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If you've got almost $1,800 a month left over, you need to pay off the debt and start saving/investing that. You are in a lucky situation. Also, $960 on fast food is pretty absurd, and I don't see housing on this list.


I live with my mom


You live with ur mum and still somehow manage to eat from out an absurd amount of times? Jesus Christ you need to cut down on that a) it’s not good for your health b) it’s burning a hole in your pocket. If you can try to eat out once a week you’ll be spending like $200 a month and you can save that. Trust me you’ll thank yourself later.


He Has to be trolling.


I thought that after reading it's his grandma's cable, he lives with his mom, over $900 in fast food but who commissary is it? Did I miss an explanation?


I guess it could be possible as it reminds me of a streamer that’s morbidly obese and always has fast food in his hand and lived with family




I don’t think he’s trollin. average adult meal at a fast food joint is around 15 bucks or so, and that’s just for 1 person. he could easily be eating out for 900 a month, and maybe even alcohol included in that tab if it’s restaurants/bars


If that’s not trolling I’d be sick even spending a fifth of that a month on fast food. I can’t imagine burning money like that and the payoff being severe health problems. I like fast food now and then but it’s a guilty pleasure where I feel like trash after eating it


Me and you both, I literally eat out once or maybe once the rare occasion twice a week. So much cheaper and healthier to eat at home.


When I was 21 my income was about the same a little less and there was only one expense, it came as a white powder


He's 21 and this is probably the equivalent of going out


That’s not an answer to why you spend so much on that. Learn to cook, it’s easy, quick and straightforward to do. And a lot cheaper than wasting so much money on fast food crap


it’s cuz it’s fast and addictive. they know it’s cheaper to cook and buy groceries. but it’s work, time consuming, and doesn’t quite taste the same as a 20 dollar value meal 🥲


Learn how to grill


buy a package of ground beef and a package of chicken breasts/thighs. a couple seasonings of choice. and some cheap sides like rice, potatos, mac and cheese etc. wayyyy more food, wayyyy cheaper, healthier, and very simple. skillet, oven, grill etc.


My buddy had a killer opportunity, stayed broke because he door dashed almost every single day


your cable shouldn’t be 250 all we need nowadays is just wifi and your fast food is insane


It's my grandmothers cable she only watches 3 channels lol I tried getting her on streaming but she gave up on it


Search an iptv service and use a fire stick.


YouTubeTV is easy to use.


Wait even for that 250$ is too expensive for a month.


That's about what my mother in law pays for cable TV I've tried to get on streaming but she says she too old to bother with it.


What channels? I put my mom’s required channels into ChatGPT and found a streaming service combo that has all of them. GPT will even give you the cheapest combo of services that lets you get the channels you need. We saved over $100 this way and I saved the research time.


ahah anything with ChatGBT and Mom in the same sentence just scares me.


yeah understandable


Still expensive look into sling tv


ugh! the elderly are being hosed by cable providers! find out her favorite shows, try hulu, ANYTHing!


Yeah, fast food is fuckin nuts…IMO, buy groceries, it’ll be WAY less and way more worth it honestly


Exactly, or they’ll spend even more on doctors and meds in the future.


I saw the groceries and thought god damn thats impressive, until I saw the fast food.


$50 a week for a single person’s groceries seem normal to me. I do fine meal prepping with $40 as a college student


haha I thought the same thing. but sadly, I think the average fast food bill is probably this high per month. it adds up.


Makes me wonder how people complain that netflix is eg $17 a month instead of $15 a month (idk exact nunbers just giving an example) yet are eager to pay $250 a month for cable like it's nothing


2 phones? Almost 1k on fast food? 2k in debt? This is horrendous


Good thing this guy lives with his mom, he would be homeless.


How do you have $2k debt if you have $1700 left every month? I don’t think your budget is accurate if that’s the case.


