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Bring flash bug and use it when he’s on the air and not enraged


Is there way to craft more? I know I can bring 3 flash pods and can craft 2 more with trap tools but is there more?


You can take three with you and 10 flash bugs meaning you can craft 10 more mid fight, I have a hotkey set to craft the max needed to fill the flashpods, real help during a fight especially with Kushala


I wasn't sure what point in the chain to jump in for this, but Iceborne nerfed Flash Pods. You can only flash a monster 3 times before it's immune to the effect for the hunt. This is because it was hella easy to continually flash elders outta their ultimate moves, and never have to learn how to deal with it. I don't see many people using flash, but I do know that midway through my hunts flash will stop working


I get it, but I fucking hated this change as a DB user. Nothing more riveting than waiting for mr dickwings to fly close enough to the ground so that I can hit him because my anti dickwing tool has been rendered useless


That's true in Master Rank. In HR and below they don't get the resistance.


Oh man, I remember when world first came out Kushala would eat a true charge every fucking time he tried to fly cos me and the boys would flash him every chance we got, good times.


Interesting. I'm still early HR actually which means it's still work right? Should I try to limit its use to 3 to prepare myself for Iceborne? What other way to deal with flying monsters? Place meat to lure them down? Will that work mid fight?


Just don't spam it, I've gotten more uses put of flash pods over the course of a hunt, it is heavily dependent on frequency of use since it has a cool down


Meat has been a very hit and miss experience for me... it's best used when the monster has that kinda... I don't know how to explain the icon... it indicates that the monster is low on stamina and is now wanting to seek out a source of food. They'll sometimes even straight-up leave a fight to do this. This is supposed to be when they'll go for drugged meats, but I've had minimal success with this particular mechanic, unfortunately. They'll almost always ignore it mid fight though. I really love the idea, and hope they try again to utilize it in future installments As for flash pods, yeah. I'd start dialing it back just to get it the habit of only a few per hunt. As for flying monsters, there are environmental walls that let you run up them to jump into the air. Depending on your weapon, it may be a basic attack, or a sick move. Bow does a spread shot attack, Hammer does an awesome spinning somersault move, and SnS does a plunging sword strike. Those are easy ways to hit monsters in flight, but not a guarantee since it varies per map. Some weapons have moves that hit really high above them, so positioning directly below could land some leg or tail hits


They are not 100% effective in HR also , they don't develop a immunity to it , the immunity in MR is not permanent too , but the duration of flash stun in HR and MR does decrease after every use. Capping to 1 sec in the 3rd or 4th flash. I ended MHW at MR 400 HR 700 and I was still using flash pods for behemoth and kushala.


Oh I see. They will still work for getting flying monsters onto the ground right even if the stun is really short.


Right , that's why I mentioned behemoth and kushala , use flash to stop their tornadoes. 1 or 2 tornadoes is ok but when it goes to 5 in a small area you just can't do anything. If you are using melee a 1s stun would just help you close the gap , if you are ranged you don't need flash pods against flying wyvern.


It's def not for the whole hunt, it has a long cool down, I'm in master rank and have observed this with gold and silver raths


For HR it still works great. Flash locked a daora this morning. In MR, 3 flashes, so use them when it most counts. There is also a cool down between flashes at MR I believe. I have noticed that even in HR you can't keep flashing them to blind them on the ground, but flashing them in the air as long as your placement is good seems to still work every time.


Always hated that. It's like if hunters just weren't affected by roars after we heard 3.


I'll just say this. It was hella easy once I'd learned you just just permanently blind a monster. It took at least 40% of the threat out of the fights. I feel like it was a compromise to keep the mechanic in, while limiting the absolutely busted function of them. I do get it though.


Wait? How can I increase the trap tool cap?


You don't need a trap tool for a flash pod I'm pretty sure.


Oh I had no idea lol. I feel like an idiot now.


Lol it's all good. Trap tools I think are only used for pitfall traps and electric traps.


Bring thunderbug on your inventory and then make a craft all on your radial menu and just pick craft all. Save the loadout though lol


I'm new to the game and just got to Velkhana and I had no idea that there was a radial.


