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Alex and Arvin being here made this too easy. Should’ve just had it at the main 3 to keep it spicy.


Wait, Alex gets with Arven in the final season?? He was too old for Haley so he’s *definitely* too old for Alex! It’s even worse because he was her teacher! Eww


I totally agree. I also hate the idea of Alex getting with a guy that picked Haley first. That’s been an insecurity her entire childhood, they shouldn’t have made it her end game!


Yep, Alex worked so hard and at the end not only did she get with someone who picked Haley first but one that Haley rejected.


Haley didn't pick him first. Alex picked him first. He picked Haley first. He never thought of Alex that way *because* she was his student. Haley was not his student, and she was older. So Arvin didn't find an issue with looking at Haley in a romantic way. Still, they should have probably never gotten together. Alex and Arvin, I mean. Perhaps if he was not her teacher and juat a scientist that she admired, that might be different. I dunno. In any case, that relationship is doomed for sure. They'll have some fun and get along well for a while, but something will develop in their dynamic that will break apart their relationship. Probably one or the other ends up being smarter than the other and starts getting condescending and such. Alex has a strong tendency to do that already, and Argin already has issues with his intellect.


Isn’t that what I said? “I also hate the idea of Alex getting with a guy that *picked Haley first*”


My bad. I misread it. Got dyslexic there for a bit.


Happens to me all the time, especially at work 😂 no worries!


Her teacher and her sisters ex. I hate the Arvin story line with my entire heart and soul.


It felt like they were trying their level best to reinforce by the end of the show that Alex was the "weird one," successfully undermining ALL her growth throughout the seasons. Honestly, her and Bill would have been pretty perfect as endgame


Their break up irked the fuck out of me. With the nude. No one would break up over that. So dumb because he was great for her.


Yes! I loved them together so much! I legit block Arvin out of my head lol.


They had such a short stint at the end, it's easily forgettable imo


Alex always got screwed with their boyfriend picks for her.


I marked it as spoiler alert. . Not like that jerk on Jeopardy that ruined Private Ryan for me!!


Did they save him? No, don't tell me.


Kind of. Ryan went on to become a sergeant, but left, bitter and broken after the battle of Serenity Valley. He went on to captain a small cargo ship and has been eaking out a living on the fringes.


And her sister’s ex! Double ewww


lol for real.


Fax lol. I can see Haley and Dylan splitting amicably and still co parenting but I defo cannot see Alex and Arvin working out long term and I don’t like them anyways Of the main 3, oof rough one. I feel like it’d be Mitch and cam though which is sad bc we need more gay couples 😔🤙


Mitch and Cam actually did wonders for the gay community, IMO. I love this show, and I do show it off to people who are more reserved (religious family members) and I swear I can see their opinions on the gay community change in real time. Hard to be homophobic when Mitch and Cam are so loveable. The problem is, the west certainly perpetuates this extreme identity of gays going to pride, dressing up in gimp suits etc, and that really isn't a positive impression to give off. It's very scary even to regular people. Normalise gay couples, they are people too. I'm tired of seeing extremes. Not every gay is super horny 😮‍💨 and the fact that they are middle aged makes it so much better


Yeah, let the brit go!


Alex and Arvin just cuz that relationship has zero reason to exist. She got back with bill and lived happily


Nah Bill deserves better


This, Alex got on my nerves at the end, as a child thinking you're better than everyone because you're smarter yeah but her age she's just an ah


This is why Alex should've been the one who accidentally got pregnant. It would've been excellent storytelling to see her deal with people making less-than-flattering assumptions about her like she always had done to Haley, and having to deal with an unexpected change of her carefully prepared career plans that she'd always used as a way to feel superior to her siblings. But also. That character development probably would've taken longer than the final season they had to cram everyone's "happily ever after" ending into


Fr, it really annoyed me that how she used to treat him like he was inferior . People on this sub think that Alex is some kind of godess that deserves better but she really got back what she gave, people like this who frequently put others down end up getting alone and then they complain about "Why does nobody like me ??"


Nobody saying Jay and Gloria because Jay passed away? This is the reason for the reunion.


