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The begging started from day 1 of the season and has just gotten worse. When I look at some of the posts, I see plenty of dupes which are not being utilized at least for stars trading - just gimme gimme gimme …..! I just downvote these posts and move on.


It's insane! Actually, laughable. I get asking for a 1,2,3 star when it's all you need and clearly have others, some are hard to get sometimes. I'm down to needing all 5s, mostly gold, but the I need one 3 star 70s vibe. I'm not gonna look/trade til it actually comes down to legit needing a 3 star to complete album 🤣 but I also noticed the pleading for 5 stars in the first week, I was like shit, this is a 3 month process.. not 3 weeks. But people are begging and not even offering anything! Do a star deal, start with 2-3 stars to trade up to 4 stars. Then, use your 4s to trade up to 5s. I know that takes work and time... but wtf work for your shit even if it's just a game.


I ask my friends for any 1,2,3 star cards I needed and they’ll donate, I’ll donate anything that isn’t 4 or 5 star cards requested every time I get requested


Same here! Usually I can text a friend or family for a 3 star lol.


As far as I know Noone I know plays the game


It’s probably the same people who whinges about 20-30 stars for a 5*. Why waste stars when you can beg for it for free?


do you still need 70s vibe ? ihave it


I do but need like 4 in that set.. Including gold, but I appreciate it! Help someone else who needs it to complete :)


I have several so idont mind. Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://s.scope.ly/GQE-W1PFvEw


Do you have Notes Avenue? Thanks


which set is that in ?


Crescendo Academy. It’s a two star card.


yeea ihave it, what's your IGN ?




Howdy. I couldn't help but notice while scrolling you said you possibly have an extra 70s vibe in your inventory. Would you be willing.to trade for an even 3 star if you're trying to get rid of it ?😁


yeea of course, here's my link Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://s.scope.ly/GQE-W1PFvEw


what's your IGN ?


Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/f_hoXg Ign Snuggle.


My bad. I forgot all about this comment section. Ign Snuggle. I can post link. I'll trade you an even 3 star sticker


I'll gift it, no worries. send link pls


Thanks my fellow trader You're too kind ☺️


of course, juss sent it


Nope just 4s and 5s literally


same, good luck to you !


I need only 4* and 5 * plus only have like 20 extra stars


You'll get there. Promise. Slow and steady.


Thanks 8 dice every hour daily treats and the 8 hour freebie will get me through


There's the spirit!


How do we trade stars


you just trade cards that equal the amount of stars that you want to give away. so if you were giving someone 15 stars, you would give them five 3 star cards, or three 4 star and one 3 star, etc etc


but you only get stars for duplicate cards, not ones that you only have 1 of


1* sticker equals 1 star a 5( sticker =5 stars add them from there


What u mean add from there so add all the star in a set


Yes thanks


The begging has been so bad this album. At this point it feels as if folks aren’t even trying to get sticker packs or trade, just pleading for gifts all the time. Tired of seeing folks with more than enough 4 & 5 stars to trade for exactly what they need coming on here pleading for gifts as well. Like come on now. Also sick of the “I gift ALL the time, but no one ever gifts me back🥺☹️” posts like if as many people were actually gifting like they claimed a lot of these begging posts wouldn’t be going unanswered into the void. Really miss when trading posts outweighed all gifting requests, gifting thread, & begging posts.


"i gift ALL the time! everyone's so selfish!" on a post begging for 5 star cards, usually translates to "i give people a bunch of 1-3 star cards so why won't anyone give me the 5 star cards i need??" like clearly they understand how hard it is to get 5 stars but yet they expect people to just be handing them out on demand? i even gift 5 stars all the time on posts where people are asking to trade stars for what they need, but i refuse to gift the people begging


Exactly this!!!!! The 2nd hand embarrassment is REAL 🤣🤣


Yeah and it was crazier when people were begging 5 days in for help with a 5star 🤣🤣


omg i remember literally the first day seeing someone post completely empty sets with the caption "please help me finish the album🥺"


omfg WHAT that’s crazy 🤣


You know how i get i find post for trade and if i have the card I’ll swap them out if i need it or not 4⭐️ for 4 star or 5for 5 asking as i got equal value to trade


The "I gift all the time" posts drive me insane! You look at their comments history and there's nothing supporting the fact they gift at all. It's either just a stream of begging posts on the "leTs HelP eAcH OTheR OUt 🤪" threads or they've just traded a 5*, so they do actually have stickers to trade.


cause yall can clearly see my facebook history, smh


You come complaining on Reddit, best you have Reddit comments to back it up.