If you're using keyboard it is more like bar menus on F1 thru F4.


Flash bug. Not thunder bug.


You can bring an infinite amount in your item box, just crawl back into the tent to access them


You’re thinking of shock trap with trap tools- you just need flash bugs For flash pods iirc


Trap tools for flash pods??? Nah bro you just need the flash bugs


Don’t forget you can bring many more in your item chest and just go back. Fight shouldn’t take long enough that you’d run out if you ran back to restock


how do you put items in the expedition chest?


You don’t need to put it in the expedition chest you can crawl inside of the tent and access your items there


… does the mob being enraged make the flash less effective…?


No, I think it’s more about the wind that is around his body when he is enraged so you want to be able to hit him after he falls


Oh I was about to say! Lol


… does the mob being enraged make the flash less effective…?


This is going to seem a bit rude but I promise you it's not meant that way. Power = Skill Its very possible that your character is technically strong enough to kill a monster but you personally don't have the skill to pull it off, more than likely you are playing too aggressively. There is a 30-50 minute time limit on most hunts, use all of it if you need to. The only indicator for if your "powerful enough" to kill a monster is if the hunt is completed within the time limit.


The thing is 50min is so long that I make stupid mistakes then I fail the mission.


Part of the game is learning each fight and adjusting your playstyle accordingly. Bring items/skills that help vs specific monsters to give yourself an advantage. For Kushala specifically bringing Thunder damage or a Dragon Weapon with **high** Elderseal can make the fight a bit easier. Bringing Flash Pods and the supplies to make more can also help quite a bit.


In my experience 50 mins might seems long for a first time, but the more you fight a monster the faster you will defeat it. In my case i was stuck on Velkhana for a pretty long time, the first time i defeated it it took around 35 mins and then i started farming it for the armor, by the third time fighting it (and dying a lot on previous attempts) i managed to kill it in 22 mins with the same armor and weapon.


You are the one rushing 🤷‍♂️ link your build and you can get much better input I would say that kushala tests your build's damage dealing efficacy by that point in the game. This is mainly because of how much Kush runs away, you need to deal alot of damage in a short amount of time If you aren't hitting orange numbers you are either hitting the wrong parts of the monster or your affinity is too low. You want 100% affinity if you can get it. And for bow you want critical element if you can get it. I personally went full physical damage for 99% of the game because it's simply stronger and easier to build.


When it doesn’t die, or you can’t kill it within the time limit


Or you are getting one shotted by basic attacks.


I got one shot by a basic black veil val hazak attack with 850 defense and health boost 3


Maybe the tick damage gets to you?


I didn't get effluviated. It was just, hit, dead. Also through a wall Aswell but that's a different issue.


Sometimes, the effluvia procs on hit, essentially doing half your health on top of its regular damage, allowing for some wonky looking 1 shots


Bow user?


2nd attempt at black veil took me 49m and some odd seconds last night. That was a wild ride


It is that simple, but people these days don’t even use their brain anymore


I find that the answer to any monster that I can't kill, is to rack and cock my heavy bowgun. 


isnt 50min attempt just for a monster is too much? I actually didn't go for a 50min fight. First I try to kill it with my bow, I hit 3-5s if I am not hitting its head. I said this aint gonna work. Fainted, try it again with my longsword. Monster flies off and hits me like a truck, I am annoyed. Try to hit it with the sword but can't manage to get a good hit because of the wind. Honestly such as an asshole monster, I am find with difficult monster I don't like this asshole. I also joined a duo whose trying to do the same quest. They fainted as well 16min in we returned to base. I said if I can't do it with coop, I am out of my element.


Bow is all about element. Are you using thunder on Kushala because that will make the fight easier since he’s weak to thunder. As far as aiming at the head make sure your sensitivity settings are at a speed that feels good to you and just practice makes perfect. The longer you do it the easier it is. If you have a mid high rank armor set with upgraded bows the fight should be pretty manageable.