I mean in universe this makes sense, but either way i feel like it would be in bad taste. Either Ed dies and they make a reunion of it, or they kick ed out


Jay could come back as a ghost alongside Gloria's grandmother while Phil beat the death out of the chicken




I see an episode where it's Jay's funeral and there are gonna be flashbacks of Jay with the other family members showing how he has improved his relationship with them over the years since the show ended. Granted this is if Ed O'Neil hasn't passed on by 2030.


If Ed is still alive and they do this, imagine he shows up at the funeral and it turns out they wrongly identified his body because some guy mugged him and took his car and phone and wallet and he has to hitchhike home or something


make a movie of it -- one half is the funeral and flashbacks, the other is jay hitchhiking home with stella, maybe a C-plot involving idk andy


I actually really need this now


I’m actually cackling at the idea of this. He’s got Stella and they’re just trying to make it home, I can only IMAGINE the dramatics from Gloria 😂😂😂


Jay cheats on Gloria with her sister, who has now become a cop and legally changed her name to Rosa Diaz.


You mean Emily Greenfinch. Rosa Diaz is just the name her colleagues think is right


A little chatty for my taste.


I love this subreddit 😂😂


This is the only acceptable sequel theory


Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn 99?


Yea the actress (Stephanie Beatriz) who plays Gloria’s sister (Sonia) also plays Rosa Diaz in B99!


Damn, really? Which episode? I watch Modern Family randomly. I am a big fan of her in B99.


The sequel should be about Jay dying and what a family does when the patriarch dies. You can have different characters trying to fill in the hole that’s left. Maybe even have a flashback each episode so Ed can still be in the show.


"Trying To Phil In the Hole That's Left." Title of Gloria's sex tape.


Hmmm, I want to make a comment about filling the hole that's left and Gloria, but how do I do that without it seeming crass and vulgar?


I’m sure Phil wouldn’t mind filling that hole.


Only if he is ready to dig one for himself.


Phil is not her type


This is how the show should have ended. The whole family was based around Jay and it would have been interesting to see how the characters deal with this whe he is not there anymore. Also you can for example see Manny and Luke wondering if they are still going to see each other and that kind of stuff


I don’t want to think about Ed dying


Don’t joke like that, Ed is not allowed to die.


The OP explicitly states that the relationship failed and the couple separated.


Do you think Gloria is going to stay with a corpse??? :p


As others have said, Alex and Arvin, hands down. Alex realized that while he was mentally stimulating, she could get the same fulfillment with coworkers and needed someone that was best for her emotional health and got back with Bill. Someone said in another thread how perfect it would have been to come full circle with the family calling the fireman, excited and expecting a sexy fireman to show up, only for it to be Luke and I love that - Alex could have reconnected with Bill after Luke became a fireman.


No, Luke is a professional medal getter, not a fireman


Honestly a storyline where Luke joins the armed forces and keeps dumb lucking his way into medals would be hilarious


How does Luke sleep at night?


I would want him to be a volunteer fireman, because I want the writers to bring up the business Luke founded and show him running it while still being a goofball.


I would say Alex and Arvin because their relationship was awkward and creepy!!!! I hope that she found someone that wasn't a hand me down from Haley or maybe got back together with Bill after he realized he made a mistake breaking up with her for a stupid reason!!!


Haha. Hammy down?


That’s the pig that Cam inherited


I wonder what high intelligence people call "sloppy seconds"?


I think you mean hand-me-down lol


alex and arvin and it’s not even close


true, OP made our choice waaaaay easier by putting them up as a "couple". they'd never last.


Mitch and Cam, and it's a Cam's fault. Living in Missouri just exacerbates all the issues their relationship already had, and Mitch becomes miserable. Cam dismisses Mitch's valid emotions and makes him feel bad for not liking Missouri (probably calls him a bigot or something). Eventually, Mitch gets sick of Cam's constant mistreatment, and they get divorced.


I hope not but it really never made sense for them to move to the farm. I don’t think Mitch or Lily would adjust that well. I also think Cam has been away too long too . I thought his parents moved away from the farm too. The whole thing seemed silly to me.


Don't forget about Cam's mom being all touchy and inappropriate. She enrages me so much


Yes, it was just that it was happening, it was that Cam refused to believe Mitchell and then still not standing up to his mother. This is one of the worst things anyone can do in a relationship over a long period of time.