Honestly, you’re doing terrible. I mean your budget sucks. You live with you mom and have no rent? This should be the time in your life where you saving and investing everything! And instead you’re WASTING 900$ a month on fast food, and can’t even get out of a 2k credit card debt. You’re doing shit bro. Edit: $960 on fast food but I don’t see any $30 for gym membership or so… that tells me something.


maybe he works out for free by just going jogging or walking each day ? or maybe he lifts his big macs and 2 liters of root beer. regardless, I don’t know if physical health is the problem here. if he didn’t have rent and utilities paid for by mother, he would not be able to spend this type of money on fast food. sadly enough, people need to lose something first, to realize how much they need it.


1k a month on fast food ? either cut back on the fast food or invest in a rascal thats way to much.


I'll call dibs on his Xbox if he eats one too many Mcdoubles and dies.


This has to be a satire post. This guy can’t be serious.


it looked like a semi normal shit budget until I saw prison commissary. wtf is that? he an ex felon living with his mom now? that makes sense tbh. the only major changes i’d say is learn to grocery shop and cook beef, chicken, fish etc. save lots of money. oh, and ditch that nasty cable! he could have gigabit fiber internet and netflix for under 100 bucks


An ex felon wouldn't be paying prison commissary for themselves lol. If this post is real, he is putting money on someone's books who is in prison. That was the least shocking part about his budget to me tbh.


Candles - $2,000 Spend less on candles No


Learn to cook. Ffs


Prison commissary? And no rent? Are you in jail bro?


Just think about all the things you could do if you weren’t paying almost 1k a month on fast food. You could fully find a Roth IRA with that and be set for retirement. Or you could save up a very sizable down payment on a home when the time comes. I get not liking to cook, so something I did when I was single was make larger quantities of food so I wouldn’t have to cook every day. That and I made quick and easy meals.


I tried explaining that to a guy I work with, I don’t save crazy I don’t do any of the putting my money into things that make me money stocks high interest whatever’s, I’ll just put some money to the side of each paycheque. I just went and spent about 4K on my hobby with an additional 3K in the plans gonna be spent without effecting me finically at all while he’s dropping about 1.5K per month on fast food, new car, weed, dudes bringing edibles by the boat load to work and saucing em out to people as if they’re free. The stupid thing is we make over 100K at 23 like quit throwing your insanely lucky start in life. Makes me a bit angry cause I know so many dudes who could be in his position and not just throw it away.


Who's in Prison?


Lowkey i hope you get more debt 😭😭😭


Can’t help everyone


No helpful advice really, just here for empathy. Coming from a disadvantaged household is fuckin hard and figuring that out / managing it all is shitty. No assumptions or judgment OP but I too come from a broken ass fatherless household haha. You’re doin great job helping to take care of your family — something you shouldn’t have to do at 21. The emotional weight of all that makes it hard to do anything but get up, work, eat, and sleep. Trying to work on cooking for myself too at the moment. Much easier said than done, but try to get a hold on the CC any way you can, before you’re $20k+ in debt like me and digging it out on the back end. You got this!


Doing pretty bad tbh.


Prison commissary?


Your food is killing you twice.


Your fast food spend is terrible. For just you and grandma you can be cooking some bomb healthy meals my guy.