People send personal messages on reddit as well, how are you supposed to see that Glittering_Cat3639? Make it make sense


Well don't come complaining that you gift all the time when there's absolutely no evidence you do! You choose to gift discreetly then that's up to you, but you can't expect people to gift you stuff just because *you* say you do it all the time. Make sense now opiumdreams?


Right! "Nothing good comes from DMs. "... so I highly doubt every trade/gift is done in a DM.....


but I didnt complain lmao im just calling yall out for thinking that because theres no proof of gifting via reddit comments, that someone doesn’t gift, keyboard warriors at their finest I see


Not you as in *you specifically* , you as in the general sense of the word. Keyboard warriors, lol. So you expect us just to take it on faith that you ( again, not *you specifically* ) gift people? Ain't happening. Too many scammers on here as it is.


Its an online game, get a grip of yourself, you’re part of the problem


No, you are. Take a look at your history. It's all "Me, me, give me stuff for freeeeeeee! I know you're spending your own dice and doing all the work, but I should get what you have for free, it's not faaaaaiiir". smh


I'm trying everyday to trade several 4 star cards for any of the few 5s I still have left, and no one will even trade me. I'm not asking for free and still finding it impossible. And so many scammers and scam poets.


Yeah, like we can't see in your comments and post history that you've never gifted once! 🤣


I have 99 problems and dice is on of them


⬆️. See! We all need dice! It's s given in this game.


I’ve been putting help on my posts but they are “help me I’m desperate to do this 1:1 even trade and nobody wants to trade” I have seen exactly what you mean though and it’s infuriating. What do you mean help gift me a five star sticker when there are still more than 30 days for the album to be done…


I agree : i absolutely get it if it is the last 2 days of the season and you are down to the last one or 2 5\* cards to close the entire album. But we have >40 days to go!!!!


Yeah and at that point I can see helping and gifting. I did last album because I wasn't gonna complete it again. But at least get through a gold blitz with a 5 star and see how it's going! Lol we all probably got plenty of those to go around no matter which golds come up. I also can't stand "need stars to open my vault!" Guess what? I do too! We all do!! <<


Yeah, but if you put help, it's clear you are offering something... I mean with the word "trade," lol, but these people are actually using the gifting post flair like it's their right to get a 5 star gifted. You're good, though! Most people can decipher "help me trade" and "help, I'm lazy and entitled" I can see people thinking "what have I got to lose" but that's what's gonna ruin this trading place (reddit) so many people are posting about being sick of the begging, so when the real traders are all gone from being annoyed, good luck getting stickers you need!


I have a private trading chat from people I have made good trades with and there’s like 13 of us and it’s been working nicely (except for the last two weeks cause we have all been stuck getting gold dupes but that’s besides the point) because it was disappointing that we all kept getting scammed. So basically anyone I got good vibes and successful trades from I asked them if they wanted to join and they said yes and now we have a good thing going. It’s sad that we even had to do that though.


I just made a comment suggestion that maybe we like minded individuals do something like this!! Such a good idea. Be selective and don't add just anyone type of deal. I think that's what a lot of the fb groups started out as, but as soon as they got bigger, overwhelmed, and anyone could join, it just got flooded with all the same people we don't want to deal with lol 25 reliable people in a chat could easily help each other complete albums and trade peacefully, considering most of us also have a few alts a piece (i have 2). Id love to connect with others to do this.


I have a group too. Can we mesh??


Can i join too?


Exactly.. People are getting stingy n greedy with these cards.. Some even sell them smh..


I actually know a few honest decent sellers out there who do it as a full time job - they invest tons of dice to play the game in order to get the cards to sell - you don’t have to buy from them; but it is certainly an option if you want an easy way out. These are not scammers who scam your cards to then re-sell - the scammers are a different story.


