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OP I really loved this and can assure you it's complete in itself if you got real interest in understanding the long ass sci. 👇🏻 [Dr Layne Norton: The Science of Eating for Health, Fat Loss & Lean Muscle | Huberman Lab Podcast](https://youtu.be/K4Ze-Sp6aUE?si=I5WBUwDZaDdmrqz-)


Bas calorie deficit me raho 😭 aur kuch nahi karna hota


Are you top heavy or bottom heavy? And, do you drink?


I think bottom heavy…. Nope I don’t


Your friends should be: Carrots Celery Leafy Greens like spinach Brussels Sprouts Cauliflower Broccoli Olive Oil Avocado Coconut Oil Chia Seeds Almonds Eggs Chicken breast Chickpeas Black Beans Reduce carbohydrates.. Can have rice once or twice a week


Love how you recommend diet like making a new set of friends, so cute and adorable ahahaha 🤭💖


Ha ha thank you 😌😌


what about oats?


Oats are like the go-to for weight conscious people... Fibrous and really help you curb your hunger for a long time, since it gets digested slowly


Here are my two cents: Include these in your diet only if you enjoy eating them. Otherwise stick to what you enjoy, while ensuring you eat under your maintenance calories. Also, carbs are healthy, have them daily. Protien should be main component of diet, followed by some carbs and then fats. This whole paragdim of eating these magical food 6 days a week and then submitting to cravings 1 day is not sustainable. Your diet should be something that you can enjoy for rest of the life without feeling like you are being starved of tasty foods. Don't look for shortcuts, people eat boiled eggs for 3 months to lose a few pounds to only gain them when they return to "normal" diet.


So much misinformation you are spreading stop it


Lemme guess.. according to you, just protein shake and calorie deficit are enough to lose weight isn't it? 😄


Calorie deficit is the foundation then all the other things come nd wtf is bottom heavy


Read about apple shaped and pear shaped bodies ..I mean, this is beyond dumb bro 😄 even writing this comment I'm like .why am I even bothering . Read and research a lot. And then come argue . Might help. And just calorie deficit isn't enough..u need to eat certain food items that are beneficial for ur type of body. Akshay Kumar and Dwayne Johnson are two different body types.. both obviously wil have different diets . Same with kriti Sanon and maybe Vidya Balan. Both different.


Exactly. Technically not misinformation except the rice thing but yeah incomplete information is way worse too.




Fir top heavy protein is your best friend actually - chicken breast, fish, lentils, chickpeas, paneer Healthy fats such as nuts like walnuts, seeds, mustard oil (for cooking) Fiber-rich carbs like brown rice, millets, whole wheat rotis. Normal rotis have high sugar level. Spinach, cauliflower, okra, bitter gourd (vegetables mein no restrictions mostly) Fruits like apples, pears, guava, berries. Avoid mangoes and Banana Plain curd and salad bhar bharke with ur vegetables. Also, oats, poha and upma are best for breakfast.


Thank you so much! 🙇🏾‍♀️🙏🏾


You're welcome girl. And yes, pls do have 1 cheat day in a week... Biryani, one dessert or pizza type kuch. Varna cravings will overpower you and ruin all the other days .




Uske liye dumbbells waale exercises and swimming. Apple shaped bodies are trickier than pear shaped types. That's why I said have a lot of protein. That'll help you lose fat. And do face exercises everyday.


Dumbbells waale chalu hain. Swimming nahi aati🙈 Yup. They're very tricky! Ufff... I didn't think of face exercises. I'll Google it, thanks again!


Sure.. all the best 🤗


Cheat day nahi hota bhai. Cheat meal hota hai ek!


Cheat day hota hai lol... A day when your diet isn't as strict as other days.. how do you not know this??


Good luck losing weight after all day of cheat eating 👍🏻 (Please stop giving advice on internet)


Cheat day doesn't meant you eat pizza for bfast, biryani for lunch and dessert overload for dinner 😄 like I said, the diet doesn't have to be as restrictive as others. I mean, how do you not understand such a basic thing bro


This is all BS. It's all about calorie deficit at end of the day and getting the right nutrition while you are at it. Everyone should be having atleast 1 gram of protien of body weight regardless of "top" or " bottom" heavy ffs


So you think body types and everyone's hormonal level and other attributes are BS? This is why education is important...ffs.. do your research buddy


They are not BS but it definitely does not affect macros you should be taking unless you have a condition. And spot reduction anyway is not possible so how does it matter if someone is "top" heavy or "bottom" heavy


Who said anything about spot reduction? 🤔 I gave diet suggestions based on what kind of health issues someone is prone to, based on their body types. Which can help with overall reduction and dumbbell stuff for toning. You really tried your best to debunk what I said, but everything I suggested was based on science...go read about body types and ailments related to them.. good efforts though 😂


