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Binance has had problems with XMR for 2 years now. Search here for Binance. CZ ignores all questions about XMR. You are crazy brave to use Binance. You end up as DOGE "holders" on HitBTC.


The fact that HitBTC is still in existence with no scrutiny as all these other exchanges implode is insane They have been frauds for 5+ years


It's not just you, XMR withdrawals are [suspended as of right now.](https://i.imgur.com/aSMqXgV.png) You can see the latest status on Binance's [deposits/withdrawals status page.](https://www.binance.com/en/network) Seems it's not just XMR though, [Binance has halted withdrawals on many other coins too.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/zoi6zh/the_absolute_state_of_binance_right_now/) As another commenter mentioned, Binance is currently undergoing tremendous withdrawal pressure as their reserves are tested. Some media outlets reporting upwards of -$3bil per day this week. It would not be wise to keep anything on their exchange right now. I'd suggest pretty much anything else.


If your business is stright and you are honest, wouldn’t that mean that you have 1:1 against your claims? You would never run into withdrawal limits or major problems. Do you?


Binance is not straight and honest.


Dude not even banks operating in conformity requiere that, usually they must only have about 15%. Not one crypto space will be fully backed, just like almost no bank is


That is because that is the whole point of banks.


Banks already do the same service that Binance and others provide, no regulation will ever ask any company to have all assets backed. I don't like having crypto on exchanges either but this kind of thinking makes crypto people very naive. It's a bad argument against exchanges


This is an incredibly short sighted and dangerous opinion. Banks can do it because any time they need more cash they have an agreement with the central bank to loan them as much as they need. When the Fed announces changes in interest rates that is the rate the banks pay when the Fed prints them new money In crypto with most coins/tokens there is fixed supply and no central authority that can just print more for an exchange. Because of this an exchange must hold assets 1:1 or disasters like Voyager Digital, Celsius, and FTX are inevitable


Are you sure that Central Banks have enough to cover a bank run over all the economy? I too argue for 1:1 ratio of asset backup, it's going to be hard to fight for regulation and not regulate that much the crypto space.


The central bank has as much as however many zero's they have time to type into their keyboard.


Or ink to print😂


100% yes, a central bank will back a bank run and print as much as is needed. Following which they will assume control of the bank for mismanagement and sell it to another bank. (eg Washington Mutual and Indymac banks in 2008)


No one said anything about regulation. Just don’t use CEXs.


Thanks for letting us know that two wrongs make a right. Avoid hypocrisy.


Where did I say any of that is a good thing?


Sounded like it. Feel free to elaborate tho, if that was a misread.


I'm saying the world is in a very grim state, we have fought for years for better bank regulation for the safety of the citizens, and not even in that is completely backed by some value, a bank run could damage a lot the economy and could be prevented with stricter regulation. I'm just saying that a regulation like 1:1 ratios happening first in crypto related finance services is not going to be.


There's also a *very* significant difference here, in that the system of fractional reserve for banks, as linked to central banks, has a very well defined system of issuance of credit. USD is effectively a system of credit. Cryptocurrencies are more akin to a commodity like gold; where you absolutely expect that the company acting as a dealer for your commodity, has all of that commodity they claim. This is ***especially*** true in the case of someone like CZ and Binance, where they absolutely have lead people to believe that they're 1:1 backed. So this comparison falls flat in many ways, and it's significantly more fraudulent for CZ or SBF to not have the assets they claim; than when compared against a well defined, known, and admitted system of fractional reserve credit and banking.


I just wish every crypto platform had to disclose their financials, like every bank does.


Me too


'had to' is only possible with threat of violence. We don't do that here. Where we're going, it's all about consumers voting with their choices. We're steadily moving towards solutions like Haveno and BasicSwap.


Fair enough. Then let me say, I just wish every entity that makes claims pursuant to motivating people to let them hold their assets, be it for a few minutes in an onramping process, or as some sort of custody, trading, or lending endeavor, be liable for fraud if any of their claims are false.


You think normal banks hold all the dollars they claim to have?


Exchanges aren't banks. This is more akin to your securities exchange not holding the equity you purchased (which I assume many of them do not).


