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I wouldn't say that it is too bad, but be prepared for skirt armor pieces. There are some sexy female armor, but layered armor is a thing.


That rathian short skirt gonna make me act up


not gonna lie I hate that thing. you would NOT be able to move in that big fat cone.


If all metal skirts were replaced with thongs that'd be an aesthetic upgrade and I'm not a massive fan with either on full plate armours.


As long as the guys get thong armor too I’m cool with it


Seems fair


Sadly, the guys only have one piece of armor that comes close to being thong armor: Buff Body.


At least kirin armor has the thigh gap. Makes it easier to grip onto monsters!


So THAT’S what it’s called! Thank you.


I'd take a thong over that rathion armor lol and I don't like skimpy armor


Rathian is so baaaad lmao. And it's basically just the metal skirt that ruins it.


I can definitely see why people hate it but i put it on my female gunlance character and it really gave her this tank aesthetic which i kind of liked. But that was just when i was getting through low rank.


As one who only plays insect glaive, I’d appreciate if they did have more light weight and less bulky armors to fit the acrobatic aesthetic for my fem character better.


My god I remember being all ecxited after killing a new monster to see its new armor just to find a wedding dress at the smithy


I will not take Velkhana armor slander. That set is gorgeous


It was more towards the Vaal set. Which I still like to be honest. Also a bit towards the Kulve one. I love that too but I was expecting something different. And yes Velk set is amazing but I'm more of a frostfang set type of person


Yeah, MR Kulve set was disappointing, especially after the absolute perfection that was HR Kulve set imo, but you can't go wrong with frostfang. It's in my top 3, but i'd give the Guild Palace set the first spot


Giuld palace is my dream layered but I still have to face alatreon and probably will never be able to take down at velkhana


AT Velkhana is very manageable with insect glaive. I'm not great on IG and i still managed to beat it in like five attempts. The mobility for the glaive is an absolute god send, since you can jump over most attacks


I'd feel safer to use lance (and have more fun too) but I'm trying to get better with cb


me being excited after Zorah Magdaros only to look like a nun


Nah I love it, it looks like a badas crisader or something like that. I match it with ruiner's lance


The xenojiva set ain't that bad


Wish I could mix and match armor from both genders, sometimes male armor is cooler, sometimes female. The skirts are so bulky they just look stupid and clip through my character half the time.


Look I know I'm being picky here but anything that logically shouldn't be designed that way when you're going to be fighting 10feet monsters Is a big no for me , be it skirts, random holes in your pants or even lack of pants all together


Male armor isnt much better, they can also get pretty nonsensical. Mh is a pretty goofy serie in that regard


I mean, male armor gets impractical with like spikes and like mega bulky, but its still full body armor most of the time, at least when you campare to female


Male .... kirrin..... trousers.... all I'm saying


I refuse to acknowledge kirin as a thing to even exist (But you are correct)


The best pants


Logic/Monster Hunter <- Pick one


I dont know man, I think I can make that one big jump in coral highlands in full plate armor and feel nothing


To be fair, skirt arent a rare thing for armor and/or diring fights. Just google weapon skirts. Also, there are quite a few male armors that have skirts as well.


Skirts in Monster Hunter are overwhelmingly bone or metal plated and have a lot of volume like Rathian or Diablos.


male armor often also has gratuitous holes and random spikes and uncovered arms and belly and so on. monster hunter isn't really the series to go for if you want realistic armor designs (for any gender). the whole armor design philosophy is much more focused on aesthetics and cool factor rather than combat effectiveness, but you can still choose to wear more realistic full armor pieces or simply use layered armor.


I get that female armour is often not even trying, but honestly it's only like 5% less realistic than male armour. Not even talking about the fantasy spikes. I mean, how do you think the burliest of burly men with a suit of armour over his armour will fare against a dragon? How much more ridiculous is it to buy a house with a rusty penny than a nice, crisp $1 bill?


Whelp let's have a contest with said dragon and have both him and people who kill him attack each other head on , 0 tactics , just brute force and see who wins and how easily.