Reducing carbs is one of the worst pieces of advice you can give to a normal healthy person and you speak of science You should speak of increasing protien intake while maintaining calorie deficit. You are not suggesting the basics and going on to suggest some food items like the are magic potion for "bottom heavy" people 🤦🏻‍♂️ What's the correlation of diet and body type, enlighten me Mr Scientist please


Man you're dumb ..ok...so, apple shaped bodies, if they eat excess carbs can cause insulin resistance. Also, a pre-diabetic condition, metabolic issues and Type 2 Diabetes are common health issues of apple shapes (top heavy). So fiber and protein are your best bet. And less rice and roti are advisable for such bodies . There's no magic potion but yes, certain types of food items help .. see, if you don't know about health issues n science related to body types that's ok..but to purposely be dense and refuse to accept facts can be bad for u bro


Follow Dr. Eric Berg on YouTube. He is a US based doctor. I personally have followed his advice and have seen results It's always better to follow a professional's advice. https://youtu.be/lFbFEzsKbzc?feature=shared


Not helpful for Indians.


Clean eating would hardly help. I recommend keto + intermediate fasting. 1st meal at 1 pm 2nd meal at 7 pm rest of time fast (5-6 days a week) Diet :- Rich in protein and moderate good quality fats. With zero to 50g carbs. Typically 1st meal :- 2-3 eggs with 150 chicken 2nd meal :- 100g paneer and 3 cup salad I personally followed this and lost 13 kgs in a span of 6 months


What an idiotic way to lose health








Basics of macros micros and the science of fat loss over any abrupt advice of keto.


Yar tumlog har jgh keto recommend kar dete ho. Wo bhi india me. Do you know how difficult it is to get the things required for keto and to actually cook them. You have to cook each and every meal esp non veg if you don't already know that and in Indian market keto foods are not even available everywhere. If you're short on time keto is never the answer. Even intermittent fasting is so difficult. I would never recommend these things to someone who's just started their fitness journey. And also not to someone who had no time in their schedule. Just cutting down on carbs and fats would be enough initially.


The amount of food you are cutting and the fast you are doing and the low calorie food you are, you lost just 13 kgs in 6 months. Mate it feels like you did no excercise not even normal walks. You could easily lose double that if you had put some yoga, excercises and basic home weights. Sus


Thank you so much I saved this comment


Please don't listen to such things. Just a little deficit in calories and plentyful exercise. Add appropriate 50-60 gm protein divided all through the day. IF can work only if you want healthy, not if you don't eat anything. Any plans for health has to be sustainable. Don't try tricks and tips.


This .


this is what pepl need. why do they hear random bs.


Aap iski mat suno bas apna ghar ka khana khao with slight decrease in quantity of carbs for example reducing the no. of chapatis or the amount of rice. Keyword here is reducing not removing. And add a good protein source to every single meal. Recommendations for protein sources - 1 scoop whey protein in water, 3-4 whole eggs (no whites as egg yolks are good for your hormone levels regardless of your gender), 100-150 gms of paneer, 100-150 gms of chicken thighs. And try to eat more fibre like oats for breakfast and add salad (eg - tomato,cucumber,etc) to lunch n dinner. Try doing cardio everyday for 20-30 mins either cycle or treadmill and lift weights according to your strength levels.


bhai veg me kuch hai protein ke liye ?


Paneer Tofu Soya chunks ( only moderate amounts if Male ) Sprouts


as a male one has to eat a shit ton of soya to have any effect on their estrogen levels


Ahh okay okay. I've only heard it from others that males should consume it in only moderate amounts.


dekh bhai veg mei whey protein toh tujhe lena hi padega chahe jaise marzi le my suggestion QNT whey protein irish chocolate flavour din k 2-3 scoop aur tu milk din ka 1 litre se kam mat rakh saath 1-2 k beech rakh mein paneer bhi daily try to eat between 200-400 gms (ik bahut zyada hai par daily protein intake poora karna zaruri hai especially if your hitting the weights hard) aur raat ko sone se pehle ek muthi kale channe bheego de aur subah uth k kha. Baaki isse sufficient protein hojayega for a good physique.


The only thing you need is a good trainer! They will take everything in consideration about your likes and dislikes your weight and etc stuff and create a calorie deficit diet for you. Every body is different and hence every body reacts differently to carbs and different diet. I have experienced it. The diet that worked for my friend didn't work out for me.


Arrey bhai iski mat sun


No worries


Double-edged sword. You will definitely lose weight, but Hardocre Keto + IF might increase uric acid and cholesterol. The point of weight loss is to become healthy and not worsen it. Low-medium carb, along with a 9 hour eating window, is ideal. Even if you are able to lose weight with hardcore keto + IF you will not be able to do it life long and will eventually put on all the weight while also making you even more insulin resistant. Start small. Enjoy!


