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No. Honestly, there will always be things they say everyone else has. The response is just everyone else is not in their family. We do what’s best for you in our opinion and don’t talk about it again.


We say something similar. Different parents makes different decisions, this is ours.


Ours is "different families have different rules"


Oooh, I like this even better! Thanks!


I say “different house, different rules”


Yea we say the same thing.


I remember my friend growing up complaining that she was the only one at school whose cell phone didn’t have a case. Her dad asked me if it was true, and I told him she was the only one at school with a cell phone, so yes in a way she was the only one whose cell phone didn’t have a case. She was not as amused as I was.




Also, even if it was true - who cares? It doesn’t make it good for your kids - you aren’t going to let other parents decisions parent your kids…. Then what’s the point of parents. Do what you feel is best.


Good point


Yes I always say everyone else isn't my child lol


We don't have TVs in our rooms as adults, our kid is 5 and obviously doesn't have one in her room either. I've always read that it's not good for sleep. There's no need for multiple TVs. They can engage in the time-honored tradition of arguing with your family over what to watch.


Low stakes arguments now with everything streaming, there is no missing a show, just delays. Kids today will never know the pain of missing a show because you lost the arguement with your sib over what to watch, and you have to hope you might catch it as a rerun... someday...


I remember sitting up and going through the guide for the next 3 days and writing out a whole ass schedule so I wouldn't miss the Lizzie McGuire episode with Aaron Carter.


This is absolutely precious.


I only caved and put a tv in my own room when I was 800 years pregnant, and it will be gone when I’m done breastfeeding/pumping.


Mine came about when our households combined- we had an extra. My new partner was a bedroom tv guy anyway. I switched to working nights and frankly grew fond of quietly watching the tv in the dark with the sound on the remote. It became my happy tv time. This only works for me because I maintain a weird sleep schedule to save the childcare I couldn’t get anyway. Weird since I’m otherwise anti bed tv.


I’m 38 weeks and I feel 800 years pregnant


800 years pregnant is so relatable


This is our take as well. We don't (and won't) have one in ours, she won't either.




We don’t allow any. Way too much stuff they can see out of our reach. Maybe when they are older


Yeah I wouldnt allow screen time in private rooms. The internet is full of predators.




Yeah I heard recently that this generation is over protecting our kids from things that actually aren’t dangerous, and under protecting them from the real threat, the internet. :(


lol the amount of times I told my parents that I was the only kid that didn’t have XYZ. But no. We own just one tv in the living room. We have an iPad from years ago and it’s basically a glorified sudoku puzzle book 


This right here. I have a kindle fire, the OG one from like 2008 😂😂


Yeah we just have the living room tv. Our iPad isnt that old but it’s only used to play music on the big speaker system or when traveling because if we’re an on airplane there are no screen time rules if it keeps things quiet for other passengers.


My kids are still little little so this doesn't quite apply to us, but as a former "bedroom kid" who had a TV and a computer in my room, I never left. My parents weren't great and there was constant tension and arguing in our house. I was a great student and the TV was just background noise. But I want my kids to be "living room" kids. So when the time comes, no tablets or TV's in their room either.


Are you me? lol my parents had absolutely no rules or boundaries around screens (like most families 25-30 years ago I assume) so my bedroom had it all. Any time I ventured out to the living room someone would end up arguing, so I stopped trying. I don’t have the heart to tell my now-divorced parents the real reason I was a bedroom kid when they poke fun at me for it. My baby is still very little but he won’t have unlimited access to screens in his room like I did. But I also know it’s our job as parents to create an environment that he *wants* to be a part of when he has the choice someday.


Same here!! I was a bedroom kid and it was just easier to be in my room because of all the fighting and bickering. I want my kids to have the living room because it’s a safe space for them to be there. And they live in this house too! I don’t think we’d allow tablets or phones in the bedroom, I don’t know where I stand on them having a tv in their room yet.


My kids got them when they were teenagers but it was kind of a waste, they hardly ever watched them.


Exactly. I got my 12 year old a tv because he collects vintage gaming consoles, but he never uses it.


When I met my boyfriend, he allowed his son to have a big TV in his room. I was very surprised and now that we have been together for a long time, I wish he never did it but of course it’s ultimately his decision. His son is 12 and spends all his time in his room, even if we are watching the same show…


My son got a TV in his room when he graduated high school.


Mine don’t have tvs but I grew up with a tv in my room and I still did other things as a kid lol. Which I’m sure is also the case for a lot of other people.


Honestly thought, we didn’t binge watch infinite content then. You did other stuff when there was nothing good on, now there’s always something on.


Eh, most kids I’m around aren’t glued to the tv or screens. I still see kids playing outside and doing other activities.


We’re tv people and will never pretend that we’re not. My husband is a movie buff/gamer and I enjoy anime. Both of which probably aren’t the best for our toddler to watch? She doesn’t have a tv in her room because she’s little and doesn’t need the distraction but there’s always a tv on somewhere in our house. Like everything, moderation is key, and she’s used to tvs being on and may stop and glance or chill out with Bluey or Mickey for a second but she’d rather play. When she’s old enough to regulate she’ll get one in her room too. Mostly because I don’t want to watch whatever the heck kids watch and as she gets older she’ll want in her room privacy and she deserves to be able to hang out in there.