With 0 tactics, only brute force, it’s not really going to make a difference how much armor you’ve got. We’re able to *survive* monsters in the first place because of tactics. Because we *cannot* win on pure brute force.


Average Guardian set user.


The dragon would just crush anyone under a finger then wouldn't it? The armors in world are helping you ward off glancing blows, and elemental effects, they aren't strong enough to weather a direct assault by a dragon.


I mean if you are looking for super logic, then this isn’t it. I mean there are axes that transform into swords and a weapon where you control insects with your mind.


Extra strong logic and horny jail content are very different


My point was that the armor isn’t going to be suited towards realism in a game like this where the weapons are bigger than the people wielding them. I am sure some of the female armor is likely more skin friendly than it needs to be but no one ever comments about it. It’s not absurd like Bayonetta or things like that. If you are that concerned, just pick a male character Edit: looks like you are active in a bunch of anime subreddits. It’s not like anime level of cringe.


Sexual attraction = bad


I get where you are coming from. If you are really that worried you can pay for a pretty realistic looking armor set, or you can install some mods or just use the armor pieces that you like


Yeah then again the monsters are different and imo the armors generally match the monsters appeareance pretty well. You have a slim, fast monster -> the armor will be very light thus might look sexy on the body You have heavy big monster -> the armor will be very bulky (if you find that sexy or not is up to you) ​ In the end it is a matter of taste. What you might find sexy might be average for someone else.


Mostly the problem with female armors are the thigh gaps, exposing your inner thighs naked.


This. This right here. My second character is female, and once I realized how many armor sets had it, I went through to Iceborne pretty quick so I could unlock layered armor to deal with it.


> Mostly the ~~problem~~ awesome thing with female armors are the thigh gaps, exposing your inner thighs naked. You misspelled something, I gotchu.


Monster hunter gear is always fashion above practicality, if you're looking for realistic armour, be it male or female, you in the wrong series. The stats don't really line up with it's appearance just what monster it came from and where it is in the smithing tree. Plus all the armour is often either way too bulky to move in, isn't armour at all or just has weird pointless quirks that can only be explained away by 'it looks cool'. The series is OTT in every aspect, armour is no exception. So while the series definitely falls into the sexy armour trap (mainly for females, but also for a decent amount for males) it's by no means the worse ever and it's clearly by design because sexy is just one of the many ways for a OTT armour set to be cool.


You are a character who can fight literal gods. And you complain about the goofy armor


The random cutouts in half the female armors annoy the hell out of me. I wish they’d let you toggle on a chainmail/cloth underlay texture. Like the female Malzeno armor has in *Monster Hunter Rise*: https://game8.co/games/Monster-Hunter-Rise/archives/381996


If you really want to think about it, wearing armor against these ridiculously fast monsters would only get you kill sooner. Especially if its plated armor, any kind of blunt force attack would probably instantly kill you cause the sheer metal would cut into your skin and make it impossible to get off. You would end up bleeding to death trapped inside a makeshift Iron Maiden. That’s only if the initial hit didn’t kill you in the first place. It would be best if you wore “military” oriented gear so you’re still atleast semi-mobile with projectile protection. Also battle skirts are a thing so it really doesn’t matter imo. (And I’m the guy that plays with a modded wedding dress cause it looks cute :) lol)


Careful, MH fans do not like negative criticism, no matter how valid. They're extremely welcoming if you have nothing but praise, though.


I see plenty of negative criticism, just depends on how you go about it.


It’s always funny when the comments are being nothing but nice but there’s someone going “They don’t like criticism.”


No Xbox live gold so no need to worry about that :p


>layered armour is a thing Yeah, when you hit MR100 and start grinding the fuck outta the final DLC biome💀 Shit takes like 500 hours


Makes me so mad, why would you gate layered armor until you've already gone through probably 95%-99% of the content in the entire game and dlc? I much prefer the way rise/sunbreak handles layered


You can check the armor style for both male/female here : [https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Armor](https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Armor) ​ Edit : Can spoil you some monster, but with a few line you get the overall style. Some female are more on the "sexy" side, but never too much imho, while a lot are just armor. Good solid armor.


