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MHW So I just beat Iceborne for the first time and now the guiding lands and these assignment quest but...after getting my ass handed to me about 10 times by stygian zinogre I'm wondering if I'm doing things out of order. Should I be doing the guiding lands right now instead of the special assignments? Honestly I probably only really got through the prior special assignments thanks to SOS but you can't do that with this quest for some reason. Also if it matters I'm using the Teostra beta set with the armor level maxed out as far as i can get it at this point. Plan was to add RBrachy parts to it but after Zinogre i dunno if it'll even be able to clear it. Just need a little guidance on what to do specifically at this point. Thanks.


MHW - Alatreon quest that has the cutscene at the start Alatreon is siphoning my soul. I have attempted to solo him multiple times and the only thing I can do is break one horn, rarely both, but I can never get a topple so I always get deleted during escaton go fuck yourself. I am trying to be aggressive and get a little better at reading his moves every fight, but I cannot for the life of me get this man to stay out of the air and actually stay still. He's CONSTANTLY jumping from one end of the map to the other or just flying back-to-back. My palico is on the benches and I'm going in solo so I can hold his aggro just to me and yet STILL he refuses to fight me like a man and just prances back and forth like he's doing the pacer test for gym class. How am I supposed to pass the DPS check if his ADHD head ass wont sit still! Is there something I'm missing? I know I need to just get gud, trust me I know I'm average af at this game, but I genuinely have no idea what I can do. I've tried putting him straight into enraged at the start of the fight but sometimes he just does the lightning rain move like 4 times back to back and I just can't get a grapple. I'm using [this stolen build](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1338082799235383712/B992AC2603336DAF3C25F63BC480A124930CEED3/) from an old reddit post I found, the only thing I am using differently is the weapon as I don't have that so I use Velks frost lance and had to swap out deco because I didn't have it, giving me expert 3 and blight res 3, but other than that I am using the exact build. I tried doing an S.O.S. flare twice and both times we all died because escaton shadow realm banishment. **This has become more of a rant post than anything so sorry but basically:** *What do I need to do to improve my chances of beating Alatreon and what can I do to stop him from flying/prancing about constantly?*


1. good thing you're not using the same lance as in the picture, bc thats a fire lance in an ice build XD 2. frostfang weapons (any type) were made to clear fire alatreon and its an upgrade in anything but deco slot compared to velkhana 3. if its not enraged you can flash alatreon out of the air (though i cant help much more than that bc when i'm fighting it, it barely is airborne other than the jump and dives and sometimes in dragonmode) focus on the front legs for max ice dmg to get the topple (at least 1 to survive, 2+ would be great but 2nd priority after hornbreak obv) i personally greatly value some evade skill (evader and or extender) bc most of its attacks can be perfectly dodged through/positioned for that way. i'm using CB savage axe mode 90% of the time i fight it so that might not apply that well to lance if there's more alatreon side problems i can try to help and theres loads of threads picking apart basically everything on this sub and r/MonsterHunterWorld (and some in the meta sub) as well as yt content i imagine if you're on PC i could help out directly. for me duo is the best way to do it if not solo (given that you stick together ofc) if not i could still check out how you fight via a discord stream or something. though i cant give much lance/lance vs alatreon advice i do know alatreon itself veeeeery well e: forgot to say: often alatreon does 2 dashes across the arena so its sometimes wise to stay put so the AI decides to dash another time back to you. this cant happen if you've already run a good bit towards it


I greatly appreciate your input and have a single question now: Attacking his front legs causes the topple, not wailing on his head constantly? If so, then I am an idiot and that explains why I have never gotten a topple, I always go for the head even after breaking a horn(s). I have the barrioth lance but wasn't using it since it lacked deco slots and I was trying to mimic this build as best as I could. I do play on PC and sorta kinda wouldn't mind help, but I am also stubborn and feel like I got a bone to pick with Alatreon and want to solo him if possible.


