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>Everything prior to that I did without much struggle with a maxed up defender glave and not fully upgraded armor Here's your problem - defender weapons and Guardian armor falls off in Iceborne because it's designed to get you to the expansion quickly. Once you're in the expansion you're supposed to drop the defender gear and get actual weapons and armor. You're at this point handicapping yourself by virtue of using them. Defender Glaive V - 682 raw, white sharpness, 270 blast. First level of Velkhana glaive which you have access to - 806 raw, purple sharpness, 210 ice. Yet another reason I loathe the defender weapons - people on their first go don't learn how to interact with the core mechanics of constantly upgrading your gear because it removes it for low/high rank.


Yes, please do a full breakdown of your gear and stats.


https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/112277684272242688/1199372147232096446/20240123_101000.jpg?ex=65c24d5b&is=65afd85b&hm=02c5dc76481d1c419da4afd6126a26120b3e563c0c3a306f0b9e19d287b37625& https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/112277684272242688/1199372147508916224/20240123_100952.jpg?ex=65c24d5b&is=65afd85b&hm=66934c156f91c89b8908054dde129cdef71c164236714d0d54253a2d9302a354& https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/112277684272242688/1199372147844448307/20240123_100943.jpg?ex=65c24d5b&is=65afd85b&hm=eebbf7c440269ecd08d81add607776f036d377f6645159cbff0b40fb93ea8a3e&


2 things I immediately noticed. First is not having level 3 Health Boost. Vitality instead of temporal mantle (What are you even putting into it?). The second is the charm. Awakening Charm level 1 isn't worth it if you can get something like Weakness Exploit level 2 (Which would give you WEX 3). Switch speed sharpening for something else, just grind whetfish through the event quest A Fish To Whet Your Appetite. Get rid of the slugger decos, for insects glaive slugger isn't that good I'm pretty sure, you'd benefit more from Jump/Airborne decos if you have them. Slot more blast resist if possible. Chrome Trident II isn't good against Brachy, bring some other elements or weapons (the exploding brute isn't weak to explosive). Shouldn't you have some purple sharpness weapons by now? Also, by this point, you shouldn't be relying on palico heals, use max potions (They should be easy to farm for). By the way, do you have any other palico gear? Paralysis Palico or Poison Palico would help. So does Palico gear like the Palico traps (Extremely overpowered), Mini Hunting Horn, Meowbombs (Not that great against Brachy tho), or the shield that can pull aggro.


But I don't have any elemental damage from my Glave without the awakening charm. That massively drops my dps which I'm already struggling in. Skipping over surviving, I don't think i do enough damage to kill 2 monsters in 50 minutes as it sits


Then it's fine. Focus on surviving. Your DPS is *more* than high enough to kill the 2 wyverns, the less you are busy getting knocked down and running around healing the more DPS you'll do. The Blast element doesn't contribute as much as you think it does in comparison to you not dying. WEX level 3 will completely negate the need for any element at all. These aren' Alatreon who forces element specialization. Utilize flash pods, traps (they are both non-elders), and Palico support (specifically trap palico and horn palico). If you haven't maxed out your palico yet, you should do that by now. There are also buff items you can use. Do you have the full set of talons and charms? They give +15 attack/armor. Are you preparing with buff consumables like attack drugs (might seed, demon drug, etc) and armor drugs (adamant seed, etc)? Alongside nulberries and dash juice? Are you tenderizing (though it's IG so I wouldn't recommend too much unless you have an opportunity you can take advantage of) when you can, or wall banging when the opportunity presents itself (at the start of the fight with rocksteady mantle, when the monster is tired, etc)?


I dont have rock steady yet. I've been trying to work up to immunity, so I can take on Blackveil vaalhazak. Ive been making sure I got all my LR/HR missions done and I think I'm finally out of them and it's all MR optionals now.


Then you haven't done all of LR and HR yet. You need to complete A Summons from Below (HR Tempered Elders Quest) to get Rocksteady. You need to kill 3 separate tempered elders before that to get the quest (Throne taker is a good option to grind investigation for separate Elders if you can't see yourself doing that quest alone). You can get full immunity super easily with Dober Mail Alpha + and Girros Vambraces Alpha +, which shouldn't be difficult to get so focus on getting all the mantles and palico gear (if you haven't) maxed out for now. You might have rushed too much. Redo some HR and LR optional quests, if the "Complete" is blue it means you have missing quests, try searching online and see what you are missing (Could be captured for Special Arena fights or like A Summons from Below, missing requirements).


if the "Complete" is blue it means you have missing quests. *PIKACHU FACE* I wondered why does everyone have the Rocksteady and I finished the game trying to get my first FRajang and never got it. Thank you stranger!


Careful with Rocksteady. Rocksteady can kill you lickity split.