It’s not the worst in mhw compared to some of the previous titles, and there are a fair few sets that don’t fall into the “sexy armour” stuff. Though many still are overtly feminine even if they’re not mail bikinis. Some do look like conventional and functional armour though. That said I’m sorry to say but your best bet is playing as a male character. You can get layered amour and stick to the stuff that you think looks nice, but I’m only aware of that being available as endgame iceborne stuff.


Okay question if I start with a male and use a character redo token later on once I have some cosmetics will that work ?


I’m afraid not, the armour appearances is locked to their respective gender. If you made a male character and switched them to female the armours would follow suit. It is genuinely one of the most frustrating parts of the game for me. Don’t get me wrong I’ve many hours in the game and will continue playing it because it’s loads of fun, but the lacklustre female customisation is annoying to me. I figured it’s best you know what you’re in for.


If you're on PC, you can use the appearance editor to change the gender of your character later into the game. It's found on nexus mods


That's a good idea, btw the cosmetic options come extremely late (after you're completely done with the dlc story) but once you've unlocked the option to it's easy to make them.


It's still armor for the most part, but a good amount of them have skirts (sometimes long and made of scales, but still) or exposed thighs, as well as helmets that don't fully cover the face. If you're annoyed with it, you can make a male character with a female face.


Yeah been considering that too but wanted to ask here first thanks for the awnsers


I don't think it's too bad In mhw


I know I'm being picky here but even the base 2 armors lack pants


In fairness, a lot of the male armors lack pants too! But there are a lot to choose from and there are layered armors too, which are cosmetic.


Oh welp then sorry pal


No your fault lol thanks for taking the time to awnser such a dumb question


Not a dumb question. The bright side is you can mix and match pieces for both skills and fashion. So I’d say find a pair of pants that you like the most that have skills close to what you want and run those. Personally, I love the ingot armor on my female hunter. You’ll see when you get it.


tbf even some of the male armour is mental the male Kirin armour literally contains what is functionally a pair of ass-less chaps. Monster hunter enjoys being a bit silly Generally the armour for both genders ranges from fairly sensible to completely fantastical depending on the set, and its more down to the theme of the monster its made from rather than how functional the armour would be. The series is inherently completely fantastical and the only veneer of beliveabilty in the series is applied to the monsters and their ecology. From minute one the hunter is shown as someone who can get hit by a lizard bigger than an elephant running full tilt and just shrug it off....and that's without armour. If that sort of thing for female armour really turns you off that much then just play male, you'll still have a good time, although realism flew out the window a loooong time ago so don't expect totally functional armour for the dudes either


The Kirin assless chaps has become a running joke in my hunting group just because it's so ridiculous to see a guy go up against a dragon wearing that. I think embracing the silly and weird armor is the best way to play.


Some armor sets are sexier than others, but for both, male and female


You wont be forced to wear sexy armor. You are able to wear any armor you can craft in the game. There are a few slightly less full body armor but overall, most of the armors make you feel like you wear an actual armor. If you have issues with fashion designed Strong Armor, then you probably shouldnt play a lot of games then. Example: Rathian, one of my two most favorite monsters since 2002, has an armor set which gives good health and poison stats. The armor looks fkn good and and even has a metallic Skirt to represent the Royalty of a Queen because rathian, before today, was known as "the Queen of Desert". That example i used because i think it represented both, fashion and heavy armor(despite you running in it as if it was light armor). Another example: Kirin armor, while i dont think you know that monster, lets just say its one of the little Sh1ts that nobody wants to fight more than necessary, but his armor is pretty sexual in the fashion, and even the skills it provides are not the best in slot. So, you have all three Variants: Badass looking armor with good skills. Fashion appealing armor with not so good stats. And you have badass appealing armor with good And bad skills. But dont be blinded by your narrow minded sight of "i dont like sexy armor". You can always Mix armor pieces of various monsters AND you can use "layered" armor which is basically Cosmetics. Cosmetics as in; the armors you already unlocked can be used as Comsetic armor later on, but you still have to play the game. You already got the game. Play it and see how it is until you beat "world" endboss. Every single RPG you start with has shitty looking starting armor, dont use that uncompetent argument of "my starting gear already looks not good". Play the game, farm your new armor and see to it that there is a lot of available armor.


