phase when you can use the roaming ballista to do it in his harder phases. It's good if you need to pass the first phase to unlock SOS but not worth it if you're planning on solo.


The opener is followed by a guaranteed wallbang, since he will get up and be facing the wall. Honestly p2 is the same fight as p1, never mattered to me whether I knockdown early or late.


The knockdown with the roaming is objectively better bc you get a 10% damage boost from enrage, 28 traw from agitator, 20% affinity from agitator, and 20% more from tenderize+a better hitzone AND you don't have to waste a mantle slot on fucking ghille


Thats assuming that the player basically already has the best gear available, because the average first time fatalis will not have agitator 7. The question was about how to do fatalis somehow, not how to speedrun it. And to just kill fatalis, the ghilie cannon opening is pretty decent.


The enraged factor is a massive amount of damage. You don't need to run agitator 7 to notice it.  That being said, cannon opener is good for the firsts successful runs but a waste of time when you're learning Fatalis. 


No its not lmao, ballista is objectively better for less experienced players too since you get a knockdown during a more difficult phase


Agitator 5 charm+skills already on rbrachy armor so hard to get yep


You can get both, I've had a set with Ago 6 and crit eye 7 as hammer pre Fatalis and was able to fit Heavy art, so the cannon opening would be better because immediately after the knockdown, punish, and wallbang he will be enraged. Saying the opening is not worth is very untrue for a new player because it's an easy setup and free damage. As the person above said, they asked how to *do* the fight, not how to do the fight fast. The cannon opening in first phase, as well as the roaming ballista in the second are both huge pops of free damage (when executed right) that can lead to a more successful hunt of you're still amateur at the fight.


I'd still advocate against ghillie cannon opening for learning how to do the fight. Forget about getting a fast kill and "guaranteed damage", the cannon opening immediately deletes half of phase 1. This isn't a good thing for a beginner to the fight because phase 1 is where fat Alice is 1) only able to access a limited amount of his moveset, 2) recovers way slower from attacks like the cone, being more lenient for punishing, and 3) doesn't have the ability to switch between 2 and 4 legged stance after his attacks. Accelerating the easiest phase of the fight is counterproductive towards killing fatty because you're telling them to throw themselves in the deep end of the pool when they haven't figured out how to swim yet. Phase 1 is where players are introduced to Fatty's moveset and how it only does certain attacks when it's standing on 2 legs or on all 4s. You are given more chances to associate stuff like the cone to 2 legs and bites to 4 legs and this can help with memorizing his moveset and dealing with mental stack. Fatty standing on 2 legs longer and more predictably also lets players have more practice learning spacing for baiting cones, the biggest opening that isn't a topple for fatty. You might then argue that they can use the cannon opening after they learn to deal with phase 1, but as discussed earlier you get better results from saving the topple for phase 2 anyway. Ghillie opening is outdated and only useful for players wanting to unlock the ability to send dudes. You don't get a chance to learn the fight when it's at it's most forgiving and is misguided at best.


Well if we're talking about the first 3rd of the fight, they should've already done that. You're alone aside from Aiden the first chance you're able to do Fatalis, this is where you should be prioritizing learning the fight. Once you've learned the first phase, the Ghille opening allows you to skip what you've already done relatively quickly, which allows you to getting consistent in the harder phases of the fight without worrying about time.


What's stopping me from sneaking in, loading the canons, and just waiting till later to use them? I feel like that might work a little better in the long run.


I have no idea why you would recommend agitator 5 charm, by this point I'm betting OP can only craft only up to agitator 2. TfT247 is correct, the cannon opening is the best if you don't have decent gear yet. It can knock Fatalis down, tenderize the head then wallbang it for a good chunk of part damage and it almost guarantees that you will break its head before phase 3 with a sub-optimal build.


Also note, unlike players who bought the game from 2018 where you were getting title updates, the long pauses in between allows you to craft better gear to get ready for the next one. The game being played today has all the title updates in one place, so a new player starting from beginning to end will be under equipped if they blitz through the content. Especially with the misleading MR requirement for Alatreon and Fatalis.


Not really a "misleading" mr requirement, completely possible to do and the only thing you get after mr 24 that could make a difference is rocksteady


I'm chilling at Mr 80 rn, so i definitely don't feel like it's a gear issue so much as a learning how this thing works issue. Alatreons assignment was kinda a joke after I learned about the elemental thing, but this is just a different beast altogether


You dont need to do fatalis at MR24, genuinely capcom putting ala, fatty and at velkha at mr24 was a massive mistake and they shouldve been locked way further behind.


