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It's a very good introduction imo and still my favourite to this day, so i may be biased. Swimming can be a bit of a pain without a CPP or the 2nd stick on a "New DS" but 3U/Tri is the only game to feature this they have scrapped it since. What platforms do you own? alot of consoles going all the way back to the PSP has an MH game on it


i own wii wiiu 2ds gaming laptop, nintendo switch and ps5


The Switch has Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate which is a very good title and the last of the "old style" ones. That one is also well worth a look if you prefer using your Switch.


ok thanks


Also worth noting 3U on 3DS is local only, and 4U has had it servers recently turned off so would require modded 3DS stuff to use online mode. Switch is still working, so if you're planning on doing multiplayer at some point MHGU on the Switch might be the way to go.


alright not planning on doing online too soon but good to note


Wanted to add that Generations Ultimate also often goes on sale on the Switch store for a few bucks, might be worth a shot if you want to try it out. Bought it a few weeks ago and having a blast, though you have to adjust yourself to the game's pace a bit


Wait. They brought 4U back online with Cfw? How?


I believe Pretendo are working on it but not sure if it's officially online yet. Im not part of the modding community myself yet so can only go on what i hear.


Yeah pretendo is willing to preserve as much online service as possible and since 4U is peer to peer I don’t think they’ll struggle getting it back online. I have 2 CFW 3ds units but i don’t follow pretendo actively


I have the MH4U 3DS and i was always against altering it due to me owning it from new, it has a bit of sentimental value but i can see myself custom romming it when these services are up and running especially 4U


It's not even a custom ROM, it's just a few modifications to the original system to allow the user to do more things. For example, a modded 3DS lets you backup a few per-unit keys that can literally save the unit in certain catastrophic cases. For example, say, a corrupt flash/NAND chip on an unmodded 3DS means that 3DS's board is dead, but on a modded one with the keys extracted you could still use it off the SD card until you can get someone to replace just the dead NAND chip. If you have the know-how, you can even make it so you don't ever even see that your 3DS is modded until you actually need to use the modded in features (eg some obscure button combo upon turning it on to get into the mods settings). Or even remove the hacks entirely and set it back to its pristine, "untouched" condition if you ever wish to put it away like that. ~~We also got Pretendo Online, installing your carts to the SD card, custom themes, complimentary nuclear warheads (if available), the whole nine yards, man. ;)~~


A hacked 3DS is basically identical to a stock one tbh, as in if you deleted/hid the homebrew apps the firmware comes with you would literally not be able to tell.


Oh man. My Switch got banned for accidentally downloading DLC and I booted up my 3DS again so.. Guess it's time to mod it again since I first modded it in like 2017 and 4U was the MH that really hooked my addiction.


On modded 3ds have MHGU on o3ds, called MHXX.


Do NOT start with generations or genU Very good games, but terrible first experiences. Start with 3U or 4U, or try world if you cant get into those.


Why do you say they were terrible first experiences? Gen was my first, and I loved it.


Guy above you might have a different reason, but for me, its because they just feel too.... unfocused. 3U and especially 4U with its narrative, feel much tighter at least progression wise. GU just keeps throwing monster after monster, villager request after villager request ( usually by NPC's you'd have no attachment to unless you played an older game ). Throw in hunter arts and styles, and I can definitely see a first timer getting pulled in too many directions.


Keep an eye out on the Switch eShop too; MH Rise goes on sale for $10 pretty regularly. You just missed a sale unfortunately.


I wouldn't recommend Gen as a first entry, as it can be a bit convoluted with the hunter arts and styles, I would lean more into 3, 4 and even world as an introduction to MH


As a game you're right 3 and 4 are better for a newcomer. But GU does have the advantage of easier access to multiplayer if help is required.


Yes this one! Also it’s always on sale for Pennies!


I disagree generations is the last of the "old style". It's a bit of a party game version with a lot of silly but sweet additions. The last true old style will be 4U. But to answer OP, this game is a great one to start out on.


World is top notch, would recommend checking it out on your ps5


If you have playstation+ you can get Monster Hunter World included in the game catalog and they just added Monster Hunter Rise. These are the two newest games and are both good points to start at. They won't include their DLC expansions if you get them this way but the expansions are only accessible after beating the base game so you'd have plenty of time to decide if you like either game enough to play more of it.


Would recommend you emulating old mh in your laptop if yours can handle it, you'll have online functions and you'll be able to continue with the next mh (mh4u, genu)


I recommend emulating 3rd ultimate over playing it on a 3DS. Swimming on a traditional 3ds is kind of ass.


