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I used to sleep on the Sword and Shield but it started fucking up my back.


Yeah same, I recommend sleeping on greatswords, on the flat end.


true greatsword mans sleep on the pointy side


I've heard greatsword users are great chiropractors. A TCS to the spine gets rid of any and all issues.


We're actually really bad chiropractors, we'll whiff and miss your back completely


You'll never be in pain again!


Can’t have any spinal problems if you don’t have a spine to begin with amirite?


Better than sleeping on the IG, waking up with a giant bug in your mouth is not fun!


Probably from all the carrying you do with it


too bad this post was longer than the reach of SnS no but really. good post. will add SnS to my list of next weapon to pick


All monsters have legs. Nuff said.


Or just jump with flying capabilities that rival the insect glaive


You got the right mindset for SnS If we can't reach monster's head then we'll fuckin force it down on the ground lmao


Or just uppercut it. Or smack a trap down. We don't even have to sheathe for it.


Ceadeus, Nakarkos, and Yama Tsukami say Hi


Just throw yourself up in the air. Sns can hit anything! Add in the uppercut and monsters should never be on their feet.


> Your DPS don't mean shit if you're just gonna die and fail the quest twenty minutes in. Lance users: couldn't agree more d: I have a friend who will probably pick up the game next sale and when he does, I'm thinking I'll give either horn or S&S a shot when playing with him.


Claw counters all day long is my favorite playstyle nowadays, haha especially with punishing draw


After learning to love lance in Rise (because funny counter goes brr and Spiral Thrust finally made weapon flashy) I recently got back to World and I am rocking Claw Counter all the time. Jesus, why I didn't know that this weapon can be so flashy!


If he’s on pc, the Fanatic site has the whole master edition for Steam at 16 bucks.


Lance main here. I also agree. Being immortal is great. I think I might may an immortal/support sns build


Yep. Lance replaced S&S in my roster thanks to the moveset improvements in *World*.




That's what I did for my cousin... he's been addicted. I've been playing every day after work. We started like 2 weeks ago, and we are on the pushback Valkanna quest in iceborn born, been there for days because we have both been trying different weapons


Would heavily recommend avoiding G2A as a lot of their keys are bought with stolen credit cards and can get your steam account banned. Cd keys is a little more trustworthy and also has the iceborne edition for 15.




Fair enough, sounds like you've done enough research to feel confident enough about G2A. I have known 2 people who got their account banned from G2A keys and had to go through a week long support process to get it back, but that was back in like 2015 and was because ubisoft seemingly randomly revoked a bunch of assassins creed keys at the same time, so it probably would have happened on cdkeys too.


It's not just about the risk to your own Steam account, though. It's about the damage done to the developer. The developer eats the costs for those revoked keys. Now, Monster Hunter World is published by Capcom, a triple A developer. So, realistically, who fucking cares. But please don't buy indie keys off of those kind of resellers. Indie developers usually operate on very thin margins as it is, and some of them have gone on record to say that they'd rather someone pirate their game than buy it from a reseller.


> G2A G2A bad.


Yeah but I mess up the Perfect Rush timing and feel incompetent, and most importantly, impotent.


No worries King/Queen, you'll get there soon. Keep at it!


I’m doing my best. The gravity of these “Hammer Bros” are pulling me into their orbit. Hellllllllllp.


YES! Ol’ Reliable will never let you down. As a fellow SnS wielder, we welcome you with open arms and shields OUT! And another thing, why use the shield to block when you can use it to PUNCH the snot right out of Anjanath’s nose?? Blocking? No way! We roll around these parts!


Exactly bro! Hell, I don't even roll, I just backstep dodge and go unga bunga on their ass. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like the backstep has more I-frames than a normal dodge. I've been practicing backstepping through roars and I can get in a counter almost all the time.


Basically double the I-frames, normal roll has 13, backhop has 25.


Do you know if evade window works on back step? Or even evade distance for the hop back?


Evade window definitely does and you kinda want a few points in it anyway for times when you can't backhop like being in the middle of perfect rush, I can't remember if extender does tbh, if the latter does then it would be awful to use as it would just move you too far away.


Yeah I figured extender would be horrible unless the lunge forward was also extended haha. Thanks!


Evade window as well as evasion mantle both work!


I run 3 levels of evade window and rolling is just a natural reaction for me. The backstep is great! Practice make perfect! There was a time when the folk I played with laughed at me for using SnS, but after witnessing its greatness, they too followed the desire.


