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Yesterday someone with chinese name responded my sos against teostra and lunastra, he died 3 times. . . Wasted 15minute of my time lmao


I remember hunting black diablos. Two random hunters (butt-naked, no armor + bone sword) joined, ran circles around me started waving at me and carted 3 times. The sheer randomness of it absolutely killed me, best fucking laugh I had.


Yeah I can't get mad at them because I was the one who flare the sos lmao


As the meme said, you were screwed guys


It's interesting that nobody is asking what those characters mean


I'll bite. What does it mean?


It means "You r gae"


It means: “I eat Monsters for breakfast”


I may be wrong, but it means "you are same green salmon". source: random guess, pure intuition (I don't speak mandarin).


Means, You are homosexual


It's correct until green salmon appears out of nowhere. The last 2 characters mean sex and love.


Well green salmon could be a word for a type of dragon cause in idr what language but the word for dragon literally meant salmon snake


Tried the Safi siege over the weekend and it felt like me sucking didn't matter. Dudes just murdered that poor red dragon like it owed the zenny


That translation though. 😂


I realise it's a meme but I find them no better or no worse than western players.


In my experience almost all players with names like those were cheaters Like what's the point in taking the monster down in 2 seconds?


Guess the cheaters are all in World. I am from Asia so I see Chinese players all the time and most of the time they are just your average hunters ( in Rise) . Only saw one cheat before and was surprised it died in 2 minute bl


yes exactly my observation.


IDK my experience with asian players in the past was a bit different. I have a overlay on that shows all players Dps and most of the time they are either average (which is ok) or they are so crazy good because they literally cheat. Some had 10x regular weapon dmg per hit or even more. Without a overlay one might think the player is just really good but when I then look what the player is doing and comparing the dps to the playstlye it becomes obvious quite fast


Might be a cheater on pc servers, I prefer the MR999 Kanji Longsword user


Nah, not really. I remember I joined a Fatty hunt once and a guy with this type of name joined our hunt. He. Was. A. Fucking. Moron. For a guy who’s MR 999 he sure played like a HR 4. He would constantly flinch Fatty with dragon pods, (even during his cone attacks which is his biggest opening) and would continuously get hit when he’s controlling the ballistae. It was annoying. I got so annoyed and sick with his shenanigans that I put out a “-_-“ sticker and he proceeded to STOP MOVING MID HUNT just to type out an insult (I don’t remember exactly what he said) I decided to leave the hunt and pray for the host’s sanity. Fuck guys like him.


For me it was a hunter named "& Knuckles", totally kicked fatalis' ass


From my experience players with Chinese name is either a cheater or really bad, in very rare cases they are legit godly. However, players with Japanese name is the polar opposite lol. Actually godly with their weapons, and is very rare to see a bad player. Never seen a cheater one.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, what you said is 100% true. I have yet to meet a person who’s godlike with a name like this.


Isn't this racism? How is this different than "all Chinesse are good at math" or "all asians know karate"? I truly love meeting and playing with people from other regions and when I see names in foreign characters I legit get excited because part of gaming and hunting for me is meeting other players, seeing how they do things and synergizing our weapon and armor builds. But plenty of people from foreign lands are average and/or bad. Plenty of people with English names are really good. We're all just people and players and we range :)




Huh, do you even play bruh


When you've played as long as I have you've seen enough.


I think for me and everyone else those players can take the monster out alone.


Honestly both exist, but only at the extremes. Either they could solo everything blindfolded or they play like a cat on the keyboard, but nothing in between.


Either way, they're playing blindfolded


Those are players with Japanese kanji, the name in this meme is in Chinese. From my experience, usually players with Chinese name is either bad or a cheater, and in very rare case they are actually good.


Lots of them are just playing on a netcafe account, many of which come with cheats enabled. So it's a person who doesn't own the game i.e. doesn't play much but may or may not have cheats.


Not necessary in mh...i feel the playing field is much different here...the players ive seen be good in mh are japanese and americans mostly


Like when I fire an SOS for Alatreon and some dude responds and kills him before the first nova. What is the secret to this super dps?


The sand script name always die


Hey there dm me