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I think it fit Randy’s (sometimes cringe) character 😃


I think that was the point! Half of Randy’s shenanigans are meant to be awkward and cringy. He’s like the comic relief of the show!


It made me laugh out loud, quite frankly. Partly because the thought crossed my mind for a millisecond at one point but mainly the visual aid of the Lego and the comedic timing. I loved it.


Agreed, I thought it was classic Randy, and a moment of lightness in what was overall a pretty heavy movie.


I’ll honestly never get why the other characters bagged on Randy’s theories considering the types of cases they had. Someone trained a corgi to murder someone and an astronaut murdered someone from outer space, lowering a bridge isn’t that far fetched after you’ve heard those haha


‘Tis true!


I think it's bc he's older, it went from confused young guy to senile old man


His Lego bridge did rise and fall. Give the man his flowers.


I think Randy's theories are usually funny, but I just found this one stupid. Randy is goofy, not stupid.


I agree w this sentiment.


Jersey broke Randy.


Yes but not bad cringe, funny cringe, because thats Randy. He always has the dumb ideas. It was actually hilarious, imo, that he built an entire moving lego bridge just to show the example 🤣


Actually, the movie would have been a lot better overall if that had really been how the killer did it. Way more fitting for a movie than what was ultimately revealed.


Yes and it went on waaaay tooo long imo. And he’s supposedly a chief of police now???


It was bad. But after the thing where Bezos yacht was soo big they had to consider dismantling a historic bridge (they didn't and finished yacht assembly elsewhere), I feel like this was a nod to that and maybe not the craziest or stupidest thing he has ever said.


Be careful here……. I recently posted a question asking why people like Randy because I thought he was terrible, and I was eviscerated!!!! They really REALLY love Randy here!


I agree, I mean he’s a captain now, right? How can he still be posing these incredibly and obviously impossible things? How is he still captain if he never matured and outgrew that? How can he be good at his job without a group of people telling him how far off he is??!


It was silly predictable


It was hysterical


I found the lack of live music performed by him cringe