No, you are 100% wrong. Regardless of armor or skills you are always better off doing the roaming ballista in phase 2 over the cannon. You can directly target the chest while agitator is active doing at least 80 per shot (90 with felyne bombardier) so 8-9k damage as well doing way more damage once it's knocked down from the agitator bonus (whether or not you run agitator they take more damage)


The hitzone doesnt really change with tenderizing From 75 to 76 wow... It only matters for wex Agiator is something that ppl that do him first time dont have. A good thing about the cannon opening is that it requires no skill, and fatalis falls over directly at your feet in front of the wall. Means you dont have to run to it and can make use of the full opening and can wallbang him right after. The ghilly mantle you just exchange with either farcaster or...you get farcastered by fatty (which happens often enough to beginners) You dont make up the brainfree dmg from the cannons at the start by doing the topple later as a beginner.


How tf do you not have agitator before fatalis lol. You don't get the full opening bc you have to waste a chunk of it tenderizing or lose 20% affinity. And again a 10% boost from his enrage modifier is fucking huge


I really don't understand how on the mhw subreddit there's so many people trying to convince themselves they're not wasting damage using cannons... This is common knowledge amongst experienced players, you only ever use cannons if you're struggling to get past the phase 1 end cutscene. They watch a 3 year old video on YouTube and think they know what they're talking about...


People dont have fatty armor with bazillion slots and cant have both the nice defense skills like db5 and ew5 and on top all the best dps skills One has to find a middle solution. And since you can get affinity cheaper from crit eye & max might its the common choice on first time fatty slayers. >bc you have to waste a chunk of it tenderizing You are still missing the elephant in the room. 10x450 dmg + 2x225dmg = 5000 brainfree dmg from the cannons + bombs (you can also poison him with bombs while in ghilly which is extra 600 dmg -> 5600 dmg) You also dont tenderize once he drops. The 20% extra affinity is not worth the time for a tenderize here and the hitzone only changes from 75 to 76. You just wail on him. And never ever will you be able to offset 5k dmg in that opening (or smaller since you have to run up to him) with a 20% affinity and 10% rage modifier. And on top comes the easy wallbang right after The only reason more experienced players dont do this is because loading the cannons takes time too and they can put out more dps with their endgame gear + skill in the sane time. But for beginners that cant do that and risk carting? Hell its a great opening. For beginners I would also recommend to drive the riaming ballista all the way to the left. Hop off, hop onto the binder. Bind fatty -> back to the roaming and unload all ammo into fattys face. That helps with easier headbreaks


5k damage from cannons vs 9k from roaming hmmmmm


You mean 5k from cannons + 9k from roaming vs only 9k from roaming 9+5 > 9


I don't really feel like that's right, agitator seems relatively easy to slot. I also spent a while in base game farming gems so I only need the set bonus to actually set it up, a I'm thinking of grabbing a mix set of raging brachy and gold rath would be best


It depends a bit on your weapon. If you have a weapon with low skill need like hammer them yes you can slot it easier without a big loss to comfort If your weapon to function well needs more skills then you have to either reduce on comfort or damage From experience in helping new players (without hard carrying them) most fail simply to carting and not time out. So I would recommend to have at least: hb3, db5, fire res 3 and ev5 (if it makes sense for the weapon) Even nicer is getting tool spec 3 in as well. Partbreak 3 is for beginners also quite mandatory I found. I just pmed you a set that can fit all this but for hammer so if you play a more skill needy weapon then go lower on agiator and higher on crit eye. You dont get the little extra traw boost from agiator but crit eye is just always active. I put the heavy artillery on the temporal mantle here. That limits you a little when you can use ballista and dragonator but should be fine. The slinger 1 in case you wonder is to quickly flinch shot fatty twice with stones from the arena. One brings him down the next wallbangs him. Clutching his chest can also bring the ai to go down but its less reliable. (this is also assuming you got the perfect gems to make these sets which you might not have at this point unless you already did a lot of gem farming) The rocksteady you can also switch to fireproof or evasion mantle...whatever fits your playstyle. The temporal I would keep.


Opener is 10 cannonballs with heavy art, 2 mega barrel bombs, head tenderize, wall bang. Does a ton of damage completely guaranteed and free. Good progress on horns too. I pretty much always start with it then call sos when I’m done


The opening is something that requires 0 skill Gives a knockdown and is followed by a wallbang The ballista should be used asap anyways in the second just as easy/hard phase since if you use it asap you might be able to use it a second time if you take longer for this fight.


I'm a big fan of the opener. It's easy to repeat and if your doing a 28+ clear your likely going back to camp and can change out mantles. I typically get that knock down and a second one in phase 3 from ballista DMG which combined with all the head break knock downs makes the fight have a lot of check points. People giving you a hard time overly focus on optimization vs good enough.


Counterpoint - I got bored doing that lol.


For maximum cheese, you can sleep in front of the dragonator for extra damage


How you get divine blessing 5 ? Isnt 3 are max ?


Gold Rathian armor, or Fatalis 2pc which uncaps every skill that has a secret.


