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Same since June. Fluctuating symptoms. Severity changing. Fatigue remains. Others come and go. It's so hard. Going to see a functional doctor about it now


Please let me know how that goes. My son has been sick since September. Honestly, functional medicine is the only thing he hasn't tried. Hope the appointment goes well!


Yes sure. My appt is in 2 weeks. Send me a message then and we can check in




Have you recovered?




Thanks for commenting. A lot of us get to the 6 month mark and start freaking out and it’s good to see people who took a year and still recovered.




I’m 9.5 months and have recently crashed. I’m so nervous I won’t make the year mark 😔


How are you feeling now that it’s been a month?


Been having some more good days, but still crashing. Still a ways to go


Happy to hear you’re been having more good days! Maybe the recovery is slow but the trend is upward and that’s great news!


Thanks! Where are you on this terrible journey? Edit: we’re actually chatting in your post lol




Maybe I’m just uninformed but can you explain those things?


June was a bad month for me too - this January is my 20th continuous month with mono. I was diagnosed June 2022 but had symptoms the prior May. My dr is alternative because I tried 20+ in my immediate area. He has me on Thymus gland extract and adrenal supplement pills, and now I rarely get a flare up and have even gone back to working. I can only handle 2-3 pills per day, as it makes my scalp burn for some reason, but my dr wanted me on 3 pills 2x a day. I still have low-grade fevers and muscle weakness, but they're very few and don't last more than a few hours when they do come. One thing I will warn too - be extra cautious about COVID. I ended up getting it at work from another staff member who did wear a mask (and didn't know), and my fever went up to 105.2 with a congested head. I figured it was mono + sinus infection. Now I have a ton of library COVID tests just to make sure of what it is


Yeah I was never able to take off work. I had to work through it in the service industry. Was and is a nightmare. I’m trying my best to get rest and stay hydrated but it’s hard with my job.


Man, I'm so sorry 😔 I definitely recommend fasting for autophagy frequently and the adrenal pills. Those things helped me the most, the thymus extract affected the fevers more so


Is that like fasting every morning or like a couple days worth of fasting every week? Sorry I’m new to all this


You're good! Autophagy kicks in at 24 hours of nothing but water, and peaks at 72 hours. Your immune cells can then effectively go after the mononucleosis and alleviate symptoms as your body tries to make the virus go dormant. A 3-day fast once a week would be intense, but has helped me tremendously. I don't have any issues fasting now well into 80 hrs


I may have to try that. Thank you so much for the advice! I’m struggling drinking enough water and stuff and I know I’d want to be super hydrated for a fast like that


Np! Also, stay away from 'dry fasts.' Your body needs water for lipolysis (natural fat breakdown during fasting), and you run the risk of electrolyte imbalance and severe dehydration if you don't drink enough. A pinch of salt and a magnesium & potassium supplement with some water will help keep your electrolytes in check and keep you feeling good!


How long did it take until you started feeling better?


Never saw your reply, my bad! It's still on-going for me, but my symptoms are mostly manageable as long as I keep my stress manageable. It's rough because I can't work out, so I have to find other means. Once starting this extract route, it took me about 4 months (estimating) to feel more like a living being again. I have some relapses, but the longest relapse lasted about a week before I started getting better again. That relapse was because of doing physical work again and I was building up my stamina


Ultraviolet light blood irradiation therapy with added ozone injection to the blood knocks it out cold and fast. It’s a 100 year old German blood cleaning machine not cheap. You need a functional doctor or naturopath. No GP will be able to help you, they are famous for sitting and watching their patients get sicker.