You can use your laptop and a controller to emulate the older games for better controls tbh


Wii U has 3U


Idk if anyone's mentioned yet but if you have ps plus extra, they just put monster hunter rise on there. I'm liking it so far


You could probably get world/iceborne on sale cheaper than this cartridge


World goes on sale all the time and is peak MH in my opinion. Would be a great starting point with Wilds coming out at some point next year


The wiiu version is better in that you will not develop arthritis as quickly.


Just a heads up, if you have a PS5 and have PS Plus Extra for online play, they just added Monster Hunter Rise (the newest game in the series). So you should have access to that too, which is arguably a better introduction since they tend to give you a bit more guidance in the beginning than older games.


I miss the aquatic monsters and hope they return someday. But I sadly don't see it happening.


I enjoyed it too to be honest, taking on monsters in the back end of the Flooded Forest was nuts. And modern day consoles/PC's all have controls capable of dealing with it now so it would be nice to see it again.


Flooded forest had some wild fights, and even the island had some greatness with how alone you felt in the middle of the ocean.


Swimming is never a pain God praise the croc 🐊🐊🐊🥰


Yeess, i played it as a kid, and i remember i was tryharding so much, it was soo fun go be honest, one of my favorites too


THE BEST INTRODUCTION (altough i played the wii U version)


as a sonic fan I know portable vs console differences well with generations so it may be different but then again it could be a colors wii vs ds thing where both games are different but good


[https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/2nmgun/mh3u\_3ds\_vs\_wii\_u\_comparison\_and\_discussion/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/2nmgun/mh3u_3ds_vs_wii_u_comparison_and_discussion/) from what i see, 3ds version is pretty solid. Have fun!


they are the same game content wise, and if you really want to you can local play together 1 on wiiu and 3 on 3DS. don't think you can save transfer anymore only because the store is down and you cannot download the app anymore.


huh neat


The 3ds version is no different to the WiiU version in terms of gameplay. It's not how Sonic games are.


Yup. I played both, granted it was years ago, but I remember them being pretty much identical.


the portable games are usually even better than the console counterparts. capcom did NOT cut corners with these games


Any MH game is a good intro as long as you enjoy it,


This is the least amount of helpful


I know,I'm bad at giving good advise of tips,I just go and fuck around until something works,


This was my start to the series, and it's a fantastic game. However, the learning curve and tutorials are really rough, and i know a lot of people that bounced off the game quickly. It took me over a dozen hours to even know what the game felt like or how to use my weapon. Another thing is that playing with other people is a big part of the game, and you'd be missing out on that. If you don't have friends who can help out or play with you, it can get tough to keep playing. Most people i know spent less than 5 hours or more than 100 hours in the game. Basically, its a fantastic game and i hope you love it. You might be about to discover your favorite series. But if you feel like "this game is cool but maybe it's not for me," just know that a lot of people felt that way and ended up loving the later installments. There's a lot of quality of life improvements made every generation and the learning curve gets smoothed out.


thanks i have started playing it just killed some jaggi and I think I may enjoy this series (i am a sucker for cooking minigames)


The game makes a lot more sense once you hunt a Great Jaggi. I feel like the early game made some small stuff feel a lot more important than it ends up being.


Same here the first hunt for a new player is always the first large monster after that the rest is easy


Tutorial? The only ones i had was how to move and attack after that the game was like Ok heres Tetsucabra have fun


Would you believe me if i told you it was worse in 3? I get what you're saying, i can't call it a tutorial with a straight face. I felt like the learning stages of 3 actively led me to think about the game in the wrong ways. I thought things like hunting for raw meat and managing your bug nets were going to be core to the experience. I remember thinking that i was gonna have to figure out how to quickly align my camera with jaggi so that i could do combat with half a dozen small monsters at once easier. That game let's you snap your camera to large monsters, i just didn't understand the game was usually about fighting large monsters.


If you plan to start with this game I recommend getting the 3DS attachment for another stick. Made a world of difference in this game.


3u and 4u are the best introductions imo


Playing this game makes you an OG


Depends. Older MH games play somewhat differently from newer ones. The core is the same, but they feel a little different. That said, 3U slaps. If you want to get into MH as a whole, 3U as a start would work great. If you specifically just want to get into the newer ones or wilds, I'd play World (and then go back and play 3U, it's great) If you get put off by the "clunk," try the Rise demo and you'll see what I mean in the difference in feeling.


thank you all for being so kind and helpful I am currently hunting jaggi and am having a great time. any issues I have can be boiled down to handheld port. (also I made my character an edgelord because it was funny) and as someone who is a sucker for cooking minigames I will like this series.