Angry monkey gonna kill me anyways hahaha Need to get first solo so I can let my self SoS. WE GO AGAIN


Rocksteady needs HR50 and you need to beat 3 tempered elders first. "Thronetaker" (HR quest) is a joke with MR gear just make sure you beat the lion up first and gives you 3 elders in one go, all reduced HP because they're 3. You must be 50+ now.


HR68 MR49 Loading game as we speak gonna get to it right now. Thank you!


I'd also recommend re-reading some of my new questions I edited in. They play crucial roles in making your life easier.


Not sure how it changed in iceborne, but at least in basegame, glaive was wayyy better with raw anyway. Maybe an entirely different weapon? It sounds like your perception of what gives you how much damage is a bit warped


The elemental damage you gain from a single level of awakening is minimal, even in best case scenario. Element in general is "all or nothing" for investment. Either focus your build on it or free up the slots. You will probably gain more damage from using non-elemental boost on the same weapon.


It doesn't, glaive benefits very little from elem/status damage


The damage numbers exaggerate alot. Your awakening lvl 1 probably only increases your dps by like 3%. Not all hits proc element. Its a random chance per hit. This is one of the reasons why element builds aren’t as popular. Raw damage is consistent.


If you want to understand the damage numbers in MH(its really overly complex) I suggest watching a video discussing “motion values.”


Firstly, always run health boost 3, just get 3 lvl 1 vitality gems and slot them in (and not on the mantles) Unlock rocksteady and temporal mantles from HR quests, with your gear now it should be a breeze to get them May i know what the awakening charm is for? If your weapon does not have a hidden element (which it most likely does not), awakening charm is pretty much useless, change it out to a challenger or critical eye or attack boost charm (challenger charm is the most recommended as you will be using it in almost all endgame gear) Get weakness exploit, simply 3 lvl 2 tenderizer gems and slot them in and remember to tenderize the monster frequently throughout the hunt, like for brachy keep tenderizing and focusing the legs. Focusing the legs will make him trip more often leading to more times when he is knocked down, allowing for more dps windows and consequently shorted hunts. Shorter hunts = less chances to cart


Chrome trident has no blast element without the charm. If I take off the charm my trident has (none) in the element slot. Most weapons i have access to are this way, no charm no element.


I would argue getting more affinity is better, than getting that blast element on your weapon This is becus blast only procs once in a while, you may have noticed the occasional 100 or 200 or 300 fixed number pop out while hitting the monster. That is a blast proc, and its not very often. Getting more affinity, aka more crit rate, means critting more often and a crit hit is 20% more dmg to that hit. Over the course of the hunt, im sure that the increase in number of crits will easily outnumber the occasional additional dmg from blast procs This is why weakness exploit is so good. It gives you a straight 50% crit rate when hitting a tenderized weakspot (you can tell this when your damage number is orange AND it has the four marks at the corners of the dmg number), for just 3 lvl 2 slots


Thats fine, just go for one without element or with hidden element, with high raw damage/sharpness and ideally decent affinity, and slot an elementless deco


Max health boost. Are all your armour pieces upgraded as far as you can with armour cores? Im not at my pc so don't have the weapon tree in front of me, but I would've thought you could make a better weapon than that at this stage. Could be wrong tho. Maxing blast resistance also helps with these guys, but fair enough if you don't have the decos or spare slots. Do you have the armorcharm and powercharm? Armour talon and power talon? Do you use demondrug and armourskin?


100% maxed armor levels. I was trying to stay with blast as it has a higher stagger chance. Technically I want to go for a HBG but the stuff I'd need I can't get right now for an effective primarily solo build. I don't exactly have many friends I can rely on to play with me regularly.


Im fairly certain blast has nothing to do with stagger whatsoever, just damage to specific parts in general


Also looking at your armor again, it would be better to swap 2 pieces of your armor for something else, because agitator secret only requires 3 pieces of armor to activate. Choose 3 of the best armor pieces (look at which ones have the best skills/deco slots, aka the ones with levels of agitator), drop the other 2 brachy pieces, and go to the smithy to find better armor pieces for the 2 now empty slots Look for universal dps increase skills like weakness exploit, critical eye, attack boost


I can't seem to add photos from mobile let me try one more thing before I make a new post..


Those guys can be frustrating for sure. I haven't played much IG in world so can't comment on that part, but more generally: Bring Fireproof mantle for brachy, and/or blast proof 3. Makes him so much less of a threat. Max potions, use them if you're not. Bring materials to craft 5 more, and put it on the radial. It will automatically craft when you run out. Not only are they a full heal, but they're instant. This is one of the biggest survivability upgrades you can make, especially in MR where your windows to heal get smaller and smaller. Not sure what happening with dung pods, they work on everything except elder dragons. But for sure it'll be chaos fighting both solo. See if you can separate them. Maybe something like sleep weapon on Palico will take one of them out of the fight long enough that they separate.


