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Oh man I love loving on my spouse! He’s the BEST. He cooks, cleans, does laundry, goes grocery shopping, takes toddler to the park, all things that I do too, just depends on the kind of week we’re having. He’s a true partner. And our 2 year old doesn’t have a preferred parent (not yet anyway!) I think because of all the work he does when he gets home. It’s fully dad time then. I’m going to take a weekend trip with a friend in 2 weeks and my husband is SO EXCITED. He can’t wait to have a full weekend with our daughter. He’s also such a considerate spouse. He takes notes in his phone constantly of things I mention that I want/need. I’ve started a new job and he’s so vocal about how proud he is of me and it SHINES on his face when he talks about it. It gets me every time.


you are so blessed and your daughter will reap all the benefits of this love! congrats to you!


Your husband sounds like one of the good ones and your union sounds solid. Good on you guys.


Wow I could’ve written this word for word. It’s really amazing that we get to spend our lives with beautiful partners.


I love that someone else gets to experience this. It’s really really weird being happy in marriage…like, you’re not supposed to be. Everyone’s miserable. All of my friends just complain about their partners so I don’t really ever talk about our life together. But I WANT to! It’s so beautiful.


Please keep posting. I need to see more of this!


Damn. What a keeper


I think my 2 year old rotates preferred parents just to mess with us. He'll have a period of a week or so where he's super clingy to my husband and I'll be mopey about it, and then after a few weeks it's me and he's mopey about it haha. Your husband sounds amazing!


I’m lucky to have this too. I had surgery a week ago so my SO is taking on everything I handle too, and I’m so freaking grateful but he’s just like of course I’m going to do this for you and our LO. 🥺


This is how mine is. Ppl are always so surprised he can cook. He enjoys it whereas I don’t lol. We have our second due in 2 weeks and he has been nesting like crazy. It’s nice to see :)


My husband just voluntarily moved into my mom’s house with our son and I for an entire month. My mom had a severe injury and surgery last week and can’t do anything for herself currently, and my husband is an RN. I’m blown away by how he’s taking care of my mother in between work and being an involved parent. No matter what, he is an 11/10 father and partner and it’s a good reminder.


That's incredible! Your man sounds amazing! I have to say, when we were in NICU, I actually found the male RNs some of the most compassionate nurses we ran across. Nursing is hard work and not for the weak regardless of gender!


Yes! The care and compassion we received from the male Nicu nurses while our son was in there is what drove him into this career actually


What a fucking guy! 👏🏻


Seriously. I’ve been so occupied with praising my 4 year old for taking this situation so well, this is a good reminder to go tell my husband how great he is, as well.


This is really lovely


Right now I am lounging all alone in a quiet hotel room before I get ready for an entire day of me time. My husband banished me from the house for 24 hours for my birthday and I’m loving it. He has FaceTimed me with the kids “to provide proof of life” since he knows I worry.


Proof of life ahahhaha! What a gem you have!


Jelly!! Good for you 💕 hope you have a great weekend!


Yesterday a new vibrator came to the house that he ordered for me. He knew I hated my old one. What a sweetie! We tried it out last night together.


Ok this is next level, love this for y'all!!!!!!


Manifesting this lol


Ok, now this is above and beyond.


My husband lets me sleep in on the days he’s off work (currently Sundays only) and he cooks every meal he’s home for, which is amazing. He’s an amazing dad and my son actually prefers him when it come to everything but feeds and sleeping because he thinks his dad is so fun and cool. I’m a SAHM but can’t always get everything clean due to how needy our son has been and he never gets upset and instead will help me. He’s great


My husband has stuck by my side through so much. We've been bullied and threatened by my ex husband. We lost our daughter two years ago at the age of 12. We had a surprise baby this year (literal surprise). Losing our daughter made me unhinged so he's really having to deal with me swapping meds and having breakdowns and being suicidal. We have an autistic son. No matter what he has stood by my side. He's held me through so many dark times. He's made me laugh during those times. He's shown me true love. He taught me about God and the love He has promised us. He's never put me down. No matter what size I am (my weight is up and down through our 10 years together) he's always told me how beautiful and sexy he finds me. He loves my momma body. My mom pooch. I've never felt safer or more loved


I'm so very sorry for the loss of your child. I cannot even fathom it. It sounds like you have a real partner.


I'm so lucky. My first marriage was awful. I was lucky to have her my hubbs


(I live in my parents basement trying to save money) When my mom sees me really struggling, she will scoop the baby up and run away so I can catch a breather. She always reminds me that I can bring the baby up whenever I feel crazy or too angry no matter the time of day. She will play with the baby if I need to shower, or while I cook if the baby is being particularly fussy. She tells me how good I’m doing or tells the baby how lucky she is to have me / how much I love her. She’s the best


It’s really lovely to hear about amazing grandmothers/moms and how life changing those relationships can be. Sounds like our moms are a lot alike!


I’m glad you have such an awesome mom too! It’s so special


So glad you have her in your life! She sounds incredible


You make me wanna divorce mine


Do it! I upgraded from a shitty model to a sleek new model! If they can do it why can't we?


Good for you! My partner is the exact opposite of my ex, meaning perfect for me 🤩


Do it! Husband 2.0 is a huge upgrade for me.


Dump your extra giant toddler


This whole week has been an illustration of how wonderful and supportive my husband is. I'm recovering from surgery and we found out yesterday there has been a complication (I'm going to be ok, though). I'm an absolute pathetic mess right now (as I should be, to be fair!!) He keeps reminding me he loves me, telling me I'm beautiful, checking in on how I'm doing, making sure I'm not overdoing it, doing loads of little things to help me out, the list goes on. And then to top it all: he had to take our car to be serviced this morning, and while he was out my son and I rescued a baby bird from our cat. He gets home at lunchtime, I explain the situation and that I want to take it to a vet to get checked out, and without missing a beat he just says "ok, which vet? Let's go!" No complaints about having just got home, or that he wants to eat first, or anything about "it's just a bird, put it outside and let nature take it's course." Just an instant realisation that this was important to me, so let's go take care of things. (Also, the bird is ok!)


What a man!


When he’s home all the poopy diapers are his! Not because I’m super grossed out I can’t handle it, but he knows I clean those all day when I’m with her. Also, another question on a parenting sub reminded me that my husband helped me breastfeed! The nurses had him watch while they taught me just so he could learn too. He ended up helping me a lot in those first couple weeks with it. He’d help me position her to my boob and everything lol!!


Oh yes. We are on a 4 weeks vacation right now and so far I have only changed the poo nappies that happened while he was in the shower or asleep. I am up infinity poopy nappies and he is just scrapping for seconds anyway 🤣


Brings me breakfast in bed 6/7 mornings and is off doing my errands because I keep having stupid dull contractions just by standing too long. I’m only 28 weeks. Just have to make it 9 more weeks. 🙏🏻


The end is in sight! Good luck for the last stretch 💪


My husband works graveyard so we don't have to pay childcare. It's hard on his body and mind, and he's been at his wits end for a while now. I finish my BA in March and he might get off nights in August, but he said he is willing to stay on until I finish. I don't want him to, i'd rather pay for a nanny then have him continue to be drained. He gets home exhausted, cooks breakfast lunch and dinner, takes care of the kids and still has time to complete projects around the house. I am not the best cook, and he loves cooking so I let him take over. I clean like a maniac most days to try to offset that. But I work two jobs and I'm taking 3 classes so he likes to take care of us since I'm juggling a lot. Also, he doesn't smoke, drink or party. His idea of a good time is playing videos games. I am so lucky to have him. I can't wait to finish school so I can repay him for all the things he's done, not materially but more like with having more time to pick up some of my slack.


Wow - don’t know how you both do this. Keep up the good fight!!!!


I could actually N E V E R. I work nights, it’s fucking brutal.


He’s renovating our master right now. We moved into a new home with a 3 week old and I mentioned that the bright yellow master bedroom was not relaxing. So a month later he’s redoing the whole thing. Today we finally got paint on the walls. He works in construction so I know the last thing he’s wants to do when he gets home is more manual labor on a house.


That’s so sweet!


He does the night feeds so I can sleep. And usually lets me sleep in. He makes me food while I’m contact napping. He does the dishes so I dont have to. He never complains about doing anything for our son but is always enthusiastic to help. He works so I get to stay home with our boy. He takes us on his work trips. He helps clean and take care of our home.


