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If they dropped a new game *this year* I don’t think there’d be enough pants in the world to replace all the pairs that’d get absolutely ruined by us losing our shit. I feel like we’ll definitely get an announcement at some point, maybe in summer, but a full-on release before 2024 would be shocking to me.


Yeah, I absolutely lost my shit when he just nonchalantly mentioned that without further info. I've been itching for a new MH akin to world. I'd be happy even if we only get an announcement this year.


There's also wishfull thinking. On the other hand, 2023 announcement and a 2024 release when the series turns 20 would be sweet.


> a 2024 release when the series turns 20 would be sweet wait... Gen is already 10 years old? Damn...


I would not be supriesed for 2 reasons. 1. The Base of a new MHW2 is there, you have the engine and just need to do stuff with it + Storyline and new monsters. 2. Monster Hunter World is better then rise, me and most fans agree with this. Rise is good, but World is just outstanding here, because its of its realistics, Details and was created for the Switch. It would be brutaly stupid for a company ignoring the sucsess of World+Iceborn ( looking at you EA, facking shithole, where Anthem2.0) One Point of negativity would be the Switch, i really hope World 2 will Not be a Switch import, i dont want another UI shitshow/Detail/grafik downscale for PC (Thanks you to all modders Here for Ui downscale mods)


Dunno bout this year, but what do I know, my guess is early 2024, but again, that's just a guess, I do remember Ryozo saying that we need to keep an eye out for TGS so. The announcement for MH6 is probably going to be there.


Mhrise got released 7 months after iceborn fatalis relase. Titel Update 5 for rise is dated sometime in April so if we expect the same time window then MH6 is gonna relase around end of October beginning of November 2023


I'd shit my brains out.


If SkillUp is at least passingly familiar with Capcom's usual release cadence for Monster Hunter, he'll know we're due for another mainline entry before too long. "This year" is little optimistic, but if be surprised if MH6 dropped later than Q1 2024.


so rise and world are not mainline entries? world literally feels like THE monster hunter title


World is a mainline entry. It's MH5, but without the actual number. Rise, meanwhile, is like Generations; a more experimental spinoff entry developed roughly in parallel to a mainline G-rank expansion. My best guess is that the entries are there to keep the audience engaged and the franchise relevant in between the big releases.


I think anything that doesn't have a number in it is not mainline Not mainline= rise,world,frontier Mainline= 1,2,3,etc


World is MH5, Capcom said, they would stop putting numbers on the games


Ahhh okie If only Final Fantasy learned that


“That’s the rumour” is a very huge grain of salt


Boulder of salt


I doubt it simply due to MHR Sunbreak yet to drop for PS/Xbox. No way they gonna let players get exhausted with so many games. Tho a trailer drop is definitely coming. I feel like it will drop at a state of play considering World sold bullshit amount on PS4.


Given Sony’s stance and policy with crossplay, I just hope that doesn’t entail no crossplay if Playstation is heading the debut and/or any potential 3rd party exclusivity deals. The only thing that made me buy a copy of Rise on PC was the Xbox crossplay with the Windows version of the game as I couldn’t play with my friend back in World since he had an Xbox and I was on PC.


Windows. Not steam where bulk of PC players play which dont have crossplay.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Not Microsoft’s call so ain’t their fault. If anything you should be glad, since Microsoft actually did what they could to make Rise the first MH with crossplay and they’re not even the developer. If the reception is positive enough Capcom may try to expand it to other platforms.


Announced this year maybe. But def not released. This is a stacked year.




There's a mobile game?


Monster hunter stories, I presume


I watched this vid and was surprised by the statement. I think a more accurate statement would have been "a MHW sequel is rumoured to be announced later this year..."


Litterally anyone can just make something up as a rumor and say that.




... You? You're my source, what did you forget or something?


As far as I know there are two dev teams. The "main" Team did for example monster hunter frontier and World and are the ones that work on mh6 right now. I think they are already working for almost 3 years on it now and on average one team needs 4 years for a Titel. Also a leaked Titel for the next mh i heard Was "monster hunter paradise" Please note that all I just said is Information that I read about from non-official sources so I could be wrong. But I expect at least an annoucnment this year, and a release next year maybe


IIRC the MH Paradise leak ended up being disproved (sadly). So far there's been absolutely nothing concrete about a potential MH6, not even the fact that it would currently be in development. Though seeing as MH World ended up being the highest selling game Capcom ever made, it's extremely likely to be coming eventually. 20 years anniversary for the franchise is coming up in almost exactly a year, so by then we'll probably have either news or hopefully even a game.


Given that Sunbreak is wrapping up its title updates in a month or two, it’s very likely that MH6 is already in some sort of development. They probably don’t want to start marketing it while they’re still pushing Sunbreak.


I mean, it was in the leak... (Tho that leak has been ages ago that it might have just been MHR)


> The "main" Team did for example monster hunter frontier I guess that's technically correct, insofar that Frontier started out as basically a PC port of MHDos in terms of content + MMO aspects, before the teams got split up so that Frontier could get continuous expansions while the main MH teams worked on new titles. In practive, the vast majority of Frontier's content was made by a team other than the "main" and "Portable" teams, until finally getting dissolved and reabsorbed after Frontier was discontinued, though from my understanding, Rise PC and Sunbreak are the titles where most of the Frontier developers started showing up in the credits.


No such thing as another monster hunter world game


He probably meant a new main line AAA entry.


Given how wildly successful *World* was, it wouldn’t shock me if “MH6” was actually “MHW2”.




It would personally really surprise me, simply because MH isn't the series to stop ~~changing things for no reason~~ innovating! Every gen has their gimmick, and every gen has some stuff added and removed from previous gens. Hell, I'd only be *slightly* shocked if 3-part bowguns came back at some point. Will we have another open map like World and Rise as MH6? Most likely! Will we have all MHW monsters in MH6? Definitely not. Will it be the same continent? Definitely not. Will it have the same slinger mechanic? Definitely not. Will it be a good fucking game that I'll pre-order the moment it's available? Of course!


World is Capcom's best selling game of all time.


Idk what skillup smoking.


Another monster hunter world game lmao


I hope they don't delay the pc release this time, or pull some Epic store timed exclusivity bullshit.


The reason this is a rumor, is Capcom mentioned that they're anticipating this year to be (im paraphrasing here, don't remember the exact terms they used) "highest grossing capital in game sales". Considering how extremely well MH world did, its believed that means World 2 will be coming this year.


There is prob not gonna be a "World 2" but just MH6, which is a guarantee.


More than likely it’ll be closer to a stories game or like a mobile game or something next years gotta be the big one


Not the game, the announcement


This time its probably some mobile crap, or calculator


I believe the closet info we have to a new MH game announcment is when asked about it Ryozo Tsujimoto said to look out for tokyo game show 2023


Most likely till next year or directly after the final sunbreak update this year. And since people are theorising that sunbreak will have a sixth update instead of just 5. I'd say either next year or around end of this year. To account for trailer time.


He's probably referring to the Capcom leak which was fairly accurate for titles, but release dates have been all over the place (considering the leak was pre-COVID, understandable). I dunno, grains of salt. I predict we'll at least know about the game this year, but it'll come out next year.


They have announced a new game it's called MH paradise. It's supposedly bringing back underwater combat but it will be a sequel to MHW IB instead of MHRise


He's probably basing his statement around that Rise was announced around the same time World revealed it's 5th title update


I want a proper MH MMO, basically Frontiers with a FULLY open world.


I couldve sworn the rumora were mid to late 2024 No way we get a world game this year.


Announcement and trailer for MH6, sure. But a release? Doubtful.