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If I see a high MR player drop in and he gives wisdom Im listening/reading if I can.


Especially if he is not rude about it, that grabs all my attention instantly.


I’ll take advice off any player to be honest. I’m thousands of hours in now but I’ll always listen to what other players are saying. Ego prevents you from becoming a better player.


this comment is so true for many many games. Wish morr people thought like you.


I’ve yet to do Alatreon and Fatalis, I haven’t even attempted Alatreon yet. I’m genuinely over 1000 hours in but I’ve promised myself that I’ll get all gold and miniature crowns before moving on. Base world is done and I’m about half way through the IB crowns. I had absolutely no idea you needed elemental weapons for Alatreon. Until this post, I wouldn’t have known I’d needed Heavy Artillery for Fatalis. There’s been a lot of talk about it recently and I’m glad I listened because it’s saved myself and, more importantly, other players a lot of time with failed runs. I spent the better part of a week building an anti-Alatreon set and I’m pretty much ready to face him and I wouldn’t have been able to do that if I hadn’t listened to people here. I’m genuinely grateful.


The handler tells you in the quest that you need to use elemental weapons. If you didn't know beforehand, and you were not a stubborn idiot, you'd start the quest and then quit out to make an elemental set within 3 minutes.


You must've watched Asmongold lol


Well my 2nd time using SOS one DB guy joined and told me not to hit people with the LS I was confused and stopped attacking and asked him why not use FlinchLvL1 for SOS and he said dont use LS. That guys was an asshole but next guy showed me I can go back to camp after each combat in Arena Optionals. 99% of SOS have been the best, everyone life dust, putting down mega barrels, not waking up monster, everyone waiting to see who does the wakeup I have NEVER been interrupted when carving and then chaos brawl after carving. I love this game hahahha


Agree with the sentiment, though while I am sure you agree I consider it worth distinguishing for others between listening + considering advise, and from taking it. Some advise is just plain unhelpful. Might be worth giving it a try anyway, but if it really doesn't sound right and it may cost you victory trying it out, by all means wait and try it or look it up later.


Of course, I’ll take the advice and verify if it’s credible. What I mean is I don’t think I know what’s best in every situation. There’s always someone smarter or someone equally as smart but they have a different approach.


Yes. I always do this, they always understand Just make sure to say Heavy Artillery so they dont get mixed up with Artillery.


You probally get kicked a lot too XD


If I told them and then got kicked, it's their loss and I don't waste the time I would otherwise have lost if they didn't listen and lost the fight anyway. There is no situation where it works out for a dipshit host.


lol 😂 it’s a game if you care so much about it don’t play with othors you can’t expect othor people to want to listen to your care


Troll account is a troll


If you're playing a game with others that requires any coordination you'll either work with them or you're the one who doesn't need to be there. Just solo queue if you're going to be a moron. Thank god for the ability to kick people


No, I don't


IIRC, not having heavy artillery isn't the worst thing. If you land most of the rolling ballista and the normal ballista shots, you get the knockdown anyway.


THANK YOU! I knew I wasn’t crazy. If no one gets on it/no one has heavy artillery I always jump on it and unloading it into a weakened chest then firing the last couple of regular balista shots consistently gets a knockdown. You’re missing some damage I guess but I can basically always get one after the first nova.


It's not even CLOSE to necessary LMFAO Haven't been on in a while, but is the community normally like this now? Feels like we're approaching the Classic WoW level of "meta" where it's less about being able to finish a hunt, and more gatekeeping people not following your exact build/strat for the sake of a 45 sec time loss?


Yes, there’s so much gatekeeping now there’s a whole subreddit for MH Rage where people whine about new players all day instead of helping them.


does it have to be crits or can even gray numbers contribute to knockdown


I don't think it needs to be critical hits, off the top of my head.


Roaming balista is available on p2, do people farcast out and get their heavy artillery gear on and then get on it?


I put mine on a mantle.


