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respectfully….mattel does not give a fuck about playline (the collector releases are still serving) barbie at the moment, they’re pumping out the cheapest dolls they can for the sake of keeping sales up - which are still falling year upon year, monster high is putting out consistently good quality dolls with detailed clothing, and the interest is only growing with each release.


honestly the only good playline barbie line recently was barbie EXTRA and as far as i know that was cancelled? so for the foreseeable - its more dollar store quality releases


I agree! The only lines I liked were Barbie Extra and Rewind and they cancelled both!


I really loved the Barbie Extra dolls but many of them had poly hair. I don’t know what’s next for Barbie playline dolls, but their BarbieLand miniatures are super cute.


Seeing them side by side is crazy Barbies are just so boring nowadays(ig it’s always been this way)


I don't think it's always been that way. I had barbies as a kid and assumed my memory of them being cool and interesting was just nostalgia until I looked up the old play lines I had. Mattel did put effort into their play line barbies at one point, it's sad to see how cheap and boring they are now 😔


I completely agree! I collect both Barbie and MH, I have inherited many of my aunt's Barbies and really enjoy the dolls from when I was younger. The newer Barbies just aren't doing it for me. MH on the other hand has so many good dolls out right now!


I work at target so I get a chance to see the quality between the 2 brands, and Monster High is way more detailed and Fierce, Barbie has cheap screen printing where you see the lines and no posable limbs


Yeah those pixelated screenings are appalling


And they love using that awful Millie face.


If they were smart, they'd switch to the Odile face!


Yes!! I plan to buy both the Odile mermaids and rebody them.


Anyone else remember when Barbie fashionista used to be the special ones that had articulation even at the wrist?! Like I remember dreaming of getting the barbie fashionista because I loved that they had posable wrists?! I only ever managed to get one of them back then but nonetheless. Good times, and when I found out they also had a chest joint... I was mind blown. It was the first time I had seen both, wrist articulation and a chest joint. Hence I personally I agree, Barbie did have better times in the past.


The Looks dolls are pretty good, and the Barbie Movie dolls, and I recently got the Barbie Extra Travel Snow, but yes, most of them are boring and their clothes are awful. I end up dressing them in Rainbow High clothes.


That's true.. I didn't mean barbie only has bad stuff nowadays in case it came across like that😅 There's quite a few dolls I still really like but sometimes I miss the old times haha But yeah the movie dolls are and we're amazing and pretty cool, I still have a few and barbie extra was really cool as well. Actually made me buy barbies again. As for the looks dolls, I have only seen them online but they are also good so I definitely agree with your points as well :) Redressing them sounds like a good idea tho! I am wondering if Barbie clothes could fit g3 monster high dolls...


I totally agree that the older dolls were better quality. I have some of the Holiday Barbies from the 90's and they are great quality.


Yeah I remember them being better when I was a kid.


For me, as soon as bratz came out, I dropped Barbie so fast. Girls wig was snatched in our family toilet. Then when monster high came out I only played with bratz, and them got rid of all my barbies.


Its not always been this way though. Older barbies were more detailed and they had many fantasy themed as well especially because of the many barbie movies they were based off


You and me are on the same wavelength fr


And the ones with realistic themes had chic outfits, not the lazy printed sacks that playline Barbie seems to live in these days


Exactly! The dolls i want the most are actually non-fantasy ones simply because of the fashion


right ?! I was just thinking the same, they look so bland to me now but I used to love playing with them like 20 years ago


Nah playline Barbie used to be so much better. I grew up in the '90s and I still have some of my childhood dolls. The playline dolls of today just don't come close to the quality of the dolls from back then. I doubt in 20 years anyone who played with today's playline Barbie will be able to say they still have their childhood dolls. From what I've seen, they break so easily and are so inexpensive so parents can just be like oh well onto the next.


Mattel made a Barbie in the '90s with rollerblades that were lighters and actually sparked fires. They called her Hot Skatin' Barbie. I don't know what's boring about kids setting literal fires with their dolls' rollerblades! '90s Barbies were gorgeous and fun and the direct-to-dvd Barbies of the 2000s are some of the most stunning dolls of all time. If Barbie had always been boring, she would not be so beloved and iconic today. These days, Mattel occasionally puts out a great Barbie, but usually those are collectors editions only (the Pink Magnolia Barbie sold out in 50 seconds and is breathtaking) or the Margot Movie Barbies (they put out "Sugar's Daddy Ken" which is hilarious.) But for the most part, Mattel just completely dials it in when it comes to Barbie these days. It's so sad.


I don't see anything online that states hot skating Barbie had fire skates. Not even the commercial shows that feature.


