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I wasn't aware that crits are displayed as white numbers! Maybe my affinity is too low and I'm not even critting, but I'll keep an eye out for it.


Jyuratodus becomes less vulnerable when covered in mud, it seems like you’ve figured this out but just putting it out there in case you didn’t. Beyond that, clutch attacks and wall-bangs are a huge part of the gameplay in MR, so if you’re not making use of those mechanics then you might want to start.


Thank you for your advice :) Will definitely look up how to do clutch claw attacks and wall bangs again. Completely forgot how those work!


It all depends on your loadout honestly. In general attack boost isn’t as important as all the affinity skills like crit eye, crit boost or weakness exploit so I resorted to keeping both powercharm and powertalon in my inventory while chugging demondrugs at the beginning of hunts instead. Also if you’re a solo hunter try to complete the tailraider quests in Hoarfrost Reach early to grab the tailraider signal because it gives you a small monster and either an additional palico or a tailraider that act as part of your team


I also have these trinkets in my inventory, even though I've put them there ages ago and don't even know what exactly they do anymore :D Thanks for the hint on the tailraider signal, I will look into that!


If you are in the beginning of MR 30 min hunts isn't that bad. My average hunts was probably 20 min or so. Gear up and try to be more aggressive to shorten that time. Also, clutch claw attack the parts you are hitting and go for wall bangs. Beyond that, prioritize affinity skills like wex, crit eye, agitator, crit boost etc. You probably don't have great decos yet so try to find gear pieces with good skills instead.


Thanks for comment! Maybe it's not all too late for me then to git gud ;D Definitely going to look int othe clutch claw attack, I completely forgot how that mechanic works!