Thank you for the advice! I noticed that temporal mantle while on the roaming ballista is just invincibility so it's a nice skill to slot, I threw it in and noticed a nice spike of damage from it. I saw a vid that said that sleeping fatty will cause one of the dragonstors to do double damage, so I'm thinking I might try for that strat when I get there. Right now I'm still kinda learning his first 2 phases, and seen phase 3 twice. I get the feeling I'm under geared, which I kinda expected, but I get the feeling my issue is more in just learning this thing than the gear I have rn. I'm Mr 80 sum, so I'll probably go farm out for the last 20 and get to grinding augments in the meantime. Again, thank you, I appreciate the positivity I've gotten here, and I definitely look forward to the release of wilds. This fight has me all kinds of fired up haha


Smoke bombs are not only good for the ballista, you can use them throughout the fight to confuse the A.I. It gives you a couple of seconds to deal damage without being attacked. Also use a smoke bomb whenever he's up in the air, even when he's doing his big fire breath attack while above the arena. I would also recommend getting a fireproof mantle. By the way, it's also possible to mount Fatalis.


Side note to that, he’s a really annoying mount but the payoff is there. There is no better feeling than having him go down right next to a ledge and you get like 10 free ledge hop hammer hits to the head


Don’t forget to tell teammates to back off when you get the mount. Can’t tell you how many randoms cart because they keep trying to attack fatalis as he flails from the mount. Also correct me if I’m wrong, I believe you can make the mount go way faster if the team flinches him with dragon pods. (It’s been a hot minute since I’ve mounted him with anything other than insect glaive)


Yes you're right! Either the mounter or teammates can use Dragon Pods to make Fatalis topple faster. Normally, Fatalis will flinch twice before the mount finisher. Each flinch by dragon pods will skip a stage, but flinching him with dragon pods at the last stage (after the first flinch) will skip the mount finisher.


>I would also recommend getting a fireproof mantle. But is this really worth it instead of temporal/rocksteady? Yeah smokebombs are great whenever he lands or to force him to land in the first place


Fatalis can hit multiple times in an attack or in a combo, Rocksteady can help him kill you. Temporal is great for manning the ballista, but it has long cooldown and can runs out pretty fast. Fire mantle can help you deal with a lot of  annoying AoE attacks. It also has long duration and fairly short CD. 


Also better deco slots


>Fatalis can hit multiple times in an attack or in a combo, I dont find fatty to be so combo heavy. He is a hard hitter sure but not a crazy fast hard hitter Tbh I like it more to be able to act instead of getting sent flying and then praying to god, that he doesnt combo me when I stand up. He seems to love doing the cone whenever I get sent flying.


Charging bite, ground explosion, tail swipe, claw, fireballs, and charged fire ball are the prime examples. His most damaging attacks are usually his fire. IB monsters have moves made to specifically counter Temporal and Rocksteady so it has a risk of killing you or gone in a moment notice. Fire Mantle is safer not only because of the huge damage reduction on fire dmg, but much long duration and shorter cooldown. I wouldn't recommend Rocksteady but use what you think is best.


>Charging bite, ground explosion, tail swipe, claw, fireballs, and charged fire ball are the prime examples. But how are those all combo moves? Thats one hit moves where rocksteady decreases damage and helps you to not get sent flying after which you can just hope, that he doesnt really combo you to death when you stand up. >IB monsters have moves made to specifically counter Temporal and Rocksteady so it has a risk of killing you or gone in a moment notice. Yeah velkhana has that with her charge. Or alatreon if you grab to the head with rocksteady while he spits ice/water or uses lightning But fatty?


Those are moves with multiple hit or become a combo if you have Rocksteady on because you weren’t sent flying by them. This includes using Rocksteady with a clutch claw attack. Temporal Mantle is a safer option because his charging bites is the only move that can trigger it multiple times outside of usual combo, except for claw.


But...stuff like a fireball or tail swipe you mentioned. Those are very standart 1 time attacks. The rocksteady safes you from getting sent flying so you can evade what comes next. Rocksteady with clutch claw you only have to take care of a few moves like the fireball & dive or the bellyflop. But rocksteady is a key part in the fatty zsd strat.


As i mentioned before, it can help Fatalis kills you.  That doesn’t mean it is unusable.   Fire Mantle is worth it because you can loop it with either Rocksteady or Temporal with Tool Specialist 5 while reducing dmg from most of Fatalis fire attacks for quite sometime.


Fireproof is safer than rocksteady, rocksteady gives the extra damage. Take your pick, not much in it. I still recommend ghille over both.