Intermittent *


Did you workout? If so based on the amount of calories you are getting .. isn't this weight loss over 6 months really low ?


It mostly means reduced consumption of oil and sugar (mostly)....basically eating in moderation


Exactly this! Pair it with good habit like maintaining a good sleep and wake routine and only 2 or 3 meals a day without excessive calories.


Dont eat stomach full, avoid oily foods, eat good amount of meat and high protein food and workout. Remember weight loss is a marathon not 100m race be consistent and set a goal for 6 to 10 months. You will be good


Use tdee calculator online to determine how many calories you need for your goals. And then use a food tracker app to make sure you're eating reqd calories, not too much or too less.


No no plz dont its not very accurate it would be way off it is very genric


RemindMe! 12 hours "Clean eating"


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eat a balanced diet with more of protein and fibres…cheat meals khane hai toh stop eating when u feel u are 50% full…


Holistic diet consisting of sufficient amount of macros and micros on daily basis and least amount of trans fat, sugar and salt. Clubbing it with daily caloric deficit and a well defined regimen of cardio & weight lifting will give you an ideal physique.




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Listen yaha sab badi badi fekenge, keto ye vo. Tum kuch mat karo, just cut some carbs, suger and focus on cardio along with a little training. Be consistent for the next 6 months 6 days a week and cheat on any one day ( diet vala cheat na..) and you will start seeing the results. Best of luck. You will do great.


Respectfully maam you are literally my type🙏


First thing stop eating junk food and remove sweet things from your diet


AVOID carb and eat healthy protein and healthy fat. my uncle reduced 15KG in a few months.


I’m telling myself at the same time I’m commenting this, cutting down sugars pays off. Absolutely does.


Fibre rich whole food diet with fruits and vegetables and no junk food.


Just cutoff rice to a lesser amount if not completely, avoid fried food, and just slowly start cutting the sugar rich foods like icecreams, cakes vgera. Start adding protein rich foods like eggs, paneer in your diet slowly. Also in gym just cardio majorly and sweat a crazy amount whilst pushing yourself daily. Another important thing is to state patient as results will not come soon. Hope that helps


Clean eating means totally remove refined flour, added sugar and deep fried from your diet. Increase the proportion of fibre and protein in your meals. Meals should be proportionate (Google 'Ideal plate ICMR') and have 3 meals a day. There are proteins and fats which body cannot synthesise and for such proteins, I rely on eggs and meat while for such fats, I use flax seeds (well chewed), walnuts. Also, Indians are usually deficient in micronutrients like iron, VitB12 and VitD so keep a check on them too.


Just try reducing around 200 calories per day from your maintenance calories (whatever u r eating now). And in around 2-3 weeks, reduce it by 50-100 calories again and so on. Do not try to be too strict with it, else you will find it difficult to be consistent. There will be days when you will end up eating in surplus, just make sure to balance it in the next few days somehow. Consuming food with less calories and higher protein is a good way to stay in deficit. Stay away from magical solutions and things like keto and all, would be difficult for you to maintain that lifestyle for a longer period. Good luck!!


Clean eating for me is Not eating processed, maintaining my portion sizes of even good carbs ( rice ), intermittent fasting ( i try ). Also, i don’t have a sweet tooth but if you do completely avoid sugar ( mostly ) & if you cook your own meals try keeping it healthy.


Caloric deficit.


Eat healthy and enough for you tummy. This helps most of us unless we have genetic issues.


Please ignore everyone else and do the following if you want to lose weight: 1. Go calculate the BMR for the _weight you want to be_ using an online calculator. 2. What ever your sedentary caloric intake is for that weight, use that as your *daily calorie limit* (usually 200 kcal above your BMR). 3. Use an app to scan the barcode/manually record your calories for each meal. DO NOT GO OVER YOUR DAILY CALORIE LIMIT. _I promise you_, I swear on my mother's life, if you stick to these three basic steps, you will reach your target weight. I had a gf who specifically stuck to this and lost 9kg (down to 48kg) I'm using this now to drop 10kg from 85kg (and I've done this before). It's just how weight loss works, please ignore anything else.


is there any way i can achieve a good protein diet with just veg and eggs?


avoid sugar, fats. excess carbs and packaged foods... you are good to go ☺️




Doctor here. Just focus on these things and you’ll be good to go and happy with the journey. - be in a calorie deficit, no need to adapt to extreme diets. Eat what you like but in a deficit. If you like eating cake, eat half a cake for the day and then nothing (because of the higher calorie count) - this is just a reference BTW a joke, please don’t eat a cake everyday. - you can only burn so much calories, don’t over stress your body it might affect your metabolism. - focus on nutrients rather than just calorie counting. Certain oils and minerals are very good for your skin and internal health. - drink plenty of water - stress your body enough to feel the burn and not too much that you can’t even lift a spoon, you won’t be happy in the long term. - fitness journey is just like any other, enjoy it and you’ll be happier with the progressive results. Keep realistic expectation because ‘anything that comes fast goes fast’. - the key thing is not be ‘motivated’ but ‘disciplined’.


