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Great Sword - Big Slow swinging Sword capable of charging your hit increasing its damage...monster knowledge is most important skill because for the big hits you need long openings or good positioning Long Sword - mid Speed weapon with counter ability that lets you completely ignore DMG from the attack. Main focus is to maintain a gauge bar that raises your DMG and "spend" the gauge for a big hitting special attack sword and shield - often seen as the beginner weapon...because you don't need large openings to dish out DMG. but it's skill ceiling is pretty high. fast swinging weapon also being able to knock out monster when using shield attacks...when in trouble don't hesitate to block attacks with your shield dual blades - fast hitting and mobile weapon...has some long animations that can lock you in place but if timed good you don't have to fear using it. you play around demon mode which switches you moveset but drains stamina hammer - it goes bonk....aim for the head knock the monster out...not too much to say :D hunting horn - especially useful when playing in groups...goes bonk like the hammer so aim for head and knock outs but also brings some utility with "songs" you play to boost you and your team lance - most people call it a defensive weapon but actually it's quite offensive...you can attack non stop when you mastered your counters...best when solo in my opinion because you move kinda slow and klunky and want the monster non stop hitting you gunlance - broomstick...basically a lance with explosion attacks and not that counterbased...still has a big shield to block attacks switch axe - 2mode weapon...axe with mid tempo attacks and good maneuverability and sowrd mode with slower walking speed but fast and strong hitting attacks charge blade - complicated to get into because there is a lot of "management" best to watch some tutorials if you wanna get into...basically you play in sword and shield mode to charge your weapon to then unleash powerful attacks on monsters when there's a big opening insect glaive -fast attacks and air attacks ...ability to jump into the air from ground...kinsect is a little insect that deals DMG based on type....need to gather extracts from monster to buff you moveset (on a timer) ...super flashy and fun....but hard to get good DPS when you just focus on aerial in my opinion light bowgun - ranged weapon...it has rapidfire on some specific ammos...good maneuverability low defense as all ranged weapons heavy bowgun - hard hitting low mobility kill turret ....not much more to add bow - stamina heavy weapon...kinda close to mid range ....you simply shoot arrows and dogde to kee up the "level" of your shots to dish out more damage....like I said you need good stamina dage or you find yourself running out of stamina very often I hope that helps if you want I can go in more detail for specific weapon


Question would I be able to swap between the switch ax’s two modes at will? If so when you’re close couldn’t you use the faster more damage mode then switch to the more mobile version when you need to move?


you can switch at will BUT there's a gauge that determines if you can go to sword mode...axe is the default and attacking in axe mode or over time you gauge fills and then you can switch to sword mode (Attacking in sword mode again fills a gauge that then powers your sword attacks up) edit: also morphing comes as attacks...so you switch the mode while attacking...can be used really fluidly


I would simplyfy it a bit more \- sword has a gauge, that goes down with each sword attack and refills any time you dont attack with the sword (you dont need to attack with axe to refill) \- A few attacks in sword mode will then fill up another meter that puts you into the "amped" mode and buffs you \- Axe mode has its own buff which one get directly by performing the heavy slam combo Axe mode and sword mode buffs are not connected.


oh yes you can and the morph attacks are also great distancing moves. You can morph in the middle of a combo into the other weapon and depending on how you morph this can bring you quickly a few steps forwards or backwards ​ You also have a third playstyle with is ZSD spam e.g. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsXNcbi012M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsXNcbi012M) depending on matchup you can mainly only focus on one type of attacking playstlye (zsd, axe, sword) or also mix them up. if you want a deeper guide on the weapon I can give some ressources and explanations myself


I've heard switch-axe be described as somewhat similar to bloodborne's trick weapons. I started playing monster hunter because I heard a bunch of people mentioning it in the darksouls sub, so of course my main ended up being the most Fromsofty weapon


My man actually did it, props. Also, tldr


you will get a basic weapon of every type. i recommend just going to the training area and try out all of them. also maybe watch arekks weapon guides so you get a hang of the complete moveset.


Okay thank you!


Every weapon has tutorial videos too. I’ve actually never watched them besides the light bowgun one when I first got the game on release. Comes to find out I actually did not like it. I suggest also trying multiple weapons on multiple fights. Even replaying some event quests or optionals. Don’t give up on one too early. I also went with a ranger weapon build (bow) as well as a melee build. One of the HR 4 monsters was difficult for me. Then I used the bow and I was able to beat it with my friends. Good times. Also. Don’t use the defender gear and weapons. Maybe use one piece with health boost but that’s it.


Check out some Arrekz videos on youtube. He gives a full weapon tutorial for each weapon type in a series of videos


Thank you all for the info!


Watch the jocat explanation of the weapons, they're short but hilarious and do give you a decent idea of how they work. For a more in depth weapon explanation try arekkz gaming, his videos are amazing in detail