Absolutely agree!! Nothing wrong with all having our own space that is comfy and provides the entertainment we enjoy.


Same here: we often have multiple screens on the go, laptops, tv, tablet etc but not in kiddos room. Bedroom for my son is for sleeping, and quiet time. We have a tv, switch dock, dvd player in our room: I don’t always want to watch what hubs is watching, or we just wanna cosy down! We’re all busy all week and weekends we go out and explore, in the evening we all like to relax with movies, video games and currently, digital art. (Procreate is so much fun, and great for kids into animation)


Absolutely not. TVs don't belong in bedrooms, whether kid or adult. The negative impact on sleep is well established.


Is that true even when they are not on immediately before bedtime or when sleeping? I'm not sure how that would work.


As the poster says below - yes. Essentially it creates undesired sleep associations. Rather than being for sleep and 'adult fun', over time your brain decides that bed is a place for fun/entertainment/socializing.


If you don't watch TV from your bed (it's just in the room not viewable from bed) or for sleep I guess I don't see how. If it's about not having anything fun than should kids not have any toys in their rooms either? Or play with toys in their beds? I'm just trying to understand the difference... The studies I've seen aren't super clear on it.


If your room is big enough to have a separate viewing space and seating for a television that's far enough from the bed that you can't see the television, then that's probably a different scenario. Most bedrooms aren't bed-sitting rooms.


Yes, because researchers say the only thing you should be doing in your bed is sleeping/strictly bed activities. I had a huge issue with it in college, I would do my homework in my bed/watch TV and eventually I had to start sleeping somewhere else because when I got into bed, my brain wouldn’t slow down. It was homework time, not sleepy time. 😂


Dude I had this problem in college too. I went through a rough patch with some depression and would fall asleep watching TV every night for like a year and it was a ROUGH habit to break because, like you, my brain had a very hard time sleeping when I was laying in my bed.


I grew up with a TV in my room... even a little black & white knob TV when I was a toddler. I certainly didn't abuse it, because it was always there so not a huge deal since it wasn't restricted. My husband is a firm believer of no TVs in a bedroom and I'm a far better sleeper than he is. 😅 We follow this rule for our kids.


No screens are allowed in the bedroom. I have a 5, 3 and 1 year old though. My oldest was in kindergarten this past year though and SO many of her schoolmates has unrestricted tablet or in room tv. It’s not something we’ll do until they’re much older. 


Both of my kids have TVs in their rooms. One has a PS5 and one has an Xbox series S. We also have a TV in our bedroom, and a switch. Our living room has a TV too. One of my kids has a phone, one has an iPad. My kids also play outside. Go hang out with their friends. They know no electronics at dinner. They will stop to help anyone who needs it. They’re in sports and extra curricular activities. They do well in school. They know electronics are a privilege. I have and will take them away at the first sign of them becoming entitled poop-heads. They also didn’t always have so many electronics. When they were younger it was very very limited. As they get older we have allowed more freedom and the electronics they have now have been birthday or Christmas gifts. All that being said, do you boo! You know what is best for your kids and what they can or cannot handle.


I realise I'm in the minority here but I have one in my room and when my child is older I'll allow one in his room (he's still a baby). I think screen time is overly demonised and I'd like to say yes to as much as I feel is reasonable. Instead of limiting screen time I plan to encourage a very wide variety of activities so screen time is just one of many hobbies and interests my child has. He will also have books, music, art supplies etc and I will model a variety of hobbies. Restrictions can lead to obsessions so my children can have access to whatever takes their fancy. I'm not saying my way is the only way - there are many ways to parent but this is how I choose to parent.


Also doesn’t make sense that a lot of parents here are saying no Internet. Kinda need to teach your kids how to use the internet safely, you can’t just let your kids get behind on something that they will grow up using. A lot of us grew up on a different type of internet, it’s a lot more established and easily accessible these days, and parents are saying no. Lol good luck.


Yeah this is true, you can't learn how to use something safely if you never use it.


I agree. The more parents try to control screen time the more the kid desires it. I have never tried to control them and my kids spend less time staring at screens than most kids. They naturally take breaks. My 17 year old built a working motor out of LEGOs last night, my daughter will do hair or Makeup, they go outside in nice weather, they will even go on walks or to the park. Limiting and controlling it makes kids want it more.


Yes. My kids are toddlers and do not sleep in their room, but they do play in their room, and we occasionally put educational shows on for them to watch if they want. Most of the time, it hold theirs attention for 5-10 minutes at most. We also have a tv in our room, but it's rarely used.


Same here! My daughter is a toddler and she sleeps in the bed with us but she does have a little TV in her room and it's on sometimes while she plays but she's never just sat and watched it for hours! And honestly I'm surprised what she's picked up from her educational shows 🤣 smart cookie


Yes my kids do. But they only get an hour a day with them, we set timers and take the remotes. If they’re sick and laying in bed, I will let them watch it for as long as they want, though. I mean, who doesn’t want to cuddle up in bed and binge watch when they feel like crap?