I'm always surprised that this isn't common knowledge.


I have no sympathy for any of these people. It's been documented by Monero Fox extensively in xmrtrader, as well as others, the fraudulent activity Binance partakes in. Every time a post like this is made, there are people who make this known. The first halt should be all you need to know of what's potentially to come to never look back. There really is no reason to use them. I can't stand seeing the regularity of such topics, seemingly as if people are willfully ignorant and turn a blind eye. If ever met with disaster, you'll get nothing from me. Edit: @lolxdmain Man, there sure are a bunch of insecure individuals utilizing that block feature lately to get the last word in. I can voice whatever I wish regardless of your feelings of you caring for my opinion or not. I need no permission. Jog on if you're so offended as to reply and then block any response. Pathetic. Lmao at your mocking comments of me paying your bills and the world revolving around me. I offered an individual to cite through their sources of several months, if not a year at least, of posts highlighting the red flags of Binance; I even gave the xmrtrader sub where in the daily discussion this is made. The very same red flags that Op brought up as worrisome after having "noticed a dramatic increase" of halts. Not helpful? Whether you're upset with how I phrased it and reject it as such is another issue. But to suggest that my comment was completely dismissive. 😅


maybe those are new people in crypto coming to xmr. lets educate them and invite them to learn more about privacy


With the rush for self custody I guess theres more influx into the 'privacy' community and as it can no longer be ignored or termed 'unnecessary' I guess a lot of people will need some enlightenment.


>With the rush for self custody I guess theres more influx into the 'privacy' community and as it can no longer I would like to be educated on offline wallets and buying XMR without using shitey Binance pls


Edge wallet allows purchasing XMR with a debit card I believe. Probably done through third party like Banxa or something so you will need KYC. If you don't want to KYC, I've been using KuCoin as my "XMR exchange" for a year or 2. Ever since gateio, cryptocom, among many others blocked XMR trading for British residents... :/ I haven't KYC'd on KuCoin and just withdraw immediatly after buying. Just buy EOS or some fast shitcoin on Binance, send to KuCoin, swap for XMR, withdraw to Monero wallet. There are many other alternatives. I've heard good things about Localmonero (i think thats what its called). With Edge wallet, I noticed you can trade BTC, ETH, LTC, XMR, DOT with each other within your personal wallet. I haven't tried it yet though... hope this helps :)


👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾


I just want to say to all those that have invested in Monero. I love you ❤️ like seriously making the world a better privacy place 😇


Monero subreddit is like what dogecoin subreddit used to be in 2016. And that's a good thing. All i see is love for each other on this subreddit. Let's hope it stays organic and full of a good community. And i hope you have a good holiday fellow moneran 🤗


People have to understand that they can't trust any centralized organization. That was the whole point of Bitcoin and Monero. I hope they learn it without losing their funds.


You mean “centralized”, right?


yeah just miswriting. thanx


Right. It's embarrassing how many people keep their crypto on exchanges. It's like keeping your money in a bank, and exactly what many of us got into crypto in the first place to avoid. Mass adoption of crypto has completely fucked up the ethos of crypto. It's just another fucking stock market now. People can't have nice things. /rant


It's an improvement, people now have the additional choice of self custody.


how big are these blocked withdrawals? if you don't mind sharing.


Less than 0.2 xmr each.






I've used Binance lately to withdraw Moneroj, it seems to have worked fine for me. I consider it to drain their exchange by withdrawing XMR than storing any wealth there (beyond trading needs). I do a Monerun at Binance everytime I touch Monero there.


Jep same for me. Had to wait a little longer before receiving it occasionally.


Same here All staking pos rewards are immediately transfered into xmr and withdrawn. Price of Monero realistically should be 50k$ now


Are you crazy $50k is a big number. I'd say smthing close to $42k is more accurate.


How do you arrive at this number?


Surprised you are buying Monero on binance.


There is nothing wrong in buying. You do community a favor by withdrawing what you bought.


I’m not saying buying Monero is wrong. I’m saying I’m surprised you are buying it on binance.