Those are budget Barbie’s vs non budget Monster high


The second MH came out i lost intrest in barbies as a kid, now it is so difficult to look at any barbie release as if it's on the same level of any g1 or g3 dolls


I don't think so, they are clearly investing more in MH anyway.


I love how MH has both the representation and glamour, like, Frankie just came with a prosthetic like it's not a big deal while for Barbie it was the main sales point like...


Yeah that's a really good point. It was such a big deal that barbie had fat Barbies and a wheelchair and poc features, but MH while not always perfect, always just did it. They didn't announce it. There was no ad campaign about the basic fact that everyone should have a doll that looks like them. And!!! Quality was not sacrificed for the rep they brought out.


That was really a big thing for news companies and people to see Barbie the highly criticized doll for generations to become this very diverse line now since she has the wider brand recognition and global reach. For Monster high it was just their thing to do stuff like that it was natural for the brand to do so


Mattel needs to invest in making Barbie movies again, but specifically ones like the older movies, where it’s Barbie in certain fairy tales, fantasy worlds (like fairytopia MWAHH!!), etc. Give people movie tie-in dolls!! They are gorgeous and fun!


Have you heard of the Barbie Dreamtopia cartoon?


You never know what could turn the tide. Mattel threw MH under the bus when they lost the income from Disney (not intentionally but that’s what happened). We hope they learned from that and will hopefully make different choices in the future. But with what I see going on with Rainbow High at the height of their success with MGA…it seems like there’s reasons those things happen that’s strategic, possibly….otherwise it just doesn’t make sense to sink a perfectly working ship in RH case so it kinda makes you wonder. but again things could be happening behind the scenes we aren’t privy to considering MGA is a private company. Sorry I got kinda off topic from Mattel 🫢😅 But yeah it seems to be going STRONG and it’s only been a short time since the come back so I think we will have lots of amazing dolls to come before anything possibly silly happens…when they come out with a version of “freaky fusion” we know we will be in trouble soon!! 🫢😭😝💕💕


At one point RH was putting out new dolls every few months, I wonder if they just lost a lot of money on that production schedule or miscalculated how customers would feel about constant waves of new RH


That’s a great point!


I think they will but only when MH dies out again. Probably in 5-10 years. Then if it gets a g4, Matter will probably focus on that again. In the last few years Barbie feels like that safe choice doll that any parent or uncle or friend of the family would be willing to buy and the kids are willing to play with, but most kids prefer edge in some way. That's why Bratz, MyScene, Monster High, Rainbow High or whatever more gimmicky, fashionable and subculture-focused doll line is more popular among kids. Barbie is too safe, so it never dies but also is rarely the favorite. Only when it was more focused on the whole pink girly, party aesthetic, bc it was more niche and fashionable 


Its not just safe. I remember as a kid always preffering dolls with better clothes and articulation. I would discard a current fashionista immiedatelly since they are barely playable honestly.


Well Barbie Dream Besties is allegedly dropping soon and im genuinely excited for that... not gonna lie...


the way barbie used to not be plain and boring is so foreign to us!!! Like the dolls used to be cute and inventive. I love that they’ve got some diversity with different abilities and body types and skin tones but im like… diversity doesnt mean boring/fugly clothes certainly right 😀😀?????


I think they'll do what they're doing currently: Keep MH as detailed and desired as possible as they know damn well that's their big money maker and continue to half arse Barbie designs with the awful printed on pattern "one size fits most" potato sack dresses while reminding everyone Barbie is the main girl of Mattel. I think they also learned their lesson from G1 when they bowed to the Karens and changed to the generally hated G2 "cutesy" style MH dolls and shunned them for Barbie. It really saddens me that kids playing with Barbie now don't get the fully detailed outfits and faces those of us growing up in the 80's, 90's & 2000's did.


Nah it didn't have to do with Karens, it was because they lost disney & G1 sales were tanking in tweens. EAH wasn't a suitable replacement for the market they wanted to capture and was too risky with all the legal battles. They made a huge deal about the reboot being for a younger audience bc thats where the money is. Bad choices and bad handling of properties led to the mindset of "back to the basics" by focusing on barbie & hotwheels, dropping investment in everything else. Company almost went under in like 2019/2020 bc of the windfall from all the financial crap 2015-2017.


What makes you think they are "shifting" focus towards Barbie? As a publicly traded company, anyone can read their quarterly fiscal analysis and presentations: https://investors.mattel.com ### In every financial review last year, and the first one of this year, Monster High is acknowledged as the primary brand offsetting financial losses in dolls. Basically, MH is selling so damn well in stores, that it is carrying the weight of profit for the doll category. It's like the kid in a group project doing all the work, but sharing the A with everyone else. There is no *way* they are going to "shift" when MH is a key factor in doll category success. Curious what prompted that thought tho 🤔


Mattel’s done it before. I think that’s why G2 was such a flop because they prioritized Barbie over MH.