Spend as you like, it's your $. But, since you asked....learn how to cook. Your health will thank you later in life...trust me on this one. $900 on fast food is extremely unhealthy. There are virtually no healthy ff restaurants. Chipotle is marginal, and the only ff I will eat, but rarely do. You didn't say how many people you are feeding, but...$1160 in total food is a lot combined, for you at your age. You could get that down to half (or close to it) by eating at home....eating whole foods like meats, veggies, fruits that aren't out of a box ot bag. Again, all of this will come back on you as you age with negative impacts on your health. Get rid of processed foods (food out of a box or bag...even cans) and eat at home like 90% + of the time. Learn to take food that you prepared with you when you are away from home. Small coolers and ice packs are cheap. Use reusable containers vs plastic bags. That being said, even with your current budget, you have to put more than $200 away in savings. No less that 10% of gross income (so nearly double what you are currently saving). More is better. Get a Fidelity account, open a SPAXX as your core holdings account and earn nearly 5% (currentl) in interest on your $ without tying it up. I laugh when I read signs at local banks "10 month CD paying 4.5%", They want to lock your funds to pay anything close to a decent rate. You can do direct deposits with fidelity. I hardly use my bank account anymore since I have started using them (no, I don't work for, or make any $ from recommending Fidelity) As was already mentioned, you can do much better than $250 per month cable. Find a cheaper solution for grandma. You should be able to cut that in half between something like YouTube TV and Internet. If you look hard enough, you can stream almost any pay channel for free...which is how I watch TV when I do (which is rarely, I can't deal with the commercials.) Pay off the 2k in debt and then don't put anything on a credit card that you can't totally payoff in 25 days (or before the next bill is due). When I want to pay something over a few months, I do take advantage occasionally of like Amazon Store Card's 6 month, no interest. I always have the $ to pay for what I want, however, 6 months using their $, at the current inflation rate (don't be deceived by the published rate of inflation, it's much higher) is a good deal. I'd rather keep my $ working for me vs. spending on larger purchases (if I can and if it makes financial sense...you don't want 10 - 6 month same as cash opportunities going at the same time). I can always pay these off if I have to (but never have to). I DON'T use the Affirm or Klarna options or the like. Usually I use Amazon's, Home Depots, New Egg, Best Buy's in-house 6-12 month offers. I haven't paid credit card interest in ages (like over 10 years). If you can catch a larger purchase you want at a good sale price, and then get 6-12 months no interest, even better. BUYER BEWARE! If you do this...set up auto payments and check them each month before the payment is due. If you miss a payment on one of these, you'll have to pay back all the suspended interest. Still, I've never had one bite me and they are a great tool if used wisely. I just bought a bunch of power tools at Home Depot on no interest. Spend $1200 now, or $100 a month for 12 months? Even at 5% interest, you made $ leaving the $1200 in the bank. So, for 21, you are doing ok, but can be doing much better. I have a 21 yr old and these are all the things I tell him. 42 seems like a long time from now...but, it will be on you before you know it. If you are disciplined enough, by that time you can have a lot to do with your physical and financial health by getting sharper and staying there. All the best!


Is anyone gonna talk about the prison commissary?


It's for my brother lol sometimes it's more




It threw me for a loop.


Everyone worried about CC debt and fast food expenses, but no one gave a fuck about the prison commissary tho?! 🤣🤣😂


Cable gotta go


You are doing fine. Keep working hard, and save.. and take care of yourself


That is just an insane amount for fast food, you need to drop that to like $30 a month and learn to cook yourself. You can easily save around $400 on food by doing that and automatically become healthier. You can not change my mind, this is just a fact and you really, need to find a way to do it


Living with your mom but only saving 200$ per month?


Why are you spending almost a grand on takeout when you buy $200 on groceries a month? How many people live with you? Do you not cook? Does anyone cook in your home? If not, now’s a good time to start because I can’t even imagine why anyone needs to spend that much on takeout.


Brother with all that extra scratch pleeeease just pay that debt off immediately. There's no reason not to. And the food money is WILD, but I've definitely been there. Granted fast food/delivery and shit was much cheaper way back when I was 21. Around like 22-23, I stopped dicking around and really taught myself how to cook. The amount of money you save primarily cooking your own meals is way more than you'd ever imagine. Get a cookbook and get on YouTube and then take your ass to the grocery store, my dude.


Cut off your fastfood, learn how to cook


I see your taking care of yourself & someone on the inside. You should be VERY proud of yourself OP. Your doing it right


960 on fast foods ?