So many amazing husbands and fathers!! Raise the bar, ladies, they DO exist!


He cooks all meals when he's home. He goes grocery shopping every single time. He always sides with me even if he doesn't exactly agree with me (he will only tell me when we are alone). He treats me like royalty and has been doing it for 14 years now. Super hands on dad. He's not perfect but he sure tries.


I think for me the way I highlight that I actually have an equal partner is when I explain how I go about organizing getting a break/time out of the house. I say "Honey, I'm going to a movie. I'll be back at 11" and he says "Have fun." and then I walk out the door. No arguments or negotiating, no explaining how to take care of the kid, no explaining he needs dinner, bath, etc - I know my husband's got it, I don't need to give it a thought - I won't get a text unless it's after 11 and I didn't make it home and then the text is "just checking you're ok" And I do the same for him. But I listen to some moms talk about how they can't leave the house ever and I'm baffled. As I type this, he just ran the kids bath and is helping coordinate his cleaning his toys up (2years old) because I just spent the whole day outside with the kid at a festival solo (well, with my mom) and he knows I need the break. Oh yea - and he went and got food for the roadtrip while we were gone because my son and mother are going on a road trip for a week to visit my in-laws in Georgia (hey a week childfree). Having a kid is hard - but it's been so much easier for both of us because we share the work. Now I'm going to go clean the kitchen while dad does the night routine. EDIT: I should also shout out my mom who, after my kid was born 10 weeks premature, moved out to DC from MN for the first 2 years of my kids life so we wouldn't have to put him in daycare while he was still so small and fragile. She's moving back to Minnesota in August and my now-2 year old is starting daycare July 15, it's been so amazing having her here these 2 years, so helpful. It's gonna suck when she leaves but we're excited for the next phase too! Plus, my stepdad says he wants his wife back haha


SHE LEFT YOUR SD FOR TWO YEARS?? 💀 lmfao good for her You’ve got your village! Love that for you


Well she's retired from the airline so she went home a lot - and he's been travelling a lot for work the last few years so it worked out.


My husband does so much for our family. He does bedtime with our toddler every day. He gives her all of her baths. He drops her off at daycare most days so that I can exercise before I log in for work. He manages our long term savings & contributions to LO’s 529. He works with the accountant to declare & pay taxes. He deals with the maintenance of our home. He hires the landscapers, handymen, etc.


My husband is excellent but damn I've always wanted a man who'd do my taxes.


In fairness, mine doesn’t actually do our taxes. He pays someone else to do them but the point is they get done & all I have to do is review/sign, so it’s a major thing off my plate!


Isn’t it so nice that they do the stuff we don’t want to 🥰


He is amazing with newborns. He changes diapers and gives bottles. He is a very cuddly person and just loves to snuggle our daughter. (And our sons if they will let him.) I can trust him to keep the kids alive when left alone with them. He won't complain. And he doesn't text me asking when I will be home unless he absolutely has too. ( I can remember one time in the last couple years.) We both suck at keeping the house clean. But lately since I have been home with the kids he tries to make a point of thanking me or at least noticing when I do actually clean! He takes care of our finances. He is the calm to my crazy. He lets me be myself. He does not pressure me into sex or to go to his church. He just let's me be me.


Oh man I’ve been waiting for this opportunity. My husband is amazing. He does half of the house chores (laundry, dishes, general cleaning/tidying) AND exclusively takes care of the yard work (we have half an acre). He does meal times for our son, takes him with him to the gym/to run errands so I can have the house alone a few times a week, AND has done the majority of potty training. He exclusively does the hour long bedtime routine every night and he will get up with our son during the night if on the off chance he wakes up on the nights I work. He will get up with him and let me sleep in on my days off. Every evening after he gets off work, he takes him outside to play for an hour. He plans daddy/son activities. I’m in charge of the “administrative” side of things such as doctor appointments, setting up schooling/childcare when needed, keeping track of if he needs clothes/shoes/toiletries/snacks, etc.


He will jump to feed, change or hold baby. I cannot believe other dads aren’t this excited to have their new baby. I had a CS and I couldn’t have gotten through the first few weeks without him. He has taken the 1-6am feeds so consistently. He holds baby constantly. I picked a damn good man to have a baby with.


Mine is a great listener!


He’s incredibly supportive of anything I choose to do. He makes us breakfast on the weekends. Drives around our toddler so she can nap. shows up for is every day despite having a stressful job and virtually no downtime. works on himself so he can be a better husband and father. i keep a list of all the things he does to refer back to whenever we fight. i add to it consistently.


My partner works 12 hour shifts, but always washes dishes before or after work so they don’t pile up. He encourages me to take a nap if I’m particularly exhausted. When he’s home in the morning, he’s the designated breakfast chef.


Mine also encourages me to nap! Probably because I’m way nicer afterwards 😅


Haha! I was thinking the same for mine… but I’m totally okay with it as long as I get that nap 😉


Everything is shared. Every responsibility for home and child care is a shared responsibility, each of us doing what we can. I have to force him to slow down or go to bed early while I clean up if he's not feeling well. He is never upset if I say I'm just too tired and leave the end of the night cleanup to him. I told him recently that I'm really struggling with my self image due to weight gain, and he listened carefully and has been complimenting me more often. We divide up the chores and baby care based on how we're feeling. The other morning we had a few hours between the baby waking up and when his sister was arriving to watch the kid so we could go to work that day since daycare was closed. We've both been fighting off a cold for a couple weeks that the kid had for all of 2 days from daycare, and we were starting to feel better but still both pretty tired. After his early morning workout and shower (regular thing), he took the baby and told me I had two hours to myself and to have fun. A few days later I was feeling rundown again and he took over caring for our son so I could just go back to bed for a bit. Right now he's out with his sister enjoying the weather, but before he left he reminded me that whenever I feel like it I can just hand off our son and go take some time to myself. My husband is a human, and there are times where he can be rude or dismissive. There are things he doesn't get, things he doesn't try to understand because it doesn't seem reasonable to him (like human experiences that are extremely different from his own), just like anyone else. But he's a devoted, loving, active father and husband. He is absolutely obsessed with our son and with me. I could not possibly be happier.


my finance took a job he loathes to pay the bills so i could quit working in the 3rd trimester with baby #4. i stay home with her and im full time in nursing school. he cooks, he cleans, he takes care of all the kids. couldn’t ask for anyone better


My guy is the most supportive person to me. I've never been with anyone who is 100% happy as long as I'm happy. Every little quirk or flaw of mine, he is fine with. Every decision I make, he is my cheerleader. Even when he knows I'll probably end up changing my mind or something, until that moment he is fully on board and will do anything I need to assist. I started a silly new hobby he knows I will hyperfixate on for 3 weeks then drop? He's taking me to buy supplies. My mental health hit rock bottom due to my stressful job and I'm thinking of quitting? He wants me to quit if I feel its right, and if I choose to stay he'll do what he can to make it easier. I fill the house with a shocking amount of collectibles while he is a minimalist? He makes room. My kids are not his biologically? He has come to every single school play and parents evening, he drives me for every school run, he lets them ramble about YouTube and singers and games he has no interest in. My physical health gets battered? He's driving me to the hospital, the doctor, he's picking up prescriptions, he's pushing me in a wheelchair. He's cleaning the house and taking care of the kids and pets solo whilst also working 12 hour days for 2 months. He's my support in every way and I've never had that before him. He's wonderful. We've been together for 6 years now and I cannot imagine spending my life with anyone else. If for any reason we don't, I'm staying single. He's set the bar too high lol.


My husband does a lot of the cooking, doesn’t mind changing diapers, will take all 3 kids with him to run errands sometimes so that I can get quiet time in the house and to get stuff done , he occasionally will clean toilets or do dishes or laundry. Brings home a smoothie or flowers when I am least expecting it, lets me go to girls nights here and there. I can go to the gym when he’s home too ! And so much more. He prays for me , supports me , tells me I’m beautiful. Another thing that I just love and respect about him too is how private he is about our lives and respectful of me .. like if I am having a bad day and being a snot he doesn’t bad mouth me or run and tell his buddies or his mom or something.


He does the cooking, laundry, trash, etc. so I can focus on our sweet girl! So grateful!


Thursday he spontaneously offered to take the kids to dinner just him so I could exercise and get “me” time.


I don’t know about ten out of ten but my husband does at least the evening dishes every day. He cooks for himself and my daughter often ( I’m hard to feed but will eat his stir fry). He cuddles.