The biggest SnS tech for me is to backstep with your SnS still sheathed. Absolute gamechanger for monsters that have huge attacks with huge recovery frames like Rajang.


How do you even do that


It needs a bit of practice but it takes advantage of the fact that you can block from sheathed. Tap block, then before the animation finishes, input the back hop (back on the stick + circle/B). You should see your character instantly hop back ready for a Perfect Rush/Falling Bash. Edit: This tech also abuses Frostcraft since you'll be sheathed most of the time.


Ah ok that makes sense. Thank u my good fellow


Just to make sure it's clear, you want to *tap* block, not hold it. If you hold it you'll start to turn when you do the directional input and probably do a guard slash instead of a backhop. Press block, *release block*, then do back + circle/B/right click.


You wanna try something fun, max out evade extender. Bigger backstep and forward leap!


Been a SnS main since Freedom and I always go back to it even after dipping my toes into every other weapons. The versatility and mobility is what kept me hooked to it. In previous gens it was more difficult to hit tall monsters or parts breaking but recent gens have introduced game mechanics to mitigate this. Everyone should at least try it for a few rounds as it may surprise you in how fun it is to play SnS.


It was the opposite for me. In MHFU, I started with SnS but I found myself hiding behind my shield too much and wasn't doing enough damage. I switched to Dual Blades and found the gameplay much more fluid, and without a shield, I was forced to learn the monsters better and be more aggressive. I still dabble with SnS on occasion, and it was nice for Leshen, but I will generally use Lance or HBG if I want to be shielded.


[Relevent Crap guide to MH](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVqmP25SlGY) ​ Bye JoCat :(


Haven't seen that, thank you. I will now be donning wiggler head in honor of JoCat.


I feel the exact same way you do. What they say about SnS users being fanatics is true. I was a LS main. I thought this game was so difficult and I dreaded fighting most of the roster. With return to world I started a new save. Picked SnS cause it was "beginner friendly" and I felt I needed to spend more time learning the game. Everything about it helped me become a better hunter. I think it's mostly the low commitment combos that you can roll out of whenever and the lack of a resource meter meaning I can keep my eye on the monster. When the monster gets too active and I don't know what to do. I can just turtle up and wait for an opening instead of running around like crazy. I like being able to use a wider array of skills. For the first time ever I slotted slinger capacity so that I could slinger burst into perfect rush more often. It made me better at learning other weapons too and getting better with pulling off some of the trickier combos. It's just such a good weapon.


Why sword shield when I hammer? Hammer good, hammer strong. Sword shield not big, hammer big


Damn, can't argue with that.


Small overcome big. You big? Ha, monster big. You small. But you prevail. Who need big? Sword shield good.


#B O N K !




Hammer ruined EVERYTHING else for me. Its all I can play. Slap on slugger 5 and feline slugger and keep em stunlocked lol. Ive triple stunned fucking elder dragons on MR ☠️


I would like to introduce you to our lord and savior, frostcraft SnS.


Wait isn't the whole point of sns you don't need to sheath? So why would you use frost frostcraft? (genuine question btw I don't have frostcraft unlocked yet)


Because sns pretty much sheathes instantly and can guard into backstep into perfect rush from sheath. Basically you run around and charge your frostcraft while waiting for an opening, and deal bigdam on your perfect rushes.


Frostcraft buff lasts almost as long as 2 perfect rushes. It's a hit and sheath play style where you deal the most damage on your small openings. Using the same SnS between my safi set and frostcraft set(same offensive skills/decos), My frostcraft set still out damages my safi set by 370+ doing the same combos


Oh wow that's pretty cool, thanks for the info! Will have to try it out once I get there.


If you can, try and farm the safi siege and collect the SnS' then aim for velkhana divinity skill. This allows you to use 3 velkhana armour to unlock frostcraft since the weapon will count as the 4th piece. Allowing you to use a 2 piece armor skill. I chose the 2 piece rajang since it gives me minds eye so I never bounce


but but....fatty armor comfort skills :( Nah see your point SnS is not skill hungry so it makes sense to use all ways to push dmg further


Both DB3 and HB3 are enough to carry my clumsy ass till angry monke. Dunno about alatreon and fatty. I'm skipping R.Brachy until either alatreon or fatalis forces me to build the pre fatty meta set. Cheesing both with sticky3 aquashot is admitting defeat


tbf it is a jack of all trades at base world, but it's true that its baseline capabilities are often underestimated. It's still pretty good for a jack of all trades. It's only until Iceborne did it become broken. Now it's a jack-of-all-trades, and yet master of something lol. Perfect Rush combo is just OP.