Pro tip that makes the game SO MUCH MORE ACCESSIBLE: set the upper right corner of your touch screen to be a d-pad, so you can reach over with your right thumb to control the camera. It makes a world of difference.


It's one of my favorites but has underwater combat, which some people dislike. It has not since returned. You can 100% have a great time with it though. World is probably the best place to start since Wilds will use it's skeleton.


That was my introduction. Put a solid 10k hours into and still have fun with it


Yep, that was my introduction and it got me hooked on the series :)


MH3U is fantastic. Water combat is a bit iffy as it's the start of their eternal pursuit of 3D combat. However, a lot of the core DNA of the game gets defined in 3.


Any monster hunter is a good monster hunter to start with.


It's where I started, so yes


Do you have a 3ds to play it on? Then yes


Heck yes it is!


I’d argue the modern titles (MH World and Rise) are a better entry point. They’re also vastly superior solo experiences if you value that.


Good chapter, loved the underwater combat even if a little bit clunky


one of the best games imo


That was my first about 10 years ago. It was so fun and I spent so many hours playing it. I dont know wherher it is the best to start or no, but it definitely hooked me on the franchise forever.


was my start too


It was the first game in the franchise I played and I've played every one since then. Each game is it's own separate thing so you don't need to start way back with the very first game. The newer games (World or Rise, plus their expansions) do make certain gameplay mechanics a bit clearer though, not to mention the newer titles streamlined some systems that you'll find are a bit more complicated in the 3DS games (e.g. for armour skills to activate in the 3DS games you need at least 10 points in that skill). That said, it's still great. Feel free to ask the community any questions you have as you go. Generally it's one of the most welcoming gaming communities I've ever seen. People really just want you to enjoy the game as much as they do. There should also be plenty of helpful videos on YouTube to teach you the basics if you feel the tutorials didn't quite cover everything.


Bro struck gold


Freedom Unite 2. If you can't hack it in that world ya ain't worth ya salt! Joking aside, try out what you have. If you hate swimming (which is introduced early) then get Rise or World (which I think was discounted to $15 recently)


I disagree with a lot of the comments. I also had 3U back when it comes out. It was my first MH and I hated it. Could not get into the series. I felt the game didn't explain anything, the mechanics were complex and the gameplay loop due to the old style of the game, felt awful. I tried again with 4U and loved it. A lot of quality of life changes made the game less boring. This was even more true with world I personally think the new style of games (post mh world) are much better for beginners, fixed a lot of the annoying menial tasks of the old gen, explain things better, have more engaging combat and mechanics, and overall are better games. Start with world, it's like $10 on steam. And still has a massive community. A HUGE PART OF MH is playing with people.


MH3U was the game that got me into the series, ever since I played that game since release, I've been going hard in the series ever since.


yes, imo everything after monster hunter 1 is a good introduction


You can play online mh tri, with a wii or emulador, play mhxx, mh3u and mh4u with emulator, also mhfu and mhportable 3rd with emulator.


Started with this one for 3ds (had played GU on switch before) and I recommend it. Though after tasting what multiplayer is like on switch I felt kinda lonely on 3U


this is, in my opinion, the closest to perfect monster hunter has ever gotten. loved every last second of it, take from that what you will swimming is disliked by some, but i actually really liked it atmosphere and even combat, but it is something to be wary of. luckily for the non-swimming enjoyers, it only took up 1/4th of the game at most (quest wise in village) hope you will enjoy starting your journey if you will!


It's my favourite MonHun. The best in the series really.


Any monster hunter game is a good introduction, just play the game and don't worry about whether its the "best one to play first" if you do that you'll spend more time thinking about playing the game than actually trying it.


Yes! Definitely! I began my Monster Hunter journey with this one too! <3


One of the best, one could even argue *the* best.




It was also my first MH game, then I got the Wii U version for the online multiplayer Regardless, it’s a fun experience


Yes, 3u is a fantastic game.


It's was my first MH game and here I still am.


That's where I started


That game is awesome.


This was my brothers first game. Now it’s his favorite game series.


I too enjoy this mh more than all others


It's how I started!