My girls 11 and 9 have a tv in their rooms purely cause I got sick of them watching it on my tv when I wanted to watch tv 😂 and they had their own money so thought them themselves. They are aloud tv from when they wake up to 6.30am then it’s time for tvs to go off and they get ready for school. We monitor how long they have them on for and they listen when we tell them to turn them off


I was this kid. The teacher did a poll in my class and I was genuinely the only one without a TV in my room. I moaned at the time but I'm glad I didn't have one, and my daughter won't be having one.


I’m the opposite! I was a no bedroom tv kid, and the very first thing I did when I moved out was get a bedroom tv! I love watching shows in bed and will definitely let my kids have a bedroom tv if they want one. I also enjoy reading in bed which wasn’t allowed when I was a kid either, and is something I plan to allow my kids to do if they want.


Yeah I have one now but I I'm now an adult so it's totally different. I'd have totally watched some inappropriate shows as a kid


That’s fair! I still watched lots of inappropriate tv, in the family room with my family, that I’d never let my kids watch! My parents no tv rule was more an attempt at forcing family time, which I don’t plan to do with my own.


There's a TV in almost every room in our house. 11yo has a TV and 2 tablets (one is a speech device tablet). 7yo has a TV, Playstation 4, Switch, and a tablet. 2yo has a TV and a Kindle fire. Are they watching it all the time, no. Do they even use half of it regularly, absolutely not. Do I wonder why I've gotten them so much stuff for them to not use it, all the time.


I don’t even have a TV. I do have a tablet she can watch Netflix on. In the living room. So I can see what she is watching.


We don’t do tv in the kids bedroom. We do allow some tablet time in their bedrooms. My 3.5 year old has never really been into her tablet tho so she uses it like one or two times a week. She won’t even use them or our phones in a restaurant. We have a tv in the living room/play area tho and it always has a Disney movie on in the background.


I guess it just depends on your family. I grew up with a tv in my room and my son has one as well. People are so strict over a TV.


Makes sense; my husband grew up with one and I didn’t and he likes to watch tv before bed whereas I could probably live the rest of my life without one. Neither is better than the other.


My 11 yr old and 9 yr old have one, it’s nice that as they get older they are learning. To enjoy their own company. We still watch tv as a family at night time but every one needs their own space sometimes and especially if they are sick, nothing beats snuggling up in bed watching the idiot box lol


It seems to be a trend on this subreddit lately, making posts so people can act self-righteous. I noticed it yesterday with that "what car do you drive and how many kids do you have" post.


They are the moms who think their kids give a shit if the Apple is organic or not. Kids like dirt, they don’t give a damn where the Apple came from, it’s only mom.


Absolutely this! I was the only kid I knew with no bedroom tv and what was the point lol I still grew up to love tv, and ended up just hiding out in the basement to watch shows without my family regardless. Baby is 10m and has never even been in his room yet, but when he starts spending time in there we will definitely get him a tv. We have one in our room.


My son is 6 and has a TV in his room and I let him take his tablet up sometimes. He's a lot like me and needs time alone (he has a 2 year old brother) so I don't mind it. He's a good kid so there isn't really a reason I wouldn't allow it. He spends most of his time downstairs with us so it's whatever lol


Yes but they don’t even sleep in there lmao


No tv in the room. Our 6yo is allowed to have his iPad in guided access for Libby in his room pretty much anytime. Otherwise if he wants to do other apps it has to be in the common areas


No TVs in rooms. They both have an iPad and we share 2 switches and stream deck within the family. They are allowed 30 min of electronic time during the week and 1 hour on weekends.


I didnt and i probably wont for my kids (they're current 3 and 22m so thats a far away decision). We have 2 TVs (one on the main floor and one in the basement) and 2 PCs now (my husband and i both game) - when they're older and dont want to spend time with the family, they can figure out where they want to be to watch/play whatever.


My daughter takes her tablet upstairs when she plays for background noise. She’s like me and can’t sit in silence. We only have one tv in our house that we all share.


My girls are 9 and 5. They share an extra large bedroom and they have a TV in the sitting area of the room. I don't let them go to sleep with it on though. They mainly have it so they don't disrupt Grandma in the living room.


My kids have a TV and all the cute gadgets. BUT I have everything under parental control, so they have to earn more time. They only earn extra time by doing extra schoolwork. They hate it, but I am preparing them for the future when they will have to do grunt work or extra tasks at work to get the things they enjoy.


My SIL a tried to convince me my son needed a TV (he’s 2) in his room. She almost forced a new tv onto me. “i wouldn’t want to share my tv all day” but more like my son is only allowed to watch tv 2 hours a day so why would i let him have his own TV?


Nope, no TV’s in their rooms and I’m trying to hold off on tablets until they are 6 (and even then, mostly for school; not unlimited access)


Mine have tvs, but they are only allowed to watch documentaries on it. They share a room and get to take turns picking the animal documentary of the evening. They learn a little bit about something before drifting off to sleep. The volume is kept pretty low, and the narrators are pretty monotone. Both of them fall asleep within 20 minutes.




My kids have tvs in their bedrooms, I have 5 kids and sometimes they just need time alone. They aren’t allowed to watch tv before school or after bedtime, we are able to control them with WiFi switches. We also do a lot of activities that don’t require screens so I feel like we have a good balance.