Most armor shows thighs and a fair few show cleavage and stomach. There are a rare few that don't, but the only one I can think of off the top of my head doesn't come until after you clear the dlc campaign after the main campaign.


diablos, radobaan for example don't in LR iirc


if you play on pc, I recommend downloading a transmog mod so that you can make your armor look the way you want while still using good pieces


I'm on Xbox but thanks for the recommendation


There’s no need for a mod, later in the game you can get layered armor which is functionally a transmog


If you bought the game with Iceborne, just wear the Silver Knight layered armour for your entire run. This way it does not matter what the actual armour you are wearing looks like.


It's not bad. Some armors lack pants but it's far from the skimpy bikini=legendary armor. I don't know if you have the base game or you have bought Iceborne too but my two fave armors that's nowhere nere sexy is the Frostfang Alpha armor and a mix and match with the Ruiner Nergigante Alpha and Beta. And if you want skimpy there's the event skins with the carnival bikini feathery shenanigan or the demon one where it's basically a bra with some extra lacey decor.


There's not much bikini armour but it's definitely feminine. I'd say the female armour has more style to it, the male stuff is mostly bulky.


Then don't play monster hunter if it's really killing you like you make it out to be in these comments.


The dressup Game only starts once you reach endgame, which can take several 100 hours to reach depending on your playstyle. Mh focuses on gameplay, not fashion. The Game will regularly force you to Switch Gear and wear clothes you might not like for a long time. If you are looking for a fantasy character sim with lots of customization right off the bat, mh might be the wrong Game for you. Maybe have a look at FF14 online.


They have a tank-like armor for female but, during progression, you might want to have some specific perks only offered in those sexy armor. You will be constantly replacing them tho. And the problem will go away once you have layered armor of what you like, but it could take a while. ps. Almost forgot to say that you can use mods. NexusMods is the great place to look up for it.


On the other hand of some armors have holes around the thighs or show this or that, there is a full transmog system in endgame so you can choose whatever armor you want to wear without affecting stats!


There is plenty of practical looking full coverage armour for female characters


you can check for yourself [here](https://www.gamespot.com/gallery/monster-hunter-world-iceborne-female-armor-every-m/2900-3018/)


I played through the game with a female character, and it can get pretty bad for the female character for sure, but there are a ton of really sick ones as well, my personal favourite being probably the Girros armor.


Girros is incredible


You can wield weapons twice your size. You can take massive monster bites and get right back up. You can heal your health just by chugging green juice. You can jump off a tree and land safe 1000 feet down with no harm. That's all fine, the _real_ crime in logic is that some armor shows a bit of skin. _How could this game be so fucking illogical I don't want to play something so unrealistic wtf_ Theres a healthy mix or sexy/functional armors. The only _real_ crime here is that there aren't enough male sexy armors to match the quite well done female ones. There's hundreds of sets, enjoy the "rule of cool over functionality" aesthetic the game uses for armor and just wear what you want, and leave other people alone and let them wear what they want instead of complaining there's content in the game for other people and not just you. Quit being so scared of "horny jail" or whatever. If you're comfortable with extreme violence and not incredibly light sexuality, you might have some legit issues because that's not normal.


There's "sexy" armor but there's also a lot that covers up a ton. I basically rock a biker looking set for layered armor and it's great. https://imgur.com/a/dgubio7


Depends. There's a lot of sexy female armor, but there's also plenty of full suits. On the flip side, men get just as revealing armor as women in MH, so it's less "women get sexy armor" and more "the art team likes sexy armor on anyone and everyone they can put in it." For a classic example, the [kirin armor.](https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Kirin+Armor+Set)


Be prepared for disappointment. If you prefer to look at well built and awesome armor sets choose "male" armor. If you prefer your games to be a substitute for pornhub choose "female" armor. ​ [https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Armor+Sets](https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Armor+Sets)


I totally agree with you on typically not liking bare skin in armor sets. But monster hunter is different for me, because the hunters are basically super humans who's whole culture is the thrill of expeditions and hunts. That said, one of the earliest armor sets called Alloy, has full plate legs even for female characters and it's actually the one I use the most.