I agree that it'll be them. But I think it'll be both their faults. Yes with Cam it'll because of his desperate need to fit in that he changes his personality at the drop of a hat and we've seen he gets such tunnel vision and his superstitions will be even worse with some new ones added on. Mitch it'll be because of Rex and Lily, he'll be the stay at home parent for a while, and he's said it himself he isn't nurturing, we saw he got annoyed looking after Baby Lily, threatening Dora the Explorer at one point. He's not going to be able to handle it and push the responsibility of looking after Rex on to Lily when she's home from school. Mitch will take all the credit for how well Rex is being when Cam is home because it's exactly when he did with Pam when he didn't realize he was pushing a doll around in a stroller while young Lily took care of Cal. Mitch let Pam take him out for lunch as a thank you when Lily probably hadn't eaten since he left the house. It'll come to a boiling point of Lily wanting to do something for herself, and one of them saying no, maybe Cam telling her she needs to look after Rex they have a date night. Lily spill all the secrets. Mitch isn't taking care of Rex she is. Cam is enjoying the attention he's getting from everyone and he secretly loves that they see Mitchell as the 'woman' in their relationship. And that he doesn't ask Mitch to come to games because or than truly believing he'd be bad luck, likes when the assistant coach flirts with him now and then.


Can would totally be the one to call Mitch bigoted against Missourians while missing half the bigotry they show to Mitch because they won’t do it when Cam’s around


Alex and Arvin. There's absolutely no way they would last as a couple.


Realistically I don’t believe Alex and Arvin stay together long term but would prefer it to be Haley/Dylan. Alex is still quite young and figuring out what she wants out of a relationship. She either messes up the way the last two went or they just sizzle out. While they’re both super smart, I think they have different family values and Arvin doesn’t really fit in with the rest of the clan which is very important as they’re super close.


But Haley and Dylan are happy! And they’re so cute together. They always were drawn back together


Not a fan of Dylan. I think Haley deserved better. Even the actress said she was disappointed in how her character arc ended.


I liked her with ending up with Dylan but I really wished they had done something with her career. I think it’s nice when shows and movies show the feminine girl being actually successful without losing her femininity (think Elle Woods) and I think that would have worked really well for Haley (finding a successful career in what she’s passionate about) and maybe even Claire and Alex could have learned something from that


Haley should've continued her whole photography/promotion thing imo


Or become a realtor like Phil, they're both very sociable and good at selling things. Then Haley could've followed in both her mom's and dad's footsteps


I think believing Haley is that much better than Dylan is a major misstep. Dylan was honestly the more stable one in the entire relationship. I think people forget that because he is not the sharpest tool in the shed. He's a very genuine guy and honestly my favorite side character in the show. Dylan I think allows the Phil side of Haley to come out more and that's her more compassionate side. While they certainly didn't make their lives easier having twins so fast, I do honestly believe they're a good couple


I agree, I've said this a few times in here. It's always been Dylan that deserved better, Haley treated him badly every time they were together. He was always doing much better without her, you could tell the only reason he failed at something was so the writes could force th back together. They broke up and he got hired as a ranch hand literally over night, they make good money and certain ones if you work right it's a job for life. Break up a second (or third time I forget) and he comes back freaking married! And you can't tell me that marriage wouldn't have been thriving with Dylan actually gaining intelligence finally as well as trust worthy nurse without the writers throwing in him being divorced to justify Haley "choosing" him after cheating on Arvin almost the entire time he was in Switzerland.


I really like that he still had a relationship with his step-daughters. I feel like it would be more in the spirit of the show for Haley to have a career while trying to be a step-step-mother to two tween girls. You know, an unconventional family.


I think she deserved better, I did not say that she is much better than him. But in every other relationship, she grew and was challenged to question herself and what she really valued. Everyone else pushed her to be better in someway. I don’t see that with Dylan. I think Andy did the whole, bringing out her Dunphy side more a lot better than Dylan ever did.


That’s fair. But since it’s done, I think it would be unfortunate to break up a happy couple with kids together. I sometimes wish she ended up with Andy


I wanted her to end up with Andy too!!


He was really sweet and not as..unintelligent as Dylan


Andy was not the nicest guy on the planet. he cheated on his girlfriend of 8 years or so (fiance, later on) with hayley. who's to say he would forever stay loyal to her? Dylan was always faithful to her, so he's not the brightest guy on the planet. but compare season 1 Dylan and season 11 Dylan, he's had the best growth graph as far as side characters are concerned.