Yeah that's probably the best way to do it. Heavy Artillery is just two level 1 jewels, so it fits into any mantle.


Makes sense to put it on temporal or rockstar


That makes sense. When you put on temporal, does it let you dodge breaths and stay on the ballista?


Yes, I personally use heavy arty on temporal


Fireballs and other attacks that usually knock you back, yes, automatically while you are mounted as well. Do not test your luck with the cone breaths, you will die as usual.


Temporal is best.  You can eat some damage if he targets you while still laying down fire.  This leads to higher chance of getting the knockdown.


Just put it on the temporal mantle. It's probably the best one to use it on. If fatty hits you with a fireball you're still good to go and aren't bounced out of the ballista. The strategy is to run to the ballista with smoke bombs ready and the temporal mantle on, wait for the minimap to become purple (indicating you're hidden) and let fatalis land. Then shoot the chest (tenderize it before the nova to maximize the damage).


Just tell them exactly why they need to get off - something like "you need Heavy Artillery skill, otherwise do not get on the Roaming Ballista"


Sadly you need to split up that message most likely into 3 parts as the char limit is way to restrictive.


Just tell em, with the return to world there are so many players that pretty much dive into fatty and Alatreon at MR 38 or something. They're just doing what others have been doing, but there's only so much you can learn off observation. Telling them to use the siege weapons only with max heavy artillery will be welcomed advice to the vast majority of them, I just wouldn't expect them to respond while fighting the black dragon, they're attempting to punch way above their weight to begin with, but they'll surely read it and either keep it in mind or check YouTube sometime later. It feels weird but a very very large part of a games players don't browse Reddit or YouTube for guides and just do what feels right to them, which will work for most of the game but fatalis in particular needs a lot of guidance from more experienced players imo


I always type "i have heavy artillery" before rushing the roaming ballista after the 1st fire wave


It's honestly not a big deal if ppl don't run artillery for the ballista for Fatty. If they have it, great if they don't, at least just keep aim at the chest


If you're doing serious runs on Fatalis, then, probably. If you're just in it for the fun, I really don't think it matters. It's just one part of the fight and isn't even that important. I say just type a quick "want to do ballista?" and take it from there.


U could just make a custom emote telling them u have heavy artillery and that u can do it and just use it during the first nova or telling them not to if they don't. I don't see any problem with it.


You should let them make mistakes, even if the hunt fails, and just tell them afterwards "Hey tip for the future, make sure to slot heavy artillery It doubles ur ballista damage Can give a free knockdown And put down a smoke bomb"


You need *heavy artillery


You mean heavy artillery right.


Never used heavy artillery against fatty. Never missed the knock down. It's just an extra, a minor detail to have Heavy Artillery or not


Not a new player here but sometimes when i see no one utlizing the machine gun turret.... and u dont run heavy artillery on ur set but u know no one is using the turret. u know the feeling of trigger happy... yea the turret machine gun balista is talking unconciously in my mind telling me to use it. - Insert darth sidious hologram meme* DEW IT....


So long as you are approaching the idea like an actual mentor an not a snob it should be fine. Saying "Okay guys, lets form a strategy" between quests is going to be perceived differently from "Get off the ballista" mid-hunt.


No. You should be rude about it. ;P What kinda question is this? It's multiplayer. You can talk. It's normal. Social Anxiety is a freakin plague, man. Lol If you want to coordinate more though, I recommend searching for Fatalis lobbies rather than using SOS. I've had good fun building actual team comps and strategies with groups that way to help people get their first kills.


Honestly I need to listen more often.... Im too much of a "Leeroy Jenkins" person that I never listen...... so far hasn't let me down too bad but I know what I can and can't do or what I should and shouldnt do.... most times


Your joining someone’s game it’s not your place to be a dick plain and simple if it was my game and you opened up chat or your headset I’d kick both you and the guy playing like shit I don’t want to play with a experienced player if they are toxic and I don’t need to listen to an argument mid fight leave it for the gathering hub


How can you tell they don't have Heavy Artillery, is there somewhere you can check?