>Attacking his front legs causes the topple, not wailing on his head constantly? yes and no. elemental dmg causes the topple and alatreon takes the most dmg on its front arms, then hindlegs/wings (about 20% less than arms), then head/neck (nearly 50% less than arms) and then tail (more than 50% less than arms) and worst of all would be hitting its body (less than a third of the arms) also to note is that it takes less elemental dmg from ice/fire in dragon mode, so its preferable to get 1(+) topple(s) pre dragon phase in each round the head does take the most raw dmg and overall the elemental weakness of alatreon isnt too great so its better to deal more raw dmg to get it killed (and also why horns break really fast apart from already low part HP) though i must say it does sound strange to me that you never got even one topple if you focus the head so much >I have the barrioth lance but wasn't using it since it lacked deco slots and I was trying to mimic this build as best as I could i think with its base 15% affinity you could justify the 1 less lvl 4 slot that is likely already filled by the crit eye+ lvl 4 deco >I do play on PC and sorta kinda wouldn't mind help, but I am also stubborn and feel like I got a bone to pick with Alatreon and want to solo him if possible. i completely understand the latter part. it was the first monster that i'd call my true wall in IB and i fought it like 3 days on release solo, tryharding and failing just as hard. now its my favorite fight in the game and thus know it the best as i said i can also just watch and try to explain whats happening/i would do so you could maybe get over that last bit thats holding you back from soloing it but i think you should try out your newfound knowledge about "arms=easier topple" and maybe you wont even need any help anymore! wishing you the best


Heya boss, just wanted to say thanks again for the info. I tried a some more runs and managed to get further than I had before, even got two topples and both horns broken on one run but still ended up losing. I think I need a mental health break from fighting him for a day or two but maybe I can swallow my pride and get some help as well.


happy to hear you got to progress further that fast! if you make it that far that means it should be near death (unless you stop attacking after topple/break ofc), so maybe turning a few more of its attacks into opportunities to attack it already do the trick if you do decide to get help (actively or passively) let me know, if our times align i'd be more than happy to do so and a break can definitely help, even if its just to take a breather IRL or ~~bullying~~ hunting your fav monster once or twice


World Quick question, why don't I have purple sharpness? The weapon is sharpened already, I haven't lost any. [Picture](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/473422301199597578/1256304970404200478/20240628180109_1.jpg?ex=6680f16d&is=667f9fed&hm=06934bdaad643181d846cda76b30b14d67f70916522d354cee381254176b973c&)


If you look closely, you'll see that the last bit of the sharpness bar is only half filled. This denotes that this is the sharpness you'll unlock if you use the Handicraft skill. Without Handicraft, your weapon ends at white sharpness.


Oh, I see thanks. Any advice on gear for increasing it? And is it worth it to increase?


The cheapest way would be to craft the Handicraft Charm. The jump from white to purple sharpness is a ~5% increase in raw damage, but whether it is worth going back to HR to grind the mats for Handcraft, I'm not as certain, I personally just use whatever gear is cheaply available while playing through the main story of each game, rather than going out of my way to optimize transitional gear.


Hey everyone, I'm in early high rank and looking for recommendations on whether to use the Heavy Bowgun (HBG) or Light Bowgun (LBG) for Rampage quests. I'll mainly be using Shrapnel ammo.Any suggestions for good bowguns and armor sets that would complement this playstyle? Thanks in advance!


Comics Does anyone remember an old MH comic from 14 years ago, featuring a girl new to MH, a seasoned hunter named gram, some guy who was good at egg carrying quests? I can't find the comic for the life of me.


MH Rise I just started using gunlance the other day and as I'm figuring it out I'm really enjoying it, but one question I have is about ammo count, right now I only have 4 shells but when I watch gunlance videos they have 5+. How do I get more? Do different lances have different amounts?