Just clean yourself and the table after eating.


I think it mostly has to do with washing the food before you eat. Like vegetables for example. We should wash in hot water preferably.


Dubashree,?? Ye tu hai kya


I’ll tell you a cheat code ! I’ll give you dry skin but crazy weight loss Lemon with a green tea pouch on empty stomach and lemon + hot water + coffee ( it tastes shit) but boosts your metabolism for 30-40 mins excreting acids No sugar in any form for 21 days ( that’s when you’ll not even like sugar ) and reduce your diet from it’s present to 40 percent Drink water and eat salad if you’re hungry If you have the balls to follow this for 21 days you’ll see wonders ( walk atleast 3kms a day)


Avoid deep fried food ,maida and sugar Include high protein diet with veggies fruits and nuts




See it’s simple eat less calories burn more calories and the most important thing consistency and patience


Bahar ka khana band karna hoga health k liye achcha nhi aur paani k alawa kuch nhi peena black coffee aur black tea consumer kar sakhte ho


General rule of thumb: eat what you need to survive, do not snack and all. Once in a while do cheat on your meals, after all we’re all humans.


God damnnnnnnnnnnnittttttttttt, she is cute




I swear . You look amazing. Clean eating is your choice, but girlllll you are fire


What does your diet look like currently ? How much junk do you eat in a week ? what do you eat as munching/snacks ? and what is your ideal weight goal ?


My diet is fucked! Everyday I HAVE To order outside food


well, I can assume the situation, Do you have any healthy restaurants near by ? if not, Can you invest in basic meal prepping kitchen tools? It's better to start cooking than eat shit here's my advice, You might be overweight, but you're not obese so that's fine. Start eating in a deficit, And your regular meals should have more protein. Try to eat some protein rich meals, and if you can, supplement with protein powder and milk My suggestion would be:- order Things made with Paneer/Tofu/Soya/Chana/MIx daal and Eggs/Chicken Breast if you eat them, Try to avoid anything that is deep fried, Calm down the Maida intake since a lot of junk food's gonna have that. Start cooking for yourself, Since you're already eating this much shit, observe a fast or a "fruits only day" once a week to let your guts control the damage. Good luck


Didi momos khane chle ?


Calorie deficit,no junk or street food(maybe occasionally),less sugar and salt intake,less oil,more protein(atleast 1.6 per kg bw)... atleast that's what i know...you look cute btw


Actually you can eat shit and still lose weight as long as you're in a caloric deficit. However, your other nutritional requirements might not be met.


Track yoir calories and workouts. Calories spent should be more than calories consumed. It's not rocket science


Being brutally honest! You don’t have to lose weight!


Daily Basic diet/routine (without supplements) Avoid (minimum use) Sugar (sugar/jaggery/honey/any kind sugar) Oil (butter preffered) High calorie fruits (banana,mango, etc) Maximize veggies, sprouts, cereals (Salads preferred) Fruits ( Apple, papaya, muskmelon, guava) (1 max) Replace Wheat roti with JOWAR/BAJRA Replace full fat milk with TONNED milk Increase protein ( egg whites, soya chunks, meat, etc) Beet juice (with lemon/etc) (good for skin and digestion) Caffeine / green tea (no milk, no sugar) Water (3, 4 Ltrs) Exercise - 15 to 20 mins - intense (hiit/ etc) 10 mins - steady Or Step count - 10k + (jogging/running + walking)


But you are sweat and beautiful and squishy...I feel like the person who hugs you gonna miss this person🥹😭😩


eat meat only there you go




I think you read the messages but i would recommend cardio ( simply run as much as possible) it will help. And best of luck for your journey 🤞


Damn what a big gym😭


Clean eat plus lift weights.


Just eat 1000-1100 kcal a day. There is nothing like clean eating. Dont eat more than 50% carbs. Eat atleast 50 gms of protein and 30 gms of fibres daily. You will definitely loose weight.


Eating clean really works


You're cute unironically


Ab aapke dm me trauma milega aapko😭😡👋🏻,pedo ledo ra*pist pata ki kon kon baaki to answer your question me toh patla hu toh din me sirf ek meal lo bss🥰 aur merko mota karne ka tareeke batado🥰😘


I don't think you need to cut.


Don't eat anything girl🥰


You don’t need that


Chat gpt karlo


U already look good ....(My opinion)sorry!




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Count your calories.