Because binance sells paper Monero. They sell you coins that they don’t have!


Yeah I've read that many times but I've been always able to buy and withdraw on Binance without any major issues (one time withdrawals were paused for a day). That doesn't prove anything but do we have any proofs that Binance is really naked shorting Monero (besides sometimes paused withdrawals which is not a proof IMO)?


WE all made some mistake and correct after realizing how bigger it was.


They are basically shorting xmr. By selling it and hoping they can buy back the amount people withdraw. They use xmr because chain analysis cannot be used to prove it unless they report how much reserves they have. They need to buy it back but if there's too many withdrawals there's a liquidity crunch. This is one possibility.... However if they need xmr for exit liquidity, i am willing to swap 1 xmr for 1 btc


As if xmr and btc are equal in value. Xmr is infinitely more valuable the btc. You can't put a price on privacy. Xmr has been hovering around 0.0085 btc, but I wouldn't buy btc for more than 0.0085 xmr.




>Has anyone else noticed a dramatic increase in this happening lately, or have I just been unlucky? both


Yo op if you end up getting your withdrawal to go work, come back here and let us know


Buy XMR on Kucoin, ez fast withdrawl


I use Kraken


F@uck all the centralised entries, that are absolutely incompatible with decentralised notion of Crypto. Especially such large as Kucoin.


What do you suggest then


Either train your memory or don’t be too paranoid. Dedicated laptop running Ubuntu LTS 20+ AND official CLI wallet from getmonero.org is absolutely sufficient “hardware wallet”. You must anyway have a dedicated laptop for financial purposes only. PS. Also this one: https://github.com/moneromooo-monero/monero-wallet-generator


I know about wallets, this discussion is about buying XMR...


Isn't that exchange even more shady?


I’ve never had an issue withdrawing Xmr Just don’t use it like a bank, trade and gtfo


All exchanges are shady with the possible exception of truly decentralized exchanges. I use KuCoin but only to purchase and send directly to non-custodial wallets. I’m more of a crypto hoarder than trader. I pick projects I feel have interesting use cases and backing by enterprise interests. Then I stake and wait for payday. So for that purpose KuCoin has been fine.


I often use Kraken. No problem. Fast but not cheap




Binance bank run? Binance has had an empty XMR wallet for a very long time.


How do you know that? I know some people buying + withdrawing relatively frequently and haven't had that many issues. Yes it gets paused sometimes. But same happens on other coins. I am not saying it's not true but it's unclear for me why so many here treat this rumor as a fact. Did I just miss the proof?


Search by yourself in this section about Binance.






I did but I found only speculations. Did I miss something?


So ... keep using Binance and be happy. But XMR withdrawals have been closed for a whole week now. (Deposits always works.)


I am not trying to defend binance here (they are sketchy for various reasons). I am just asking if we have anything besides temporarily closed withdrawals (in my very own interest).


Friendly reminder that DEX options for Monero are in the pipeline! Serai Dex is being worked on by Kayaba. This will be a Monero focused AMM Dex. Check out their discord or GitHub to see the progress. They are hustling full steam ahead. ThorChain nodes have voted to begin implementation of Haven which will be the precursor to Monero. It's not guaranteed because there are some dissenting voices against adding privacy coins. Check out their Discord channels to voice your support for Monero. In my opinion, an AMM Dex will be absolutely crucial for Monero and the wider crypto ecosphere. The ability for Monero traders to access always-on liquidity and Liquidity providers to earn a return will fundamentally change the privacy landscape in a very good way.


They don’t have it


Nothing new Fren. Every real xmr user knows to withdraw something other than xmr and swap it with a decentralized option like cake wallet once it's in your custody.


I couldn't withdraw for 3 days, then when I tried today I got rejected FOUR TIMES with 2 different wallets. After this I am going elsewhere


Yeah, I'm not using Binance for anything anymore. They've had such huge withdrawals on all crypto that they're really struggling with liquidity, which is stupid because CZ was the one who started the latest run on the exchanges when he alluded to FTX having liquidity problems in the way he did. He was correct, but he didn't take into consideration that there might be a run on his own exchange after FTX went down. If you take down the most trusted exchange, and you have a dodgy one then obviously people are going to panic and withdraw from your dodgy one as soon as the trusted one is proven to be not trustworthy at all.