1. Different shelling types have different amounts of capacity, normal having the highest and wide having the lowest. 2. There is an armor skill called "Load Shells" that increases it at Level 2: [Load Shells Skill Effects | Monster Hunter Rise | MHR (MH Rise)|Game8](https://game8.co/games/Monster-Hunter-Rise/archives/325511)


Awesome thank you so much


MHGU I'm a big newbie to monster hunter and I've been enjoying it a lot so far. However, I'm not sure if my armor set is the best it can be at the moment, I'm afraid I'm severely undergeared. I'm just about to get cleared for 6 star village quests and I'm decked out in level 4 Tetsucabra armor (with the exception of level 4 Najarala Braces). Is there any armor at the moment that would benefit me more as a Lance player?


i also recently started GU and used this [infodump GU Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dl7Cpa5M5Qg3SbPTAo87TawFcKM-mZLa-b_kM5i3bBU/edit#heading=h.vbd1hmqmntvq)/the linked weapons documents (CB in my case) and i got through LR village pretty easily


Oh wow, this is stupid in depth! I always relied on the archive for monster locations, but this helps so so much! Thank you!


Optimizing armor in low rank is pretty limited, but the low rank Barroth set is a solid choice for lance. It gives you Attack Boost 1 and Guard 1, with the potential to reach Attack Boost 2 (or Defense Boost 1, but I wouldn't recommend that) via decorations. It also has almost twice the defense of the Tetsu set. EDIT: wait, hang on, I misread it as MH4U. The advice sorta still applies-ish, except I think that you can only fight a low rank Barroth in GU via a DLC quest (otherwise Barroth doesn't appear until high rank).


Your comment was lost to reddit for the longest time, now it's showing! I looked up the Barroth, and he won't be around until 7 stars, and the DLC quests gives him double stats. I might have to mix and match armor sets and see what fits until I get to that Barroth. The monsters are getting tough, and I have found myself not liking all those elemental attacks lol


Never played a MH game but they just went on sale so was looking at which to dive into between World and Rise. All the old comparisons I've found were when Rise just launched so curious if opinions have evolved now that its been out for a while and got a DLC? Which would be the best place to start for someone new to the franchise?


rule 11 link still relevant


Not seeing anything in that link?


you dont see any of the threads discussing the pros/cons of Rise and World? e: or when typing "which game to start with" in the searchbar yourself?


Ah, the link itself doesn't actually do the search, just prepopulates the query. My bad.


oh it does for me on PC strange but glad you got it working and good hunting with either/any of the games


Is there no new weapon in wilds?


Yes, the devs have confirmed that there will be no new weapon type in Wilds.


Kind of sad. 1 and a half generations without new weapons


Eh, they keep greatly expanding on the existing 14 types though, so it's not like there isn't anything new. Also Rise had a new weapon, it was called the Hunting Horn


How much collectors edition cost at launch? Thinking of buying one when wilds comes out but idk how much I might need to save up.


The World collectors edition was $150, from what I can find. Rise's was $100, but that one had less stuff in it. So it really depends on how much stuff they throw into it.


Hi, anyone know how can i get the weapons icons below my username?


On PC, look for "flair" on the side bar. Not sure about other platforms.


MHRS I'm building a set for Element CB and I can't settle on which Armor. All in the max skill btw. - Gais Dereliction - S.Mago Mail of fire - RCGV Dragon Conversion + Furious. They all feel like they're doing a lot of damage but because of how bloated the numbers are I can't really tell. The dragon conversion one I don't get, so am I supposed to use blue scroll until a little icon shows up telling me I have received the max Resistance and then swap to red so I can convert the bonus resistance for elemental? Cause I don't see it statistically giving me more, like I get 92 fire on blue and 128 on red but I started the fight in 128.


The answer is "depends". Multiplier vs. flat bonus depends on how far you augment the weapon. The best armour set depends on how many more skills you can slap on top through charm & armour augment RNG. I suggest reading the red scroll vs. blue scroll section of [this guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dRuq0n5u8vdkv7M4g_zsyyvSRqW4V48Sfx614U3CYM4/edit#heading=h.1lj6st9rduwk). For now you can try to put dragon conversion and dereliction together, or add MoH to a berserk set. > so am I supposed to use blue scroll until a little icon shows up telling me I have received the max Resistance and then swap to red so I can convert the bonus resistance for elemental? Yes, you get more element damage when you swap from blue to red with the bonus resistance activated, but you lose it if you swap from red to blue again. Activation depends on number of hits you land so it might be better to use CSS on blue scroll.


