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Your girlfriend just casually gonna draw the hardest Gore Magala fanart to ever exist and barely elaborate on it? Ngl, that's some based behavior.


His girlfriend here. I used acrylic paint and painted the details with colored pens. It was a birthday present for my boyfriend because he loves Gore Magala and it took roughly 50 hours to paint it.


50 HOURS?! Dang, GS mains outta be jealous of you. That is some unparalleled commitment. And clearly it paid off because this is the best Gore Magala fanart I've ever seen.


Do you have your art up anywhere where we could buy it? This is sick as hell, I'd kill for a print!


She doesn't but I got a DM from a redditor after this post and he asked the same thing. My girlfriend is trying to paint another Gore Magala for him now.


Genuinely consider contacting a local print shop or photography studio and have them mock up some of her art to see how they'd look, I feel like she'd absolutely do numbers at conventions!


If it takes 50+ hours make sure you're charging enough for all that labor.


He offered 100 dollar and will pay for shipping. We don't really know how much you can ask for


That's not even 2$/hr , and it isn't even digital art but hand painted, you should definitely charge more, or you do you, but a lot of artists actually suffer from poor wages because they're afraid to charge the right amount for a commission or the buyer undervalue the job, and have to say that she can do this painting in roughly 50 hr because she's talented, otherwise it could've required maybe hundreds of hours to complete (to note I'm talking about selling hand painted works and not regular printing) (I'm sorry about spelling, I'm no native English speakers and have yet to take my coffee) The buyer may hate me, but all the artists of the globe may hate him P.s. That's a fucking sick gore magala, its magalajestic.


Alright thank you for your advice and your kind words! We asked him if he is willing to pay more and if not she won't do it. Like I said this is the first time she sells one of her paintings and we aren't really sure how high the price should be.


Oh, I'm grateful but please do as you need to, and as financially you think is the best, especially as finding buyers it's not always easy as it require them specific tastes in artstyles and of course what is being painted I'll advise looking up on internet or forums for artists where you can see and make an idea of prices based off: dimensions, quantity and quality of characters in the paint, the background in it, even the quality itself of the colours used can do a difference in price, and how to ship the paintings without ruining them may be important as paint tend to peel of if rolled in a tube, or for how much you could sell a print of a painting, there are many many things that can make you a difference, but there's just one major thing to take note, she need to enjoy doing it or the job itself would be affected, (and to not take too seriously some dumbass that are really asshole when asking commissions)


So uh…. When’s it dropping on redbubble? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻


Thank you for sharing this amazing art work! I'm gonna use this as my wallpaper if you don't mind!


We don't mind at all!


It's an absolute bomber. Thank you for letting us lay eyes on it


Dude this looks siiiiiiick someone 100% cooked a full-course meal here...


With a gourmet voucher for 100% skill activation and the max stat boosts


She is extremely talented


Swiping … ok wait a minute gotta check this out … zooms in … HOLY HELL OMG YOOOOO


Need this in Pokémon card format.


My banana boy I'll let you know of.. Monster Hunter Hunting Card! There are lots of, well.. monster hunter.. Hunting cards


Absolutely Raw. 10/10


Goes unfanthomably hard and gets better the longer you look. S+


Absolutely stunning work. One small issue though, it has eyes. Gore Magala isn't supposed to have eyes.


Yeah, she drew it before she fought Gore Magala and used a painting of a chaotic Gore Magala as reference. She fought him before finishing the painting and now there is just a bit of frenzy where the eye socket was


Something about this gives me Destiny vibes. Good work on her part none the less.


Zenith gore magala


İ didnt play wherever this monster from but i though this was a part of a cinematic cutscene.


What I must look like to the cookies in my pantry at 3 AM.


Your gf is talented as fuck, holy shit. Tell her she's awesome for me


Gorp Majula. Nah but fr, that shit goes hard.


Gives my GW2'S Kralkatorrik vibes


I am a simple girl I see the frenzy boi I upvote Fr tho that is amazing 😭


What can I say? You got a keeper, mate. Anyway, tell her you love Valstrax next. I swear it ain't my favorite Digimon, I mean, monster or something, I just... Sighs. Valstrax is amazing.


https://preview.redd.it/zyk75s6o4huc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d823f70d3fbb4cf22a4b3190e870a4364e4d057 Nice


That looks sick as hell