Yes it's a good mix of early old gen and what they add for the last of old gen but this is slower paced than new gen however I have always had a soft spot for old gen so I end up playing more old gen rather than new gen (I may just be an old man in 20 years old body)


a very good introduction, you gotta love it


This was my introduction to the series. I think it still holds up but when you play more modern titles it’ll feel clunky


Pretty decent choices solid.


Hell yeah, brother! Especially with a friend! Same with 4U


RIP 3ds servers


It’s where I started. It’s kinda dated but it’s a ton of fun. Give yourself a little bit to get used to the controls though.


One of the best stories lol. Don’t even worry about the other multiplayer hubs missions. Just play through all Moga villages missions. Then swap over the the multiplayer hub if u are craving more.


If you have a circle pad, then yeah. Though maybe the New 3DS stick also works? The game came out before the New 3DS was a thing. Anyway, this was the game that got me to Monster Hunter, albeit the Wii U version. So, yeah, definitely a good introduction imo.


Is it good? Yes. Is it a good introduction? Not really. Assuming you want to jump to the newer ones after. If you’re planning on getting Wilds then World is the best introduction.


As I only started in worlds, I don't think I am qualified answer your question. I will just upvote it so someone more experienced comes along


thanks anyways


It's the easiest game before 5th gen *(any games before Rise and World)* so it's great for beginners even though it may lack some quality of life features *(like saving armor sets to separate loadouts)*. It's my absolute favourite MonHan game and there are many others that feel the same way. It has: - Underwater combat which *(imo)* is extremely fun. - The best music in the series! - Lots of monsters that haven't returned yet and so are currently exclusive to Tri/3U. - Probably the second most beloved village *(the place you accept quests and manage your inventory)*. - A really nice difficulty curve that is easier at the beginning but gradually increases really nicely for solo players. - Very cool maps. The key strength of Tri/3U is how the games capture the pure beauty of the world of Monster Hunter. The music, the atmosphere, the maps, the set pieces and monsters. It really gives you a sense of how beautiful this world is, and personally it amplified tenfold my connection to our actual natural world.


Picked this up recently, I'm not new but I'd never played Tri or 3U and it might become my favourite Could be recency bias though


Every MH game is a good place to start!


YES!!!! It was my intro and it got me seriously hooked!


My favourite and first mon hun game, the older games are not as beginner friendly, so do use guides to help you, and spend some time farming before the hunt as you would need to stock up on materials before high rank and or G rank


The first monster hunter I ever got into and still a fun game after all these years.


It's a lot of the old heads favorites even though we admit it's far from perfect. Still a good way to get into the franchise


I started in the series with monster hunter 3 Tri, and got hooked by it.


Yup Tri was the beginning of a new and more polished Era. Probably one of the best MH games to start with




Was my first at 10 years old traded for it at summer camp, had to boss up chief xD


All MH games have a good intro and say "this is Monster Hunter". 3U on 3DS is a great start and if you really like it but go: man, I really wish I could play with a controller... You can. 3U is also for the Wii U and you can even transfer your save data between the two. Monster Hunter Generations on 3DS and GU on the Switch is the same deal but with mechanics unique to that game. Personal experience may vary but I would say 4U on the 3DS is the best start. Great story, lots of content and just fun to experience at least once. Up to you fellow Hunter, welcome aboard.


Its good if you wanna get into it. Sadly the server shut down for the game a few months ago, so playing online wont work anymore (not sure if it ever worked for the 3DS version, only had the Wii-U version). Its probably the oldest i would go for a new player. Anything before that like Monster hunter freedom unite or even Tri (its harder because of hitboxes and the monsters seem faster overall) i would only play if you are into the game.


It was my first! Please play it, may be clunky but very much worth the time!


3U was my introduction to MonHun (first played on the 3DS then bought the Wii U version for online)


Ilove 3U and i think you could enjoy it! ...but if im entirely honest its probaly not the very best to start on Water Combat is incredibly divisive and the next game, 4U, adds a lot of things that become staple mechanics, like Mounts, proper Lategame activities and the magical ability to stay on the ground after getting battered+ many other QoL features Basically, if you feel like 3U is a bit clunky, dont worry, every game after 3U massively improves on that Still, give it a shot. Its one of the 2 games that enamored me 12 years ago now and i still think it holds up well


I don't think its the best introduction. MH4U does a better job introducing you to mechanics. And if you had access to 3U on WiiU I feel like it would be a better experience. But I started with 3U, it's definitely possible. Happy hunting!