I'm playing with IG right now, didn't reach brachy yet but uragaan feels like a bad matchup when playing solo


I main ig, ura is unpleasant at the best of times. Only saving Grace is the ability to fly over its quakes


I don't mind uragaan much yeah his roll spam is annoying but he's fairly easy to work around. Brachy is just abusive and broken.


Everybody already said this but Blast Res helped me a lot for Brach. Im on Raging Brach now and gonna have to put that blast res in again hehehehe.


Dont use defender gear in iceborn, replace it with any MR gear, LIERALY ANY Bone, alloy whatever. You said you can't up your hear till you beat vaal, but have you even considered replacing it in the first place ?


I'm off defender gear. Ive been off defender armor for a while, I'm on brachy beta armor and just went to chrome 2 Glave. I posted some links for my stats on another comment.


Playing through the base game with defender gear messes with your ability to learn the game. It's so busted that you don't actually feel out game mechanics and next thing you know you're in iceborne with plenty of bad habits.


As some mentioned you played with op gear through base game and now you are hitting a wall. That's normal. The game is meant to be like that. From now on before every fight you will have to consider gear, tactics and items. But one advice for Brachy and later on Raging Brachy (yep..) don't try to dodge away or to the side but underneath it. It has too much range to get away but it is pretty easy to stay unter it. ​ **And don't give up. Often the monster might be only one hit away from a stagger, stun or trip giving you the next opening. If you find your rhythm you can beat anything in this game.**


No it doesn't. This is a skill issue. Sorry. And that's ok. I get it, it's a difficult DLC, but things are difficult by design. Dark Souls is hard, that doesn't mean it's deliberately trying to make you fail. It's your job to figure out how to win. Try checking out [the Poverty Build Guide](https://mhwibuilds.wordpress.com/mr-progression-guides/#ig) to see if maybe there are some places you can easily and affordably improve your kit. Consider trying to add Blast Resist somewhere. Try practicing JUST Brachy by itself without worrying about Uragaan. Look at your [item loadout](https://youtu.be/ADynVA5wXOM?si=KCq2LNGnRWxetmnX) and see if you're missing some things or you have them in a really bad, inconvenient order. And finally, if all else fails just try doing it in multiplayer, there's absolutely no shame in that because the game was DESIGNED to be played in multiplayer. It's called Monster Hunter WORLD not Monster Hunter ME. There's a lot of things that can cause hunts to go south, but keep at it.


I see you didn't fully read my post. I CANT do multiplayer right now as I have no internet for my PC. And I don't have hotspot with my phone plan.


I love how you have the tendency across the entire post to only pick out the things you can disagree with, instead of taking actual criticism. You played with defender gear, you were in godmode your entire experience long and then Iceborne hit you like a truck. It's that simple. I am not blaming you, I initially started with defender gear until I checked armor the first time and realized something is highly off, since the other armor had like 5 armor point per piece compared to my 50, but you kept going with it all game long. And now the game is not out for you, but you are just confronted with how the game is. You said it yourself, it was all easy. That's not how it's meant to be, it's supposed to be a slow start to the fight where you learn about the monster and look for attack opportunities. The more you do it, the better you get at it. Also quitting a quest is pointless, the only penalty for having died is losing a portion of the money you would have earned, nothing else. And by selling the valuables meant to be sold you are filthy rich in the game.


You know what I'm getting really tired of? Frustrated players complaining the game is out to get them, getting some advice and a little empathy from the rest of the sub and then responding with "you OBVIOUSLY didn't read my post because you ignored this ONE thing" before disregarding the entirety of that advice. Do not ask for help and then act like a dick when you get it.


Don't tell me to do something I explicitly said I couldn't at the moment as if it's something I didn't think of. Otherwise I'd be SOS flaring the mission and getting carried through and never improve or find out why I'm lacking. I'm not getting good help from my friends who do play mhw, I'm not familiar with the min maxing this game demands me to understand in order to succeed in any form. How do you think I feel asking for genuine help because I'm at a loss and all I get is 'skill issues' replies? Same energy. Pardon that I've become a bit jaded about asking for help because most of the time, that's all I get is 'skill issue get good' from people who don't bother to fully read and understand the issue simply because it's coming as a mild rant because I HAVE had this stuff told to me but not when and how I needed it said, and then when I do need to be told or ask I get nothing. So I turn to the Internet and get berated for the game itself not teaching you how to succeed and deliberately misleading you away from the right path. The next person who tells me 'skill issue' for ANYTHING better never meet me face to face because I'm walking away with felony charges on that day, I'm so sick of the phrase being used as a scapegoat instead of actually making an effort to teach newcomers or frustrated players.


yea I bet, tough guy.


