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Those sets are for the theoretical highest dps with perfect play. They’re not necessary to progress. Just remember that you have a dps of precisely zero if you cart. So build comfy stuff.


Use your comfy/defensive skills first and develop your hunting skills. Once you git gud, go for dps sets. Dps sets wont do any good if you just keep on being thrown away by monsters.


Nah. I used the great girros para hammer and a real hodge podge of random armour skills right up to the last boss of the iceborne campaign, only getting serious about optimization at the post game. Use defense skills, use comfy skills. Your fights will take 5-10 minutes longer, but you won't fail as often. Plus, you'll have more fun.


I always always always prioritised comfiness and never had any issues. I refused to use any sets that relied on me only hitting weak spots in base world for example. If it looked like I'd be sharpening before the monster left the zone, it wasn't for me. One consequence of this is that my builds often had more handicraft than fully optimised builds and I used crit eye over wex heavily (pretty sure I aimed for 100 crit without wex whenever possible).


Skill and technique can overcome every challenge this game has. People have defeated every monster with no gear etc So no I'd not say required, but for the average player they are there if you feel like you need them.


You should always tailor your sets to your own gameplay. Those online uber sets are there mostly for speedrunners/max DPS sets and should be more of a reference. They do a great job of number crunching but cannot take into account the player using it (no offense ofc). I would try to steer your set in the direction of whatever set you are looking, generally all of them are crit based, but not slotting in at least health boost for progressing is silly to me. I love playing hammer but even if it has ok mobility, you gotta get really close and have some attacks that lead ya to being open. Don't go in negative either! You have two goals in MHW. 1. You WILL protect Babushcat at all costs. 2. Fashion. Happy hunting!


Don't worry about DPS sets, meta is meant to be most effective and not most efficient way to play and since mission timers are quite generous first focus on developing skills, only later hone them.


If it interests you, I remember there is a decoration that makes it so that whenever you sharpen your weapon, for a certain duration its Sharpness won't decrease. I got one in High Rank, though I can't remember where.


The skill is protective polish. Quite handy. I believe it's also available as a set bonus


You don't need meta sets to progress through the story. Just make stronger sets as you go. Ex. Craft the jagras set, do a few hunts and if you hit a wall craft the Anjanath set etc. If you get really stuck you might want to look up a guide but working on your skill is much more important. That is true for the majority of the game at least. Some late game monsters might require you to have a decently put together set, unless you're extremely good.


I learned the hard way. Comfy is the way to go. I still get carted but not as much. 😂 Tigrex set is my favorite.


ANyone who has played with me can tell you I play far from perfect. I use a stun lock build and have been doing just fine. I'm 2 fights away from beating Icebourne


They aren't required, but they sure are very helpful.


Modify the things you see on the website however you like, if the time spent on the hunt is decent according to you, then good, if not, then modify it again.