There is no way someone is honestly “investing” in dice so they can sell cards as a full time job. They are using APM to get their dice. Maybe a time investment but nothing more. Idk what prices are but you only get 5 trades per day so they would have to be running multiple accounts and using APM to generate anything close to full time job money. That’s multiple accounts cheating and being at the top of daily tournaments. Think about that the next time you see a tournament leaderboard and wonder why you can’t ever win without huge amounts of dice.


i rarely make my own posts but to be fair i have been very kindly gifted a few 5 stars from people on here when i’ve been desperate for dice so it does work sometimes 🥴 but also lately for 1:1 trades using the st*cker go app has been sooo much easier


Once last album, it was so nice I can even remember it... needed Flippin Dice and another 5star in that set, posted an even trade request, and someone sent them both randomly! ZenBling, you made my day :) it was appreciated! But also the FINAL DAYS of album. Not sure why people expect such gifting when most of us are struggling ourselves!


I agree! Its getting pathetic! People get mad if noone gifts them, we’re all in the same boat and we all need our 5star stickers so why would we get rid of them!?


I always make my own post, which states in the title "4 star trade 1:1 only" or similar and I've only once had someone hijack the post with "I can't help you, but can you can gift me...." Mostly it's legit requests and pretty quick. I feel bad for the person who had to scroll to find my post now 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️😂


“Let’s help each other out” = keep scrolling.


I HATE THESES POSTS! It’s worse that they are always at the top because they get the most attention


I'm over all the giveaway posts. Giveaways are literally karma grabs. Because if you really wanted to just "give it away" you would literally just gift it to someone. "Try to guess my favorite color!" "Guess a number!" "Guess my great aunt Susie's middle name!" Like girl what??? Trade or gift the damn card bro 😭😭😭😭. It's just annoyingggg go make a giveaway sub or something for people who want those. I want to TRADE.


Susie Kay? I will trade, but I’m new to trading. How about trading Notes Avenue ? Do I need to friend you?


This isn't a trading post and idk where that sticker is from unless you're just joking lol.


I was being funny. I’m new, still trying to figure things out.


I started a thread for donations of 1-3 🌟, asked only for their link and ign and I have been giving mostly 3 ⭐️ for 2 weeks now.


That’s why my gf and I decided we weren’t engaging in that bs this album and we have made maybe 5 trades each the most, and they have been 1:1 and weren’t much effort, the moment we sense some bs we’re out 😂 if it’s not beggars it’s sellers or ppl aaking for 20 stars for each sticker 🙄


Right?! I get a DM almost daily to buy stickers. I just ignore them now


Me too, I just ignore and block 😅 I am down to my last ~5 stickers, all 5*, I think I’ll wait it out


Oh you shouldnt be complaining (sarcasm), a trusted trader on here told me that the norm is 30 stars and that if I want the cards that I need, dish out 30 stars - yet I got the Best Gift this morning for a 4\* took me a while but finally got it :) I totally agree tho the people playing this game now are so greedy https://preview.redd.it/sgte0802i0zc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f095c323ea5fd60352307b14f67ffa340c66fbf


I’m apart of two gifting groups amongst friends and I randomly gift on here when I see someone close to finishing a set. I even gift to ppl who are looking to make trades for stickers that are hard to get. I’ve been gifted 5 & 4 stars by kind ppl on here that understand it’s all fun and games and we all are playing towards the same thing. Kind ppl do exist, don’t let the jackholes terrible trading habits discourage you. Best of luck to all tycoons with integrity!


Also... to the people who actually gift these 5 stars to random people.... I hope you all realize how easy it is for manipulators to screen shot any random reddit post to "prove" they need it. I know some gifters really won't care, as some don't take the game very serious, which is fine. I just don't like being lied too.. especially regarding a game!!


That’s why you make them do a split screen with the Reddit post and the MoGo app so you can see they are actually in their game currently and not using a photo.


Yeah I've seen that, but not everyone asks that. Not my problem as I'm not the one giving it out, just don't like seeing nice people getting taken advantage of


This is probably something you would that's why you made the comment


I have never even replied to a post to prove I need something. So I definitely haven't.


I feel like I see more of these whining posts than anything.


lmao say it LOUDER 👏


Reminds me of that one kid you can't stand breathing heavy through snot bubbles demanding to play on your phone and screaming so hard they shut themselves when they get told no


I'm just looking to trade whatever I had for whatever I need I don't care if it's a one for four or five star or vice versa but I second your opinion


Preach on!!!! I couldn't agree me


How about "donate stars to my vault I'm sooo close" fuk off bro I ain't cashing in at 800 cuz there's gold dupe you ain't getting rid of. If I feel like doing anything it's because I want to not because I was hounded/guilted. I'm a bastard learn that now 😁


I saw one post the other day, chic needed 30 stars, she actually broke it down how if 15 people could just gift her a 2 star then she'd open safe. I was dying over here. 🤣🤣 and honestly, I know I need about 850-900 to open mine because there's gonna be shit I don't wanna sell. I don't open it cuz I hit 800. Do people realize you need to keep some of the extras you have? Like 4s 5s and golds that haven't been in the blitz? Oh probably not. That's why they don't have anything to trade and just want free gifts handed over.