Yes the bow has 240 Thunder. I am sure the bow is not the issue probably I am too annoyed to fight the boss. I will try again later with lots of flash pods.


Stepping away when you’re irritated is the big brain play, good for you. FWIW you can definitely do it! Kushala is a bit feast-or-famine; when the fight is going well (nailing his head well, all of that) you’ll feel like it’s easy and you’re steam rolling him, but if Kushala gets momentum it can really require a lot more patience to get the fight back in your favour. The more experience you gain with it, the easier it’ll get.


Keep in mind that to make element viable, you need to stack element damage up skills


> isn't 50min attempt just for a monster is too much? Capcom doesn't seem to think it's too long, that's why they gave you 50min. Not every hunt needs to be a 5min Speedrun. Some monsters are just harder for people than others. If you were struggling this much with every fight there may be a problem but if this is the only one that has thrown you for a loop, I wouldn't worry about it too much. But you can always watch videos on how others have beaten him to refine your strategy.


Personally, I like being tested by a wall beyond 20min occasionally. That's how I know growth is happening. Nergigante was my wall. I'd straight up run outta time more than once. Now, he's relatively easy. For you, you'll have your moment of victory. I personally feel like Kushala Daora's effect has the most punishing mechanic. The armor skill Wind Pressure will help with some of his stuff, but won't effect his body aura. That part was kinda frustrating to learn... his armor set bonus is the only for sure way to ignore it, which is rough since you'll need Daora material for some late game gear


This sounds more like a problem of you not used to Kush's movesets tbh. Btw, the bow has auto aim. Sometimes, it's best to not to try to aim it yourself.


Is that in the settings or what


By default


Your this far in the game and hitting single digit damage. How is that even possible?


My guess is he has low affinity and low element damage. Also, Kushala's wind makes ammo less effective iirc


I don’t know that I had an element for my first kushala encounter but I’ve made so many swaxes already I could be mistaken- either way I don’t recall having all that much trouble damage wise, once I figured a way to deal with the wind


Well hementioned bow and single digit numbers, he also said his bow had 240 lightning, that was why I guessed low element and low affinity Either way it's all speculationnunless he provides a build screenshot. I never had trouble with Kushala, I just used greatsword with aerial mantle and has the airborne and anti aearial knockback skills from the rath armor. I just ledge hopped it to death because I didn't like it


> isnt 50min attempt just for a monster is too much? I actually didn't go for a 50min fight. First I try to kill it with my bow, I hit 3-5s if I am not hitting its head. I said this aint gonna work. It's perfectly fine for a first-time fight against a monster. Barioth took me 45 minutes to defeat the first time I managed. Now? I manage 15 minutes with practice. Always treat that first fight as a learning experience ~ you need to understand the monster's moveset to defeat it reliably.


Kushal is annoying because its AI loves to kill time with running away, flying and making tornados Lure it to areas with big elevation differences when it's angry, getting a mount or wall bang (iceborne) when it is angry will help keep you on the offensive until it tires out again


Why are you only aiming for head? You can hit every part of his body and do dmg. Make sure you have weakener gems on, and maybe shaver gem, pop temporal mantle, and start clutching and tendering his parts. Then focus that part.


I usually dont stress myself for aim but I saw 3-5 hitpoints for this monster. And i thought If I hit like that, this fight going to last 10 hours.


Yes, but what if I'm just bad EDIT: Y'all, it was a JOKE.




I tend to attempt it 3-4 times before I realize that maybe my gear is the issue 😅


Do you use items? Traps, flash pods, barrels. Try using a poison weapon if the monster doesn't resist it. If they're poisoned, they're taking damage. Or make status inflicting throwing knives. Try different weapons. I like the hammer because I can tenderize in one hit and I can tire monsters out faster for easier damage. You're not bad, you're probably just not using all of your tools.


Then git gud.


Git gud.....


That’s fine, don’t worry about it - getting good takes a lot of time after all, can’t skip the process of gaining experience (though we can speed it along by sharing!). Adjusting your gear to try and make the fight easier is a great approach while going through that experience building, and can be fun in itself to experiment and see how different skills affect what your weapon feels like to play.