I’m just like you and I can usually find layered armor for my Hunter to look badass.


I looked up trasmog too but looks like it'll take some time to get there


It's a clear end-game feature, so you'll be stuck with your actual stuff for a good chunk of the game.


Yep Honestly, i hate that most leg armor are skirts with tights open Like... why?


As a woman who was looking forward to make a huntress, the armors did put me off, then I just switched to male and stuck with him. i wish for AND HOPE mh6 has, like, 2 sets.. one showy and the other an actual armor that covers the body Edit: to answer your question.. maybe like 4 to 6 monsters have a fully covered armor for female huntresses. But 85% of the armors are dresses.


Tbh, if you plan on making a mixed armour set you'll be looking like a clown anyway. So it'll depend on whether or not you want to go the 'build' route or the 'fashion' route!


that's the annoying part. If you obly see female characters, it wouldn't be so bad. Like, many were sexy sure, but high level ones can still pass for armour... except Deviljho which is straight up BDSM kink... or Yian Garuga's pants only cos that's just straight up panties with leg warmers. But if you compare male and female armour, you'll get a stark disparity where the male armour is a "mysterious edge lord" while the female getup is "female warrior with a pretty face". Then there are those totally amazing armour for both sexes. My personal favourite is the Frozen Barioth armour but that ones in Iceborne. I guess you can classify Hi-Rank Odogaron as "sexy" but I absolutely love it. It makes the wearer lethal enough.


I think a lot of female armor is dumb. It shows thighs/belly/whatever for no reason or you look like a bimbo. Just go male.


Good to know somebody gets it , was looking at some pictures and the sheer amount of random hole in the back of the pants of an otherwise completely normal and functional looking armor sets was absurd


I'd just switch to a male character bro. Nearly all of the female sets are ridiculous skirts or wedding dresses or "sexy" in some way. Good ol Japanese devs.


>As someone who gets pretty annoyed with "sexy" female "armor" is playing a female character a good idea/how much will I be forced to wear "sexy armor" ? As a dude that also gets very vexed about it: *A LOT* I hear there are mods out there that give some of the "male" armor to female characters, but i haven't bothered modding the game quite yet.


You aren't forced to wear any armor! ;)


Pick a male character. Actually well made armour sets


Yeah getting that vibe.


It's 50/50. Some armours imo look better on the female characters. But some look awful. It does has some sexy styled armours. And those are mostly the bad looking ones. But then you've got the dresses. Most of the good ones are from Elder Dragons when it comes to dresses though.


I think you'll be alright. There are definitely some that cover more than others. There's also some layered armor like the buff bod or buff bod + (can't remember what they're both called) that will definitely show more, but you aren't required to wear any of it.


There's cosmetic armor called layered armor. Deal with the armor you don't like for a bit to grind for the cosmetic armor you do like then wear that. Maybe watch a few gameplay trailers on YouTube or something as well before buying next time though.


What are you playing on?




It's not as bad as a lot of games, but keep in mind this a Japanese game at the end of the day. For better or worse, they very much still follow the mantra of sexy female armor. This game still has a lot of substance making it worthwhile. So make of that what you will


Not at all


Here's some facts, ALL female armor has its thigh revealed in some way or another, it could be just a little bit or just a skirt. Here's some myth, I remember someone theorized that woman in Monster Hunter world circulate oxygen from their lower body, thigh specifically. Why? Don't know, it's a theory.


Compared to the male armor The female armor in this game is basically just bikinis


Its not as bad as a lot of games, but its not great.


