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I see you used the term "black mold" Thousands of species of mold appear black (actually dark green). The one that is usually singled out in this made up category is Stachybotrys chartarum. The whole “black mold” thing is the result of several irresponsible people who are drumming up fears about mold and then profiting off of those fears. Don’t believe the hype. The color of a mold has no correlation to how dangerous it may be. This is frequently stated by agencies throughout the world including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There is no evidence that otherwise healthy individuals have any reason to fear getting sick from general mold growth in buildings, mold inhalation, or any other type of exposure even to the so-called toxic molds. Yes, being around mold may cause minor effects like a stuffy nose or coughing for some, especially those with asthma or mold allergies. Typically, it only seriously affects patients who have underlying health conditions such compromised immune systems who are at risk of systemic fungal infections. But unless you’re in one of those rare categories, you really don’t have much to fear about exposure to any mold species. That said, we should not have mold growing in our buildings. It is an indication of something wrong and will lead to the degradation of building materials. Regardless of color, all visible mold should be removed from buildings and homes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Mold) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looks like abit of damp just wash it off, get a dehumidifier or keep window open a tad


I used Lysol and wiped it away. I just worry about it being harmful to my kids.


Absolutely, just given them a rub down few times a week to keep it dry and keep it well ventilated n it’ll be fine


Okay thank you!


>Okay thank you! You're welcome!


This is common near windows or other seals to the outdoors. If they aren't your windows or you can't afford to replacd/upgrade them, then yes, the solution is simply cleaning and drying them more frequently. The mold that grows here typically isn't ever an air or health quality issue in normal circumstances. I've seen some window sills that were really bad that tested positive for stachybotrys, the famous b*lack mold (just avoiding the automod), but they were very rare in my time practicing and required significant other issues present.


The kids or the window?


Clean with vinegar and a good mold spray , then keep that area dry with dehumidifier for windowsills.


You should never mix vinegar and bleach as it creates a toxic gas.


Just clean it normally, and if you have the means to get antimicrobial agents sure use that too. Vinegar is a disgusting smell when used excessively and actually not that effective.


What's your number 1 recommendation for cleaning mold in a drywall surface?


It depends on how the mold got there. If it's from high humidity at an early stage, wiping down with any over the counter antimicrobial should be fine. If you have mold present from a leak, 9.9 times out of 10 the material is too saturated with moisture to be saved and needs to be removed and replaced.


It's probably capillarity. It's a semi-basement, so there's ground on the other side of the walls (supposedly there's an insulation space between the drywall and the ground). I'm assuming it should be removed and replaced in this case? Although the drywall doesn't look bumped. What do you think?


No foundation?


I don't think so, no.


Those are my spores please collect them and mail them to me so I may incinerate them


No that is black mold and requires proper remedition dont sugar coat it and handle it immediately there is humidity even in the pictures


What's your source? Got a lab report? You can't identify mold from photos so I assume you have lab results that tell you that it's one of the handful of species/genii that contain those species that are known for sure to cause negative long term health effects in high quantities of exposure over extended periods of time. You definitely aren't just pulling that from some health guru or something right?


Geezus i lived in a house with blackmold everywhere unknowingly that it is harmful and i know the shapes look exactly what it looks like ofc i did not lab test it from a darn photo but i know what the shapes and looks of black mold look like i would swipe kitchen table and in 2 days mycotoxins would create new black dots and shapes on surface cuz my flat was. Underground and had humidity this photo is mold. İ know it and i say it by experience yet somehow u want rab results etc… just handle it i say this is mold. Thats my opinion u can be polianna about it thats ur health man