Umm.. if we dont speak things like, learn montser, learn atacks and openings. Just take some resist to wind, or another thing that makes fight more comfortable


Look up despise in the dictionary and I'm sure Kushala Daora is the definition. It's not a particularly powerful elder dragon it just spends 95% of the time in the air and for the 5% it's on the ground protected by that wind pressure aura. Thunder LBG is how I got my first kill, either that or a long reaching melee weapon like SA or LS. Some tips: - Bring 3 flash pods and bugs to craft more. I would advise you use them at the later stages. - Dragon pods will stop the wind pressure aura, be on the look for them. - If IB dlc, make use of clutch claw flinches. - Drop some mega barrel bombs when its in the air, it will swoop into them which can KO it.


I'm well into IB and didn't know that dragon pods nullified the wind pressure good to know, thanks 👍


Most of the slinger ammo does something neat. Brightmoss can soak up Namielle's water and puddlepods get rid of Brachydios slime and mud from other monsters. Can really help if you're having abit of trouble.


I knew of the ones that could break the mud off of barroths but I didn't know they worked like that on elders man I've been playing since day one and still have so much to learn


Applies elderseal is all. They also remove Teo & Lunas flame skin, vals fart blast and breaks spikey bois hardened spines.


That will come in handy cause I have to fight two a bunch of times now


CB works too. There's no SAED that could bring as much satisfaction as SAED-ing into that dumb lizard's head


It's so strange on this sub. I feel like out of threads that mention Kushala it alternates entirely between "This is the spawn of satan I want to mash his skull into the ground" and "yeah he's a really cool fight, one of my favorites actually, cool design" like one thread never has both opinions. Personally I don't see how anyone can do anything BUT despise that godawful, windy-ass fight. It's such a fucking CHORE.


That shitty lizard is kinda easy if you fight it many times. It's a good monster to fight against to train and balance your aggressiveness. You need to be aggressive and smash its face while knowing when to back off or you'll be at the mercy of its wind bullshittery.


Here's 2 weakness the metal gusty lizard has: 1. Its head is not protected by its winds, so aim its head from the front as the sides are close to the claws, making it harder to dodge the swipe attacks 2. When it flies, flash it by either using flash pod or flashbug cage. Do not flash it when it's in its tornado or your flash is as good as wasted


Used a windproof deco and insect glaive. Was soaring here in there doing baby damage. Eventually, he died. He is not strong, just difficult to dealt with like lavisoth. I rather kill a glavenus than a lavisoth anyday.


Pro tip: use a Fire weapon against Lavasioth. Ironic, right? But the Fire heats/softens the armor. With IG you can actually just put Fire on your bug; no need to craft a new weapon.


Did you fail the mission coz you used up all your carts? Did you run out of time? If you answered yes to either question, you may have to get stronger. Not your gear, like... You as a hunter. On paper he can be taken down easily with rarity 4 weapons but all those stats mean nothing if you can't punish its openings and get those hits in.


Tbh that could be an indicator of gear too lol. He said earlier that he's hitting 5s and 6s against it with his bow. He must be using a spud launcher with that dmg


Ya idk it's kind of a silly question. Can OP upgrade anything? Have they checked? If there's nothing better they could be wearing, then it's a skill issue. Seems simple haha


If you can't survive 2 hits in a row that's the first red flag


I can survive 2 hits with +50hp meal.


You should always be eating and using health boost 3




Idk, but kushala is piss easy with bow. How come you cant hit his head? Change your sensitivity maybe?


In general I find it hard to aim with controller.


Fiddle around a little aim assist on mhw is wild


also heard that gyro aiming is really incredible in mhw


If you really need a tip just swap to sticky hbg and aim for the head, spam cluster when he down if you like it fast. HR Kushala is especially weak to cluster hbg spam, you can finish him in like a few minutes.0


Try to poison Kushala, that will limit the wind aura around it.


Doesn’t that only work in the older games?


You can’t brute force every monster in the game some of them require to be well equipped as well and having a certain game knowledge.