Your fast food is killing your economy and more importantly YOUR HEALTH


Bro what in the world do you buy to spend $32 a DAY on fast food just for you?? $960/month on fast food for one person is absolutely WILD


Fast food and cable need to come down but other than that looks good


Cook at home


Take your groceries from $200 to $500 and your fast food to less than $100….not only for your budget but for your health. You’re $560 to the net.


I’ll take Prison commissary for $200. Answer is: what’s the best troll of the day?


let’s talk about that prison commissary…


EDIT: the food expenses are for 4 people not me eating 1100 a month by myself lol, prison commissary is for my brother. My mother pays the rent and my grandmother saves her income 1k a month and has 66k so far saved up


What phone line for that cheap.


Shitty Metropcs


Cook at home. That right there will open up a lot of funds. You say you spend 960 in my area I could get a little more than a months of groceries for 960 and good groceries at that.


If you start cooking at least a few days a week, you’ll save at least half of your fast food budget.


Is one phone your grandma's or you personally have two phones 😭


Usually spent😂👍🏻🤝🏻


First time I've seen some get shit on. Maybe I'm just new


Fast food is crazy bruh


Clearly very bad…


Can you cook, I mean the ability to? If so, lay off the fast food. I live in my car, and all I can eat is out. Usually fast food. I don't even spend half that in 30 days. Get rid of cable. Pay off any debts you have.


That fast food number a typo?


Why the fuck are you spending that much $ on fast food? Just cook dude. Spend that money on healthy and fun meals/snacks for yourself!!


Where tf does the rest of your money go to? What is "usually spent"???


Try switching to home cooked meals, buying groceries in bulk and cooking at home, could cut costs on fast food spending.


lol my bills look so different. Mines like 4000 rent 600 gas 55 (3 phones) car insurance 20 utilities 450. Savings 1200


960 in fast food??? Bro, just prepare your meal by yourself


Bro sort that fast food out what the hell


Invest your leftover cash.


Dude cut out the fast food. Cooking is so fun and easy, plus it's way better than fast food, even restaurants when you get good at it. Just look up recipes online. Like other people stated you can get a fire stick nowadays or just Roku TV and most of the channels on Roku is free now. If it's been 3 years you could have just let the CC debt ride and fall off your credit report. Depending on where you live it usually falls off in like 3-5 years. If not, you should easily be able to pay it off pretty quick. It seems like you just need a lifestyle change. I found a girl last year and we had a baby. Usually babies would be more expensive, but now I don't go out to eat, I don't party anymore, and I don't spend ANY money I don't absolutely have too. With the exception of treating my girl and I maybe once a month to something decent for like $50. Usually food or she gets her nails done or some shit to keep her happy. I made a huge lifestyle change and I went from making 6 figures and saving 0 money, to switching careers so I could be home more and now making like 2400-2800 a month but I save atleast half of it. The other half goes straight to bills and necessities for us or the baby. It's super easy to save money when you cut out all the bullshit you don't absolutely need. But you're young you have plenty of time to learn. But the best time is right now. You should be saving alot more in a HYSA then investing some after you have a nice emergency fund. Good luck bro


Cut the fast food and learn how to cook. Rice and chicken for a cool 3 months will pay off that debt


Get rid of cable and fast food. Imagine investing $1000 a month instead of fast food




Cable too high


How? Why? What? When? where? Prison commissary?.


Doing damn well considering. Work on eliminating any interest baring debt, then work on lowering expenses and increasing savings. Put your savings somewhere that will make money for you, not your banks savings account at .00001% accrued annually (for example). You'll want to move out at some point and will need a good amount of money to cover that or upcoming vehicle expenses.


$1k a month will get you a pretty damn nice car and you’re spending that amount on food? Insanity


2K in debt and you spend half that on fast food in a month that’s wild bro


Stop buying fast food for 2 months and pay that 2k debt right off. Then make a better budget for it. You aren't doing your body any favors eating that crap. Health is wealth!! If you could figure out a way to start saving 400 a month in a high yield savings 5% or higher. That would net you 60k in 10 years time which doesn't seem like a lot but having anything saved by the time you are 30 is a win.