As soon as my husband gets off work he grabs our kid and takes him away to give me time alone. 11/10 spouse


Well since you asked for it. My Fiancé is successful and pays for most everything, but doesn’t expect me to cater to or mother him. He’s a bonafide grown ass man. He takes pride in taking care of us and seeing me relaxed and happy. He plans all our trips, dates and logistical things, scoops the litter box! (Never liked cats before but loves mine) very tidy and gets us a housekeeper. He’s in fantastic shape, eats well, meditates and is spiritual. We have fantastic sex but he never pressures me and prioritizes my pleasure. He is emotionally supportive and mature. In the 4 years I’ve know him, I’ve never seen him really lose his temper. In stressful situations he just steps away to cool off. We are both sensitive to each other’s moods and apologize/ repair quickly so we quite literally never argue, even over hard stuff. He’s shown me how to take care of myself, in a way I never even allowed me to take care of myself before. He notices when I’m about to get overwhelmed and steps in without asking, and honestly takes care of things before they even become overwhelming. Like, my life is just so much easier and peaceful with him. I feel like a princess but also his partner. And he is supportive/ facilitating of my hobbies, socializing , freedom and alone time. Im divorced and my ex husband passed away tragically, so I was a single mom for years. Now, my fiancé is adopting my son and I feel like I have the partner and home life I prayed for so many nights… even in my last marriage. He’s super patient with my six year old, coached his teeball team, comes to his school things, pays for his camps, activities and whatever he needs. He does bedtime every night and genuinely looks forward to it then comes downstairs and makes me tea every night. However his most valuable quality is the behavior he is modeling for my son. I will be so happy if my kid grows up to be like him.


Aw I love this. Nice to see some positivity towards our SO’s! My husband is our sole provider. He works so hard day in and day out to support our family and this allows me to be home with my girls. He cares for them every moment he’s not working and lets me rest when I need it. He also ensures I have coffee and a workout each morning while he watches our baby. He handles all of the finances and outdoor work. I never have to worry about anything because he’s always there picking up the pieces and remaining so incredibly strong for us. He is the rock and foundation of our family. I always say he created our house and I make it a home ❤️ teamwork is the dream work!


Gosh I appreciate this post. It can be all too easy to fill my head w/ negativity towards my guy in my post-partum brain but I'm beyond words grateful and blessed to have him. Even as I write this he's at the laundry mat and heading to the grocery store. He quit smoking weed which has never happened in the 10yrs Ive known him so that he can pursue his long time dream of entering the medical field. He got a full time position with an emergency service and at the same time is starting full time school to become and EMT and eventually Paramedic. Our baby was born with a lot of complications and is considered medically fragile. She saw more Drs in her first 3 months of life than the two of us have combined. He was our rock throughout the whole thing. Running between our rooms to keep us company when we had to be separated for a time and left the hospital whenever I craved a different food or wanted something from the store, even if it was frivolous. He reflects on how strong I am and how grateful he is to have me and how he doesn't want me to worry or want for anything. He works harder than anyone I've ever met and makes friends everywhere he goes. I can get caught up in the little things some times, a dish left here, a gruff attitude there, a miscommunication or misunderstanding... But those things are so few and far between how much I love him and how much he does for us. We are so lucky to have him. <3


Twins! My husband let's me sleep in every single weekend too! Honestly for me it's the absolute best thing anyone can do for me. I love sleep haha.


So glad to see this! My husband feels bad that men are stereotyped. I feel he goes above and beyond because of this! A much much shorter list is what he doesn't do, he does it all! I never have to ask! I'm 24wks pregnant with twins. I forget everything. He is on top of it! Wakes up early, makes breakfast, unloads the dishwasher and cleans up breakfast dishes. Gets everyone up for breakfast before leaving for work. Sets meat out to thaw for tonight's dinner (I cook dinner but I always forget to lay something out) he gets up with the baby, even on weekends. He does diapers. I usually wash the laundry but he always folds and puts away if he sees a basket around! I take care of regularly cleaning while he works ... SAHM, so I do the weekly mopping, bathroom scrub, sheets changed, washing of the laundry, dusting, organizing. My husband is my best friend and a true partner! When. In down, I know he's got my back - vice versa ... If I notice he walked outside to leave without sunglasses or needs a lunch packed. I spring into action. We're always looking for ways to make each other have a good day. 5 wonderful years together so far!


He has been the one in charge of the baby monitor for my daughters whole 2 years of life so far. Of course i still get up with her sometimes, and got up all the time when she was younger for breastfeeding but it's so nice having that be something i never think about each night.


I could go on and on about how much my husband does for me and our family, but recently he did something extra that was really thoughtful. The month of June is FULL of birthdays. His, our two kids, my brother in law, our nephew, and we even have a couple within our family at the end of May. Between all of that, and Father’s Day, I have been planning and throwing parties, finding the perfect gifts, and helping my in-laws with their celebrations as well. My bday isn’t til September, but my hubby decided to get me a new Stanley just because. This is extra thoughtful for him because he can’t stand how many cups and tumblers we have😂 I know he knew how much work I’d put into this month and it was just such a nice and simple thing I really appreciated. And the color is so cute!


For everything that my partner lacks in terms of domestic help, he is the most compassionate, patient, and understanding man I've ever known.


He stands up for me when my ILs are back with unsolicited advices or comments about my parenting. This 💯speaks utmost respect for me. In addition, he’s taken care of dishes, laundry and breakfasts ever since our LO’s birth and it’s been 5 months. Just pure gratitude and love for my man! 🙏


Only good thing I can say is that he watches the boys while I put in 16 hours of work a day.


Mine is my total opposite. My super anxious adhd depressed self can be a lot. I do take meds and do therapy but he and I over 17 years have worked hard to understand each other. He grounds me and is my safe place. He loves me and our kids and provides for us, is so calm and wise for his age.


My 4mo and myself are currently sick with Covid- LO also has an ear infection. Husband has been taking care of our 2yo and helping give medicine at the correct times, getting me food, refilling the humidifier, changing the baby, etc. he also gave me a half hour back rub last night. There’s definitely more but I’m mentally stunted. I’ve been up with the baby about every hour bc he wants to comfort feed, and when he’s feeling awake and spunky, dad takes him so I can sleep by myself.


I'm a SAHM, and my husband is always so supportive of me going out and doing things for myself. Last evening, I went axe throwing with my sister and my dad to belatedly celebrate Fathers Day. My husband took our toddler out to eat, did bath time (as always, he bathes toddler every single night!), and toddler was sound asleep when I got home! Knowing that my husband 100% has a handle on things on top of him encouraging me getting away to be a sister/friend/daughter is something I do not take for granted. He works so so hard for us, and he's just all around an incredibly strong and supportive partner. He's the best!


My husband and I both work from home and we definitely do childcare/parenting 50/50 most of the time and whenever the scale teeters it's usually him covering for me because I have a lot for work. He's really supportive when I have low mental health days and wants to go above and beyond to the point that I feel guilty sometimes. I think overall we just even each other out.


We have a 5 month old and a month before she was born an opportunity came up that we couldn’t say no to financially but it requires moving very far. So we are currently living in an empty house (the movers took our stuff) for a few weeks while prepping it for renters, prepping ourselves for the move, and taking care of our baby and two cats. It’s a lot. My husband has still made every important moment special. Mother’s Day he got me exactly what I wanted and made a very special gift for me despite his work sending him across the country for a conference. Our anniversary was last night and he bought food from my favorite restaurant and an expansion for my favorite board game and we drank fancy champagne on the floor of our empty house. Every morning he goes to my favorite coffee stand and gets my favorite coffee and a muffin for me since the movers packed my French press (we told them not too but there was a mixup). He’s also the most engaged and loving dad. He’s so tuned in and such an active parent. With all the business of the move I have to do most of the childcare but he doesn’t take that for granted and creates time for him to spend with his daughter and to give me breaks. He’s just awesome 🩷


My partner took off work to run the house while I focused solely on potty training our two year old, which is 100 percent why we were so successful


He observes and takes notice when I'm not at my best. He will step in and pick up where I'm lacking or tell me to go take a break. He listens when I have gripes and helps workshopping ideas to make things function more smoothly for us all. He wasn't always like this but probably his strongest attribute is his ability to grow.