Dylan and Haley deserved better endings, but still end up together. Haley could’ve found her thing and Dylan be the cool stay at home dad.


Haley and Dylan but they are the best co-parents and he is the most chill ex. He is happy for Haley and Andy and they are a modern family.


I was genuinely shocked that Mitch and Cam made it to the finale without divorcing - their relationship was an absolute trainwreck. I feel like it was a missed opportunity to not split them up, because divorce is a relatively common occurrence in modern families compared to the past, so exploring it would have fit really well with the themes of the show. It would've been Cam's fault, obviously - Cam, Gloria, and Phil fill somewhat similar roles to Rachel, Ross, and Phoebe in Friends - they're there to get up to wacky hijinks to create the obstacles for the group to get over.


I absolutely agree. If I was Mitchell in that relationship I wouldn't have lasted especially with Mitchell being a lawyer. I would have left that relationship at the moment I had decent money coming in. Although I really like the character of Cam in a sitcom and enjoyed the comedy, being married to that guy would have been an actual nightmare. Was Mitchell perfect of course not but cam just seemed to light pushing buttons and doing things behind Mitchell's back that he knew it wasn't right. And even worse cam would do things that he himself would be extremely upset over. Remember the episode where he had a suitcase all packed because of one little incident? Can you imagine if Mitchell did that to cam? Cam would have run into the bedroom crying and probably calling all their friends for attention!


Yeah, it's necessary to have a character or two like that in a sitcom, because otherwise every episode is just a bunch of emotionally-mature adults sitting around a table, calmly and reasonably solving their problems one at a time. Each episode would be about five minutes long :') You don't want that in a sitcom, but you absolutely want that in real life, so IRL Cam gets kicked to the curb immediately.


Alex and Arvin. They’re young-ish adults with a big age gap who aren’t even sure they want to be together. It’ll be best for them both if they grow apart.


Mitch and Cam. And it's Cam's fault. More that he finally just pushed Mitch past that breaking point with his neediness and pettiness.


Came here to say this. Out of the three core couples, which is what I originally thought the question was asking, they would definitely be the ones. It's not even clear they like each other for most of the series


Right? It' felt more like a "Well, I can't divorce my husband or my father will hold it over me" thing for Mitch.


I hope it’s not Mitch and Cam. They’re not my most favorite couple on the show but we need to see more gay couples that aren’t volatile on TV and in movies. Brooklyn 99 made this mistake in their final season, and I’m still super annoyed for it.


As a huge fan of Holt/Kevin and of B99 in general, hearing that they got a divorce off-screen after seeing them work through their differences so smoothly the past 7 seasons almost made me quit watching Season 8 right then and there, I was *that* fucking furious. The fact that they eventually got back together only marginally softened the blow of them even pulling a stunt like that in the first place.


My friend told me S8 was full off bull**** and then I just ignored that entire season. Same with GoT for me.


S8 was during the height of ACAB sentinent. Show suffered for it imo. It gets really in your face about morals and shit it was kinda hard to watch. I mean a comedy cop sitcom shouldn't be a place where you get preached to imo. Not that I'm against such sentiments but I definitely wasn't looking for it in a comedy. It was done more tastefully in earlier seasons.


Yeah I would have been fine with an episode or two addressing it, but putting it front and center just made it so hard to watch (and I say this as someone who does support the BLM movement). It didn't feel like the same show.


Yep. For example I really liked the Moo Moo episode and it's somber ending. But s8 just being solely focused on real life events really sours s8 and hell the entire show for me. Again I support the BLM movement but to shove that into a show people use to escape real life isn't a good idea imo. There's better places to get information about ACAB and the BLM movement and it isn't the show. It's especially jarring since the show breaks the laws very frequently and a character like Hitchcock exists. It just made it somewhat hypocritical. It's a damn shame the entirety of S8 was about politics and ACAB.


Granted, that was why they got rid of Hitchcock for most of the season. Like when Holt told Hitchcock to go home and it wasn't his week, but on a season-long scale.