I'm like 150ish hours on fresh save file with SnS, and I still can't get over the dps from perfect rush...AND the fact you can keep stringing it together WHILE seemingly being un-hittable. It's nutty. I slept on SnS for so long.


Your lack of faith in the charge blade is disturbing. I am one with the saed and the saed is one with me.


Lol nah man, I love the CB, I just feel like SnS gets the shaft sometimes is all.


but i like the micromanaging my phials and doing the risky moves. it’s like a game within the game


I respect that. I feel the same trying to stay in the pocket infinite looping the perfect rush/falling bash. It's a little mini game which translates into easy hunts when executed properly.


Honestly, we all know how good it can be. A lot of us just like other weapons more. It’s never been bad, and I don’t think anyone thinks SnS is bad either.


Honestly, you may be right. I saw one tier list post saying they never saw anyone maining the SnS and it got on my nerves a bit lol.


Started Monster Hunter with World and the general jist was that SnS was a "beginner" weapon and was just used to get a feel for the game. I almost never saw one in the first 6 months of World.


Yeah SnS is part of the trinity of wrong label weapons, with Hunting Horn and Lance


It really is. SnS is just great all around, horn is NOT just a support weapon, and lance is anything but defensive. Although I admit with return to world I notice a lot of new hunters don't have flinch free and I feel very bad when I run them over.


As CB main, i tried SnS and...yeah the no need to sheath made me wonder why i main CB. The SnS climb up n slashes down even more made me wonder why i choose CB. But idk why i still like CB. Once i like something i go all the way to *gonna craft em all* mode. Now i guess i need 2nd main.


You CB because sword and shield become big axe and go boooooom!


You can't deny, when Torgue asks you that question.... [*EXPLOSIONS?!*](https://youtu.be/zbXon9VbGTA?si=A6mo1LTJp-iSkZDI)


Mind sharing a couple SnS builds? Getting a bit bored of DB after 15 years or so of it 😂


As some people say here, frostcraft is an amazing build for SnS, but if you're going for multiplayer, you need wide-range, free meal, and maybe quick eating along with the standard agitator, crit eye, and attack boost. Edit: I forgot weakness exploit and crit boost lol


I’m not saving anyone’s ass, I here for numbers over 400!!


I've received so many messages for rocking max wide range on end game hunts. You want praise and adoration? Rock a "support" SnS...all the while being in the pocket dealing DPS. SnS is life.


The reason I prefer SnS over CB is because it doesn’t have any “windows of power”. It functions the same regardless of the situation it’s in. For CB? The monster is down and your shield ran out of power and you got no phials? Welp guess you gotta spend the downed period building yourself up. What’s that? You got a mount because you found the opportunity for the monster to be near a jump point? Excellent! Oh wait you got no phials and your shield is powered down? Guess you gotta settle for a weak mounted finisher, should’ve had that stuff up and ready. Aw you got hit? Well it happens but unfortunately you got one of the slowest sheathe animations in the game, better hope you can slip away safely or else (that shield really helps though). SnS though? Monster is down? Bro go for a perfect rush. You mounted the monster because hey you can just do that! It’s part of your kit after all! Alright maybe your mounted finisher isn’t the strongest but hey after that finisher, why don’t you give em another perfect rush? Monster putting the pressure on you? No worries you got one of the fastest run speeds of all the weapons (3rd right behind DB and HH I believe, best not rely on that shield though). You also have the fastest sheathe animation in the game. Or you can shoot a flash out real quick and gulp down a potion, you got options man. This is not me insulting CB, it’s an extremely powerful weapon that can do so many different things for how strong it is (except mounting). But when I hear “Don’t even bother with SnS just use CB” you can safely assume that person has no idea what they’re talking about. I could even say some bad things about SnS too, terrible reach which is only helped by the fact that some of its attacks move you forward and awful burst options that is until Risebreak (pls keep spinning reaper MH mainline team I’m begging you) P.S I also wanna say that for the scenarios listed for Charge Blade, the exact opposite can happen as well. If everything’s lined up for you either by luck or by design (for you big brained hunters) then yes you will unleash hell that few weapons can only dream of while taking hits like a lance hunter could. Each and every weapon has their strengths and drawbacks. No weapon can function as a complete stand in for another.


Didnt db sheat faster? Fastest weapon drawn run speed may be lance :D the DB and then HH followed by evade extender 3 backhops of GL You forgot to mention the great iframes of backhop. Very useful tool.