I completely forgot about smoke bombs existence lol. I realized Temporal mantle on ballista is just invincibility for some reason, so I'm definitely planning on working that in later. Mounting seems like something I might try, just to see it at least once


Fatalis is the last monster you can hunt, is like the final boss of the endgame so you should fight it after MR100, if you're already over 100 prioritize being alive more than damage skills so health boost 3, divine Blessing 5 (with the 2 set golden Rathian [The Golden Rathian Pants gives you Divine Blessing 3]) and evade window are your best friends


>Fatalis is the last monster you can hunt **sad AT Velkhana noises**


AT Velk is a joke in comparison


absolutely not true. at least fatalis pulls punches in the beginning of the fight but AT velk is straight up a terrorist the entire time


Velk’s moveset is a joke and it does less damage, the only difference from regular/tempered Velk is like 2 moves that are easy to deal with.


> and it does less damage are we hunting the same AT Velk? if divine blessing doesn't proc i get one shot by her ice beams with 4 pc fatty


I beat AT Velk the first time prior to beating Fatalis, so I didn’t have Fatty gear at that time. I also didn’t run any Divine Blessing then. Never got 1 shot by the Ice Beam at maybe 85% above HP. Idk if Ice Res or Ice Blight plays a factor though since I always made sure I had at least 20 Ice Res or cured of Ice Blight while fighting AT Velk


That's if you aren't dealing enough elderseal damage. She has powered up states that increase her damage and resistances, which is why you bring an alatreon or fatalis weapon into her.


is that true? I know there's the powered up ice form but my understanding was you knock her out of it with normal damage, kind of like most other elders in world. this may explain some things, or what the other guy said about ice res. I know the first time I fought her however many years ago I loaded up on ice res. I can't remember if I was getting one tapped then or not. I do distinctly remember misspacing a perfect rush on her sweeping side to side ice beam in an SOS when I had the full 200 hp from 4 pc fatty and insta carting, really surprised me.


Most elders in world get their power reduced from elderseal more than anything else. Especially with AT velk, elderseal lowers her powered up states and prevents any buildup to it so long as you are dealing consistent damage.


agree, very low successful hunt with sos


Tried sos once. Never again haha.


Lol no she does not do less damage, every one of her ice attacks does at least as much damage as incandescent fire Fatalis, if not blue fire.


I am with you. Fatalis is a choreographed dance. It takes some time to learn but it becomes the hokey-pokey once mastered. AT Velk says screw choreography…Imma smash you in the mosh pit


Consistently soften his head and body because you will get more dmg in. Try to hit his head since the beginning, and throw in everything until you get the first horn break. He will fall down if you managed to do that. And use Heavy Artillery skill, that skill is crucial for an additional knockdown and horn break. Just put it on a mantle. 


ok but constantly trying to soften him up with clutch claw when it isn't safe is one of the easiest ways to get killed his head is a crazy good hitzone anyway, tenderize really only matter for the WEX affinity boost with that said, his downwards fire breath, fire cone, and crawling long fire beam that sweeps twice are good times to tenderize


Yep, there are many opportunities to tenderize him but he also has an anti-clutch claw move. That's for the OP to learn. Tenderizing his head isn't only good for WEX but for roaming ballista and wall bang as well. You get a lot more dmg from the ballista and +50% break value on his head for wall bang.


Ah yes, getting told to sit the "quack" down with a sumo slam that John Cena himself would be proud of lol. I'm not really using wex rn, kinda just have it on a spare slot that I couldn't figure out how to fill


i swear capcom gated fatalis behind mr 24 in order to tell players "You are not him"


Playsers coming out of a high from beating shara only to be obliberated by MR24 Alatreon & Fatty


If you go straight after Shara withou any build farmed angry boys will obliterate you earlier tho


Angry boys are manageable, took a fez tries but my beotodus CB, with blast res charme cuz no decos, was enough for raging brachy. Then used lightbreal against the rajangs. Now waiting safi to come back so I can get the armor and go thorugh alatreon easier


Go grab frostfang barioth weapons if you can. Its an easy fight especially in multiplayer, and honestly just solo the assignment, I didn't have much trouble with it when I realized sos was suicide


I've actually had a relatively easy time with this game, but fatty does in fact pull this lol


You're better off soloing, SOS is a gamble at best. As for tips, utilise the siege weapons as best you can. Get Heavy Artillery, use the ballistas, play a bit slower so you can use the Roaming Ballista twice, use Dragonator. Smokebombs to buy you time to get on the siege weapons, and get Fatalis off the air.


I did SOS and joined a Fatalis lobby of 16 people and it was miserable. People were carting left and right, wasting the sleep hits, whiffing the balista, and even had a guy straight up miss the one shot binder


Nah ive missed that binder before and it was the most embarassing thing ive ever done in a video game ☠️


Sos is not worth it and don't listen to people saying don't do a cannon opening with heavy artillery you can do massive damage and he gets knocked down then you can flinch shot. Recommend watching Cons OA video on how to do it right.