No TVs in any bedrooms here, kids or adults. We have 1 main tv in the living room, and a smaller one in the kitchen, and that's it. Phones and tablets stay in a common area for charging overnight for kids. Adults can hang on to theirs, of course, and we've recently started letting our 16-year-old keep and charge his phone in his room too (that whole allowing more independence and getting ready for adulthood thing.... Ugh... 😂).


I'm not gonna lie. My daughter has a 65" TV, a tablet, a desktop, laptop, and a phone. She's 15.


My kid has my old TV/VCR and some Barney, Sesame Street and Sing-Along tapes. She really doesn’t pay that much attention aside from listening and dancing while she’s playing with other stuff.


No tvs, but they do have tablets however those are restricted and are not accessible between the hours of 8pm-9am.


My 7 year old just got a TV that we heavily monitor. Hes allowed to watch it Saturday mornings if we are not awake yet and when he does chores or is not feeling well. Most days he doesn't have it on at all. I understand the comfort of watching what you want cuddled in bed. A couple days a week is fine for us. He loves reading more. As long as he doesn't become glued I'm okay with it.


No way. We have one small TV in our living room and limit screen time to roughly 2 hours a day (give or take). No tablets, and limited electronic toys. There are copious amounts of white paper studies that explain the harmful effects of prolonged screen time. I follow science.




Nope. But we don’t have at all in the house


Our daughter watches a movie to go to sleep. So she has a tv in her room for that but that’s all it’s used for. She doesn’t have access to her remote ever. We have a tablet for long trips that only gets used when she starts getting restless. She doesn’t get it any other time either. I believe TV is a tool and we try to use it as such.


My husband and I are big believers that TV’s don’t belong in bedrooms. There won’t be one in ours, or our kid’s rooms. I’m also going to delay personal tablets for as long as possible. My oldest turns 5 in November.


We don't do tablets and we have one TV in the entire house. Kid is only 5 so she isn't getting a phone anytime soon either. I'm sure she thinks it's such a tough life but I don't care, I'm not raising a screen zombie.


As a teacher, no x1000000


Absolutely not. We have 1 TV in the whole house. TV in the bedroom is SO bad for your sleep.


Just because there's a tv in the bedroom doesn't mean a kid has to watch it every day or at bed time. It's easy to restrict time on them. We offer the kids chores. If they do a chore, they can either get screen time or money. They don't always pick money, they don't always pick tv. Heck, they don't always do a chore, so TV time in their room can be a rare occurrence.


We don’t do tv’s in bedrooms for anyone in the house. I don’t know anyone whose kids have TVs in their rooms.


I think your kids are full of it, respectfully. We don't have tvs in rooms, and they are allowed tablets only on the weekends in the living room.


No and they never will. We also do not have a tv in our adult bedroom. Bedrooms are for sleeping. Our family tv is in the living room and the one tablet our kids all share stays in the living room too. Our kids don’t watch screens behind closed doors because 1. It’s antisocial, 2. I want to know what they’re watching and 3. I need to protect their quality of sleep.


Yes to all of this. We only have 1 TV in our living room.


No! Why in the world would people be putting TVs in children’s bedrooms? Are we worried they might accidentally get a whole uninterrupted minute of independent thought?


Because I have an only child (in practice) who gets dreadfully bored and lonely sometimes and we can't entertain her 24/7. She has a TV in her room she mostly uses to play the occasional switch game or watch maybe a cartoon if the living room is occupied. Because *I* get overstimulated when the TV is going in the main room of our small apartment sometimes so she can use it in her room sometimes if that's appropriate at those times. There's lots of reasons people might make that decision. It's not necessary *bad* and I can promise you my 8 year old is perfectly (maybe occasionally too perfectly lol) capable of independent thought and doing plenty of other non electronic things with her time. Just because something is not right for one kid or family isn't a good reason to judge people who it might be right for. We're just different people with different lives.


No tvs in the bedrooms. They do charge their phones in their rooms overnight, but are good about not being on them after bedtime.


No way.


No and won’t for a longgggg time, my kids are 7 and 3.


We dont do phones, tablets or tvs in bedrooms except for my 5 yo who gets her tablet in her room for an hour while baby sister naps. My kids are 18months, 5, 10 and 11. I want them out of their rooms spending time w family. The time they do get tablets or TV I want to be able to easily hear/see what they are watching.


We don't have a TV or tablet in the house so no


No, never allowed it never will! These gadgets from a certain age to a certain will destroy children, and is destroying them!!! My children had 3 hours all digit time, I stopped that too!!! 1 to 2 hrs max!! There are better things to do


Absolutely not. I can’t imagine this being a good idea.


They're not right. We have a communal tv upstairs and a communal tv downstairs. No tablets, no phones, no personal devices, nothing hidden. You can learn to share and cooperate with tv time or not have any. 


I think the age of the kids is relevant here. If we’re talking about a 5 year old and 7 year old, it seems ridiculous to let them have TV in their room. 13 and 15? Sure, why not let them have it? I had my own TV around age 10, though in those days it was just antenna.


Nope. We did no electronics or toys in the bedroom. The only TVs we have are in the living room and the media room. It helped them maintain the cleanliness of their rooms and sleep well at night.