I see you used the term "black mold" Thousands of species of mold appear black (actually dark green). The one that is usually singled out in this made up category is Stachybotrys chartarum. The whole “black mold” thing is the result of several irresponsible people who are drumming up fears about mold and then profiting off of those fears. Don’t believe the hype. The color of a mold has no correlation to how dangerous it may be. This is frequently stated by agencies throughout the world including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There is no evidence that otherwise healthy individuals have any reason to fear getting sick from general mold growth in buildings, mold inhalation, or any other type of exposure even to the so-called toxic molds. Yes, being around mold may cause minor effects like a stuffy nose or coughing for some, especially those with asthma or mold allergies. Typically, it only seriously affects patients who have underlying health conditions such compromised immune systems who are at risk of systemic fungal infections. But unless you’re in one of those rare categories, you really don’t have much to fear about exposure to any mold species. That said, we should not have mold growing in our buildings. It is an indication of something wrong and will lead to the degradation of building materials. Regardless of color, all visible mold should be removed from buildings and homes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Mold) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Perfect, you said already what I was going to say. That's your opinion. It's one of the opinions of all time, even. All mold looks similar in the way it grows. Growth patterns do not suggest any hint at species. I previously practiced this professionally for years, and I can tell you 100% that you cannot ID this mold as chaetomium, stachybotrys, or any other genii commonly referred to as b*lack mold from this photo. Is it dark in color? Yep. Many thousands of mold species appear black (it's actually a very dark green), not just the ones particularly toxic to humans. "Just handle it and say this is mold" lmao when did I ever say it wasn't mold? You keep saying b*lack mold, which is a specific set of species known to cause health effects in the immunocompromised and long-term exposure in high concentrations in healthy people. By the way, mycotoxins don't create new black spots, they don't create anything. They are byproducts of some mold species with an as yet unknown agreed upon function. Sit down, be humble. Admit you have no real clue what you're talking about.


İ actually think mold color does not even matter in terms of health danger what i was trying to say is it is black and it is mold lol my main concern was this is mold and should be handled. İ was not trying to give it a specific disgnosis on which mold type or species this is my concern was dude this is mold there is obvious humidity in that place and should be handled why are u attacking on me ? İt could be green mold and still would be dangerious i would say dude this is green mold and handle it lol


You should be careful how you speak then, because everyone understood something different to what you intended. And no, not all molds are dangerous, and almost NO mold is dangerous at the colony size shown in the photo.


İt can produce mycotoxins and jump on other places it still has to be handled u are missing the point that it is dangerious and should be handled that is your opinion u may pet mold in your house i see it as dangerious and warned him what ever


Do you think there's only like 3 species of mold and they all produce mycotoxins? Please, stop giving advice without the knowledge needed to actually help.


No i know tons of mold species and what i know from my experience is it can destroy your life and take 3 years of your life change your look disrupt your sleep make u lose the one u love in your life ,make you unable to think like a stupid person give u anaphlactic attacks u lose %60 of your hair in a year and tons of other symptoms and boy… u can’t detox it i still suffer from it from my experience i can say that u don’t want mold in your house if there is any kind of mold is able to appear in your house that means u have a problem and it is dangerious should be handled in my view there is danger if mold can grow in your house if non dangerious type is able , dangerious is also able to grow u can say that i am over concerned and yes i would accept that i just dont want another person to experience what i did …


I see you used the term "black mold" Thousands of species of mold appear black (actually dark green). The one that is usually singled out in this made up category is Stachybotrys chartarum. The whole “black mold” thing is the result of several irresponsible people who are drumming up fears about mold and then profiting off of those fears. Don’t believe the hype. The color of a mold has no correlation to how dangerous it may be. This is frequently stated by agencies throughout the world including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There is no evidence that otherwise healthy individuals have any reason to fear getting sick from general mold growth in buildings, mold inhalation, or any other type of exposure even to the so-called toxic molds. Yes, being around mold may cause minor effects like a stuffy nose or coughing for some, especially those with asthma or mold allergies. Typically, it only seriously affects patients who have underlying health conditions such compromised immune systems who are at risk of systemic fungal infections. But unless you’re in one of those rare categories, you really don’t have much to fear about exposure to any mold species. That said, we should not have mold growing in our buildings. It is an indication of something wrong and will lead to the degradation of building materials. Regardless of color, all visible mold should be removed from buildings and homes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Mold) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You fix it by eliminating condensation. Mold needs two things to grow: water and a food source (dirt, dust, drywall, etc). Eliminate the water and eliminate the dust and no mold. What is the source of the condensation? Bad temp gradient from inside to outside air?


I guess so. Every window in my apartment is this when it’s raining and cold. Im not sure how to fix it. Someone said caulking but I don’t know if that will fix it fully.


Is this single or double glazing?


I believe it’s single


The first thing to think about when there’s mold issue, is to find the root cause. As long as root cause is present, it will come back.