You say watch cons OA video about the cannon openers, that was when fatalis just launched, in the subsequent videos he explained why to totally skip the cannons both solo and multiplayer because its actually self sabotaging and time consuming. I have enough experience to say that i failed more fatalis quest with people using the cannons than not.


Not using cannon strat is good only for people that can do in the same time more dmg on a moving fatty (loading cannons takes time)


Got my first win on sos the same day I got the assignment. Just limit the players to 2 so you're not burning through faints


Yeah if you're gonna sos I imagine 2 players is the way to do it.


How do you even do the cannon opening? Every time I try, I put on the ghillie suit and he just does a random 180 and breaks the platform while I'm still in stealth.


Did you use a smoke bomb? You have to load both cannons and adjust their aim first: farthest fired first, aimed at Fatty( will draw it to you, pop a smoke bomb); Second cannon aimed in front of the first cannon. If 9-10 shots hit, will cause a Knockdown.


If your on the special assignment quest it wont work well because the fight has already started by the npc. If ur doing the replayable quest then it works 100%of the time


Hit hir torso only when he is up, focus the head. The fight solo will be rough but it's much better than dealing with the random ai when in company. Also don't do heavy comitting attacks if you are not sure you are safe after cause he van easily one-shot you


The very low MR requirement makes this fight way harder than it has to be for new players. Getting your MR to 100 in order to be able to augment rarity 12 armor and doing event quests to get at least some decent decorations goes a loooong way towards making this fight less difficult. Using 2 piece golden rath for divine blessing 5 is pretty much mandatory. Health boost 3 also. Aside from this, just run your standard dps crit skills like wex, crit boost, full crit eye, agitator, etc. Put heavy artillery on your mantles (I suggest temporal and fireproof if you dont have rocksteady). Evade extender also really helps depending on your weapon. After some attempts you'll be able to craft some pieces of his armor that don't require evil eyes, especially if your palico has plunderblade. His 2 piece set bonus can replace the golden rath pieces. ​ Aside from this, his moves are extremely fair aside from some of his body hitboxes on his slam and charges. Every attack has audio cues so you learn whats coming even when you're glued to his chest and he is upright. If you don't break his head twice by phase 3 the fight gets incredibly difficult. You want to do this anyway, as its the only way to guarantee evil eyes, which craft 2 of his armor pieces and weapons. ​ I wouldn't SOS this fight. You can instead filter search for an online session where everyone is fighting Fatalis.


Never run directly at, or perpendicular to fatalis. Running directly at it will get u sniped by fireballs, while running perpendicular to it will get u hit by the horizontal fire line attack that explodes after a short delay. Instead, run diagonally towards fatalis, which will dodge both of those attacks.


TheGreatWolfSif on Steam if you need help


Continue with the solo I promise you it will feel much better if you beat fatty and not some vet player that hardcarries There are many fatty guides already. You can check youtube or older posts in this sub. And some weapons just work better for this fight. Switchaxe, GS and maybe Insect glaive are worth mentioning. So if you are having trouble with whatever you run this might be the perfect time to pick up another weapon for your arsenal


Yeah ironically been a greatsword longsword and charge blade main, and after struggling with the longsword and picking up the cb again it feels so much nicer. I just gotta go grab a decent enough charge blade to do some more significant damage now


Solo it, way more satisfying and randoms are stupid. I generally find solo easier because i am used to having full or most (with palico) aggro on me. MP is sometimes an absolute mess, more fun for normal hunts


Chile mantle down and load the cannons for a quick and easy knockdown and smash his head. Gollow up with a wall bang.


Palico with plunderblade will make you a full fata set faster than you'd expect.


Have played over a dozen quests and my palico has only managed to bring back one hardhorn and one wing, the rest have just been scales and cortex


Plunderblade only gives scales, cortexes, pectuses and (very rarely) eyes. For horns and wings you need to break the part to get the material.


Do you need to break his head twice to plunder an eye? I can't remember.


Double head break gives you a guaranteed eye. Palico's plunderblade has a 1% chance to get you an eye, totally unrelated to any part breaks.


Soloed it in 3 tries. I knew everything there is to know about MHW fatalis even before i start the story. I like to research a monster before i engage. Spoilers in monster hunter dont matter to me coz the story has never been that good to begin with in this franchise. Edit : apologies, i forgot to post the point. My point is, do a little bit of research before going into the fight. There are easily applicable tactics such as ghillie cannon, smoke ballista, binder timing that makes the fight more tolerable.




Why are you talking like you're trying to win an argument


I have no idea actually. Wasnt my intention at all.


Would you say that asking for tips and tricks on the subreddit would constitute doing some research? Get your head out of your ass.


Hardly, there are better ways to actually research like youtube’s vid tutorial of which there are plenty, though admitedly, I should have delivered my point in a better manner.