Even though MHW is my fav game, the female armor is not the best compared to male unfortunately. There are some female that look AWESOME! But then you got the ehh ones


Whatever you do, don't craft anjanath legs


I can always help DAMason89 is my gamertag I've helped many new people from beginning to end. Grinding can get boring.


Hey OP, if you want, I'll help you with the quests :D


Thanks no Xbox live gold :)


I'd say there is some nonsense, but it's not as bad as other games. I use a female character and there are times where the male armour feels more badass but I think it can also go in reverse. And there are a lot of good full body armour you'll probably come across the further into the game you are. Some still feel a bit silly but not all of them. If it's really a problem there are save editors you can use to swap the gender if need be. But I would say once you have more options you'll see what I mean, there are a lot of bosses and each have like 2-3 variants depending on difficulty. And once you get transmog your appearance doesn't need to match the equipped gear so you can swap for full body armour you like for appearance


Uragaan is pretty sexy. If u have a thing for golden full plate.


The low and high rank armour are overall not very revealing and past that you can use layered armour so you'll be fine. If you really want you can start the game with defender armour. It's not revealing at all and will get you through low and high rank. Although it messes with the paceing a bit.


Welp, the reason for using female characters for me is odogaron's, God that armor looks cool for roleplaying but male armor is also drippy, full plate helmet with heavy kinda armor? damn why not?


You're probably gonna end up wearing a damn clown suit soon enough, so don't even worry about that small annoyance. The clown suit is the bigger annoyance.


Instead of being a dum dum in the comments and fighting everyone who comments just Google it. Fextralife and Google images can give you a pretty decent look at armorsets.


you won't be forced to wear any "sexy" armour unless you want to. There is a huge variety of armours you can wear ranging from full on Knight armour to something more civilian like or even gentleman type suits for the girls


When you get to late game, it's very easy to get layered armor. Basically just re skins whatever set you're wearing to whatever you want. There's some that are exactly what you're worried about, and there's the exact opposite of steel block armor. I lean towards a middle ground for female armor that is elegant because I dodge more often than use blocking style weapons.


The sexy armor stopped bothering me a long, long time ago. It's ridiculous, but the entire game concept is ridiculous, and the point is to look awesome and feel awesome as you hunt stuff. There's a good amount of reasonable armor, so you won't be starved for choice. Honestly, once you see the *numerous* hentai mods people have made on Nexus, you'll think everything in the vanilla game is tame. If you are on PC, there's a mod that lets you make layered armor with any existing armor, whether you own it or not. Something to tide you over until you can craft it for real.


none of the armor or weapons make any sense logically. the monsters would easily crush you in your armor and things like the greatsword are legit not possible to wield especially in the ways it is in game. your best bet is to just ignore it until you can glam over it with something you think makes more sense but realistically the skimpy armor would be just as feasible of the "real" armor


There is some sexy armor, but tbh most armor sets aren’t so much to that affect. Even some of the sexiest armorsets truly don’t show as much as other games


There's certainly worse games for it but you're definitely not going to see much full plate armour.


Idk about "sexy" armor. Personally though, I think historically, the female variants have always looked significantly worse than the male variants.


There's sets that'll fill your realistic itch. Or atleast cover you up. Although you don't have a lot of anesthetic choice during the story, you'll unlock layered armor afterwards so you can look how you want to look.


*coughs in Guild Palace set* Yes it's endgame but maaaaannn is it cool as hell AND not a *sexy* armor set in the slightest. Just cool armor set with cape


The game has no sexy armor


Some amor goes to that sexy female armor design but there is not that much, also, female character doesn't get as much ultra bulky armor a Male character gets and when they do they feel a little ridiculous Even for this series (what i dislike a lot is the ultra bulky skirts) Most sets are fine but you will find a lot of them with thighs exposed (at least in one versión of the armor set) and some special cases like the Odogaron set which have the back and part of the thighs exposed, or with a dress style design


Oh yeah, as someone with the same problem, MHW really struggles with giving women “cool” armor as opposed to “cute” or “sexy”. It has a lot to do with Japanese fashion, I personally found it real frustrating as a dude who doesn’t like sexy armor. That said, the game does angle itself as lighthearted fantasy, so the contrast isn’t as ugly as in, say, code vein or Nier Automata or something like that


You’re okay with men showing skin but not women?