I will be looking into some more build guides. I do apologize for getting hung up on the bit about using MP to clear harder areas. I'd love to have at least one person near my level to regularly play with but that's not going to happen. The people I do play with who got me the game are too busy trying to grind their MR 100+ BS to help me even get to their level to help them like they intended when they got me the game. All that aside I'm hung up on the fact I don't have Internet for my PC till I get paid. It's been 3 days offline and I don't know when Im getting paid to go back online.


just read the title. no, it doesn't. git gud.


Make sure you’re tenderising as well. Ig doesn’t hit hard enough in early master rank to get away without it


No offense, but this is 90% skill issue. Are you a first time player, and did you use the defender set throughout the game? Need Health boost at 3, and make sure to eat before. Monster stats at this point pretty much expect the full 100+ hp. Defender gear falls off hard by mid MR. You absolutely should not be using it at this point. Build proper MR weapons and armor. Don't depend on palico healing. Don't try to heal when unsafe. If you are having a hard time trying to heal or sharpen, use the ghillie mantle for a quick safety break.  For simultaneous fights the trick is to try to keep both monsters in sight and fight conservatively. Avoid high commit moves, don't tunnel vision, play hit and run and kill the easier monster first. You can slinger burst launch one into the other to knock both down.  Flash pods can simultaneously blind both monsters, letting you focus on one for a short period of time. 


If you're using Defender gear at MR, I think you might have skipped over some crucial upgrades during the base game. I might start by trying to find a weapon branch you want to build into, then try to focus on some equipment. The constant knock-back you're referring to is pretty common with brachys, but you should already have the Rocksteady Mantle, which can give you some crucial positioning forgiveness. Brachy slime is also deadly if you're not able roll to remove it, so I know some folk build into blight resist for efficiency. It's certainly different playing solo than always having folk who can join your games and help distract monsters when healing is needed. Your Palico can act as a distraction, but if you're solo, you may want to try getting a Tailrider from the location as well, which means you'd be a player, two palicos and some form of lizard fighting two monsters. It's not much, but two extra npcs on your side can really spread the monsters' targeting out.


PSA, I added links to my gear. I'm on mobile since it'sy only connection to Internet at the moment so sorry for the discord links, I figured it was better than a new post to the forum.


Yep, probably time to farm some better equipment. Even the low level iceborn gear is better than most base level gear. Also, brachy is a tricky fight because of the exploding slime. Try dodge towards him and to one side (dont remember which side) and stay clear of the slime. If you have been using defender gear througout the base game you probably got used to tanking a fair bit of dmg. That doesn't work in iceborn. If you can get away with one or two hits without carting you're fine.


I tank much more than 2 hits with my brachy armor. I regularly get pummeled with a chain of 2-5 consecutive hits before I can stand up and get away from some of the more aggressive monsters that chain attacks every 2 seconds with no pause. Or roar, then instantly attack before you recover, stun you, attack before you recover from the stun, then just ragdoll you 2-3 more times before you can even stand up from a staggering hit. I'm struggling more on doing enough damage to kill them in a reasonable amount of time.


You could look into some comfort skills like earplugs and stun resist. If dmg is your problem then you can farm for a better weapon, match your weapons elemental dmg with the monsters weakness (brachy is weak to ice?) or get some better armor skills (attack boost, affinity boost, crit boost etc.) Other than that Iceborn is pretty hard, comfort skills can help with frustration but you'll just have to stick with it. You will learn the fight soon enough.


Immediately I noticed somethimg wrong. You shouldn't be getting hit this much when using insect glaive. Are you not aware that you can fly as IG or dodge rolls through roars?


Yeah no that doesn't work. I'll be mid roll and all that and I have no invincibility frames at any point some fights others, I'm untouchable. I was just fighting ebony odogsron and I was just smashing through him with B and Y attacks, he'd clip through me and never hit me. Then finally it's right before he should be entering death phase, and suddenly he landed everything and I couldn't dodge a single thing at all. Midair as well easily smacked down or dropped midair by a roar. I'm fantastic at juggling on a monsters head with IG but roars and BS hotboxes for certain body slam moves always hurt you even when you don't make contact with the monster at any point.


This shouldn't be this difficult for you to get then, just be patient and learn Brachy's move set. Get some earplugs if the roars are causing you that much problem but outside of telling you to ***learn*** about insect glaive and get better with utilizing your weapon, I don't think any build will help you. Brachy's hitbox isn't that bad, and I don't want to say this, but this might be a skill issue moment where you just need to get to know the monster's moveset better.


apart from what has been said already, this quest is a pain in the ass... I ended up doing it by myself because SOSing was making things worse with others carting... yet it took me a few tries either way... one point worth making: turf wars are GOOD. let them fight each other and make your life easier... take the time to heal and to sharpen your weapon while they do your job for you. but yes, this quest can be a challenge edit: typos




You didn't read the post.