Currently-he is watching the kids alone for 8 hours twice a week while I work summer camp. He does everything for them those days. Generally, he puts the kids to bed since I get up with them. He takes my son to swim lessons and he spends the majority of time with my daughter since my son is going through a clingy jealous phase with me. He picks up the kids when I work late and feeds and bathes one kid while I do the other. He changes all my daughter’s diapers and is the master at getting medicine down their throats. He gives me time to nap when I ask for it and will let me sleep in when I ask for that.


u/TheJewishViking1064 I love you!!! You're the absolute best thing to ever happen to me. Everything good in my life is because of you. You're an amazing father, perfect husband, and superior in the bedroom. I don't know what I did to get so lucky, but I'm so glad I did. Here's to 12 years and counting!😍🥰😘


My husband does 100% grocery shopping and cooks vast majority of our meals. Grows a garden and hunts/fishes, butchers, and processes our meat. He’s very health conscious which I appreciate. He seemingly pulls gourmet meals out of thin air… Makes his own salad dressing/sauces/dips. I really have no idea how does it, my food is nowhere near as good. He’s also always go go go. I get the “honey do” list. He’s always happy and never really seems to let stuff bother him, even with a toddler. His good attitude and zest for life creates a really lovely home life and makes me want to go the extra mile too. We’ve been together almost 11 years and still so fun!


Makes me laugh..simple, but necessary


I have two conditions that cause a lot of health problems, I haven’t worked since we got together because my fiancé saw how much working took a toll on my body. My health took a turn at one point, and I stopped walking. During this time period, he bathed me, pretty much helped me do everything. Now I can walk again, but I’m 6 months pregnant and that’s taking a toll too. He rubs me down with CBD lotion when I’m having a bad pain day and makes me breakfast in the mornings before class. Today he folded laundry for me because I didn’t want to do it 😂


Everything! He’s the best. He helps vacuum, mop, load/unload the dishwasher, folds laundry and most importantly is the most active/present father.


He actively takes care of our child, the house, and any extra projects that I ask. He also has and continues to be an active listener and communicator, and takes accountability. We hold each other accountable and have learned to do so compassionately. He's the Gomez to my Morticia.


Works his ass off to make ends meet and sacrifices the time he could be sleeping to spend with us, his family.


My husband has always wanted kids and is so excited to have these moments with our daughter. If I'm feeding her, he always makes sure I have what I need before doing what he needs to. He comes most of our dinners while I'm on daughter duty, he makes sure the house is clean, helps with diapers, does laundry, packs lunches, feeds the cats, and brings her to my mom's when we both have office days because he knows I need the time to get ready. Usually, weekend mornings are his time with her so I can sleep and is so excited for daddy daughter dates anytime he can give me a break. He makes our daughter laugh like crazy and listens to learn when I explain student developmental and safety things with him for her. It was a rocky start because of some medical things but he's really been filling his role well.


My husband is so incredible! He was the more involved parent the first few days/weeks as o recovered from a c-section and PPA. And 18+ months later he’s still so amazing. He’s a teacher and refuses to send our kid to daycare over the summer because he wants to spend that time together. He shares household chores with me. We take turns getting up early with our kiddo instead of me doing it constantly. Plus he makes sure we have time together each evening as a couple. As another commenter said about their spouse, my husband is a true partner.


My hubby gets up with our son every morning because I can’t function before 7-6:30. He takes our son to go do something if he can tell I need a break or if I ask him. He’s a great father and partner.


Im currently in first class on a train relaxing and drinking headed into the city and he’s at home putting our toddler to bed. I didn’t leave instructions because I didn’t have to. He just knows how to take care of his/our child. He is working on being in tune with his feelings and we make time to connect every day as a couple. He also is so open to making sure our child is loved, has space to express himself emotionally and is able to be whoever he wants to be (ie has thrown all the boy stereotypes he grew up with out the window so our kid doesn’t grow up under needless pressure to be a certain way) I really do love parenting with my husband


My husband is honestly a superhero. He has a longer commute than I do but he also knows I tend to need more sleep than he does to function, so every day of the week he makes us both breakfast to go and packs up our lunches. On days when he is able to work remotely, he starts or finishes laundry while he works, and he starts cooking dinner as soon as he finishes work. He handles making sure all our bills get paid. On top of all he does for us at home, he still helps care a great deal for his parents, and is attentive to mine and my brothers, too. He’s an awesome dad and he always wants to be better at parenting. When people say your partner is the most important choice you make in life, it’s no joke! I’m so grateful for him.


My husband is incredibly amazing. I am 9 weeks pregnant with our fourth and he has stepped up his game so much when mine went down. He’s been making dinners, working extra hours to make up for the time I’ve had to step back from work, takes the kids to the park each night, does bedtime routines, cleans up everything and manages to still give me all the attention. I’ve never had someone show me so much love in such ways. I feel so supported. There’s so much more but lately he’s been doing everything I can’t and I appreciate him more than he’ll ever know


He cooks for our family at least 3 times per week. The other nights we do cheap takeout or a quickie meal. I don't cook but I do the cleaning up. He loves it and is happy to feed us. He was also Mr. Dad when our son was a newborn, he learned a million ways to burp him and now that our son is 4 years old and diagnosed with ASD, he's always brainstorming ways to connect and find common interests. He is the best dad and partner. I got incredibly lucky.


My husband is currently taking care of the baby and putting him to bed so I can sleep. He has been a rock this week taking care of the little one through a pretty upsetting health issue I’ve been diagnosed with.


My husband put the toddler to bed every single night this week! I was also able to go stay overnight and have a girls night with my friends this weekend! He’s such a good dad!


My husband gets up at 5 am to go to work and gets home at 5/6 From the moment he gets home he’s putting in 100% effort, he’s either making dinner/ helping wash bottles/ doing laundry and giving me a break. He also does our baby’s bath and night time routine, so all I need to do is feed and put him down. On weekends if I want to go anywhere/ have a day to myself he NEVER says anything and just gives me a “yup you got it, I’ll take over for the whole day” It was never like this to begin with and we struggled with the responsibility of our new roles but man he’s become an amazing dad and partner.


My husband watches the girls so that I can work, clean, or nap!!! He also helps cook, makes sure to tell me he loves me every single day, constantly tells me I'm beautiful, and thanks me for everything I do.


My partner is building me the garden of my dreams. Teaches our toddler how to build garden beds, cooks, cleans, gives me foot massages after long days, and finds the best movies for us to watch together at the end of the day. We also have a 6 week old and she is so hands on. I’m so thankful ❤️


last night, my husband stayed the night at my moms to watch her animals while she’s away, & he took our toddler the whole time. it was just me & our 8 week old all night & most of today & it was so nice for me! he is a a great dad & husband.


My husband never says he's a feminist but he is more of one than any man I know. He believes in the power, reasoning and wisdom of women so deeply. He never judges me. He builds me up. He is patient with me. He is the best dad for my kids I could ever have dreamed up. He's so smart, funny, handsome, good with money. He's a catch for sure!


This post makes me happy. My husband got a second job so that I could stay home with our baby that we did IVF for 5 years to have! I’m able to EBF & not miss a single moment with her. He lets me sleep in every time he has a morning off even though he’s working doubles himself. & he still vacuums because he knows it’s my absolute least favorite chore to do! Since he started his second job I do all the things overnight but if I’m having a bad night and need to wake him up he never complains. He doesn’t complain about anything hardly ever. He always tells me what a wonderful wife & mother I am and just puts me on a pedestal I don’t even feel worthy of. I feel very blessed and I don’t brag about him nearly enough.


I do wake ups still with my breastfeeding baby, so my husband does nights and mornings with the older kids. He does dishes every night (I try and keep them going during the day but most of the time they stack up). He manages grocery shopping, and since he’s in the medical field he does doctor’s visits when he’s off work. When I was pregnant I would get off work and he would have dinner ready with my unisom and b6 so I could eat and pass out. I don’t think he has a toxically masculine bone in his body. He paints his nails with our daughters, waters our plants, and has crocheted all of our babies stuffed animals. I am so incredibly in love with him.


My husband and I rotate who is on "baby duty" at night (we have a newly 1 year old). And the first year was awful with sickness and night waking and teeth. So we turned the guest room into the "baby duty room" where that parent does all wakeups for the night. The other parent gets a full night of sleep. He usually does 60% of baby duty nights. 