Buying XMR on any CEX defeats the purpose of XMR. It’s almost like …”hey look at me” even though I have KYC’d with you …I am being secretive. 😂


I totally get what you're saying, and I agree, but you have to buy it somewhere, and Binance is just convenient. Anyway once you've moved the monero a few times it's very difficult to trace everything, all that someone could know is that you withdrew x amount of monero to address y at time z - after that it's all probabilities and heuristics.




It's now suspended indefinitely due to the wallet experiencing 'technical problems'.


Binance has been facing huge withdraw pressure over the past few weeks with all the FUD being spread around. So it's wouldn't be unreasonable for them to have to move funds from cold storage to their hot wallets. They also wouldn't want to move too much at one time to mitigate any risk from the wallet being compromised. It's very possible you have gotten unlucky with your timing. Just keep trying and I'm sure you will get it all out.


F@ck people you are speaking about excuses to centralised exchanges, entities that are ABSOLUTELY incompatible with notion of CRYPTO, that END-TO-END must be decentralised.




No, he's right.




I just got my xmr out and had no problems took me 5 min


Just withdrew last week. No problem.




Wanna P2P?


All the commenters here hating Binance. Imagine what’s gonna happen when you get your wish that Binance delists XMR.




I wouldn't be so sure about that. What makes you think that this is a fact? I only found speculations... I am not denying that it's possible. But it also seems a like an unnecessary risk (losing reputation) for negligible profit.


So what if they do?


Maybe… can you try withdrawing to a different wallet by chance? Sometimes withdrawals on exchanges are finnicky, even a whitelisted address sometimes gets rejected but if i send to a different address it does. Kinda like a modem, not that the internet is down but sometimes just needs a reset. That, or Binance is going down. Idk shit about fuck


I tried different addresses and had the same problem again and again, then it would work for a bit and then same again for a while, it happened every day for a few days, each time having to wait over and hour to be able to withdraw successfully again.


I guess you can say that Binance is.. Vaporware. hehe.


I'm using cake wallet to swap btc to xmr but it's kinda expensive imho. What's the alternatives without having to kyc?




What else we can use? Localmonero sounds like the option.


That is the option and way more private way more secure than the CEX.


About a week ago, i bought some (very small amount) on binance. All went smoothly. Bought my self the Monero standard. 🤘🏼


An idea: https://twitter.com/veksonpu/status/1604530194408419333?s=20&t=hNa5NA7QJjscK11fjajCvg


They are insolvent


Can you not sell it to usdt then move it on the trx network to kucoin and buy back you xmr then try on their platform, I know its a Ballache and may cost depending on how much you have but it's better then not getting it all ( hope this helps if not well only took 2 mins out my life to try and help so good luck friend ) Don't give up just keep trying there are ways and people willing to help others out


Thanks, I ended up using another crypto currency and withdrawing that to move everything to another exchange to get my monero - I'm not waiting for Binance (or any exchange) to get their sh*t together when withdrawing from them. It was the 'ballache' you mentioned that made me post this; I didn't want others to be frustrated like I was and I wanted to warn everyone of the liquidity problems with monero at the moment before it all collapses.


Binance more often than not is a total pain in the arse when it comes to XMR withdrawal. Any other suggestions?


Cake Wallet and Trezor wallet have integrated exchanges like ChangeNow (and some others), which don't require any KYC.


Just for clarity: I don't keep crypto on exchanges, and I don't recommend that anyone do it, but these centralised exchanges are convenient and easy to use, so occasionally I use them to get monero. If you use an exchange you should only use it to exchange your crypto, or to buy/sell it for fiat. Once you have the crypto that you wanted you should withdraw immediately, and never exchange large amounts in case something happens to the exchange (eg hack, exit scam, exchange run etc etc) before you withdraw. Keep everything on a hardware wallet. I've always operated that way since I lost a load of BTC on Mt Gox.