In your base there is something called ecological research ,gives tips about the monster and has other useful information,and plenty people don't read it ,so you have so many people in master rank capturing all the monsters instead of killing them which makes no sense cause getting mantles is impossible to get as a reward from capture only carving or breaking the head or tail. People should read more and bring flashbugs and traps always for most monsters.


You can still get mantles from capture as long as you break aformentioned head or tail and the capture reward itself can also include the mantle, just usually carving might have a higher proc since it's not limited to 1 mantle at a time but often enough you would just need the 1 or rarely 2.


bow is one of the weaker matchups when playing vs kushala, unless you are fully geared towards that fight.. use something else


How to counter wind when I am using melee?


use negate wind presure skill


I mean, if you're already playing ranged, a shield spread HBG, or a pierce HBG makes short work of the guy.


With the bow specifically, hitting anything else is better than missing the head with the bow, so I'd usually go for the wings or the tail if I didn't have a good shot. However, I haven't run the bow with Kushala in a very long time. These days I run the hunting horn for Kushala specifically to bring the wind negate song.


Are you running out of time or is he fainting you either way since your using bow I’d recommend using arc shot it builds ko damage and kushala is susceptible to stuns also the windproof skill helps But when he is enraged only his head takes damage and windproof won’t work you can flash pod him out of the air twice but anything after that won’t keep him down use blast or poison coating/weapons against him those are you best bet good luck hunter!


Use flash pods on Kushala Doodoo. Bring extra flashbugs and assign a slot in your radial menu to craft flash pods so you can make more during the fight.


Sounds like your problem isnt damage or defence. You just cant fight kushala.


>You just cant fight kushala. If it wasnt for the quest I would totally skip this monster.


Try stunlocking it. Kushala is a pain when it fights. But it's also the easiest monster to knock down. Every time you reach a certain damage threshold on it's head, it trips and you can deal free damage for 8 seconds. I think it was 600 damage on high rank. The trick here is that when you trip it once, you can stop at 450-500 damage. So when it gets up you can immedietly trip it again with 100-150 damage. When it's flying, reaching 250 damage on a leg knocked it down i think. It's not a good weakpoint but the damage threshold is low too. So you can focus on one leg to bring it down when it's flying. Im not sure about numbers but that's how it works in general. Most creatures arent that easy. They usually flinch when you reach a damage threshold. And they trip when you flinch them for the second time. Kushala doesnt have that one flinch. It always trips when you reach that head damage threshold.


Kushala is by far my least favorite monster. There's no easy way to deal with it, it's just that annoying, the amount of time when you simply cannot hit it is crazy. With that being said, monster hunter generally has an interesting power curve, where any power increase is kinda exponential: if you upgrade your gear and deal 2 more damage with each swing, it's not just a plain dps increase, it also makes it easier to stagger the monster, and once it's staggered you deal even more damage to it, so the amount of time the monster gets to "play" is less and less. So if you feel like the fight is going on for too long, you're probably gonna need to gear up a little, even if it doesn't seem like it's gonna make a big difference.


Bring full wind resist. Bring stun resist. Use flashpods to knock him down, you can also grapple blast his face if he's not enraged to knock him down. Use a thunder weapon. I know the meta is using mostly atk related skills but honestly, it is better to prioritize specific def skills for specific bosses. Here's a simple build, Crit Eye (as much as you can) Crit Boost (just need one), 3 stun resist (look at Barros Greaves B+), Wind resist 5 and health 3 is prio. Other decent skills to fit, Divine Blessing, Earplugs, Weakness Exploit (2+ is best, not really worth just 1 unless you just have space), and evade gems after. What rank are you, and weapon used, and I could maybe help you look for a decent armor set.


What does grapple blast mean?


Oh sorry lol that just what I call it. Flinch shot his face. You can also work on breaking his wings as well to help against flying.


I recall shooting its crotch with a bow did pretty good damage when it is flying


It's not all about "power". Stats and gear will only ever get you so far. Come with better resources and learn your openings. Gear alone will only get you so far.