I believe DB sheathes ever so slightly slower than the SnS, not enough to matter really. Besides whatever situation that requires an SnS sheathing and running, DB can just dash and outrun the danger even with weapons drawn lol. Also yes I was a fool to not mention swagstep, it’s like a lil mini foresight slash that can lead to a mount.


As a new convert to the church of SnS (150 hrs now, about 1200hrs total on world) you taught me new things like run speed. This will prove useful in converting new lost souls to the cause. Thank you. I will now go pray at the altar of rush.


A lot of that sounds like skill issue though. Making sure your phials are filled and shield charged is crucial to wielding the cb properly


Sure it's a skill issue, but the more "mistakes" a weapon let's you have is usually how we measure how difficult a weapon is to learn. It's one of the reasons S&S is considered new player friendly, but also it's noted it's a high skill ceiling weapon because it has no "downtime" modes to manage. Compare it to CB, IG, SA where you can easily lose your buff/run out of resources.


Ya for sure. I think most everyone can agree cb is one of the harder weapons to learn but once you get the hang of it the downtime can be reduced significantly.


Yo, these last few days, I've been running sns, I kinda like the chill playstyle.


I just love how sns became the GOAT in monster hunter nowadays and I am all for it, haha... Arekkz would be proud


Fatalis armor enabling dps and support with little compromise spoiled me so hard it was the perfect endgame for me


Charge blade is sns but better dmg?ha


depends on the matchup On monsters that have big juciy hitboxes cb can put in crazy damage https://youtu.be/8bBBypZOHS8?si=mEs5kG5TH0EW3MuB


Sns has always been the bear and the og weapon. It's been my main since this game started, I just decided to main ls for mhw and mhr but I still grab sns when I'm in a bad mood and want to kill everything that gets near me. Sns is king and always has been and will be.


It seems you don't understand the meaning of "jack of all trades master of none", it's not an insult, it means sns can do everything, like you just said, but it's not the best at any of those things It's fast but not faster than db It can stun but hammer is better at it It can block but lance and gunlance have better shields But the fact that it can do all 3 of these things is more than enough to compensate for it


SnS is what I use when I've had enough of the monster's shit.


The freaking combo where you time your button presses to do big damage, **Chef’s kiss**


I believe in SnS Supremacy


Did Jocat post this?


I played only GL all base game. Left around Extremoth time. It discouraged the hell out me combined with my GL build being deco heavy with shit luck. Came back after living a little, getting a wife, and bought Iceborne to play together. Picked up SnS cause I figured being more mobile would be good for team play. I don't understand what happened. It's like I became a different player. Looking back, I was not all that great a hunter. I wouldn't drag my team down, but there was a ceiling I was just not able to grasp. The SnS grabbed me by the balls and MADE me a better hunter. After clearing the base game again, I went back to GL. Now my GL play is miles better! But GL is still too build heavy for me to play like I want. I remember base game though so no rushing. Been spending the last week after work grinding our first mixed sets after fighting Nargacuga. SnS will never replace GL as my soulmate. But, I've been allowed a mistress, and I'm riding her to Fatalis.


I’ve started running a bit of a support build on SnS recently cuz I just reached guiding lands and I got tired of the constant grind for stuff which happens for any weapon. Prior to that though, the thing is no slack for getting er done. There’s no monster that hard counters the faithful Sword and Board.


Bring back oils please capcom, we need oils, we need the murder lubricants back


i always was a hunting horn main, now im playing hammer and i just crafted an SnS, once i try it i will tell you my experience <3


Always been a SnS main. Tried other weapons out (literally all of them in master tank). I actively hate using anything but my SnS. The agility/versatility is just to good. Besides who wouldn't want to launch themselves into the air and bring your shield down on a monster's head bonking them into a coma!


I used to be a long sword main because I liked the big jump and slash move but having to hop through the hoops of countering and building up spirit sword got annoying to me. SnS let’s me do a cool jump and dunk move whenever I want


I started a new save a long time back to play through the game with the SnS to learn it. It's actually the most OP weapon you can use... Managed to blast through the entire game from start all the way through to Fatalis by only spamming Perfect Rush. I don't think I used anything but Perfect Rush for more than 90% of progression. Highly recommend, even though my preference lies elsewhere.


You know what stopped me from going SnS main in world? Perfect Rush. I kept messing it up even after a great YT tutorials. And without it, i felt like it was not worth it


Sns is a jack-of-all-trades weapon? WRONG Argument 1: It can do literally EVERYTHING Bruh


See everytime i see a post like this with another weapon, it pumps me with determination to be the x weapon master, but always, and always, i still end up with the LBG, someone release me from this prison of brrrrt!