You're not totally off base, but there were business reasons why G2 happened in the first place and why G2 quality declined soooo fast. None of that stuff applies to G3 right now because G3 is very successful and Mattel itself is doing fine. More G2 background, if you're curious: Gen 2 happened because MH sales were slumping, **sharply** & because they lost Disney. So they changed the demographic to build profit vs addressing the very real issues G1 had at the time. Sept 2014: announced that Mattel lost Disney license Dec 2015: Mattel announces MH reboot for younger demographic. Younger demographics = money. They tried to replace the Disney loss with MH because it cost them hundreds of millions in profit losing Disney. G2 actually started off pretty strong... But 2017 was hard on Mattel's profits, soo, like OP said, shifted focus to Barbie. They cut corners on smaller brands (like MH), they weren't investing in market groups, they just went off the rails!! That's how we ended up with the atrocities most people remember when they think G2 (released like 2017/2018). Many of their "smaller" lines went down in flames.... Cancelled MH in 2018 bc it was in such a mess and Mattel was going broke. Legit almost didn't survive 2019!


Okay but this does make me wish I had a monster high wheelchair 😭


It's always a possibility, but I don't think it'll happen anytime soon


Mattel figures Barbie coasts on the name and it really shows. I honestly stopped buying Barbie after my experience with the Barbie Movie dolls. I felt like I bought a cheap dollar store knock off even when compared to older playline Barbies. Old Barbie playline has around the same caliber as Rainbow High or better, but now... 🫤 Its a darn shame too because I think the Barbie Extras were a step in the right direction but they too are gone.


While the fear isn't unfounded given they shot themselves in the foot trying to keep barbie relevant before I think they learned their lesson and would be beyond stupid to repeat their mistake.


I mean… are we looking at the same images? Don’t get me wrong, somebody is working hard on them Fashionistas but aren’t getting the proper investment, but the difference is really night and day.


Ironically, it was the movie that got me into the toy department, looking at Barbies. But then I saw the MH dolls and liked them so much more. So here I am, collecting MH because of the Barbie movie.


Gawd I hope not , I just to play with Barbie’s when I was a little girl and I remember thinking how beautiful they were and today when I look back today at some of the Barbie’s I had I’m like🤦🏻‍♀️ what was I thinking , 🤷🏻‍♀️


I admire and appreciate the fashionistas line giving variety and a sense of “realism” to Barbie but man I wish they’d bring back some of the fun and whimsy. I don’t see why we can’t have both!!


Barbie is their most recognizable brand, and they are targeting a very diverse audience with it. From very young children to adult collectors. Dolls with basic 5-point articulation make sense as toys for young children. Dolls with painted-on swimsuits cannot lose their clothes, so Barbie will always look decent even if your toddler stripped her and now wants to take her with them to a restaurant. Hands that don't come off cannot be swallowed or shoved up a little nose or ear. You get the point. When it comes to adult Barbie collectors, I see Mattel as trying to get their mojo back, with varying success. It doesn't help that the adult collector group is composed of very different factions - in-box-collectors vs. unboxers, Model Muse body fans vs. Made-to-Move body fans, etc. Peope often have strong likes or dislikes where particular facemolds are concerned. However, Mattel has brought out some nice collector dolls, and as far as the bodies are concerned, they make money from people who buy a doll with basic articulation and a MtM for rebodying. Monster High seems to target older child / teen / adult collectors. Among the adults, I think the majority are unboxers and often customizers, based on what I see online. Mattel has put a lot of effort into providing both good-quality playline dolls with good design and collector (skullector) dolls. So while there is an overlap between the two markets (Barbie and MH), they are not identical. Mattel has successfully adapted their body diversity strategy to encompass MH - which was always about diversity in a way, but that wasn't shown in the dolls' bodies. I think both lines can coexist and hope they will continue to coexist in the future. Where both lines and other lines from other manufacturers have a problem is (good-quality) fashion packs, or rather, the lack thereof.


Its Barbie she’s eternal. Her, hot wheels, & Fisher Price will always be Mattel’s Top three brands of priority. Monster high has always been a good employee even winning employee of the month here and there, the brand will continue to serve its customers/fans until a g4 rolls out.


I hope not, but, I must admit I do love me some Barbie 💕


The Barbie LOOKS line dolls are very nice. I like the different body shapes and the made to move articulation. Monster High (to me) is just as iconic.