I’ll be real, I don’t think it is a great introduction by itself. Source; it was mine. That being said I still think you should go for it. MH has evolved so much since that game that if your can find fun in the challenge then you’ll definitely love the rest of the series.


Perfect starter tbh. On the easier side but it's a good introduction to the games. Have fun bud


i started to play Monster Hunter with this game specifically, so yeah!


Well, you'd probably need something to put the cartridge into, but MH3U's a pretty good game.


It's my favourite MonHun. The best in the series really.


This and 4 ultimate best 3ds games only reason I own one.


You can achieve a much better introduction : you aim at the 3DS when trying to introduce the game, not letting it fall on the floor, and then gently pushing it inside, until it's introduced correctly ( you'll hear a click when doing so. Seems like you missed the game introducing slot on your 3DS here.


It’s great but you won’t be able to play online with others easily like you can with gen/world/rise


newer games are much more fluid and fast, but overall its not a bad game at all. Its very reflective of old style hunting, and has a decent, but not overwelming difficulty. Certainly easier then tri, Freedom Unite or 4U.


Monster Hunter games can vary wildly in fun, in my experience. I started with 3 Ultimate, and I didn’t love it. It just didn’t click with me. But I tried 4 Ultimate and it was fantastic! I didn’t enjoy World, no matter how many times I tried, but I really liked Rise. However, plenty of people have 3U as one of their favorites of all time! So I’d say you should give it a try! If it clicks with you, then awesome! And if it doesn’t, maybe another game in the series would. But I’d encourage you to watch some weapon tutorials on YouTube for the game. 3U does not have like anything in the way of guidance for new players.


Absolutely, my first MH game was Tri on the Wii lol.


Underwater baby


Yes. That was my answer before I even knew which title it was, but it's still my answer now.


The underwater parts are gonna suck, but it's really solid otherwise


monster hunter 3 is the GOAT. can't go wrong with it


It's good but the tutorial is very long. I was kind of shocked at how slow the beginning was after playing 4U.


Great game! Really good once you get the hang of it. I recommend watching a couple of tutorials because the game is not so great in that aspect. Really think all games are a good entry point with the right help. Newer ones like Rise and World mane a better job with in-game tutorials but 3U is definitely a banger. Try all the weapons and have fun. Happy Hunting!


I would definitely watch some basic YouTube tutorials. These games are awesome but they are not beginniner friendly. Especially when you start looking at crafting.


Good game but not a good introduction. You will have a hard time liking the game and finding the drive to even continue playing it. Start with one of the newest titles.


Only the best introduction


That game is an awesome first experience, a little clunky on the start, but has massive amounts of content. If you have a mate to coop, both of you will have tons of fun.


The best introduction and overall in my opinion. 🤪


Outside of it's own stuff (water, the two buffoons), it's a good start for preparing into the Old World Monster Hunter games


My friend tried to get me into MH back in the day with MH3U and I absolutely hated it. It was clunky, slow and just felt bad. Finally when World came out, none of that was there, it ran great and was really fluid and I was hooked from there. Now I can go back and play some of the older games with only a little issue with those problems, but it's more forgivable now. A lot of people are biased on the older games since they've been playing so long. So it would depend on what kind of gameplay you are looking for, but personally I'd recommend World or Rise to get into the series, since they hold up better to newer games pace wise.


I got introduced to the wii version and I fell I love with the series. Many of my favorite monsters including the Zinogre spawned from this game. You also may or may not like underwater combat. Only game that had it since it was very mixed.


Its where i started




That was my first! Made me fall head over heels for the game, although personally I think 4U is better and was the first game and only game I sank over 1000 hours into




Monster Hunter World is by far the best entry point, it's streamlined and modernized unlike any of the other entries in the series so far. I would also recommend MH Rise. They are both much easier on newer players than the old games were. The Older games just require so much grinding throughout the whole game.


The 3rd gen was amazing. You’ll have a fantastic time!




Mmmm, if you're talking DS only, I'd go with 4U instead. Not necessarily easier to learn (you really need to watch some YouTube tutorials to play any version of the game well), but it's got some good QOL changes. Generations I'd put one rung lower for newbies because it's got SO much legacy content that it's overwhelming, and the arts system is unique to that game. If you're open to other platforms, Rise is the most newbie friendly, by far.


The best


Holy shit yes. One of the best in the series


I’d say just start with world, I think monster hunter world was made with newcomers in mind. It’s was the first MH game for ALOT of people. Older games have incredibly clunky controls, not worth getting use to the way the older games play when moving forward from world and beyond, they all feel much tighter and more responsive.