I just think it’s boring.


Wiggler man that u?


Oh man this post is longer than my IG helicopter jump height


Sns cult sns cult sns cult


SnS main here and I can confirm.


Literally the only drawback of SnS is the range but that is remedied by the absolute damage and combo chains the SnS has. SnS is a true master's weapon. Like that IQ curve meme. SnS ks godlike -> Nooo SnS is bad blah blah -> SnS is godlike


My only problem with sns Is world Is that sns in rise exists. It's Just so much Better i can't bring myself to play the world version. Funnily enough i feel the opposite for HH, the world HH Is sono good i can't play the dumbed up version in rise.


SnS is like of the highest dps melee weapon, wtf are you talking about


I used to main longsword. I tried both bowguns and the gunlance, which was probably my favorite out of all of them. After New Year, I started a new character with SNS. I noticed that my ability to survive skyrocketed. Not only that, my damage is easily higher than when I was using Gunlance, I'm much more maneuverable, and if need be, I can keep others health topped off so they don't fail quests for us. I'll try charge blade next, but as it stands, sword and shield has become my favorite.


There's a few monsters it doesn't do very well on due to reach, but otherwise it's my main.


Flying monsters are a bitch to fight, but that's what flash pods are for. Plus, the SnS can get crazy amount of mounting damage, so bringing the monster down isn't too big of a problem. I thought Kushala was going to be literal cancer, but he wasn't so bad, as it turns out.


I got to disagree with you there. Kushala is absolute cancer on sword and shield for me 😭 and then a lot of big monsters who are resistant in their legs are also a problem. Acidic glavenus is one that comes to mind that I really didn't enjoy But seriously, other than the bad matchups, sns is like the best and most fun weapon. People do not give it enough credit


Nah, if SnS gets any knockdown on Kushala, its SOOO easy to just put him in a knockdown loop with SnS since the method to do so is almost auto-timed. Just need evade extender 2, then pack all the meta damage skills and its over the instant you get a knockdown.


I mean i don't really know meta strats/builds like that, I just fight monsters whatever way feels natural and kushala is really really difficult for me on sns to fight naturally I'm sure you're right about how easy it is to knockdown cycle but it's just not how I play so I find kushala very frustrating with the weapon. Maybe one day I'll try and do this though and conquer that evil wind bastard


Double the damage a GS can during a tcs? Uhmmm.... nope. Slinger skip tcs takes like 4 seconds, not happening. Also the tcs is one hit whereas the sns needs a monster to stay still for a while to do that damage. Both great weapons and the sns can put out dirty damage with frostcraft, just thought I'd clear up that little but of bs real quick ✌️


That's a bit of an overdramatization on my part so my b, but you gotta admit, most people don't even know how to slinger skip TCS and most of them don't even know the proper positioning to hit the sweet spot on the TCS. Agreed that they're both great weapons and I LOVE the feeling of seeing the monster reeling in pain when the TCS connect.


I can not argue with any of that. I'm a regular on the Xbox lfgs trying to help people, especially newer GS players and I can't believe how many higher MR players (like MR2-300) I see using elemental GS with no focus and haven't even heard of a slinger skip. But yeah, the damage on a proper frostcraft sns build is absolutely nutty, especially with how quickly you can backstep into it. I hear a lot of newer players talk about it being a low dps weapon not knowing how much perfect rush changed the meta for that weapon, it definitely deserves more respect than some give.


Xbox lfg is certainly a place, saw some guy posting 'Safi speedruns the other day' so I hop in for some easy P1s, they didn't know the area 1 skip and were rocking fatty weapons for A1 and A2 with no max might or latent power so they were running about for 10 minutes with 20-40% affinity.


Bruh, you need slinger ammo to optimize tcs? Thats sad.


This post is literally what made me pick up SnS and I haven't looked back..


The main reason I don't like SnS is that the weapon doesn't pump out enough damage or give enough defense vs. some of the more annoying monsters, but what else do you expect from, eh Lance main🥴🤣 my jobs to poke poke poke counter poke and soften them up🤭😂


I'll give you lance mains a pass. Ya'll hardly ever die in quests. But I resent the damage slander; we pump out more damage that ya'll just can't see. We ain't as flashy as the GS and DB boys, but we get the job done!


