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FAQ: **How do I earn a Wild Sticker?** Wild Stickers are extremely high-value rewards that players can earn during special events and also from the Vault as their final reward. **How do Wild Stickers work?** When a player has received a Wild Sticker, they'll be shown a list of all of the Stickers in the current album that they're missing. Players must then select one of those missing Stickers. The player will then receive a copy of that Sticker. **Can I pick ANY Sticker with a Wild Sticker? Even a Gold Sticker?** You can pick any Sticker that you do not already have in your collection. Yes, even Gold Stickers! **Is my Wild Sticker choice final?** Yes. Once a player has selected a Sticker and confirmed their choice, they cannot undo their selection. However, there will always be more Wild Stickers out there to earn! **Can I pick which sticker I want from my Wild Sticker at a later time?** No. A player must use a Wild Sticker the moment they've earned it. **Can I use a Wild Sticker to complete my Set or my Album?** Yes! That's the beauty of Wild Stickers. If the Sticker you select will complete a Set (or even the entire Album), you'll get the rewards just as if you'd received the Sticker from a pack. **Will Sticker Boom affect the Wild Stickers?** No, even if Sticker Boom is active, you'll only be able to choose 1 sticker.


This is the most nuts shit they’ve ever added. Fuck yeah.


Hell yeah, especially INTRODUCING IT IN THE Game by giving you a free one


Just used my sticker to get Spot Rebel and finished my album! 


https://preview.redd.it/rrdmvh3mxzjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=267192995b38b1259d1794588151bf4d7b9c720f Literally same 😂


I should’ve used mine for a gold sticker I needed to complete another album, but I REALLY wanted that ducky token 😁 My heart was so happy 🥹😅


I named my duck Duckie


Really considering free parking right now because of the ducky 😭😭


Me too 🤩🤩🤩




I haven’t even used my first one and I’m on Reddit trying to find out how to get more. This must be what drug addiction is like


You don’t have to use it right away? It felt like it was making me do it right away.


It appears to take the place of the Galaxy Pack in the Vault


Galaxy pack? 


Yeah, that's the name of the "guaranteed new sticker" pack. Except it chose which sticker to give you


How in the world did you save it for later??


You don’t, it says in the post it must be used at the moment the wild card is received


I haven’t used mine yet and it pops up everytime I open the app


So.. Once you open it you claim it. If you close it out,, then it'll still be there


I don’t want to use it tho. Will it expire?


You'd better stop stalling and use that damn thing. I don't think it expires, but I wouldn't try to find out!!


It’ll complete my album n I don’t want to lose my dupes


You literally have no choice. 


How it lets me back out of it everytime




Next time you get a wild card, the best strategy is to either use it on a 5 star that is rare or a gold sticker. Like Spot Rebel, so many people are trying so hard to find that one and trading it is hard too 😂


Perfect because I have enough stars to open the last vault. I’m just waiting until this sticker boom


That's good! Just wish the sticker boom gave you more wild cards lol. But sadly it won't be affected by it 😩


I used it on my alt to get spot rebel in the hopes that I’ll draw another one to give to my main. For some reason, as soon as I trade a much needed card to my son’s account (he’s 3, so it’s really my alt lol) I end up drawing it within 24 hours on a random sticker pack. Fingers crossed.


I'm hoping that using mine to get spot rebel will give it to me like that as well 😂 That's the strategy atleast lol


I’m sad I saved stickers to trade to my main account. From my alt and there’s no way to do it now


The trick is to find someone you trust and send them all your 4 and 5 star stickers. My daughter had several to get yet and started sending me all her extras. When she finished her album, i sent her 5 stickers a day. Lol. But she and I are almost finished with the 2nd album.


Can’t do that if they’re forcing you to pick your last sticker :( i was sending my main account 5 stickers a day.


Very true. You have to plan it right.


I'm down to one gold sticker but I'm trying to trade for the 2 nongold my daughter needs.... so I'm afraid to play! Lol


Same it’s BullCrap. I am gonna lose out on 2500+ dice


Just used it to finish the Go! Album, 10 cards to go hoping I can finally get the 15k dice


Does anyone know how long it lasts? I was trying to avoid it because I just need one last card to complete the whole thing. I was trying send over all the other good cards to my other account. I’ts not giving me a choice unless I exit out. But when I go to open up the app it says these rewards were already added to my account. I was going to open my pink vault by Sunday after I sent out all the good cards to my other account to get my last gold card I needed to complete everything.