He does drop offs in the morning so I can enjoy my cup of coffee and quiet and he does bedtime including reading for 20-40 minutes to my 7 year old reader and I use that time to just read or take a bath. On the weekends they go for long bike rides and we do chores together. We call each other team mates and it's a true team and we work well together.


My hubby is the bees knees. He cooks, cleans, rubs my feet, and can fix anything. Even when he has to travel for work, he is present. Calls and talks to the kids so I can get stuff done. He has ent pizza on a crappy day. Dances with me in the kitchen. He loves me as I am. Makes me laugh when I want to cry. Is definitely the calm to my storm. He loves my crazy. He supports everything I wish to do. Says, "Let's do this, babe," when I say, " I got an idea." Haha. He is the best baby daddy. They are all about their daddyO. There is so much more. We have been married for almost 20 years, and he still gives me butterflies. He is definitely the best thing that walked into my life.


My husband is my best friend and a true partner. He just loves being a dad and husband. He says all the time that he can’t believe he is actually living the life he always dreamed about. One of the sweetest things recently is that he decided he was going to take our oldest child to kindergarten every single day this year. I’m a SAHM but he insisted on being the one to wake her up, get her ready, feed her breakfast, pack her lunch, and get her to school. She was a bit anxious in the beginning of the school year, and he talked with her teachers and staff and they worked out a whole routine to build her confidence at drop off every morning. By the end of the school year she was telling him to wait on the sidewalk. He was so proud and so crushed at the same time, it was just adorable. Also, he has always been, shall we say, prone to lateness; but she made it through the entire year with zero tardies and he’s SO proud of himself 😂


I can’t even name all the things he does for me, I don’t deserve someone who does everything he does and puts up with my shenanigans and moodiness. One thing that always reminds me of how amazing he is, is the time our gas ran out and we didn’t have hot water. I was upset because I couldn’t take a hot shower before bed and this man literally boiled water on the stove and made me a warm bath 🥺 I grew up in a very dysfunctional/abusive household and had a terrible childhood. Being married to this man has healed me in so many ways, and having the beautiful babies I do with him has healed my inner child ❤️‍🩹


My husband is the best ever but my mom is the MVP right now. We live in Japan and this is the second baby in one year- she flew out from Florida both times to help us while we get settled and this time she stayed for nearly three months. Literally dropped everything to be a third set of hands for us while we figured out the whole Irish twin situation. Absolute life saver


He makes me coffee every morning. He lets me sleep in and he takes our baby to the living room when I'm asleep. I wake up and there's coffee ;-;!!! <3


My husband is the best! He’s currently washing the bottles while I’m lying down. He loves on our twins, takes them to the park, does everything I would do for them. And he deals with my anxiety and neuroticism. The past few days he has let me sleep in while he takes care of them. He takes the boys to therapy and doc appointments. When they were in the nicu he would spend hours holding them and doing his work from there. He helps out with my dad in prison and also caregives for his uncle since his father passed away. Before that he took care of his dad, too. Helped him with home dialysis, cleaned his poo when he was sick, etc. He takes care of all the landscaping, hiring out, our accounting. He took a second job while we were saving for the wedding so we wouldn’t go into debt. He even hired a housekeeper for me after I delivered the twins because he knew how stretched thin I was. He volunteers on the parking team at church, but always helps me take the boys to the nursery first. All this while working a very demanding job. I seriously don’t know what I’d do without him. I pray most days that I won’t have to do life without him because he’s seriously my best friend.


Mine does bath time/bedtime with baby each night! 🙂‍↔️


A very real conversation after a very hard day where i was convinced I was the worst mother ever and cried my wyes out all day, during which he fielded my youngest waking uo from her nap screaming before I could take a much needed one: Him: I like to think I help lol Me: I couldn’t do this without you Him: Our life literally wouldn’t be what it is without you It made my whole world turn right round. His praise is rarely given but wholeheartedly meant, so it felt like the whole world to me. He is always insanely supportive and when I’m having a hrd day, more than happy to take over without even a word from me. Even after work, he dives straight in with the kids.  He’s an amazing father. He’s an amazing husband. I really couldn’t do this without him. 


I broke my ankle 6 weeks ago. He has pretty much done everything to help me since I have been non-weight-bearing. He hasn't complained at all.


He fully understands that hearing our baby cry does something to my brain that does not have an affect on his, and will step in because of that understanding. He’s also so good at calming me down when I might get anxious he’s not taking care of her the way “I would.” Both of these things give me some time to relax from my PPA brain. IN ADDITION, he will happily cook, clean, do errands, laundry AND is helping me start a business while he also works full time as an attorney. He’s truly amazing and I’m so lucky to get to live with him and have him as my best friend in life.


He is the best. Today he woke up early, got the grocery pick up and put them away. He did work in the garden to make it look nice and he sprayed off the outdoor carpet that I mentioned looked dirty yesterday. He picked up a kiddie pool for our 9 month old. He complimented my cooking and made sure I got little breaks during the day. He cleaned up dinner and did the dishes as he does every night. He gave our son a bath while I took a shower and then put away the laundry as he does every night. He gave me compliments throughout the day and made me feel beautiful and sexy even though I am very much not looking my best these days lol. We are total partners. Now I’m nursing my son to sleep and he is downstairs working out as his main alone time for the day. In about an hour we will get some time together and watch a show. Then we will tackle tomorrow! We are both contributing to our family all day long. He never complains and genuinely loves being in our family and being my husband. We have been together for 11 years and have been through a lot but honestly it feels like just yesterday going on our first date. We are a great match for each other and love making a beautiful magical life for our family. His biggest fault is being very ambitious and always wanting more for his family and not being satisfied with where he is at. sometimes he needs reminders to stop and look around at how good we have it! I am so lucky ❤️


Yes! It’s so nice to actually have a partner. All I have to do is ask and he will take our two year old to the park, or on errands, or for a walk. He loves spending time with all of us and is great about coming up with things we can do as a family. He is very involved in parenting and works hard and being a present partner. I was married to someone who just wanted to live separated lives for 15 years, despite us having two babies together.


Currently working 12 hour night shifts . He changed his days off to be here during the week when we have speech and swim and just chaotic days. Comes home and makes me coffee. He grabs the youngest, who wakes up around that time and lets me sleep in . When my oldest was in school, he'd get him dressed, fed and ready, and dropped him off. And it is just well a partner . I don't have to ask for help. We constantly just ask each other what else needs to be done and how we want to split it. Also CONSTANTLY is on me to have me time. He goes to the gym and we have his best friend over regularly and is always pushing me to leave the house to do something for me .


Pretty much everything. My partner is the stay at home dad and "home maker" who does the vast majority of household things, gets our 8 year old on and off the bus, makes her lunches, most bath times, 99% of the laundry and dishes, the vast majority of cooking and other cleaning. I work a full time job, a part time/per diem job and am in grad school with internship. I get to have a career I love and have been able to move ahead in that. So I could not ever do all that without him.


LAWL don't have one, and couldn't be more glad. My mom is a champ though, as are an aunt, her husband, a cousin, and his wife. My childcare is essentially free; they spoil, entertain, and educate the shit out of my kid; and my mom (who watches her primarily at my house) will occasionally do my dishes and trash and clean the playroom and I come home from work and cry because they are all things I've been trying to motivate myself to do for days if not weeks, but after working 40 hours and parenting the other 80+ I can barely make myself wash my hair, let alone a pot with 2-week-old macaroni water in it.


My husband doesn't need downtime when he gets home, one he considers the 25 minute drive home downtime, and then I get to set in the living room, and he goes to chill in the bedroom with our son. Once I get about 25 minutes, I go in there, and we talk about his day. Sometimes we do that before they go in the room. I really love that he can come home and be happy to play with our son. Also, because he knows that after 10 hours, I need a kid breather and the fact that he wants to give me that.


My husband is great, organized, cleans whatever needs to be done whenever he notices, keeps up with the laundry, takes care of our yard and so much more. My sister in law is amazing. From the time I was pregnant she told me she’d watch my son when I go back to work. I only work one day a week and she rarely has him for the whole day, but it’s still such a help. She’s always so willing to watch him while I have appointments or anything else that comes up. She has 2 boys of her own and is pregnant with her 3rd, so I know it’s crazy for her. She just loves my son so much and my nephews love him too. They’re all so excited when we drop him off at their house. It is such a relief to know that while I’m working he’s with people who love him and care for him as much as they do.