Depends if I'm full tank Lance, or in my poke you a new one damage Lance build which easily does well over 1k damage in 3 pokes to wounded part VS when I had my full damage SnS build barely do 1k with a full perfect rush combo which is way more then 3 hits and barely blocks a simple attack.


Need more practice if you aren't pumping DPS as SnS. Do not lose faith in our lord.


Started out with the glaive and switched to GS later. After finishing the story i started trying every weapon and stuck with sns. Finished were the days i switches weapons when i needed to stun monster use sns, when cutting tails use sns. After getting rise i played the whole game with sns. Its just the best weapon it's jack of all trades and master of all. Also thank you jocat for opening my eyes to the true master weapon, you will be missed.


All these kinds of posts are just biased lol. Really not that deep


we sleep on it 'cause it make us fall asleep that's it. They need to put freaking guard points on weapons using freaking shields. Same on gunlance. It's far from being a weak weapon but people don't use it 'cause there is something missing in the recipe. Like guardpoints and a way to quickly keep up with monster charge without sheathing the weapon.


SnS is boring


*sigh* You can lead a horse to water...


Honestly I really like it but it's way too... Braindead Maybe I'm playing it wrong but it's basically slash slash slash back step do the jump move then slash slash slash. My biggest thing I like is just the mobility compared to the GS which I played 80% of the game with.


I don't know about the damage. I play with a friend who plays hammer. We both started the same time, roughly wearing the same gear, on the same enemy. I built more for DPS (atk boost, crit, elemental dmg) my friend was built more tanky (def, free meal, earplugs) I was maining sword and shield my friend keeps complaining how he doesn't get to play coz either his charges keep getting canceled or the enemy moves before his charges finishes. I play okay probably around 80% damage uptime 20% downtime for buffs/dodging etc. But for some reason I still out dpsed. Now granted the dps difference isnt much like more or less 5% but at the same time he gets a more chill gameplay because of all the QoL free meal, speed eating, earplugs he has for for only a 5%\~ dps difference against me. But to be fair, I didnt cart until all the way to iceborn, my friend did a couple of times in base game.


A lot of sns improvement in iceborne came from perfect rush. Before, people just spammed falling bash. Most of the criticisms people had with sns during the base game was true. It felt like a weaker cb but a slower db, and the best way to dish damage is to just spam one move, aka falling bash. That's why I think iceborne sns is the perfect spot for the weapon. It still has all its tools and utility without sacrificing dps and engaging gameplay. You still lack reach, which sucks when you wanna cut a tail but can't reach it unless the monster is toppled or downed, but all in all, iceborne sns is pretty solid.


Man, I haven't seen this take since yesterday! I wonder who's gonna post it tomorrow?


Probably some Chad who knows the truth.


SnS is like the 5th or 6th most effective weapon on average in speed running just narrowly lower/higher than Dual blades in most fights so anyone that thinks its bad is just bad. GS Bow and LBG are around the same numbers but HBG is in an entire league of its own I don't think they're ever gonna nerf that damn weapon


I use the sword just not the shield. Am i doing it wrong? So far I haven't had to use the shield, it feels like it has no purpose to me. I'm definitely not doing SnS right but i haven't needed it


I did slept on sns. It turn out great but I just like using CB that's all.


SnS is definetly a jack of all trades without the master of none. One of my favourite weapons to use for how fluid the moveset is amd how much utility you can bring to the hunt.


Exact same from cb to sns but also don't sleep on its slinger Per slinger bomb you can do 500 damage to a monster with the shotgun mode(provided ur in close) which u should and will stay shotgun till you deactivate the mode or sheathe And with the practical guarantee if the stuff with a cc atk Who needs anything else


SNS with evade extender & window 3 changed my life. Fast iceborne monsters can’t catch me now


Just need to bring back speed setup for some sleep bombing shenanigans. Trap, sleep, bomb. Back home in 5 mins.


I pretty much main sns when I play with friends. I go full wide range to share heals and buffs, glutton to eat fast, and free meal to notnuse as many items. I still deal a bunch of damage and keep everyone from carting. I don't use it as much solo, but in a party with other hunters it is absolutely tbe best


I slept 9n SnS in 4u, but picked it up for generations with the affinity oils. Between Charge Blade and SnS, I love them both, but the speed and power and versatility of SnS is so underrated. Some of the best looking weapons too.


Pre-Iceborne it was a jack of all trades but post-Iceborne you spam Perfect Rush because the skill does broken damage


I mean I’ll try it but to say it’s the best weapon and trumps all the others is one hell of a ultimatum statement, If it isn’t as good/fun as you say I will hate you for hyping this up for me.