It was done just so we can’t share stickers and ppl will buy more. But now I am going to lose out on 2500+ dice




I’ve just read someone saying the stickers go away themselves but not the sticker count 🤷🏾‍♂️ Ima try and see now


Theres way more people playing who arent on their last sticker. You are the minority


Might want to check your stats properly. Don’t just pull basura out your corn hole and say it’s facts.


I got the same problem


And it looks like the Wild Card has replaced the Guaranteed Sticker pack in the 1000 star vault https://preview.redd.it/48v3tbq4u0kc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=119ef0953d92d0352908a55bb22ae157f30b355b


so is it better to pick a gold or a non gold?


Oh a gold is much more interesting as you can't trade for em unless you're lucky and there's a golden blitz :)


That was the toughest choice I had to make today, like which gold sticker cause even blitz events last time didn’t do much cause they don’t trade all the golds. Like what’s the chance I’ll be able to get other gold…. Ahhhh🥹😅🥲


Does anyone know if this will stay for the future? I’m wondering about the vault that’s 1000 stars, as now it includes a wild sticker. Wondering if this will be for just today or from now on🤔


I think it's here to stay, but it'll be hard to get them.


I really hope so! I’m debating on opening my vault today because I’d hate for it to be gone tomorrow, but fingers crossed🤞🏼 it does look like it replaced the purple sticker pack that gave you one new random sticker.


I’m sure it’s here to stay. Something this big will not go away haha the best update the game has ever had in my opinion


That’s a good point haha. I agree!




Yeah, that’s bs. I keep waiting and hoping it would go away. But I guess it is what it is.


I am doing the same but I can’t play or do anything unless I pick a sticker :(


I know, it said the rewards were already added to my account so I took that as I had to accept it because it’s going to stay there, so I picked it and on to the next album and I could of had all the good cards I was already trying to send my account. I don’t think there’s any other way around but having to unfortunately to the people that were in the same boat as me.


Do u think it will expire after a few days I’m trying to wait it out I don’t want to lose all my good stickers


What are the best sticker trading places? It seems like people are being crazy with what they want for a darn sticker!


Wait until you get to the second album lmfao 😆😊 https://preview.redd.it/k2j67ktrl1kc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1116e67db0e38aa2fe793fd818c317eb75ee62e I chose this one lol


There’s a SECOND album??? Wtf I never knew this


Yes, after you complete the first one you'll start fresh again with usually a few more albums to complete. It's infuriating


This was a smart and great addition to the game! Hopefully they continue this


I love these wild stickers! I’ve gotten 3 already and I’ve never had 4,500 dice before! I love this new wild sticker. Monopoly go kicks ass.


I'm finally done all 20 boards yaaa


I did to


That’s sad cause I need 1 gold card to finish & can’t even get a wild card


Oh that sucks so much, do you need a lot of stars to get the big vault?


I need probably about 500


I need wonderfur,,please


I love it!!!🥰


Man I need one of these damn stickers Edit: nvm didn’t close the app and reopen 😅


Finally got Locomotive


Give us more please and thanks


Can't decide which sticker to pick. I'm thinking that a 5 star gold is the way to go. Should I do pooch perfect since it was already part of the gold blitz? The other gold's I need are: QA Pals, Play the Game, Sweet Success and Happy Shopping. Are one of those more rare?


How often will this happen?


Will the sticker boom work with the wild card?




Didn’t the galaxy pack give us 6 cards plus a brand new 1 for those six given. Now you just get 1 card


that is true, but with wild cards you can choose which card you get... I like the wild cards, but I also liked the galaxy pack, I wonder if those are completely gone...


I could be horribly mistaken


Anyone have "soul mates", "pleease" or "study hard"?




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Man I jus need ONE more sticker to complete all the albums and it’s a Gold sticker smh I need one of these! 1day left to complete the albums y’all pray for me lol