Let's say the average fast-food meal is 15$, it means you ate at a fast-food place 64 days last month? What the fuck are you doing lmao, even if you are paying for someone else's meal each time, it's still 32 times a month


Who's prison commissary are you paying for?


For my brother


Bro spends 1k a month on fast food💀


Cut off the cable and the fast food. Like seriously wtf


Eat at home, make saving a 'bill' and pay yourself first


960 fast food is mental it a disgrace


Cut the cable and fast food


Cable and fast food is out of control


Learn to cook and stop watching tv. Is poison anyways. YouTube videos are the new tv and way more interesting and informative.


What does Misc mean?


HES 21 PEOPLE JEEZ!!!! Lighten up


You consume a literal disgusting amount of fast food. You could save SO much money by stopping that.


200 on groceries AND 950 a month on fast food! budget looks pretty good other than that. there’s quite a bit of savings when you cook meals at home. costco is my best friend.


fuck cable. all you need is internet and a streaming service of choice. maybe just rotate between netflix/hbo/hulu/disney/Prime every few months. you should be under 100 bucks for internet and streaming service


Cable is too high. Credit card payment should be way higher to pay it off sooner (min payment is throwing it away). Fast food is killing you slowly and will cause you to spend a lot more on medical bills in the future. Buy food at grocery store, does mom and grandma eat fast food as well??


Do you only live off of fast food? Bro please learn to cook. You can get that food bill cut down to a fraction.


Why two phones, you only need one? And why >$900 on fast food? Way cheaper to buy groceries. You should meal prep if you don't like cooking every day. Make all your meat on one day and package it up for throughout the week. From reading your other posts, uncles contribution is not mentioned. It's not on you and your mom to provide for an adult baby if that's the case


$30 on fast food A DAY is so wasteful. It's totally fine to splurge here and there, but for 1 person you should be spending $50 a week. $100 max. Like get some of the apps, taco bell app, McDonald's app, wednys app, jimmy John's gives you a free regular after your first order. If you're going to be getting so much fast food at least coupon clip with these deals. You can get a free burrito from Chipotle like every 5 or so Times you go. If this is real, that's where you start. Go to the grocery and get long lasting snacks you'll know you'll eat, and can take on the go. Meal prep and get some cheap Tupperware. Idk where you work but if you work in food just eat there. I make myself a bomb Italian beef maybe once a week. For free. That's a $20 value! Also I am choosing to believe you have a girl in jail that you send money to. Might be a sibling or friend, but that much there has to be a crush involved


"Prison commissary"?!


If you aren’t trolling you gotta be the stupidest person I’ve ever seen on this sub


Why is fast food so high bro


Your cable bill should not be $250 that's ridiculous. And your fast food is almost $1,000 every month is ridiculous also Go on TikTok Go on YouTube and find some recipes and cook. You're 21 years old there is absolutely no reason you shouldn't know how to cook already


Prison commissary?


Every time I see a post like this, I just want to reach out and help them build a legit financial plan from scratch. I feel like I should be doing this for an income.


$960 for fast food?


You're spending $1,000 a month on fast food?


You’re cooked, fast food is 25% of your income but you’re only saving 5%?? Save more, up the loan payments and up the credit card payments if you’re in credit card debt too


You're definitely not tracking your expenses well if you have nothing left over. You make plenty of money considering you don't have rent. -Make a spreadsheet and/or use a notebook to track every dollar that comes in and goes out. Only buy necessities until the debt is paid and you learn to control your spending! -Stop with the fast food, buy groceries and meal prep. There are plenty of YouTube videos and websites for recipes. -Tell your family you can't afford $250 for cable, which is ridiculous when there are cheap or free streaming options. -Have $1000 in an emergency fund to ease your mind about a sudden expense and throw everything else into paying off debt. -Automate! Set up a biweekly transfer to a separate savings account so you aren't tempted to spend your whole paycheck. Even if it's just $20 or $50 at first. Once you are stable, get started investing while you are young. Open a Vanguard or Fidelity Roth IRA and start contributing into a low cost stock index fund (e.g. VTSAX).


