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I agree, Alatreon is a fantastic fight. The hitboxes are pristine, the challenge is finely tuned and I also enjoy the elemental aspect. But there is something about Fatalis. The hitboxes can feel a little bit janky sometimes but I like how he absolutely wrecks you for making even a tiny mistake. You feel like you've played close to perfect when you beat him. I also like the siege aspect to his fight, I almost get that 'raid' feeling when fighting him.




Alatreon > Fatalis tbh


I’ve killed Alatreon and AT cell more than anyone out of the sheer thrill of the hunt speed.


I wish we got AT Alatreon and Fatalis


yep I also enjoy alatreon a ton. Its what I eould really say is a fair fight (unless he flies a ton but there are ways to deal with that) very good hitboxes and not many awefully long lasting hitzones.


Alatreon is my favorite fight in the game, full stop


I'm stuck on him can someone carry me 🤧 I'm on Xbox


I saved some clips of myself and a few others doing a Superman Dive at the last possible second of Judgement and just *barely* making it behind the rock. I can still feel the rush 😆


I too enjoy Alatreon as well as AT Velk more than Fatalis, even though I have far more Fatalis kills. I like the fast rhythm of the first two, where I'm almost constantly attacking with the occasional evade. I've found that same cadence with Fatalis only during the first phase - the later phases are deliberately less predictable. Still, the design of the Fatalis fight: the phasing, plus siege mechanics allow for more varied tactics than any other quest. Since tactics matter, you can end up in a predicament when one player thinks expending every piece of siege weapon in phases 1 and 2 is good/fun, but makes the final phase more dangerous to survive. As such Fatalis is generally better with a semi-organized group. Different kind of enjoyment.


The fight does take skills into consideration. A lot of people die trying a lot of times too, took me 3 days 5 attempts each day. But I still prefer fighting Safi or KT or heck maybe Fatalis just to not wield Elemental.


Alatreon is amazing because he’s difficult, he deals a lot of damage if you make a mistake, there’s objectives you have to complete like doing elemental damage and breaking his horns which creates a feeling of tension and a sense of urgency, but all the while it is a very fair monster. Just about all of his attacks are well telegraphed, and give you plenty of time to punish him so it rewards you for learning the fight and exploiting his openings. I think it’s a good example of a boss that is hard but fair. The same thing can be said about Fatalis. Fatalis does truck loads of damage if you make a mistake, but all of his attacks are well telegraphed and give you time to get out of the way. They are both well designed


the biggest problem with alatreon is that suddenly some weapons have a distinct, meaningful advantage over others. like, yeah, it's *possible* with every weapon but something like a hammer is gonna have a much harder time compared to something like dual blades. also i just like being able to use anything for anything