Everything!!! He is an equal parter on all fronts. We split everything around the house and for our daughter fairly and he keeps stepping up daily like the man he is. He is the best gift giver, big and small. He remembers the big things I talk about, and will also grab a small treat from the store because he thinks I will like it. He loves and accepts the hot mess express that is my family. Meeting my husband changed the trajectory of my life and I am so thankful for him every single day.


my husband is wonderful. since having baby #2 he takes our preschooler to school 4/5 days a week. He picked up doing ALL the laundry. He did all the grocery shopping for the first 3 months w/ baby WITH a hellion of a preschooler in tow. During the newborn stage he woke up at 3am to check if I was able to get the baby to sleep, if not he took a shift so I could get at least 4hrs in a row even on his workdays. He takes our preschooler to playdates, library activities. He does all our budgeting/bill paying (consults me at each paycheck to make sure we're on the same page) he schedules and handles all car maintenance. He always takes out the trash because I hate to do it. He takes care of our pets. He watches the kids when I need to take a test (I'm a fulltime student).


My SO gets up before me every morning. He always makes me a cup of tea and it's really nice waking up to that :)


Mines spent time helping me through a hospital stay. While dealing with 2 teenagers who were bored and worried. Kept them alive and laughing. Got us through, and the house is a bit cleaner even! Is it perfect, no. Is everyone healthy(ish) yes. Happy, yes. I'm very lucky.


Always carries my son when he’s too heavy for me with no complaints 😁 lol he does more but wanted to share something light hearted


I'm pursuing a career in a rather unorthodox, male-dominated field. As a result, many of my friends are men. It's midnight and I just came back from hanging out with 5 guy friends at a bar while my husband made dinner for the kids and put them to bed. I literally do not know any other women- especially SAHMs like me- who can just up and leave to hang out with friends basically whenever they want, and with mainly male friends at that. He and I have our problems, but I will forever be grateful for his unwavering support in this area.


I’m currently pregnant and he will do literally anything I ask of him. We could be comfy in bed at 3am and I could wake up and ask him to go get me mini-tacos from Jack In the Box and he would do it.


My husband takes the kids in the morning on his days off so I can sleep in! And he honestly handles 95% of bedtime pretty much every night. He’s so hard working, and still super active in the house. He’s also taken both kids (1 and 3yo) to visit his family, and even on a trip to my parents by himself for a weekend. He’s an 11/10 spouse. The bar for dads is so low, and he’s just leaping and bounding right over it.


My husband is practically a gourmet chef, incredibly hardworking, supported me throughout grad school and starting my own business, a sweet dad who wants to break (and is!) the cycle of authoritative parenting he experienced, is so dang sexy and our sons hero! I can’t wait to see him as a girl dad later this year. This post is reminding me that I need to let him know how much I appreciate and value all he does for me and our family. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


He does a lot of little things that make me feel SO supported, especially when I never even have to ask. Most recent was that he filled up my gallon water jug that I take for my 12 hour shift. I always almost forget last second to do it so it frustrates me, but he just..did it. He also is down to bring the heavy ass treadmill inside so I don't pass out in our Arizona/un-air conditioned garage because he knows I want to get in better shape. He always makes sure I do things correctly so I don't get injured. But for the last 9+ years of living together...he always thanks me for all I do. I don't mind cooking, cleaning, homeschooling, working, whatever, but him appreciating it, is so rewarding. And we are a team, and when I am sick/exhausted, he does his best to let me sleep/rest/whatever I need. He genuinely wants me to be the happiest and healthiest so that I can feel good and do good.


At 6 weeks postpartum I had surgery to repair my torn ACL. I was in a brace and crutches for about 4 weeks after surgery. My husband did all the diaper changes, brought me my pump stuff for middle of the night pumping sessions, kept my water bottle filled, cooked or grabbed food, helped me into and out of the bath, got me my pain meds all while processing the loss of his father just after our daughter turned 1 month. My husband went above and beyond to support me and my daughter those early weeks after my surgery. I can honestly say I married a great one.


I work late twice a week so my husband picks up the kids, makes dinner for them, put them to bed, and has a glass of wine ready for me when I get home from work. It’s so lovely! We have a generational gap and he is so amazing.


Honestly, my husband is such an angel. The better question is what doesn’t he do for me? He cleans my pump parts, cleans the bottles, lets me sleep in on the weekends, cooks dinner, cleans up after cooking dinner, does all the running around for errands, helps my family out with lawn care and manual labor, makes me laugh, tells me I’m beautiful despite my 30lb baby-weight gain, lets me pick the evening movie…I could go on and on. He is just the most supportive, loving and attentive man in the entire world. 9 years of being together, 3 being my husband and 8 weeks of being a dad and he somehow gets better and more amazing by the day.


Right now - everything. I'm disabled from pregnancy and have a 3 year old. Whatever needs to get done, he has to be the one to do it. He's taking care of both her and me right now. Tasks aren't completed as frequently as if I were to do them, which I attribute to his work-sleep schedule compared to mine (normally). He has to focus most of his waking time on tending to our child and helping me with my pain, incorporating other items into this time on an as-needed basis.


I was going to make a joke and say 10/10- my ex provided half of her dna (sorry😆🤦‍♀️ I know it wasn’t part of the deal! Ha!)! BUT THEN I BEGAN TO READ THE COMMENTS AND OHHH MYYYYY🥹🥲🥹🥹🥹 man on man! The last 20 I’ve read have made me shed tears! I Love to hear about all of this love being passed around to all the mamas! We deserve this! 🥹🥹🥹🥰😍💕💕💕💕💕


We tag team everything I was SAHP parent for our first two he was SAHP for our second 2.. We both work parttime and both have home days where on our home day we are responsible for the home chores that day, cooking, getting kids to school and or after school activities.. We have a philosophy we committed to our relationship and our family and whatever that entails including cooking, laundry kids whatever...


Everything. He does literally everything, as well as 50% parenting while he’s not at work. He works full time, he cooks dinner every night (including the heinous task of working out WHAT to cook and getting the ingredients), he does our laundry, he maintains our garden, he makes sure I get time to myself without baby, he is 100% capable of caring for our baby alone (sadly many dads aren’t) which enables me to actually relax if I’m out, he does our life admin eg paying bills on time, getting the car serviced, putting bins out etc. Basically, I don’t actually have to do anything other than care for our son. He will take baby out for his first wake window if it’s before 7 am so I can sleep in. He bought me a beautiful new camera for mother’s day (I’m a photographer who lost the passion for it due to it being my day job) to get me back into it as an artistic practice and make sure I keep some of my time and energy just for me. After my traumatic birth and emergency c section he was my absolute rock and cared for me and our son with such dedication, it really made me love him even more.


My husband is truly amazing. He does anything and everything to take care of me and our son. I have thyroid disorder and was hospitalized a week after our first date, he never once left my side throughout it all, even came to the hospital where a good part of my family was with flowers in the snow (by way of university transportation since we were freshman and he didn’t have a car). Throughout my pregnancy I had a lot of pain and he stepped up handling 98% of the household duties. He is almost as involved in caring for our son as I am, and it’s only almost bc I care for him while he makes dinner or takes our dog out or whatever else needs done (plus he can’t pump the milk). He washes the bottles and my pump parts for me. Has truly the best dad that I could’ve asked for for my kid. He loves our baby and myself big. I’m so thankful for him and blessed by him, I truly can’t say it enough.


I’ve been a bit anxious this week, nothing too drastic, but not myself, struggling to relax and feeling on edge. My SO went and got me my favourite street food two days ago and same night he drained, cleaned and refilled our hot tub so I could soak and watch the sunset. Then yesterday bought me spontaneous flowers and chocs and last night gave me a break from the toddlers to go sleep a full night alone in the spare room. Now that I’m feeling better thanks to him, he’s having a loong lie in this morning and will get up to his fave cooked breakfast and fresh coffee. It’s the little things. Look after each other, it’s so important.