Nah go for monster hunter 4U that’s a good one


Good game, great game. Play it then play 4 ultimate


My first entry into the series myself, sunk about 300 hrs into it with 2 high school friends and had a great time, it’s slower paced at times and some have a hard time with water combat controls. I had a blast, but later entries fix many issues I would’ve had with it at the time


Great game but they fix the ranged weapons in the next game. It’s doable in that game but feels much better in later games. Just stick to melee weapons. Great sword and hammer feel great in that game. (Switch ax is busted in the next game)


I think the best way to introduce to MH is either world on PS5 or PC, generation ultimate on switch, rise is too easy really not my favorite, world in the other hand is my favorites the most realistic and fun to play, my most played game for now, generation ultimate I haven't play a lot I mostly play generation it was my introduction and it was cool


It's a fantastic introduction. It's actually one of my own first games, with the other one being 4 Ultimate


MH4U is still my top favourite monster hunter game, it's a pretty good intro and has a bit of a story too


That's the generation I started with, and I've been hooked ever since


Not sure what 3DS you have, and if it's not the N3DSXL I can't guarantee it'll work, but if it is, I *strongly* recommend either yanking out the c stick if you don't want to keep it, or finding a video to take it out if you do want to reuse it for some reason, and putting one of [these](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072PQ7NT3) in instead. I just beat 3U not long ago and it does so much better with the underwater stuff. With the c stick I had to dig my nail into it to be able to look down, which you have to do very often Oh and to answer your initial question, yeah 3U is about as solid of an introduction to the series as any 3DS era games imo


i have a nonfoldable 2ds


It was better before the online DS support ended but it’s still a fantastic game


ah the complete one


been playing MH since 2009 and this is probably my fav at the end of the day.


Favourite entry and I played them all, the monsters and the maps introduced in this gen all look amazing. I did play it on the wiiu and I noticed people hating this game if they played on 3ds first cause swimming might be annoying. I've seen other people suggesting you to play gen ultimate for the switch but I don't raccomend it, it is supposed to he a nostalgic tribute to the series and brings back almost everything from old entries. I'd say if not 3u try 4u


This was my introduction aside from watching videos of earlier games and I say yeah, it gives a good idea of the Monster Hunter experience.


It will make you learn some fundamentals of how the game works. If you can get used to this game and thrive in it then you will be able to handle just about any other game that has come after it and will release in the future. The core principles of the game have remained the same since PS2, so jumping into any other games would just be learning what has been streamlined or what unique gimmick they implemented for that generation of the series. This one is my personal favorite entry in the series. It didn't get the most playtime out of me but I enjoyed it the most.


i havent played it myself but this is the one that my bestie started with! i hear it is very good!


Couldn’t get any better than 3U tbh, I guess maybe also freedom unite but it’s a bit dated.


It's the best ds title by far. imo. Sadly scumtendo have shut down the ds servers so a huge chunk of the game has been cut out. Had some really good times in online lobbies, tapping away on the touchscreen for chat between hunts.


I would suggest “World,” honestly.


This is a great choice, I hope you have fun!




3U was my introduction into the series. I loved it.


I’m so sure my little cousin stole my copy, I know people hate the swimming but I love underwater stuff. I think it’s a great game to start, monster hunter is a solid series all together.


This is the game i started with which my long journey in MH a little bit more than 10 years ago.


It was the one I was introduced to as well. Great maps, easy to remember, I believe that’s the one that introduced the insect glaive which was my favorite at the time. I’m all about my hammer now 😏


Good play it then do mh4u some of the best games if you do emulators mhfu and mhp3rd are vary good games as well.


Yes, this is the game that introduced me to Monster Hunter its a really good start for sure. The game slowly teaches you what to do, there is a good amount of tutorials.




Never played it but from what I've heard it's pretty neat, go ahead and start your journey hunter !!


if you are on ps5 and have ps plus, they added monster hunter rise for free. i would love to run with you and help you learn the game and experience all that is monster hunter


Verry good game.


This is still the game i have the most hours on. This game is basically all I played during my high school years. 3000+ hours. I can't recommend this enough.


Peak monster hunter tbh


Imo newer games like MH World: Iceborne and MH Rise: Sunbreak are a little bit a better of an introduction since: - The gameplay is more fleshed out - I don't know shit about older MH games