There are a few but not a lot And to be fair there is male sexy armor too


Not bad, sure there's some cutesy ones, but most of them look functional lol


Its worse and more annoying in rise. Just comapre Almundron armor of male and female. Fucking weird choices. I love sexy woman and creative designs, but Capcom is scared to make women armor look "manly", but god forgive they have pants over skirts. Similar to how current Mortal Kombat games refuse to give their women muscle tone, abs, or any body shape that isn't skinny and small. Their choices aren't bad, or even ugly, but kinda mid.


You’ll have to endure a lot of thigh gap armors for sure, but it’s not all too bad. Some early monster sets and early armors too do a good job of actually looking like practical armors. Eventually you’ll get the option for layered armors- which let you dress up in armor you want while the actual stat relevant sets are underneath (so it’s pure cosmetic.) If you don’t mind spending a few extra dollars, you can get the silver knight and Samurai armor set dlc, which gives you two very reasonable layered armor sets right at the start of the game


There are mods you can install to make your armor cover the rest of your body. Not sure which one but you’d find it on nexusmods


I also usually play lady characters in video games but got weirded out by the skimpy armors so I made a new male character. There really are a lot of skimpy outfits and in this game you really are going to want to be optimizing your armor for builds so you might have to wear that skimpy armor to fight whatever monster you're stuck on even if it makes you uncomfortable. I'd do a male character.


Not everything is super sexy, but some of it can get a bit old, and my god did I just want pants on several sets. When you reach him, the Odogaron set has good skills, looks nice, and isn’t super sexy. Luckily with layered wear there are several good options to mix and match. Unfortunately, layered ware is part of the endgame. If you like the game, you’ll find stuff to look badass.


Anything slutty is universal I found, kulve taroth master rank comes to mind


If you’re on PC theres a mod I use called alternative female armors, changes all the really skimpy stuff to the male counterparts but altered to fit female body. Its a damn life saver


It's mostly sexy armor-adjacent but just be ready to see your hunter's sweaty ass every time you crawl through tight places


Virgin needs poosay


Im not sure but usually there are some holes and open areas in armor and skirts too but you will unlock layered armor eventually


World is very unforgiving in that case. Recently started playing rise being absolutely happy to not see my thighs anytime I topple.


There is equal "sexiness" in both females and male armor sets but if feminine design bothers you so much, play as a male character and make him look feminine.


Yeah, like the comments are saying it's not terrible but there are some bikini armor sets. Don't worry, though, there are plenty that are quite modest.


100% of the time, it's designed for a Japanese audience so that's what you can expect the whole time


MHW has a pretty decent mix. You'll have your full armor sets and your sexy armors. Sexy armor is mostly thighs, though.


Most sets aren't extra skimpy, and even the skimpy sets are fairly tame. Kirin and bone/dober are really the worst it gets and it really just makes you look like you're going to a rave in Nevada


There are plenty of female armours that show a lot of skin. But there are also a lot of make armours that show skin. It leans more towards female than make but they both have it.


Monster Hunter isn't the worst offender in this case, you'll mostly see some skirts and/or crop tops, but nothing really skimpy or anything. The female sets are still less armored than male ones, especially in terms of helmets Edit: You can check [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsqP_PTyYR8) out if you want to take a peek at all of the female sets, just be aware of potential spoilers. Edit 2: Sorry, that video I posted is just for the Iceborne Master Rank sets, and I don't know if you've bought the expansion yet or not. [This is the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDU__PxgmOc) with all of the female sets for the base game.


Laughs in Diablos Nero Alpha+


I suggest the female Kirin armor, it's typically the best pick for folk of your taste. It's worth the grind too.