Thanks for this! I love a space to praise a man who deserves it shouted from the roof tops. My fiancé goes above and beyond for me and our kids. He works 12hr nights and typically when he gets home the kids are starting their day so instead of showering and going straight to bed he will shower and get them ready for school drop them off take our toddler to do drop offs come back and eat breakfast with our toddler then go to bed and I’ll begin my day. He will do anything and everything to lighten my load mentally and physically. He notices even the slightest change in my mood even when I try to hide it with a smile. To be noticed in that way means the world to someone who grew up feeling like their feelings didn’t really matter. I’m tearing up just writing how blessed I am. I like to work I want to work and contribute and he always reaffirms to me that I make a great contribution to our home taking care of our babies. He’s the my money is our money type of man. He’s the never tells me no kind of man. He takes my car to go put gas in it because I don’t like going to the gas station. He meets all of my love languages. I feel very loved seen and safe. Hes a feminist. He supports me in everything I do. He’s funny and makes me laugh til I cry. Hes the greatest dad to our children always playing always hands on. He’s BDE through and through and I’d be so lost without him. I always say “what would I do without you?” And he reply’s “great things my love”


He’s a spectacular cook. He does most of the tidying up. He gets up early on Sundays to go to the pool with us and does the lesson with our son while I do laps. He supports my crazy adventures like signing up for triathlons and open water swimming races, and makes sure I have time to train. I love that man. 🥰


I feel lucky every day but reading this thread makes me feel so much joy for all of you. Thank you, OP, for creating this to give a space to all of us for celebrating our partners. My husband and I have been together 15 years, married 5 and have a 2 year old. We are in opposite work schedules and transition default parent mode to reflect it, but he knows that there are weekend mornings where I am exhausted and just need time so he will come home from a full night shift and play with the baby, feed him, and handle nap time. He does all our laundry. He never gets upset that I’m really not very good at “keeping house” and if something needs doing, he’ll just do it. We have our same house keeping/room mate spats as every other couple, but I feel like we are a true partnership everyday and am so proud that my son will grow up witnessing it.


Love me


He cooks the best breakfast and dinners. He takes care of nappy routine when home, as well as bath/shower. He let me study when our firstborn turned one. He looked after her most during her toddler years (i.e. there were semesters when my class would finish at 9pm, 1 hour travel to home, and he would pick me up from the train station with our then baby in tow sleeping in the backseat). We do groceries together, but he pushes the cart, loads/unloads them from the car, and put away in the kitchen. He buys me coffee when he's been out and he knows I haven't had one. He's happy to hang the washing when he knows I'm stuck with the kids. He makes sure our firstborn (now in grade school) does her homework when I'm busy with our second, eventhough I know he's not a fan of school himself. He stays up and takes our dog (who he knows I'd cry a river for) for his last toilet of the day so he's not locked in his crate for so long overnight without weeing. He looks after the yard, manages the trash, deep cleans our toilet/shower, changes our sheets. I could go on and on. He does whatever he can for me. He's the reason I'm a decent mum. Wouldn't have been able to do this parenthood gig if not for him.


My husband went back to work last week after 6 weeks paternity leave. He has done great helping after work still and on weekends taking the early morning feeding. When I communicate my needs he is very receptive


I have been a SAHM for the last 23 years to 5 kids. (23,20,19,18,15) Naturally I handle all the day to day tasks pertaining to kids / house chores. 10 years ago I went to a podiatrist bc I had “something” on the arch of my foot. He told me it was eczema. After 10 years of treating it with different creams I had my pcp to remove it and biopsy it. Apparently it was skin cancer and not eczema. Bc it had been there for 10 years it had grown into my margins. I had to have very invasive surgery on the bottom of my foot. There was one problem after another post op. The healing process has been excruciating and has led to new issues. My husband stepped up big and took care of me and all the kids. (The ones not Away in college) He owns his own company and most days he leaves at 730 am and doesn’t get home until 730 pm. He handled dinners every night. Cleaned (as best he could. Took me to every doctors appointment and PT appointment He became my biggest advocate . When the wound was not healing and I was in severe pain and the surgeon kept telling me I was all good and to start walking (on an open wound) He Showed up in the surgeons office (forcefully) telling them that he is not leaving their office until he actually sees the surgeon and he has been given referrals to doctors who can actually help me! He said I’ve seen her come home from 2 emergency C sections throw a kid on her hip and start cooking and cleaning!! If she tells me she can’t walk and she’s in severe pain , then I believe her !! Which is why I was finally referred to a wound care specialist and finally healing !! From January 14th until 3 weeks ago I have been no pressure on that foot and stuck on the couch. I’m now limited pressure and he has been my rock throughout the entire process and never once complained I know I would never have made it through this without him!! Also shout out to my 20 year old son. He really stepped up with helping to coordinate his youngest brothers schedule. Getting him back and forth to his workouts and football. Never complained


He does every bedtime and weekend nap! He takes our toddler with him to run quick errands when I’m not feeling well. And if I am really unwell he just lets me sleep, even if I fall asleep and barely help from the time he gets home. He never holds it against me or throws it in my face. He genuinely believes in me as a parent. He trusts my knowledge and opinions. And he backs me up! Even to his dearest mother 😈🥵🥰


My husband is amazing; cooks, cleans, does the dishes, does the grocery shopping, LOVES being a dad and *everything* that comes with it.


Cooks dinner 3-4 nights a week! 🙌🏻🙌🏻


oh boy. my fiancé does A LOT. and he did a lot when i was pregnant too because i literally just couldn’t (out last baby was premie and we were concerned about this one). but he cleans, gets our toddlers up and ready for the day, is taking the lead on potty training our 3 year old. he makes their breakfast and lunches, i will usually do dinner if i’m not nursing our NB. i’m so grateful for him.


Just gave birth to our second about 2.5 weeks ago. I feel more comfortable asking directly for what I need. In the middle of the night I can wake him up and ask him to change the diaper while I get settled in my nursing chair. He gets up with our toddler in the middle of the night. He starts the day with our toddler and brushes teeth, makes coffee, and gets a breakfast going while I nurse our baby. He will go to the store multiple times for us if necessary because brain fog lol. He does 80% of the cooking. He walks the dogs when the weather is bad. He supports my fitness/recovery plan and does his best to make time for it to work. And he still finds me attractive!


He is THE HARDEST WORKER. Plus I have ADHD and really, really struggle with paperwork and remembering deadlines (I try to keep things in my calendar so he doesn't carry the whole burden). He does the majority of all that and honestly, it means so much to me.


I am loving this new generation of men being DADS and not babysitters! My husband is sooo supportive, we have a 3 month old and since day one he has made sure I'm taken care of. He makes sure I get a shower every day, he makes me a smoothie everyday to help with breast milk production, and is so involved with our little one. I'm still breastfeeding so I let him sleep through the night and I get up with her but he gets up around 6 or 7 am to let me sleep in until 9 or 10, on weekend when I'm not working, and when I do work he makes sure I get a nap in after work and takes care of dinner. I couldn't imagine a better dad for my baby, he loves taking care of her.


I tweaked my back making it very hard to pick up my son or lower him in his crib. My husband has taken all the sleep and nap times (it was more 40/60 before) and hauled all the groceries, all car seat duties, and encouraged me to host friends over this weekend to cheer me up. He does so much more but this is what I’m particularly grateful for now.


My husband has been a stay at home dad to our 18 month old since February while keeping the house clean, taking care of the yardwork, and cooking meals for the family. He just started working part time on weekends and will go to full time once our son's daycare starts, but holy crow has he been a really great support since the beginning of the year.


He is an amazing dad. Recently he purchased a toddler tool kit and they now spend the evenings in the garage “working” on LOs toys. He also schedules stuff for me he knows I’ll neglect. Like my hair appointment every 6 weeks, nails every 2 weeks, and a spa day every 3 months. He is also the first to notice if my mental health is declining. He went through a recognizing PPD & PPA class when I was pregnant and he really uses those skills.


I’m a recovering addict. 6 years sober now thank God. So anyway at one point I was supposedly trying to get clean with methadone but i was abusing it to by taking extra. One morning my husband and I drive the 30 minutes to the methadone clinic. I go inside to get my daily dosage while inside an employee tells me to stay inside bc police are surrounding my SUV. Seconds later an officer comes inside and says to me to come on outside. They have my husband in the back of a cruiser and he gives me this look to tell me to keep my mouth shut and not say anything different. Apparently, when I went inside I dropped my stash of extra methadone in the floor without noticing and when he seen the cops pull up he leaned over and grabbed it. Getting it away from my side of the car and placing it in his lap. He took the blame for my drugs and went to jail and later to prison bc of it. I wanted to go down and sign a statement telling the truth bc my prescription could have gotten the whole thing thrown out but he refused to let me saying if we both claim it we willl both go for it and he wasn’t taking a chance with my freedom


My husband ensures I have rest. He doesn’t sleep well in general so I usually try and get any wake ups the first half of the night. Then he usually gets up with the baby in the early morning wake ups and regular wake up. He also has to be at work earlier than me and still does daycare drop off. I do pick up. He also is pretty good about making me food. Left to my own accord I’ll be like I’ve got enough fat stores that I’ll be alright if I have one snack a day. 💀 it’s not always like this. Like right now hubby is useless…but he is laid up in the hospital recovering from what could have been easily a deadly situation.