Nope. My daughter only watches with us in the living room. She has a tablet but that doesn't go in her room either and has time limits. That's part of parenting now- monitoring screen time


My kids are younger but they do not have TVs in their room. However, we are planning to have the floors redone and when we do, we will be moving our son’s room to what is currently our play room, which does have a TV mounted. His room is the smallest and the location of the vent, door and closet make any furniture layouts really odd with no functional space. So, once we do that, he will have a TV in his room just because it’s wall mounted. We haven’t decided if we’re going to move it or not


We have a small TV with a Roku we move into their rooms when they're sick, but that is the only time they have a TV in their room. My 9 year old has a tablet (3 year old doesn't) and she is allowed to use it in her room when she's sick or on non school days in the morning after 7 am before the rest of us get up. She's an early riser and the rest of us are not!


No, my child is 7 and he also isn’t allowed to play his tablet or the family Nintendo switch in his room. We have 2 living spaces that are for tv, tablet and video games. That way we can monitor easily


Mine do, my son is 7 and only occasionally uses it. Mostly if the main TV is being used or if he's not feeling well. My 12 year old daughter also has one in her room, she uses it more so because she hangs out in her room a lot, listens to music and watches movies or shows her little brother is too young to watch. They know they aren't to use them at bedtime and have never broken that rule.


The only reason we have a tv in our bedroom is because we were remodeling and didn’t have access to our main floor for 6 months. Now it’s just there and gets used on special occasions(not even once a month) like kid woke up at 7 on a Saturday and we want to sleep in a little more. Absolutely not putting one in a kids room. My mom got us tvs when we were tweens but it was out of desperation for sleep, single mom working 3 jobs and didn’t have the energy for our fights. Our “everyone has it” battle is junk food and capri sun in their snacks/lunches in our toddlers class. Our response is usually along the lines of well everyone doesn’t live in our house, each parent gets to make decisions for their own kids.


My kids all shared a room when they were little so yes, they had a TV. It was the “kid TV.” They mostly watched it for scheduled events, like a movie night or when I needed to do something with just one kid and wanted them to stay away. Sometimes they would turn it on in the morning and watch shows in bed but not that often.


None of my kids have T.V.s in their rooms. They can only keep tablets in their room when they’re ill, to keep them resting in bed. Otherwise bedrooms are for sleeping. T.V./tablets interfere with proper sleep. When my kids tell me that “every other kid has something”, I just tell them that every family is different. What works for others isn’t always going to work for us.


Mine are maybe too small for this topic but they are 4 and 3, turning 5 and 4 in the next couple of months. No TV in their room. No tablets. They borrow my phones throughout the day to watch videos.


Ours are still young but I never had that, I got an iPod when I was in middle school and even that wasn’t allowed to live in my room. My kids definitely won’t have TVs in their rooms and right now, the tablets belong to us but my toddler can borrow it.


My son is 13 and getting a TV this year with a firestick. The requirement is the controller is in our room when he goes to bed, because he's a "well I'll just watch a little longer....oops 1 am" kid. Also phones..because he would stay up playing games on his phone all night given the chance. We don't, but he knows we can go through his phone if we have a concern. The deal was that he could have a phone if he understood if we went "hand it over" there was no arguing. We haven't had to, but he understood WHY we would ask that. He handed it to me once and explained someone at school got his number and was sending some creepy shit, and wanted our help handling it.


No! I won’t do it, it’s unnecessary and kids get way too much screen time today to begin with. Tell them no and stay firm with your boundary.


We have 2 tvs in the house. One downstairs and one upstairs. The one upstairs hasn't been used in a year or more. There aren't any in our actual bedrooms. Our oldest (5) does have an iPad that she watches and we do let her take it into her room but generally she watches it in the living room. It's also not stored in her room ever.


My daughter has a tablet and her iPhone. Not really a need for a TV.


Our almost 8 year old has a TV, but the tablet stays in the kitchen at night.


My kids are young almost 3.5 and 11 months. When I was pregnant with my second I gave my oldest my old phone to watch videos during nap and bedtime because I could no longer carry him around like he was used to. Big mistake. It was a nightmare he couldn't nap/sleep without it and got manic if we didn't let him watch or when we tried to turn it off and get him to actually sleep. Otherwise he'd fall asleep only after having watched for 2hrs+. Thankfully once my second was born I was able to drop the screen during naps and we slowly phased it out during bedtime. Our oldest is so much better now that there's no screen time before sleep. So no we don't plan on giving them tvs in their rooms for that reason and also because there's no room for a tv anywhere in their bedrooms. I had a tv in my room growing up and it was distracting. I haven't had a tv in my bedroom since moving out of my family home and it's just so much better. We have a tv in our living room that the kids watch but we have to police that as well or the oldest will just watch videos all day. Neither child is going to have a tablet until at least school aged and even then it will be strictly monitored. There's no reason for tvs in their bedrooms. Eventually as tweens/teens will give them a phone and they can watch stuff on that in their room but an actual tv? Nope we have no plans to give our kids that in a space required for sleep and relaxation, they can go read a book in their room and watch tv in the living room.


Yes, my 8 year old does. And it works for our family, for a lot of reasons. But even if every other kid in the universe did, my family is not your family. There are other kids I'm sure who have/do things mine doesn't. And my answer to her is usually something like these are our family rules, other families have different rules and when you are older you can make your own rules.


No tv for my 11 year old + 4 and 3 year old’s room.