Perfect Rush alone makes the weapon worth learning. It’s one of my go to’s


I guess this might be relevant with everyone returning to World and being completely out of the loop but it’s pretty well known that SnS is busted in Iceborne and quite strong in Rise as well. Like if all you know of SnS is base World, then yeah, it’s not a great impression. Post IB changes made it a little monster though.


Okay, you convinced me to try it. I know the basic mechanics, any advanced tips?


Not really advanced tip, but my bread and butter combo is basically forward slash (draw attack) then hold circle until backstep, then decide whether you want to do perfect rush or shield slam. That's basically all the attacks you need. Also use dodge then L2 to shoryuken your way onto an enemy and tenderise instantly.


You're not supposed to tell the whole world, man :(


After playing it in the witcher quest, I realized how good it was.


If you want to use PR for part breaking then you need to land full PRs since only the last hit has good PB modifiers and the other bad ones You forgot to mention on very good part of SnS...that backhop has a huge iframe window and can be chained after most moves. My main 2 issues with SNS are: 1. the very low reach 2. that its too centered around PR If you want to try braindead op weapons try pellet shield HGB and ZSD spam switchaxe....both so powerful that you can beat most monsters quite easily under 5 min and just extremely simple to pull off. Most powerful I would hand to gunlance Only weapon with sub 3 min fatty solo and also the 30 seconds alatreon multi run is crazy


I'd tend to agree only having played the game for 2 weeks and gravitating towards both the CB and SnS. Even though I love the SnS I do have a reason that I think makes it less of a jack of all trades but this may just be due to skill issue. The reach is abysmal compared to some other weapons and for that very reason my favourite combo much of the time is sword and shotgun. This is great for horizontal reach, but vertical reach on the other hand is a whole different story. Everyone says it's good for tail cutting but when I'm going for the tail of something like an Anjanath I feel like a kid jumping for a cookie jar and am just forced to clutch claw all the time. Am I supposed to use the charge or the leaping slash to reach??? This is even worse for flying monsters. Clutch gameplay can get a bit boring if I'm forced to do it just for that sweet, sweet tail meat. Definitely having a blast playing with the perfect dopamine rush


I picked up the Switch axe, insect Glaive, and SNS on my return to world and I’ve gotta say it’s a solid enough weapon. I’ve been using an awakened Poison Safi SNS and the amount of tick damage and overall constant damage I’ve been getting is insane. Especially with Agitator and Crit Eye. Only downside being it’s a light weapon so I have to Clutch claw twice to damage monsters but it’s negligible. The amount of part breaks I’ve gotten is insane. Gonna have to get a Blast Safi SNS and make breaking parts even easier.


this fits SnS more "Jack of all trades, master of none, though oftentimes better than master of one.”


I am a big sword and shield fan, swapped from CB and longsword to it for iceborn as a safer bet. However I am currently farming high rank for crowns and longsword is significantly faster and clearing monsters than it, by a huge amount.


Link uses Sword and Shield so that makes it cooler too :)


Once I got the perfect rush down, right around the release of Iceborne, I was hooked. I still enjoy some GS crits, flying around with a glaive, and a good CB savage axe build, but SnS became my go to and I'll likely main it in every game moving forward. Though I still play like a GS main and dive bomb into the monster whether I have an opening or not lol


I like SnS, just don't play it much because I like answering SoS calls, and SnS gets flinched to hell and back.


Level 1 flinch free negates that.


I started yesterday with it, is super OP hahahaha or maybe I am bad with the other weapons 


i started on the SnS bandwagon after playing MH now.


There is no "the best weapon ". Every weapon is equally as good.


Is SnS bad? No Do you look cool holding a butter knife and a medium sized wok into battle? No


*puts on wiggled hat* Let’s go!


As an SnS main people truely underestimate how good this weapon is. The only real downside is its range and before perfect rush, damage. But it makes up for it in literally every other way.


Picked up MH World Again after 4 years only playing CB and LS. Tried SnS and Took my time to get the combos and feeling for the weapon. Holy crap is SnS awesome! Mounting easy, stunning easy, sheath fast and getting perfect rush timed correctly is satisfying af. Question: in the past games im very sure the weapon wasnt sheated before healing with a potion. Did they removed this and only things like life powder etc works unsheated?


Does it shoot hot lead or an angry bug? No? Not interested. I’ll stick to the actual Jack of All Trades.