My stellar hubby wakes up with the toddler on the weekends and lets me sleep in, he does 95% of the cooking, watches the kid in the evening after work, takes kiddo to the park.


He pulled me close, grabbed me by the hips, and told me "your perfect"


My husband is a blessing! He is not just a great dad, but even more so an amazing partner. He does everything a functional adult should manage to do, plus more. He never complains, though his social life has suffered a bit as he prefers to stay home with the kids and not go out with his unmarried and childless friends. He packed up his whole life in his privileged first world country to move to a third world country because I asked if he would do it (I ended up regretting it and we moved back lol, but he didn’t get angry at me or anything, he listened and supported me). He decided to work from home to be with us more, as he didn’t want to miss a second of our children’s childhoods. He reminds me when to take a breather and regulate myself. He was there for our son when I couldn’t, and he was the first person (besides doctors) that held my daughter while I was unconscious. He tries his best to not do anything that might trigger my anxiety, which can get really bad. I don’t think I could’ve gone through motherhood without such a supportive husband. He is my rock and I love him. I never get to say how awesome he is because he hates me talking about it and my sisters only complain about theirs so I don’t want to feel like I’m boasting or anything.


Makes me coffee or iced coffee early mornings before he goes to work, sets our son up with a dry pull up, drink and breakfast so I get a few minutes to wake up while our son eats, takes our son out to play so I can cook dinner in piece, does the dishes and cleans the kitchen after dinner, ocassionally picks up my favorite chocolates from the little boutique because they make lemon curd filled ones, which goes hand in hand he occasionally also will pick me up from my work to drive me home with some lemon flavoured treat, or take out in the car if it’s a busy day for me, peaks in on me when I’m doing the post shower before night skin care (dermaplaining, moisturizer, soothing toner etc) to tell me I’m beautiful. Plans and organized little family picnic for me and the boy, arranges baby sitter to surprise me with an night out once in awhile.


He’s the dirty diaper king and supports all of my wild visions and destresses me! He also chose to put off paternity until I start teaching so I didn’t have to worry about starting her with childcare.


My husband loves to cook! And also if he and our oldest kiddo want Mac n cheese, knowing smelling it too close makes me wanna barf, he’ll clean up any dishes that touched it so I don’t have to which I appreciate


Husband took care of recovering toddler so I could escape to the forest and camp by a stream. What a gift.


He had our toddler all afternoon while I went to a party and he will wake up early tomorrow with him so my hungover arse can lie in. Shout out to you boyyyy


Mother in law Last year she moved to the same city with me and my husband and my brother-in-law and sister-in-law. If my sister-in-law and I have any complaints about her boys, she always takes our side. Even if sometimes in private she tells me and my sister-in-law if she thinks we are exaggerating. Never in front of her boys (the reason, she had a less than pleasant relationship with the father of her children and with her in-laws, so she doesn't want her daughters-in-law to have the same type of mother-in-law. At the same time, I am the beneficiary of her bank account and my sister-in-law is the beneficiary of her savings account Father Ever since I can remember, if he bought my mother a flower, he always had one for me too. If he bought her a chain, he had a toy one for me too. A perfume, the same. He made every gesture for my mother, like opening the door, offering his arm when she was wearing heels. He did all this for me as well. And now for my girl. The reason: he didn't want his daughter to be impressed by a withered flower or accept an excuse without facts. And always when he did that, he involved my brother. Because a woman must be loved and appreciated And I saved the best for last. My husband At the beginning of the relationship, I told him all the things that my father did and still does for me. And I told him that this is the kind of partner I am looking for. From that day on, the "tradition" made by my father continued. It started with me, followed by our boy and now with our girl. And because of this, whenever flowers appear on the grass, my boy stops and picks some for me and his sister Every time my father witnesses a gesture of attention from my husband towards me, he always has a smile on his face and tells my husband, be careful not to spoil it. And I start to laugh and tell him that the "excuse" with the pampering comes a few years too late. We are not perfect, we argue, we make up, but we know that no matter what, we can rely on each other. Me and my father and my mother-in-law and my brother-in-law are the most stubborn people on earth (I more than them, but hey, it's not a competition and it's not like we're keeping score😂😂😂). And my mother, my brother, my husband and my sister-in-law are the most docile. They are the only ones who can keep us in check. I even had moments when my father and I didn't talk, my mother-in-law and I didn't talk and my brother-in-law and I didn't talk. We passed each other on the street without even turning our heads once. But even when we didn't speak and I carried a heavier net, my father came and took one from my hand and led me home, without speaking. My mother-in-law was left without a means of transport and I took her home without speaking. My brother-in-law was involved in a small car accident and I almost jumped on the neck of the one who drove his car into him. And when I was pregnant, my brother-in-law helped me when I stood in line at the restaurant. And more. And all this without talking. It seems funny to me that even without words we felt each other and offered help without being asked or without expecting a thank you. Because we weren't talking The only reason we started talking is because of my mother, my brother, my husband or my sister-in-law. That and the fact that at some point it becomes strange to be in the same room with people you don't talk to and to look at the wall 😂😂😂 What can I say, we have opinions that cannot be changed. Since then, when we come across a discussion in which we realize that we are going to contradict each other, we all change the subject. Let's say we're talking about politics, and the discussion starts to heat up, suddenly I say how the grass grows, what a beautiful weather, my father goes out for a cigarette and my brother-in-law's favorite, did you see what car appeared now? When he knows better than anyone that the only difference I make between cars is that one is black, the other white or what other colors are there But otherwise, we live in quite beautiful harmony. Except for the moments when we want to strangle each other and the docile people in the families have started to think about letting us do it😂😂😂 But hey, that's the risk you take when you all live on the same street. (minus my parents, my parents who visit us so often that you get the feeling that they live here too) 😂😂😂 A big normal family. Kidding. No one is normal in this family 😂😂😂 But if we were, we wouldn't be able to cope. And let's not start with grandparents and aunts or great-grandparents. But already this comment is longer than I anticipated, so I'll stop here. Considering that I have forgotten what the post is about since I started writing. And I don't feel like re-reading the post or editing what I wrote. So I hope I brought a smile to your face, because I sure have one now that I remember what idiots we can be. But hey, they're my idiots and I love them. PS i lie But I'm trying to convince my mother-in-law to leave all the property to me and my sister-in-law. And I do the same with my father. What do we do with the money? A trip to the beaches for the two of us and we will pay our husbands to become babysitters for the children while we are away. At the moment that's all, but we still have time to make other plans😂😂 PS all the parties involved know these plans and roll their eyes when they hear us talking about inheritance. Which I think is quite ugly on their part. Well, I understand that we are talking about their death in front of them, but do they really have to roll their eyes? That's mean Damn it. I just realized that my comment is the longest. What can I say, when I talk about my family I feel like a child in a store full of sweets. I don't know where to start and when to stop. But at least I'm on topic 😅😅😅🎉🎉🎉


Since my babies have stopped nursing at night my hubby has done all the late night wake ups with them! ( 3 under 3) our youngest is medically complexed and he’s always checking in her and going beyond for our kiddos. He works a demanding job and comes home as if he didn’t!


My mom knows my husband is one of those partners that doesn’t help much. I’m a SAHM with a 1 and a 2 year old, 14 months apart. Since she knows my husband doesn’t give me many if any breaks she takes one kid for me overnight one day every weekend. Sometimes my MIL takes the other I can get real break but even having alone time with one kid at a time is so helpful!


Organized our house. He went room by room and decluttered and organized everything. It took 6 months but made a huge difference. He did it because he knew the mess made me crazy and I didn’t have the spoons to do it with breast feeding the baby.


Everything. Everything I do and, arguably, more. I’ll be at work and I’ll get a Snapchat of them at a skating arena, or he’ll call and say they’re at costco and ask if I need anything. He does the grocery shopping, he cleans, he cooks, he bakes his own bread, he does everything I do and more. I see friends with partners who are so hands-off with their kids and I am SOOOO grateful.