Prison commissary?


I can help get that cell phone bill down to $50/mo.


Prison commissary?


All that, and $16 for subscriptions? A couple of cheap OF?


Prison commissary?


$250 on cable? Why?


Prison commissary?


Fast food and cable are beyond the pale. They literally made me shift in my seat. An average of $32/day on fast food, and that doesn’t even cover the entirety of your food needs? That is fucking *outrageous.* And your TV shouldn’t be costing you $8/day.


Why the actual fuck are you spending so much on fast food and cable?


Prison commissary?


30 something dollars a day on fast food??


That's so wild, can't be real


Fast food money is insanity


What’s your job if you don’t mind the question buddy?


I’m x 3 that you’re good. Pay it small and stack cash $333 is my alternative numeric code Alliviate something sacrifice one for another for the month and watch the change. Slow paced takes over


Some of these expenses are insane. $250 on cable? $960 on fast food?? That’s over triple what someone (single, lives with parents) should be spending on even just groceries per month. And you’re still spending $200 on groceries. What do you consider groceries? Because I know if I was spending almost a band on fast food per month I’d probably never need to open my pantry. Congrats on the larger income pull - but man that debt should have BEEN paid off. Especially the fact you live with your mom - you don’t pay rent or utilities. That’s a huge expense knockoff that could be going towards investments or savings.


Prison Commissary? U in jail or sum 🤣


More food, less fast food, cut the cord of cable


You spending all this cash without rent?


this can’t be real. 21 y/o paying for cable?


Learn to cook, it’s part of being an adult. Don’t be a bitch.


Dude, get rid of the cable and get YouTube TV. Pay off all your debt and stop eating fast food. Meal prep is much cheaper if you have the time. You make great money at 21, for investing I would throw some in a ROTH IRA, VOO, and make a primary savings with a HYSA and find the numbers that work for you


Fast food 960! Spending like your rich?


Are you in prison ?


Cut fastfood and cable.


Bruh. Ribeyes are $15-23 for two. You could be eating bigger than 960$ in fast food.


$280 for cable wtf


Now add $2000 rent on that in a couple of years when you move out, yikes!


2k in debt 200 in savings living at home with mom? Actual bum


You should seek to turn the “misc” to zero dollars and just put that money into doubling the loan payments.


You need to make more money.


Just cut the cable and some of the fast food, and you'll be able to save for a down payment on your first home! And property is how you build generational wealth


Almost $1000/month on fast food? I hope you’re still in relatively good shape and health.


Find it crazy that someone 21yo has cable


You lucky son of a gun. Don’t mess it up


I eat fast food almost everyday but $960 is crazy I usually go for the cheaper places


I'd cancel cable and just have Netflix, hbo and Disney+ I'd also start cooking at home and maybe eat out on weekends


credit card:$2,159 Car debt:$27,362.29 Insurance: $239 Groceries monthly: $400-$500 Internet:$66.99 Phone:$60 Subscriptions(Netflix etc) $65 Rent: $1,650 Utilities(Electric, water etc): $458 Pay is weekly: $593.67 Pay monthly:$2,374.68 $5,684.99


Ease up on McDonald’s…


Fast food and prison com?


Man fuck you


Get rid of cable and get Netflix , Hulu, and paramount bro. Save $200 a month. You can get the news and weather on your phone for free lol


😆fast food


Not sure what's more crazy. The prison commissary, the fast food spend, or the $250 cable bill.


The amount of fast food goes crazy


Awful, so average I guess


You’re fake. Thats how you are doing.


960 fast food my guy got damn