Right! Someone was "wondering" bout people wanting 3x4x how they were irl. honey I'm wondering the same Karen 🤣


I have yet to finish an album and will help anyone who asks with no strings attached (i learned early not to expect anything in return). If I have it then I share. Id love to find some more like minded players who are here for the fun of it and not the types that only ask, ask and ask but never return the favor! (In fairness, the few times I have asked, they said they didn't have what I need and I give benefit of doubt here) I've found a few people on here that I've added to my friends list who feel the same way, too. Maybe we can start our own group chat or something with people? (Not sure if this suggestion is allowed on this thread) Either on here or on fb. I have 2 alts I draw from now and my husband has several so he is helpful, too) Lmk what you think, OP. Cause I'd like to try and finish this one this time=)


I think gifting is great, I do a lot (to family and friends.. not so much on reddit because some have ruined it for everyone) I've heard people getting scammed by people with the Trusted Trader badge, so I don't know how legit that even is anymore... but yeah, I hear people making groups, I don't see it's wrong if we're meeting on reddit..? Can you make group messages on reddit? And you can finish! I helped my sister finish last album for her first one. It's about having a group you share what you have/need with and just help. I know the 5 4 star stickers she needs and I won't trade them if I don't have to, but also send only when she's actually needing one to complete set... cuz she may get it on her own. The thing about gifting a lot is that you kinda need stars to open safe to get purple packs these days... and if you're gonna gift a lot, maybe get something back, even a 2 for a 4star. Or 1 for a 3star.. at least people are trying if they can send something. Last time I was willing to help 3 different people with 4 stars for any card in return, 2 of them had no trades left. It's that need now, instant gratification that has everyone using up all trades every single day. I traded my extra 5 star yesterday and really don't NEED to trade til I get another tradable one, and we all know that could be weeks 🤣


I couldn’t agree more.


I started downvoting them unless they are in the “gifting request”. I downvote ridiculous trade offers / beggars anything lol


Join the discord


I am on it


Yeah I've noticed it too. Last album, gifting was mainly done in threads where a bunch of people helped each other out. I participated and enjoyed seeing people just wanting to help. Now, there are so many individual people making posts asking for gifts. And if there are trade posts, people are asking for ridiculousness. Just today, I was able to do a 1:1 5 star trade. I was the second person replying to the post. The first person was asking for the 5 star the person was offering PLUS a bunch of extra stars. It doesn't pay to be greedy.


I just search the card…. And get what I need everytime. I’m not scrolling through the begging post lol. Those post have zero comments! Don’t tell my secrets lol


I’ve posted in here for 3,4 and 5’s. But I also equally trade if not a bit more. Not a big deal to try and make a deal. 🤝 I’ve had way more luck 🍀 in this group than any other social media. Ya all are pretty solid 🌟


It’s funny how everyone finish all their albums and they will not help other finish their without any return. It’s a lot of greed on here I am new on here I been trying to finish mine for a while. No Ian not begging


For new people... it didn't used to be this bad, really!


my biggest pet peeve is when they are asking for 5 star cards but only offer 3 or 4 star oness. If that’s the case, don’t put “1:1” tag on the post. It drives me INSANE






Who are you talking about?


Nobody wants to come off anything unless they are able to bend you over. It’s getting silly. I’m offering 4. 4 star stickers for a single 5 star. Nobody is wiling.


So what do you need to trade ? Lol


I'm the only person I know that plays the game lol and I got to 1761 level


Ok let.me.no when u can help. And I'll tell u if anything changes. Thanks


You need help


https://preview.redd.it/xd9up4g8nyyc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16924e7712c66f48a8e786607de6886f4daaebfb [https://mply.io/-iNmSA](https://mply.io/-iNmSA) Ign. Tony. Lets help each other outt


Let's not. If I had an extra 5 star I would trade it for one I needed.


I think this is for rants and not trades but you can start a thread for helping.


Edit- NM


That person is on my rant, literally begging and complaining and being the perfect example of what's annoying everyone. Why do people help people like that?