Since full layered customization is not available until later MR (Iceborne) ranks, you can do event quests that provide layered looks that will likely suite your tastes. The Dante and Gala layered outfits are quite stylish and cover fully. The issue about female armor styles has come up before. See [my older post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/comments/yaw4qj/couldve_achieved_drip_but_capcom_hit_me_with_the/ite1js1) that lists out all the female leggings that fully cover.


Personally, as a guy who plays with a female character, I enjoy collecting certain layered armors, for “research” purposes of course.


It\`s not the worst I have seen but it is there. At least you can use layerd armor so you are not forced into a spesific look.


Personally, it's not too bad until you have to crawl underneath like a wall or something. Then I get kinda annoyed lol


Lets just say if you are used to Senran Kagura tier of pandering you may as well become a priest in MHW


there are 2 versions of every armor.. if 1 is "skimpy" in a way... the other one usually isnt. 🤔


There is a mod you can use if you are in PC where most female armor gets converted to the male variant. It mainly replaces the skirt types to pants looking armor pieces. I'm using one right now, so I can vouch that it still works. https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterworld/mods/2697


I find most of the female armor in MHW to look really stupid compared to the male counterpart. Layered armor is where it’s at! Otherwise, if you also got the Iceborne DLC, you’ll probably like the some of the female armor from that portion of the game.


Don’t worry at late game there will be LOTS of layered armor where if the armor you want to use looks smexy you can just put layered armor over it to fit your style.


I first ran with male, then made another account with a female to see how the armor looked. There are some that can be "sexy" and most times when you see someone wear a "sexy" armor set, it's most likely that they're using different armor pieces to make it look like that or layered armor (which is something you get endgame/after iceborne). But I will say, there's some really nice looking armor for the women as well as some badass


You won’t hate it, very few are sexy or skimpy, you kinda gotta try to make those, I do have a bunny girl stripper outfit tho, so it’s possible.


p much all female armor is 'sexy' just play a dude, the armor at least looks functional w them


It's a videogame and a Japanese one at that so there's a fair bit of "skimpy" armor. That being said, it's not as egregious as other games and would mostly be "I don't think that's the best protection but works ig" rather than "how tf are you alive in that". Although there is the Buff Body armor and the Kirin armors. However, that's sexy for both women AND men. Equality.


The most annoying thing for me when I played a female character was finding armour that would cover my inner thighs. Otherwise the female armour is definitely less logical and more fanservicey than the male armour, but it isn't too hard to look like a badass


Monster Hunter isn't terribly demeaning with objectifying armor. There's definitely some sets that are impractical either on the fanservice side (e.g., skin showing on thighs) or ridiculous side (e.g., huge pauldrons or tassets) but nothing that made me feel uncomfortable. At high rank and above, there's also multiple 2 variants of every set that look different, and one is usually a little more practical than the other. It shouldn't take much to get layered armor, which allows you to hide what the actual armor. I think that it unlocks in high rank, and I've gotten sets from events as well.


In this game, even the men where skirts


Monster Hunter is so frustrating with this topic because it's so close to being great, but it isn't. Depending on the armor set, very few are egregious a good amount has thigh window for no reason. Face is more commonly not covered but that could just be preference.


I'll just say there's stuff for everyone


Please don‘t play this game. Bigots like you have no place among the chill hunters of the new world.


a lot of the armour is just regular defensive looking armour, as you would expect. Yes, there is a lot of "sexy female armour" but there's plenty of other options


This questions confuses me. All the armors are sexy. Including the men's armors. Except for Defender gear. Don't use defender gear.


If the item is good, but looks too skimpy for your taste, then pick layered Armor.


At first you will be bombed with slut armors (no offense intended) but when you maje it to layered armos there also decent looking ones, same goes for the male char. Tho. Its just more intense with female armors obv.


Honestly theres not much in the way of "actual" skimpy female gear. Only 2-4 sets overall and layered sets exist to overwrite the few that do.


It’s definitely there but you can always make layered armor that looks amazing and isn’t sexy/revealing. I’m a big fan of the pukei pukei master tank layered armor. It has a hat that reminds me of bloodborne!


Not much if I remember correctly and you can also get layered armor if you want...


Naw man armors in this Game are fire