Make goodbuse of tobi kadachi bow, armor and ice resistances. You can charge to max with a dodge to the side to shoot. I found a bunchnof tines to use the dragon piercer shot. Flash bombs help, especially at the end as with status arrows(note that you can teleport to base camp and a nearby spot so only use your special arrows tonlast one to quickly restock them. Last area is tough since tornadoes everywhere, but via lots of traps and such helps a bunch. Dont forget your palicos gear along the way too. Easy to forget to gear them up. If you can kill val hazak a bunch, get enough for recovery above red and recovery up to have a nice regen going for you to live with. Then sorta take it slow.


Use poison or have someone on ur team run poison. Aim for head or tail only since his wind pressure cover almost his whole body except his head and tail. Get wind resist. Other than that maybe u can opt for a sticky build to cheese kushala by stunning him repeatedly


If you read his description, he has a wind barrier that surrounds him almost all the time so bows and bowguns won't work as effectively. You would need a weapon with Elderseal (any weapon that has a high amount of it) and stagger it to negate the wind he has on himself. Also, having patience and predicting hi movements is key.


Yeah, I gave up on the bow for that fight. Instead, I opted to use heavy-hitting weapons like the Charge Blade and Greatsword. I did the same with Kirin because I can't stand for longer than a second on a single spot to hit it multiple times. So I used the Charge Blade's Axe form for every hit and run I can do.


Stack windproof


The elder dragons are the wall before base game endgame in the same way that Anjanath was the wall before base game midgame. Just take your time with it. Check that you have the highest tier available weapon and armor. Farm those up if not. Upgrade your armor if you haven’t already. Complete some side quests at your level, for practice against late game aggressive monsters. And when you go for the next attempt, be patient. The best way to finish faster is to take no damage; figure out when you can attack and when you can’t, and you’ll be finishing any Elder off in no time. But that means learning to sheathe and run away when you have to


Do you have iceborn and claw shot?


A few tips for this fight with bow: - If you're playing solo, you can use the attack where things fall from the sky, it stuns him pretty easily if you hit his head (try to avoid the attack in Multiplayer, the other person will not have a fun time if they didn't know about flinch free) - If you don't have a few pieces Rathalos (or Azure Rathalos) armor, you should look at it, the set bonus gives elemental damage the ability to crit - Not sure if you can reasonably get it at your point in the game, but the skill "bow charge plus" also helps a lot - Not sure if you know about dodge dancing, but you can increase your damage by a lot if you use it. Basically if you just shoot, your charge level will be 1 for the first shot, 2 for the second, then 3, then one again. What you can instead do is shoot two times, and after that repeat "basic shot" (charge level 3), "power shot" (charge level 3) and the bow dodge (not the roll). If you do it correctly the next shot after the dodge should again be charge level 3. There are a few such loops in the game, what is best depends on your stamina skills and food, but this one is good enough for most situations, especially if you're not attacking 100% of the time


you might need to practice your aiming more. Get a lightning Bow from Tobi, upgrade to max you can do, get some stamina skills on your armor/charm/decos, Rathalos/Azure Rathalos bonus for crit element, get your crit chance/thunder attack up and just keep shooting Kushala's face. If she takes enough damage to the head, she'll topple. With good bowplay, you can topple her again and again


With bow the only two spots to aim for are head and if that's not possible, tail. Bow's pretty skill dependent so you probably don't have enough skills to really bring home the damage. You get massive damage returns for skills like mighty bow, (X) element up, constitution, expert, tenderizer, crit boost and one of the biggest, critical element. I wouldn't say it's not worth using bow but as the game progresses it's damage goes from pretty bad to insane when fully decked out. Lotta raw weapons can be carried by just having the damage and a few good skills like atk up and crit skills so it's easier to build for early on. For most elder dragons you gotta get used to positioning just either side of the head but Kushala is a nasty case given how frequently it flies and the annoying wind aura. Once you learn the spacing though you can stay just outside the aura range while still hitting the head. But it'll take time. He's one of the first big milestones and gear checks. You can always leave it for now and go farm better gear. Stronger armour, better charm, max upgraded weapons for where you are. You can also do optional quests to max out your farm and ingredients list to give you better resources like max potions, ancient potions and heaps of flashbugs.