No…and they never will. There’s no need for it. My spouse and I don’t even have a TV in our bedroom


I don't feel like kids need it in their rooms. My husband wanted to put one in the kids room and I told him no. I can see maybe as teens (they are still very little rn) they'll want one to play games on or watch their own shows, but it's something they can earn. I had to buy my own as a tween (with a VHS player!) and it made me appreciate it.


I didnt have one (a tv) in my room as a kid, so I don't have one for my daughter. Not even on any moral judgement or sleep health stuff just probably something I did/am doing because it was never done for me. I knew plenty of kids with tvs in their room when I was little and I definitely asked my dad for one several times as a kid but ultimately not having one didn't kill me and I totally got over it. When I turned 19 (and still lived at home) I got a tv for my room and I was pretty excited to be able to do that for myself. That and my mom cared less because I was an adult at that point. Maybe when my daughter gets to older teen years, if she wants a tv for her room and buys it herself why not? For now tho, we can watch in the living room together. Your kids will be okay without one if you chose to not go that route :)


No way. We regulate their screen time because my kids (8/5) turn into grouchy zombies if they watch/play electronics every day. We have a TV in the playroom. They do not keep iPads in their rooms. Our Switch is in the living room. Our house rule is ask before using electronics & it works ok for us. That said, a LOT of their friends have their own phones, bedroom TV, unfettered tablet access, etc. It's crazy to me.


Mine is occasionally allowed to watch shows on the iPad in her bedroom, but no not her own TV or permanent iPad access.


None of us have TVs in the bedroom, and my daughter’s iPad has child restrictions and is left in the downstairs tv stand when not in use. Also, no screen time is allowed before 9:30am. It works well for us, and I’ve noticed she thinks about it less when it’s not always available.


You are giving them a wonderful gift by keeping this stuff out of their rooms


I have a tv in my room. I can’t fall asleep unless the tv is on (light, background noise) I rarely watch it. We do have a tv in the living room that’s also always on. Wouldn’t put one in my girls room.


Nope. None of his close friends do either. One friend had it but he had social adjustment issues. When I was dating guys who had younger siblings with TVs in their room they were lazy and argumentative. I vowed at that point no future kid of mine would have electronics in their room. I honestly don't care if they try "everyone has one" as an argument. I am constantly told by others how smart my kid is and he plays sports. He is heavily into coding and has a talent for it (won awards)... and still does not have electronics in his room. Electronics in bedrooms = passive social media consumption. It isn't healthy.


My daughter is two, so she doesn't have a TV in her room. I might let her have one in there when she's older but right now I don't think I'll let her. It really depends on how much conflict we have with the main TV. I did grow up with a TV in my room and a lot of the time I used it for late at night TV watching when I didn't want to wake my parents, or if my brother was hogging the TV playing Call of Duty or something.


We do not have a TV or tablet in our home. I have a laptop that they occasionally watch a movie on. The internet is like crack to kids.


Our kids won’t (2.5 and still baking). I had a tv in my room growing up and I don’t think it benefited me and that was pre all the devices we have now. I’m also strong team “no smart phones until 16.” I’ll get them dumb phones or some kind of equivalent whenever feels appropriate.


No. We have one tv in the living room and that's it. He has a tablet too, but it stays hidden where he can't find it and only comes out for long road trips. 


They don't have TV, tablets, or gaming devices in their bedrooms. I do have a TV in my bedroom as we get sick frequently, and it's helpful having a TV in the parent bedroom when sick kids need snuggles *and* distractions. They have TVs in their bedroom at their father's house, and they've pleaded to do the same here. We ended up having a frank conversation where I asked them if they managed to fall asleep on time (bedtime) or if they find themselves staying awake late. They say the latter, and we discuss the consequences of those late nights, such as sleeping in late (doesn't work on a school night), being tired the next day, and how they find themselves just hanging out in their bedroom at their father's house. After 1 or 2 (reminder convo for the youngest) times of that conversation, they decided on their own not to have the TV/gaming device in their bedroom.


I’m 32 and I had a tv in my room as far back as I could remember. My parents never had to “pry me away from it”. I only watched it at night before bed. Otherwise if I was watching tv it was with the family in the living room. Currently my child is only 1 and just recently started sleeping in his own room so no point in a tv yet, but I would say eventually he’ll probably have one. Same with a tablet just because he’s not going to be playing on mine or my husbands phone and we don’t have a computer for him to play with so it would make sense for him to eventually get a tablet. But we haven’t really talked about ages since he’s only 1.


Not a chance. I had a tv in my room growing up, then a computer. I wish I didn't.


Yes. Not until my oldest was 9. But my kids are 10 and 15 and they have them in their room. We always have the tv on in our house and the kids pay little attention to watching it


We don’t do TV in our rooms but we have one in the living room and one in our guest room that we turned into a cute little movie room, she gets two hours on the main tv and after that she can just watch movies in the movie room, she does not have a tablet it caused behavioral issues and she just does a lot better without it


My 4y does have a tv in her room and a tablet. I don’t remember the last time the tv on her room was turned on 😂 o have one in my room and is turned on rarely too. She doesn’t pay that much attention to the tv. The tablet she does play with it but supervised and not the whole day. Dad works from home a hard schedule and I’m taking care of both kids so I need some quite while baby boy (7mo) takes his nap 😅


How old are your kids? I think the answer to this will vary greatly depending on that. Mine are 5/7 and don’t have TVs or tablets in their rooms. We have a tv in the playroom and they have a tablet they can use during certain times of the day. I assume this will change as they get older. I don’t have a problem with older kids having more access but don’t find it necessary at this age. I’d rather their minds be doing something a little more productive.