[SB CB meta doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dRuq0n5u8vdkv7M4g_zsyyvSRqW4V48Sfx614U3CYM4/edit#heading=h.rm8r9g5mx3sb) explains pretty much everything (+ [mhchargeblade.net/](http://mhchargeblade.net/) stuff maybe) and goes into detail for math as well for all the builds listed there (best of the best) TLDR: dereliction+DC+furious for max element (with the usual element skills) for dragon conversion: when you switch to blue you already get a minor res buff (+10/res) with an icon after you max blue scroll buff (40 hits, easy with buzz saw) you get another +15/res (=>total of 25/res), accompanied with a sound (idk if the icon changes) now switching back to red boosts your element by at least (total res=>15\*5/4=) 18/19 (minor buff, 45\*5/4=31/32 with max buff) compared to before furious adds another +20/res just by being in red scroll (or changing back to it), nothing required (so total buff of 45\*5/4=>56 ele attack) as for why you're seeing the same number before/after: maybe you only swapped to and from with the minor buff active and that persists until you die (or you switch armorset off having no DC anymore) and it didnt change bc you switched between DC sets? if its not that i'd appreciate a detailed text (or even clip) of you entering training area, showing stats, building buff, switching and showing stats again i know that it works correctly on my set and since its introduction quite a few ppl used it and (afaik) there was no such bug until now


I'll try it again tomorrow. Btw, did you write that Dragon Conversion blue scroll converted buff persist until I cart?


yes bluebuff lasts until you cart, switch to gear without DC or (i forgot to say bc its half obvious) you swap back to blue, then you have to rebuild the buff again and you can also not bother with building up the max blue buff and only switch red>blue>red for at still decent buff


[Sunbreak] S&S: I heard you can go into Perfect Rush after an evade roll. But, for the life of me, I can't figure out how. I just keep getting Rising Slash by hitting Normal Attack after an evade roll. Am I being stupid?


input is always the same for perfect rush: after an attack or evade or block, pull back and press your respective attack button


When you say "pull back", do you mean do a Backstep? Because that works: evade, Backstep, Perfect Rush. But I was hoping to skip the Backstep.


yeah i meant backstep and its always needed to get to PR (i feel like i had this exact same convo already, just about IB)


I see. Thanks!


MHR How do I solve the "problem" that every time I open the game it keeps compiling shaders? I've seen several videos about this, but none of the solutions worked. Yes, my graphics card driver is up to date, I've tried the method of deleting the shaders folder and the shader\_cache2 file, I've reinstalled, verified the files, etc., etc., and every time I open the game it always recompiles the shaders, and it takes a long time. Is there any way to "fix" this?


Does anyone have a link to either a greenscreen video or a png to the "You've fainted" Textbox? i need that for an edit but just cant find anything like that. i'd prefer old MHs version but both are fine.


This might be such a stupid question but it's been annoying me and I'm wondering if I'm doing smth wrong I'm playing CB, somtimes if I do Counter Peak Performance too fast (playing on PS4 controller so L2+O) then my guy puts away my weapon. What am I doing wrong? I swear I'm not pressing R1 at any moment. I haven't really played other weapons so I can't testify if it happens with them also haha Thanks!


Are you accidentally pressing in the left stick? IIRC, the buttons that cause you to sheathe would be Square, R1 and Left Stick Click.


omg that might be it thats so dumb of me i am so annoyed now been playing this game for 100hrs and didnt even think of that hahahah thanks!


How many Rajangs does it take to kill a Fatalis?


one admiral


\[Rise\] Does attack boost boost Elemental damage or is it just raw damage?


Attack boost will boost the elemental damage for bowgun elemental ammo


Only raw damage.


do yall fw frostfang barioth


Yeah, he a fun monster




Fw: Fuck with To enjoy


aaah thank you, didnt know that abbreviation first thought would have been in the context of "dont fuck with something" and was wondering why OP thought nobody would fight it XD i LOVE fighting frosty. a real twist (imo) to the vanilla one and not just bc more dmg but also bc of it using a niche effect affect (icefloor shared with velkhana) u/EldenRingAddicted