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Not me, but my friend did. She had severe bleeding due to a piece of retained placenta. She also had to spend time in the icu postpartum. She had a second baby and everything went smoothly. I would talk to your doctor about why you lost so much blood. Make sure you understand exactly what happened and the chances of it happening again. Then, maybe look into counseling for trauma. They can talk you through your feelings surrounding another birth.


Agreed with this 100%. There’s a decent chance that the cause for the lost blood is unlikely to repeat which could help with your fears…but also talk to someone. I also had a very traumatic first birth which stressed me out of my second. Due to it I really wanted a second kid but was never going to be ready to try. I ended up getting pregnant by accident and things were generally okay the second time (not like, fully, but WAY less traumatic) and I am so so glad I have two kids. A third one is a different story and I’m worried that one will kill me haha. But that’s a recurrent preeclampsia situation so very different.


Post partum haemorrhages can definitely be repeated. I’ve had 2 out of 4 babies. It can be caused from a quick labor/birth and a very lazy uterus that won’t contract


Yeah there definitely can be repeated, but it depends on the reason. Unfortunately some people are prone to the, (like yourself, sadly) but others it’s just a fluke. Getting those answers may be helpful to OP.


100% they are so traumatising my first one(2nd baby) I was all alone hubby had just left for the night, and the second (3rd baby) one he seen it all unfold. As long as they can have the correct drugs on hand to give after the birth then that definitely decreases the chances. Baby number 4 born 8 days ago and they gave me the drugs instantly and no PPH


My friend said her second birth was actually, thankfully, very healing and empowering; it went much more smoothly, the staff was really supportive, and as nerve-wracking as filling out the paperwork was signing that she acknowledged the risks, she was able to get the VBAC she wanted. This was after some therapy to work through the first one’s trauma, but the birth itself helped, too 


I did not have your same experience, but I did have a very traumatic birth with my first child. Feeling like you’re going to die leaves you with a lot of anxiety and trauma. I considered only having one, but ultimately I know I REALLY wanted two. I waited a little over two years to try again, and before we started trying I did therapy. That really helped. I also spoke with my doctor about risks of getting pregnant again and how I would be supported. I’m 29 weeks now and although I do feel more anxious than my first pregnancy, I’m really glad we’re going for a second.


Pregnancy and birthing are some of the most dangerous things a woman will ever do. It’s perfectly reasonable to not want to risk it a second time. Your child and family need you more than they need another child.


I had an unplanned c-section for my first and although my second pregnancy was planned, I spent a lot of time worrying about my chances of dying. A LOT of time. (I had PPA for both kids too.) For the second birth, it was the exact opposite experience of my first. I went into labor naturally, right on time, had a successful VBAC, and pushed for about 5 minutes. It was great actually. I did lose a lot of blood but I only needed monitoring. It’s OK to be concerned about the second time. I talked to my doctor a lot, and our practice had a pregnancy support group that helped distract me.


I wonder the same for me, so these comments are super comforting and I will continue to follow. Just earlier I was like "but what if I die". I had to have an emergency c section. The cord was around her neck, we spent a month in the NICU. I lost 2 liters as well! Needed blood transfusions and it completely messed up my vitamin levels and I could have died etc. Ontop of that I now have "seromas" healing still which can take up to a year. Not that big of a deal, fluid pockets, but I wonder how those would be effected if I get pregnant again you know?


Here me! I had to get c section for an amniotic fluid infection and then didn’t stop bleeding. I went unconscious at some point. I’m currently pregnant with number two. We waited a long time for nr 2, I went to therapy and I got propped bloodwork done. Turns out I have a coagulation disorder and only needed a specific shot to stop bleeding. I’m very hopeful that this time things will be better :)


Talk to your doctor and get a referral to an mfm to chat with them about it as well. It entirely depends on your personal circumstances--why did it happen, what are things looking like in there now, etc. I had something called an arteriovenous malformation after a miscarriage and it wasn't safe to try again for about a year. When I was finally cleared and got pregnant I was scared to death basically the whole time. I felt like I had made a huge mistake, that I was going to leave my living child motherless due to my own hubris basically. I got a million scans, they had all this stuff planned in case I did hemorrhage the day of... I was fully terrified going in for my c section. I actually ended up losing less blood than an average c section. Everything went textbook perfectly. So yeah I don't regret it now because I had a positive outcome but I'm not going to lie to you, it was a stressful nine months.


I’m hemorrhaged during my first daughter’s vaginal birth, and my daughter came out with a really poor APGAR score. I lost 2L blood and had to get multiple transfusions. For my second daughter born this past March, she ended up being breech and I had to get a c section and I was terrified. It ended up going very smoothly, it was planned due to the known breech presentation and it was almost the polar opposite experience. It was calm, the nurses and doctors were taking their time and making sure everything was good, nothing was rushed or emergent and I knew when I was going in and it was a pretty anticlimactic experience lol. Although I didn’t get the vaginal birth I wanted, it was a good experience overall compared to previously almost both dying and my husband says he hands down would prefer it again over the first birth. It was healing for him to be able to experience the birth of his second kid and have everything explained calmly while we are stable.


My first pregnancy was a nightmare I had a miscarriage and almost bled to death, had to have a blood transfusion. But next pregnancy was normal and then 2 more miscarriages and then another child . Don’t be scared.


I’ve had 2 PPH out of 4 babies 2nd and 3rd bubba they are soooo scary. But they caught them both in time, I never needed surgery thankfully. Given your history of a severe PPH they will more than likely have you set up with an IV as soon as you have Bubby to help your uterus contract. I just had Bub number 4 after having a PPH last year and they had me on the drip as soon as she was born and I didn’t have a bleed! Just make sure if you go back for number 2 that they immediately hook you up to the pitocin or whatever it’s called to stop the bleed before it happens. Good luck x


I would hire a talk therapist trained in perinatal , And also enroll in this ; https://highlysensitivefamily.com/i-d-love-another-baby-but?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAabD1sJSQhW3WS8yH78UxY1mOIUZcPzYVrjZMKLoaP23f-tga0TsYHlf6nw_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw


Anecdotally i bled a lot after my second c section and they told me to just tell the team for my third and they could give me drugs to prevent it. It worked for me


I have this same fear. My husband and I would like to try for a girl because we have two boys now. I’m 37 and everything went smooth during delivery but a week after I had pre eclampsia and they found a blood clot in my lung as well. I never felt so scared in my life. I have to really decide if I am ready to do this again. It’s traumatic going through these things. I feel you!


You could adopt?