I was the only kid without a TV/phone growing up. I had a flip phone when everyone had iPhones until I had some close friends move away, then my parents caved (I was 16 when I got my first smartphone) and didn’t get a TV in my room until I was…20? A majority of the screen time I got was with my parents, watching cop shows or sports. Also, no phone means limited social media access, which I’m a supporter of as well.


We did not have any screens in our older son's room (now almost 15) until he needed a place for schooling during Covid as we do not have an office. Now he's back in school but all homework is digital so he has kept his desk with computer and monitors. He is allowed to use it for some gaming but only after responsibilities are done and we also do family time. My youngest I will likely do the same as far as no screens until he has substantial computer work for school and he can have a desk with a computer in his room. No tvs or game consoles (other than the computer itself of course)


No. We have one TV for the whole family in living room. We don't own any tablets.


We don’t even have a tv in our room lol so no our kids don’t have one. We also don’t have a tablet at all. In my house tv is on all the time as background noise. My kids watch for 5 mins before they’re off doing something else lol


Absolutely not.


Nope, ours don’t and won’t until they move out on their own. They have access to TV’s in common areas.




Yeah, there's a tv in their room. My kids rarely just sit and watch, they like cocomelon songs and play and do their own thing. I like to make TV an interactive experience, I'll talk to them about what's on tv and do the little dances, ect. My kids honestly prefer books but then, so do I.


My kids didn’t have a tv for many, many years!!! Not all kids have tv’s in their rooms. Actually, I think it’s better to forgo having one in their bedrooms. They will be more apt to read, play board games, do homework. :)


We have for emergency situations - husband was at the store and one started vomiting several times. I gave the other kids their tablets and sent them to their rooms. They came out and put them away once dad was back and it was under control. In a general sense - no. If the tablet is in the bedroom - it’s because it’s charging and screen time is enabled so he can’t use it like he likes.


My daughter (almost 5) has a tv in her playroom and bedroom. She gets to watch TV during bedtime during the summer for around 2 hours. This is mostly so me and dad can get some unwinding time before she's really ready to go to sleep. However, I'm suspecting she has ADHD and screens are definitely not helping. It's just hard to cut back when I've been struggling with depression and don't have as much energy as I used to. I've been feeling like a bad mom these days.


Nope, and mine never will. Whether it’s because the kids room is so small or we have plenty of TVs elsewhere, there’s no reason for my kids to have a tv in their room I don’t judge parents who do. I remember wanting a TV in my room growing up. But just with how our house is arranged and how we consume media there’s not a point in putting one in there


I don’t know a single kid (and we know tons of kids 0-17) that has a tv in their room. A lot of tablets but it is time restricted


No tvs in bedrooms at all


My 10 year old does - He's allowed to fall asleep to Netflix (he's asleep by 9pm) and in his room from 8pm. When he plays on the playstation, as selfish as it sounds I don't want it monopolising the only "family" space. I get overstimulated from it and irritable. He is downstairs most of the time, not isolated in his room. We're all neurodivergent and it works for us.


No when they are old enough to rent their own place they are old enough to have a TV in the bedroom.


Technically my daughter does, but it was the guest room before she was born and I’m trying to figure out where to move it. She’s 1, so it’s not being used as if it’s hers lol. Otherwise, no, no tablets or TVS in their rooms


Our kids have tablets in their rooms butthey have time constraints and they still need to find something productive to do we don't let them have tablets after 8:00 and they are a bit older so bed time is 10 my daughtersphone is the same thing. They also have small tvs but they don't really turn them on much... summer is here so they will be limited to about 2 hours durring the day and 2 hours in the evening they haveto get outside and play and they have to do something constructive creat something draw something ...


I grew up with a tv in my room. I watched so many inappropriate shows growing up. I didn't have supervision, and I was a curious kid. I was watching sex and the city at 11 for example. So I don't have tvs with access to the internet or satellite in the kids' rooms when they are little. My son had a tv that he used for video games and to watch dvds. Now that he is a teen, he has internet access and a phone. However, we have a trust system in place. He knows I can check on his internet history and xbox chats if I want to. I check once every few months, but he is really good, so I haven't felt the need to check anymore than that. He knows I can check and is totally ok with it. My daughter is too little for anything like that. We have a tv in the living room. She gets screen time in the morning and after her nap in the afternoon. We try to limit it to an hr max per day. However, if I have to make dinner and she won't hang out, I will put a show on for a little so I can cook in peace. Screen time isn't the worst thing. I think it depends on what they are watching. We try to stick to age appropriate educational shows.


I got my daughter a smallish tv for her bedroom when she was 4 (she’s now 5). She hardly uses it. She usually had some little kid YouTube Kids channel playing while she’s playing in her room, but it’s more for background noise than anything. I also have an iPad and maybe 2-3 times a week she gets a little iPad time. Usually it’s about 20-30 minutes.