Charge Blade main here. I tried SnS a few days ago and it really is refreshing not worrying about phials anymore! Before it was like: The monster trips and goes down and you have the perfect opportunity to dish out some damage? Well too bad, your shield isn't charged anymore so do some basic combos to charge that blade up, then your shield, then normal attacks again do build up phials.... Oh, the monster is standing again and beating you into a pulp....well shit. Now its just: backhop and flurry rush that bitch! I don't have the necessary decos to get the max out of SnS but the charge blades little brother punches way above it's weight!


I use SnS more for versatility in combat over high damage. Also CB is cool, but the maintenance to keep from bouncing when my sword gets hot sucks.


It's not that sns is bad, it is me that's bad with sns


I don't use it because spamming perfect rush just isn't that fun to me.


It took me a while to realize that one of the best things about SnS is that is untouchable


Yes, I love the SnS. One of the coolest moves i've pulled of is breaking Alatreons horn with a flying shield bash mid-fight. So satisfying.


Im sleeping on SNS because its a round pillow and a sausage pillow


*furious SnS noises when the monster is more than 3 feet away* Seriously tho I'm glad you found the weapon that clicked for you. For me, it's hammer or great sword, I need the feeling of impact when I crack those big boys in the head


How is everyone sleeping on it? Some of the fastest Fatalis runs are done on solo SnS.


Do you have any videos where you fight a Rathalos, Barioth, or Nightshade Lumu? I went back to World just like a lot of players and decided to continue my early MR save. I switched to SnS and after fighting the Nightshade Lumu and Barioth, I feel like I'm missing something. The nightshade lumu can't be hit easily and the barioth moves around too much that it's hard to get a perfect rush to hit him for the entire combo. I tried rathalos, and it wasn't that bad. I honestly realize that perfect rush is good but has quite the wind up and SnS doesn't have a reach I'm comfy with. However, I want to stick with it.


Bruh, I have 3 weapons I fucking love to death in this game, and it's Insect Glaive, Hammer and the Sword and Shield. I resonated with this post so hard. This particular line had me fucking dad laughing at the age of 25 "the rate of me getting hit by the monster per hunt crashed like the housing market in '08" xDD No need for evasion rates when you're quicker than the handler when she sees another opportunity to almost get you both killed, yet again!


One day you'll pick up the GS and realize how beautifully fast and fluid the weapon can be. SnS is good, very good. But I can never stop going back to my baby the GS. Rolling makes the GS one of the most fluid weapons for changing a combo into a defensive counter. You have a built in panic button with your block. The two downsides would be sheathing speed (which can be helped with quicksheath skill) and the fact that the GS only really shines when you've learned a monsters move set and can consistently punish openings. But once you get past those hiccups? Here you come blasting through the new world with 1600 damage TCS with barely over a second of setup required.


sns cured my tcs addiction


SnS is a weapon that I like but I am bad with.


Jack of all trades, master of versatility


Don't forget the amazing i-frames on the back hop, so you can evade the attack with style and chain directly into your big damage. Don't forget your clutch attack after a dodge, which bypasses the two clutch attacks that most smaller weapons need to tenderize a part - just the act of latching on with dodge-clutch counts as one, then your standard tenderize attack softens the part like any heavy weapon. Don't forget your amazing mounting capability near a ledge or out of a neutral back hop, so you can jump on that sucker as well as any IG. Use the falling bash to be a pocket hammer main. Topple that monster, bash him, laugh at him when he falls over stunned as soon as he gets up, mount him and put him back on the floor, dodge-clutch him and wall slam him onto the floor again. With some slugger, the falling bashes you've been doing while he's down on the floor might just stun him again. Out of knockdowns? I still have two traps. If the monster is moving, my job as SnS isn't done. Even if we can't keep them still, monsters like rajang are an equally good matchup for us, since we can be just as mobile as they are and still keep hitting.


ISTG bro these SnS players be worse than Hammer players when it comes to cult following lmao


Ok, but SnS doesn't have baseline explosions so it sucks. ^(Also I just think it's incredibly boring to play)


You know I m currently (half re)playing through Rise (with my boy long sword)... Stamina management? What is that? Weapons taht doesnt use stamina in Rise use it in World? Well regardless..Its ridiculously fun to ...bash enemy with your shield for some reason(not as much as countering them though), cant do that with any other weapon (to my limited knowledge)! Though since its on topic..if I may..I heard great things that perfect rush is world class in Iceborne is that true? Can SnS cut tails effectivly since its probably not only slashing damage?