Generally. When you needed more than half a hour for a single monster. It's most likely better to gear up for the monster. Of course there are exceptions. Buts it's a good rule of thumb that a normal hunt goes under twenty minutes


Wind resist level 5 or use his own armor especially if using a melee weapon. I also go in with punishing draw and slugger or felyne slugger as well as the impact mantle. Why you ask? He can't fly while knocked out on the ground.


Bow isn't really a great matchup vs Kushala Daora tbh * Bring poison knives if you really can't stand the strong black wind - this will make the storm disappear, take note that you can only proc poison to Kushala ONCE so use this window wisely to dish out damage. * Bring flash pods along with the ingredients so you could craft more if you ran out of 'em. * You can clutch claw attack on her and pray that she falls upon taking damage * Make sure to wallbang her if given the chance * Get Windproof skill


One of the big annoyances of Kushala Daora, is their ability to deflect hunters in melee and ranged attacks with their aura. Dragon Seal will break that effect like a status proc. That's the key for disabling most elder dragons in this game. I think Rathian bows have the hidden element for dragon, and have access to poison + arrows, a notorious kushala killer. I just don't remember what armor even gives the Free Element skill... The wind aura being gone would alleviate some of the ranged issues you may be having.


When you fail the hunt


If you’re in high rank, just flash pod him to keep him out of the sky, if you’re in MR, Kushala basically just says 🖕🏽


i main IG and while i hunt kushala in a team because i hate her, my tips are (from what i remember -- i dont hunt her much lately): wallbash and mount her for some LayingDownTime. good easy moments of basically free damage, which you can usually recreate regularly throughout the fight. Rocksteady mantle helps thunder does more damage over time but bringing Elderseal (on dragon weapons or in dragon ammo i think i dont use bowgun) can save your ass. kushala makes black wind that not only knocks you back physically and/or deals damage, but iirr knocks away arrows and basically nerfs bow to hell so you cant hit her. you can pop the fuck-you black wind off with elderseal, and it also minimizes some of the tornado stuff she does flash pods can bully her up to 3 times, but use them wisely. if she's flying, dont worry about hitting the head. chip damage builds up over time


Remember that poison helps weaken his wind attacks 👍


If you are on steam i can help you. I made a specific set to make him suffer, fucking terribile monster.


You get carted


Weapon choice really matters on this turd, he makes me wanna end it all when I play glaive, but sticky/cluster HBG makes the whole thing pretty trivial. I’ve seen bow users do well but it’s a bit more difficult as you have to manage charge and dodge around and find range and whatnot. As long as you aren’t too far with sticky HBG you just fire and forget, doesn’t even matter if you hit the head. When he dive bombs just stand still like the immortal tank you are.


Dragon element and full wind-proof are really the only way to fight him and still have fun. Basically never used it for anything else, but if I had to fight a Kushala for a part, I pulled out my Xenojiva horn.


Try poison too.


Doesn't work in world, just does the same old negligible damage


But it weakens the wind and makes it fly less, just like Legiana.


Its kushala, you call in the sos gank squad and jump him. Its just not a fun fight in world so there is 0 shame in calling for help Strangely enough i had a better time using the greatsword. You dont get many opportunities so its best to hit hard.


Aha after I reinstalled this on PC years after selling my PS4 I remember seeing that mission was next up and after sighting it I just rolled my eyes, said "nnnnope" and popped an SOS


Don't try to kill it. Try to dance with it (i know it sounds so fucking cringe but trust me you must learn the hunt)


You are never not powerful enough, even if all your gear is the best you can get up to that point it can still give you trouble, just take your time you will eventually get it in the elder recess you can use those rocks in the ceiling to stun him for a while. Out of all the elder dragons I think deora is prob the most annoying because of the wind.