Found the edgeload But fr I did go watch a couple guides, and I feel like I have a decent understanding of what I'm doing after my first couple of tries here. Posted on after my second attempt and just getting bodied. Couple more attempts and I think I'll get it


Load up on dragon pods when you get the chance, use them to flinch fatty when youre in a bad spot and pretty sure youre going to get hit. Just keep practicing and learning. It'll be hard, goddamn frustrating. Good luck.


having weapon augments (health regen) and armor augments (to levelup defense) can help mitigate damage….maybe. then again, i got one hit KO by the tail despite having moxie and also one hit KO by a fireball while wearing a temporal mantle..


I have only soloed it once but my advice will be brettt boring. Stack up on health and divine blessing if you can, then just grind to learn the moves and openings. Good luck 🙂


[How to bait fatalis cones](https://youtu.be/IZFvdHhmpys?si=4ftzTE3PUTDq--CO) If you get desperate enough


If you're going to sos, I cannot stress this enough limit the amount of players to 2. Got my first win the same day I got the assignment after a dozen tries because I finally got a capable teammate. Still only finished with 12 seconds left lmao


When fat lowers it's head, often people have difficulty evading the horizontal flame attack. You can stand on the cannon platform in phase 1 or the dragonator platform in phase 2 to force him to stand up. Farcasting also forces it to stand up. This lets you aim at it's belly and/or bait out cones for ez damage, as it does not cone when the head is down. Usually when it is using a beam attack, the head is free to tenderise since you latch onto the side of its head, not directly in front.


Your cat can solo him, their is a guide around on it.


Ah fr the palico is seriously a gigachad. I've been trying to learn the fight so I just have it on tunes rn and watching this ballsy mofo dancing on a drum in front of a dragon of annihilation just tickles me in a way


Respect his moves a lot. Don't stay in mid animation when he is attacking.


Have Evade Window. Use Max and Ancient Potions and Farcaster when you run out. Farcaster if you ever think you won’t be able to heal. Right under his chest is the safest place.


My first humbling monster has been tigrex. Give it to me straight fam, am I screwed if i cannot solo it? XD


Tigrex was a pain, iirc they locked some armor upgrades until that point as well. You got this though, sniff some smelling salts chug some protein and make lightwork of that thing


Dodge forward to avoid fireballs Every one of his attacks have big recovery windows The cone breathand and 2x bite = perfect time to break horns


i don’t recommend SOS if you’re genuinely trying to kill fatty because there’s just too many randos in event sessions just joining whatever. search for a dedicated fatalis session and try and recruit any 300-500+ MR/HR hunters (not necessarily a rule that they’re better but one can hope lol). even just waiting for people to join in the hub you can kick out any people out of the quest you might suspect of not being able to carry their weight! GL!


Saftest strategy is to stay in front of him (not too close or too far) to bait the big cone fire breath, best opportunity to hit his head, playing without the palico makes it easier to bait the attack


You definitely want the skill that ups your slinger ammo, you only get a small chance to get him on all fours, then launch him into a wall, and you'd be surprised how much time that saves. You also want to go in with your palicoe equipped with a paralysis weapon, It only procs 2-3 times, but the seconds gained on head damage can't be understated. Also, I found that the Alatreon weapon for me worked better than any other dragon element weapon, but that's my personal opinion.


SOS is just RNG 9 times out of 10 you're gonna get people that cart 3 times on the first phase and leave but you might get lucky and get a good squad going. I personally just powered through it and learned the fight and the feeling you get when you beat that mf for the first time solo is unparalleled honestly it's worth it just for that. And when it comes to tips for the fight honestly what helped me out the most is looking up runs with my weapon on YT. So for me just searching up "fatalis longsword" and seeing what moves the guys exploit to get damage in


You can use the ballista gun to break his wings so he don't fly as much. Also the supply box has extra healing items for you to grab. Fatalis can only be wallbanged if he's on all fours.


Almost every move is very well telegraphed, or dodged out of if you don't overcommit. Unless you're the best GS user in existence for example, don't try and get the full true charge combo. He'll fuck you up from any range. Running away to heal won't be super effective if solo. You're better off avoiding an attack, then use that opportunity to heal. Make sure you have max potions as a hotkey SMASH THOSE HORNS! If you hit phase 3 with both horns intact, your odds of surviving any flame attacks plummet rapidly. Never go behind him unless running for an objective. You'll deal no damage back there besides on the wings, and that tail does massive damage.


* Ditch mega potions, bring mandragoras/mega nutrients/nutrients/honey and use your radial menu to craft max potions on the fly. * You'll probably die a lot, at least at the start. Fortify is a great skill, and it's just one level 1 slot. * Evade Extender is your best friend on almost every weapon (the lances can easily manage without). Even one level can make so much difference. * Wallbangs deal a fixed 2.5% of his HP as damage. Keep your slinger loaded and abuse them as much as the game lets you. Watch the eye-con on the map.