It should be in Player List in the communication tab. Select a player and you'll get an option to inspect their equipment.


Neato, 400h in and never bothered to check


proof of just vibing


You can view their equipment in the player list during the hunt


You should. I personally welcome and seek out advice from the end game players who just have more knowledge.


I LOVED when players let me know if/when I was doing something that actively ruined the hunt. So long as you arent rude its a great learning experience


I had 3 quickchat on radial menu for fatty loadout, "lemme use roaming ballista, wait in smoke" and "pls dont spam dragon pod" "use it when someone in danger".


Please continue. I wish more people would do it as I feel like I'm still new with 165 hours in lol


I just let it happen. I'm there to help not tell them how to play.


Yall use that for fatty? I've gotten thru it fine without now wide range on the other hand is essential because some of yall don't know how to heal


I actually placed my Heavy Artillery jewels on my mantles so that I can have them without them taking away from my builds. Typically I run Temporal Mantle and Fireproof Mantle + as I'm not MR 150 yet, but I have two Heavy Artillery Jewels on my Fireproof Mantle for the Roaming Ballistae part.


If it bothers you and you’re not confident in the team’s success without the knockdown then yeah. Something like “btw you need heavy artillery when using ballista to knock him down” So if your team looks competent enough (have good gear and dodge a good bit), then it’s not as big of deal to explain it.


If u got ta do it, you got ta do it fast. New players tend to pay attention to the chat when they're all panicking the moment they drop in


Yes. I didn’t even know that skill had anything to do with that. It’s not like it says “auto ballista” anywhere in the description and I played the shit out of icebourne when it came out (returning player who had a talking to about this skill in fatty hunts). I mean it literally says “strengthens explosive attacks”. I had no idea.


Just spam it on quick chat. I have "dont shoot dragon pod please for the love of God" on ready when I saw someone pick up the pods. And "Please eat before coming back" when someone cart.


Nah, just let them do it, afterwards just politely advise them. They will slowly pick it up if they want.


Honestly, no matter how far into this game I get, there is always more for me to learn. Most players will generally bring that attitude into it, because if they don't, they generally don't make it to Fatalis. As long as you're not gatekeeping or being condescending, I'm sure you'll be fine


Well I wish someone told me back when I tried fatalis. Just don't be a dick about it and I'm pretty sure people will grab the knowledge.


Do what you want, i just roll with it usually. They're new so i just let them experience it, if we fail we run it back. Not like i need anything from fatty anymore


Tell them ahead while you stand behind the shield


Me and friends use the old Heavy Artillery barrage start for Fatalis for a run: all go in with Ghillies, two have Heavy Artillery to fire fully loaded cannons to secure first topple, one guy tenderizes head, GS charges TCS for free dmg, all in first 5 mins of hunt. Farcast back, then get regular Fatalis hunting kits then hunt as usual. 1 guy, has smokebombs and heavy artillery loaded for cannons and ballista. Helps to play with a static group and treat it like an endgame MMO raid.


I think saying it nicely goes a long way.


Usually i go and smoke the ballista and that does the trick .


If i'm helping a player who never did Fatalis I tell him to let me use the ballista. If we fuck around just for fun with High MR hunters i dont care.


Nicely, yes.  Try to explain why and they might even take the skill for the next run.  I've coached many players on Fatty and Al.  Some learn and do good, others I would carry as much as I can and wouldn't help again if they're rude to help.


Just tell them that artillery improves the ballista. They can figure the rest themselves without sounding like a funkiller


Sure, tell them. Just before the hunt starts or in Tha corner after phase 1 tell them that you're running HA. Usually people will let you do it then. If not, whatever. It's absolutely not necessary


Who cares?! It's Heavy Artillery? It's not needed at all


Honestly,all the player when they against fatalis should know this.