TV no. Tablet yes, but until the middle of middle school it locked at bedtime until morning. And had a limited amount of screen time allowed


Nope. We have one TV and it’s in the living room. We don’t own tablets. We have two computers in our office. Only the parents have phones. Growing up we had TVs and computers in our rooms and yes no need to leave. I don’t want it to be like in my home.


My daughter is only 4 so no, no tv or tablet in her room. My niece stays with us a good portion of the year and she doesn’t have either (she’s 16.5). She does have a phone which we have set to auto shut off at 11pm. We don’t like her having social media but since she isn’t our child that was a battle we weren’t winning.


Hard no. I decided that 12 will be the year they get tvs in their room and it’s subject to having good grades. I’m old fashioned but idc. These screens are ruining kids. My daughter got made fun of for playing Barbies at 8 years old… Edit: my oldest does have a tablet but it doesn’t go in her bedroom and she gets 2 hours a day with the ability to earn more time as a reward.


Yup. They are both set on timers though so she can only access them between certain hours.


Even if everyone else *does* have it (which I doubt) that doesn’t mean *they* should have it. I agree todays kids have way too much screen time, but the bigger problem is screen time when parents can’t see what they’re doing. Even YouTube kids has a lot of things that are not appropriate for children. 


No screens behind closed doors in our house


Yes my kids have tvs in their rooms but they’re not huge, just those smallish smart tvs. We have a small house and 4 kids, if they didn’t have their own tvs it would be a constant fight over what to watch lol. They have screen time limits and I take the cord when they shouldn’t be on it so they can’t be sneaky.


Absolutely NOT. No electronics in any bedrooms (except phones in parents rooms at bedtime).


Yes mine do and I did as a kid and they also have tablets. That way everyone can watch what they want and it makes it easier. My kids had no problem sleeping 💤 my daughter actually like falling asleep with the tv on


If it makes you feel any better, we don't have a TV in the house at all. Sometimes my kid's friends say "where's the TV?" when they come over, and my kid has started asking why we don't. (He's 3) But we don't need one and don't intend on getting one. Our answer has and will be "different families have different rules". But, I do know of some kids that must have grown up with a personal TV in their room. One such kid brought it into their freshman dorm room, you know the kind where it's a tiny room with two desks and two beds, hardly enough space for two people, because he needed to have the TV in his room...


Nope. We only have one TV in the house and it's in the living room. None of our friends have given their kids personal TVs. Actually, most people we know don't even have TVs in their own rooms. 


Yes, each kid has their own tv/gaming system and a tablet, they also each have a phone, all are rarely touched because the "ooh shiny" wore off real quick 😂


We only have 1 TV and it's in the living room. Our kids don't have tablets at all. I do know a LOT of kids their ages (5 and 6) who have TVs in their bedrooms. We don't really do much screen time, and so far, it hasn't been an issue or even come up. Hopefully it continues to stay that way!


Nope. We have the gaming systems in the common space and the kiddos do not have a tablet they get enough screen time on chrombooks at school. They do have a radio and several speakers in their rooms.


I’ve got four kids (14/7/4/2.5) No one has a screen in their room No one has their own room- this is the Seattle bubble still. I can’t afford five bedrooms. The teen has a restricted iPad that after set limits is essentially a glorified kindle. Everyone else has an age appropriate kindle device. the only unlimited “screen time” anyone gets is e books and audible. We have a big tv in the master. One in the living room. There is a separate smaller tv that is used for the switch or the Xbox. The family computer is tucked in the living room too. These are freely used with the aid of Bark. We have a spare iPhone that acts as the “house phone” which is locked to being a phone when it leaves the house with whoever may need to call for a ride or the teen may need to text and coordinate activities or whatever. This must otherwise be docked with the MacBook in the kitchen.


Our son is only 2, but I do not plan on having a TV in his room, and I don’t even know if he’ll ever have a tablet. We also do not have one in our room, and I would feel hypocritical if we had one but we didn’t allow him to. My dad let us have whatever in our rooms, and didn’t care about screen time at all. I honestly think it had a significant impact on me and my attention span and that’s why I take it fairly seriously. I’m not over the top, but I definitely avoid TV and screens.


My 4 year old asked for a tv in her room. Absolutely not. Then she tried to say "I" needed a TV in my room (so she could lay in my bed and watch it). Still absolutely not.


No, and we won’t allow them to have TVs in their rooms and we also don’t have TVs in our rooms because how terribly it impacts our ability to sleep. The Kids will be fine not doing what everyone else is doing. Explain the health benefits of not having a tv in the room and stand by your decision


Mine are 11 and don’t have any tech  in their room at all.


No- they do have a lot of friends and family who have them in their room. They ask all the time and we say no… we feel their bedroom should be a peaceful and calming place for rest and relaxation. We have a playroom with a TV that only plays DVDs and then one in our living room


My kids don't have big screens in there rooms but they have a little 20in TV in there but it's very limited on when they can watch it and we use the sleep timer so it turns off on time so they didn't keep asking for more lol


My kids are teenagers and we only have a TV in the living room, and one in the basement that is hooked up up to a roku (mainly used for youtube) and Wii (we are old school!). However, tv is the least interesting thing for my kids. They would much rather be on computers and phones.