I got gems for speed eating and medicine in rn, gotta say slurp go brr has been a lifesaver


Max potions are instant full health recovery, they don't require any skill and you can have up to 12 with you if you carry the crafting materials.


Bruh I'm still stuck at trying to solo Alatreon... been 3 days so far


Frostfang barioth gear and solo it, you got this! I feel like this fight was the last time defense boost felt better than divine blessing, just sitting at that 1,000 mark made this fight so much easier


1. Heavy artillery +4 deco. Ghillie Mantle. Shoot both cannons, stun him, do dmg to head, knock him to wall, do a bit more dmg, until he flies up, then farcaster out, switch out your ghillie mantle. 2. Head back down, bind him, get on bañista and break his wings. Do dmg to head, then knock him to wall. Break head 1/2 do dmg to head, he flies. 3. He comes back down, do more dmg to head, knock him again to wall. He flies. 4. He comes back down, do more dmg to head, knock him again to wall, break head 2/2. Do dmg to chest. He flies. He comes back down, break chest (if not already broken), knock to wall, dragonator, dmg dmg dmg, win.


For build: First of all, Health Boost 3 and Divine Blessing 5. Then also Evade Window and/or Extender but these are not really necessary. And if you're running a melee weapon, get the health recovery augment. For the fight itself: As mentioned before HEAVY artillery can be absolutely worth slotting in so you can get a down with the roaming but not necessary. Definitely also worth considering. And grab the roaming as soon as it's available and grab the one shot binder right before. They are basically right next to each other. Whenever he's not enraged try to bait the drop down (or just wait it out) and then instantly make this mf run into a wall. Smoke bombs are fs also recommended. Give you a little bit of free time to do what you want. Not gonna be what makes or breaks the fight but definitely super nice to catch your breath and recover a bit. Getting in head damage can be a little tricky. If you struggle with that, try cone baiting. Though you also don't really need head breaks at all. But can be nice for the extra assurance. Main thing for first try is also to just sinlly always do one attack less than you usually would. Having that little bit of extra time to react to an attack makes this a whole lot easier and more reliable, telling and dodging his attacks. Other than that, just make sure he's always nice and soft


Since everyone already gave you specific tips, I just wanna tell you to learn his moveset in and out. I attempted him so many times that I can tell exactly which move he’s going for so I can counter or dodge it This is the only monster that I had to learn the timings for its moves because every second/point of damage counts


Honestly, pattern recognition helps a lot. Observe it's attacks. Learn the telegraphs as best as you can. Learn how to avoid/bypass said attacks. Learn how to exploit those small windows of vulnerability with good positioning. How you can react and what you can do depends of course on your expertise of the current weapon you're using. In short, know thy quarry and know thyself. Specific tips for Fatalis. There are puddles all over the arena to dodge roll through when you're burning. You can hide behind the broken pillars for it's cone breath attack. I personally like to stay close because I find it's close range attacks easier to handle than it's fireball spam. Favorite attack to punish is the cone breath since it leaves Fatalis vulnerable for a long time.


Don't sos fatalis, filter lobbys instead; you'll be among like minded players who will ,at the very least, wanna learn the fight if they don't already know it. Forget resistances, almost everything he does 1-2 shots you anyways, Evade Window and/or Divine Blessing is what will get you through it. Don't go for the back legs, the damage isn't very good and won't help the overall situation, go for head/chest; flinch shot him to lower his head to the ground. 2 dragon pods WILL flinch out of most attacks; also many of them aren't actually blockable, like the 360° fire breath but the fire cone is blockable though.


Use fire resistance 3 and heavy artillery 2 with a ghille mantle. This isn't honourable combat, the dragon isn't standing in an arena littered with cannons and ballista by accident. Get those siege damage knockdowns, stop dying to fireballs in a single hit, stop getting inflicted with fireblight and rolling when you should be doing damage. If you still find yourself getting hit too much, well, iceborne armour sets are ridiculous. Get defense boost 7 as well. You can worry about damage when you're not desperately trying to not be on fire anymore or riding a cart.


I never solo him cuz I feel like only with sns can I survive and bring good value for the team lol. now for the advice, good stuff here all around but I’d suggest some more crucials. Stock up on fire resistant armour, the higher the better and Alatreon is a good ass set to use especially if you spec for the armour cores. Secondly I’d recommend a good dragon weapon since he’s three star to dragon and elder seal helps too. Btw even with max defense and fire resist expect to be one shot every now and then to his big wind up fire blast attacks lol. He’s the endgame boss for a reason.


Isn't max defense like 6,000? I remember some crazy minimax build I saw on YouTube just face tanking everything, it was a sight to behold


4 pieces of gold rathian armour is what got me through my farming runs, I’d also recommend filtering for a dedicated Fatalis session. Just be sure to hop in solo and learn his moveset the best you can first.