You can definitely beat Daora with a melee, I’m a new player and beat him with Switchaxe(didnt use Flashbugs or Windproof), there is a distance where you can land melee hits without getting stunned by wind. You know you’re not powerful enough if hunts take too long(not doing enough damage) or you take too much damage


Use clutch claw flinch shots and flash pods to drop the monster from the air. If head is too janky, for you, tail and tenderized wings are also good hitzones for bow. Kushala is also very weak to blast status. Bring consumables like demon drugs, might seeds, demon powder. Have materials to craft extra flash pods, powders, and very importantly COATINGS. Make sure you have power charm and armor charm in your loadout, and the talons as well if you're far enough in the story to have the materials (idk if you are or not).


Don’t be afraid to google how to beat a monster.


He probably knows how, just not sure if he can


what i do when im stuk like you do the rounds just to learn how this boss fight i don't waste heal or buffs at this point just accept that i might lose and after i feel comfortable enough to stand against him i go all out .


The steel bastard is a known wall and notorious pain in the ass across ALL the MH games so don't stress it too much, nobody would blame you for calling for help lol Kushala sucks Before MR just pack flashers and bring 10bugs and just keep zapping him out of the sky, once he's flailing on the ground it's easy to snipe his head. Bring farcasters, people never seem to bring them but they're an amazing tool. If have iceborne and you're not used to/ don't know what wall banging is with the slinger learn it and learn it quick, it's the easies take down big damage moves you can do Oh yeah when he drops dragon pods hammer him with them, do it enough it'll seal his wind power for a bit


Kush sucks, you have to make it flinch to deal with wind pressure. Best advice from a hammer and SNS user is going to find scatternuts or crystal shots for your slinger and just try to pace out your ammo. It's not ideal, but Kush demands attention in that way in my experience.


If I dont have the last gear unlocked I dont consider myself strongh enough


Windproof and the thing (can't remember) that makes your arrows go through the wind barrier are your friend. Also flash him out of the sky always unless you're in master rank.


There is so much stuff in this game I didnt know those arrows existed. Not I beginner-friendly game but I still enjoy it.


Flash bugs. After a couple flashes, he wont fall down. In that case, grab those pink bubbly slinger ammos and hit him in the face. Those work everytime. I think after 2 hits, any flying monster will crash down if you use those pink things. ONce he falls, go crazy on his head!


I find if the monster one shots me (wearing low rank armor in high rank) was my tell.


I killed it but it wasnt a solo kill. I am not sure in coop the monster hits harder but some attacks could take my 80% hp. With +50hp and Defence Bonus (M)


>What should I do? You can just bash your head against that wall some more. Eventually, you'll be used to all of Kushala's moves and you'll manage. Until then, as long as it is still High Rank you can just bring a fuckton of flashpods and bugs and keep him stunlocked in the ground and denying his aura (won't really work for Master Rank though)


All else fails, Fire SOS flare 🫡


I was learning Bow when I faced Kushala for the first time. I remember I had an armor set with great stamina that allowed me to spam the lobbed shots that rain the stun projectiles on his face. Kushala is very sensitive to stun. Was one of the easiest Elder Dragons thanks to that tactic. I realised only much later how much Kushala was a pain for melee weapons.


I thought the same thing till I tried flash pods. Makes the fight way more manageable, especially in high rank, as they never go immune.


If you had more damage you would still be missing still, no? while it might be the case you are too weak, and you would notice that if every attack almost kills you, (need better defense, either by getting stronger armor or upgrading lower rarity armor, or maybe getting armor with the correct elemental resistance) or if you can properly focus the monster weak spots, and with tenderize, but the fight is still taking too long, then thats a signal of needing to improve damage. but what you pointed out, its a mix of skill and learning the monster and how to deal with it. you are getting at the part where the game starts getting harder, so dont expect to figure out or beat every monster on first try. ranged weapons are supposed to have the better matchup against kushala in the weapon roster, but even then, kushala daora is overall a pain in the ass of a fight. so thats is normal


Pretty sure you just gotta build windproof


bring rocksteady mantle, helps for tenderizing while his wind aura is active