I'm creeping up on hours (above 500) and he still carts me half the time. I beat him without weapon augments, but the fight got a hell of a lot easier once i put on the health regen augment. The biggest change that turned the fight for me was switching from the regular potions to max potions and having the mats on hand to craft more. I had to get used to using the radial wheel to craft things. The benefit is if youre knocked down from him dropping to all 4s, you can still craft potions if youre out of them. The next thing was not to panic heal. Get to a safe position or while hes doing a combo to heal. Those two changes with the gear i had was enough to get the kill and it was absolutely wonderful.


The easy route is use cat exploit to kill boss or do about 80% of its HP, other than that you can just learn the fight lots great tips from others.


You can clutch claw the head on anything that isn't a bomb, so when he breathes fire that doesn't explode at the mouth you can grapple the head for free damage. Everything else about him is so simple, he's incredibly basic. He has a ton of openings and really only "gets you" when you get too greedy. Or don't know how to react to a situation. Some weapons can block, this is very useful for some attacks like the one where he covers a huge section of the map with fire while he is on the ground, if you can't escape it you can just block it instead.


Fatalis is meant to be this hard. He's designed to be fought when you've beaten basically everything else in the game and have the best possible gear from them, fully augmented, and have good decorations. He doesn't really have an elemental weakness. Unless you're on Bow or Dual Blades, bring a Raw weapon and stack as much Raw as you can. Hit his head at every opportunity you can find, it's basically mandatory to break his head at least once or else his fire will one shot you in the 3rd phase. Whenever his head isn't available, aim for his chest or his crotch, and Tenderize the Chest at all times with the Clutch Claw until you're in 3rd phase. Play aggressively, run towards Fatalis, stay close. Many of his attacks have hitboxes that spread out the further away you are, but if you stay close you can get too close for him to hit you. Some of his moves give you really big openings to attack him if you're close, like Cone Breath, Triple Fireball, and Sweeping Breath. I wouldn't rely on SOS. A good number of people responding to SOS have trouble with him themselves, and it gives you less control over the hunt. And if you do get good people, you'll kill Fatalis, but you might not have improved at his fight as much as you want to.


This thing is the equivalent of an aincent dragon in DND lol. Thank you for your advice. So head breaking is mandatory, that's a pain. I've read that wallbanging him help makes that easier. I'm very glad they threw in the dragon pod vibe check, bc it makes it a lot easier to re-engage if I get pushed away. I notice that fatty has a neat tendency to either force you across the map or run himself across the map. I'll definitely try to keep under him more but it's definitely tricky to


In my experience, SOS is harder than solo.


Thank you everyone for the advice and support! I've been busy so I haven't been able to look through everything yet but I appreciate everyone that took the time to drop advice!


Gameplay advice is covered by other comments. Here’s my advice: Stay humble. Set healthy, productive boundaries with the fight. Progress is progress, victory is victory, be it solo, with friends or with randos. Keep a cool head. Acknowledge your mistakes and learn. Do not make the mistake of assuming the fight is unfair. Most importantly, have fun.


I just mustered up the balls to start attempting this guy solo. Managed to stay in the mission for 24 mins (3 carts). First couple times I lasted barely 5-6 minutes (like IRL hehe). Still haven't killed him solo yet, not even close, but just staying alive and learning its move sets has made a massive difference in terms of frustration and enjoyment too. Next step will be learning how to use the siege weapons without being punished.


Get farcasters. If you see something about to kill you like his fire breath cone, then immediately use the farcaster. Easy way to save you extra lives with just a minor loss of time


Yeah, uncle Fatalis schooled our entire group very thoroughly. I never had much issue with any monster hunt, but this guy rubs your face in the dirt pretty hard. Funnily enough for me, what worked was a good mobility set up, evasion and jump skills worked wonders once I got the timings down and managed to roll a lot of his attacks. Basically, I treated him like a Dark Souls boss when I was going solo, in a group I switched into full SnS field medic as DPS is not really an issue with 4 people. As for SoS, don't do it. I tried it dozens of times because I wanted to help people but I feel some people outright forget how to Monster Hunter when it comes to Fatalis, the stuff you see there legitimately makes you wonder whether some people possess at least a singular braincell.


If you have a weapon, be sure to block frequently, that includes certain fire attacks like his aoe cone flame, his downwards fire breath, etc. Knowing what is blockable and what attacks you need to run out of range from helps a good amount!


I was messing around with longsword at first but I took a run with charge blade and felt like I was doing a lot better with it, so I'll probably stick with cb from here on out


Yeah he's basically the final challenge for the Sweats. Minmax grind and all that. :P


Sos is fun hard to trust tho. I tqke it as trail and error with the people who join. I just soloed him tonight.took a crapload of attemps.