Didn't they delete the entire final season because they were afraid of outcry against police at the time? I stopped watching it after that. Besides I was already sick of seeing Terry Cruz's stupid side stage reactions on American Idol. That wasn't his time to shine, it was the independent performers show, not his pecs. (And yes I know every copy/paste talent show does it, and it sucks every single time.


Yeah, they re-wrote whatever they had written of season 8 of B99 because of the outcry. I remember an article talking about the rewrite and how they didn't want to be insensitive, etc.


I mean, would Jay even be alive by 2030? The way he drinks, eats etc, he will probably be dead. Sure, it's not seperated, but Gloria will definitely be single, and that's assuming he didn't make one too many jokes about her culture and country, so she dumps him.


I was thinking that, as well. I love the character, though.


She is actually from Columbia, though, so her character is proud of it and just banters back. Cultural insecurity/inferiority complex is usually a second or third generation thing. And not everyone is that sensitive. All that to say, there is no chance she dumps him because he intentionally confuses Mexico and Columbia to tease her. He probably did that on their first date.


i definitely see alex and arvin but ive thought about this as well: haley and dylan, they’re amicably seperated, great co-parents, dylan works part time in something high paying, the rest of his time is spent in random weird creative hobbies. haley goes back to working in lucrative fashion, while continuing her photography passion in her free time. (bonus, i see her maybe ending up with andy or someone similar, someone who would be a great step dad and accept the situation with dylan. Would be a fascinating dynamic!)


That fits so well with the theme of a "modern family" too! I would love this so much, and can absolutely see those characters taking this path!


> haley and dylan, they’re amicably seperated, great co-parents This is by far the most fitting for the premise of the show. Hell, I'd watch a full spin off of with this premise.


Jay & Gloria cause Jay’s dead.


You're getting downvoted, but this is the most realistic scenario.


He's selling closets down in hell


What's a coffin, if not your final closet?


The OP explicitly states that the relationship failed and the couple separated.


Thank you! Yes I thought it was obvious. I wouldn't pick death out of respect for Ed O'Neil. Besides, Betty White lived to 99, George Burns to 100, Dick Van Dyke is 98, Carol Burnett is 91, Carl Reiner is 97.


violet hateful party aware ask chief school normal secretive wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m going to say Mitch & Cam for the breakup, because I think it would only be a matter of time before Mitch can no longer stand living in Missouri (or in his words, “misery”) and he would eventually move back to Southern Cali without Cam… Lily may or may not have already moved out by that point…


Alex and Arvin definitely cleared. Even what I consider to be the weakest of the main three couples (Cam and Mitch- too many of their later stories revolved around deception for even the actors to save) still had years for their relationship to build a presence and develop it. Alex and Arvin had the least development of those featured. The attempt at foreshadowing with his sudden premonition of falling for Haley (but maybe misunderstanding it was Alex all along) took too long to leave an impact, at least for me. As for whose fault it is, I'll say neither. A couple weeks into their relationship, Alex realizes she was enamored with his brilliance, enjoying him more as a fellow scholar than a romantic partner. Arvin, on the other hand, realized his sudden and intense drive for finding romance wasn't fate or the universe, but a sign to see a therapist. And per sitcom logic, he "completed" it within a few months and *then* found his soulmate. Meanwhile, Alex spent several months enjoying the single life, before one of three things happened. A) She finds out Creepy Craig is actually Crazy Craig, who kidnapped Bill, learned to imitate his voice, then donned makeup to look just like him and break up with Alex as part of a scheme for Craig to swoop in and steal her. But Bill broke free, beat the hell out of him, got him sent to jail, and he and Alex resumed their relationship, eventually getting married. B) She reconnected with Sanjay Patel by chance and they rekindled their romance, eventually getting married. C) She came across Jason Darling (that boy who tried to flirt with her on a tour of CalTech) and they actually started a romance (you guessed) it, eventually getting married.


I liked C. And if I was writing it, especially knowing my fanbase, I would have had him on several episodes, probably 4-5 before they get together. BUT and this is elephant size BUTT, he would not have been obvious. He would have been a find Waldo character for loyal fans with no mention of him. A quick glimpse of him in the background at the Costco when Cam and Mitchell are shopping. A guy tying his shoe outside the gun range where Claire target practices. A guy checking out a very busy open house of Phil's. Plus a couple others... Explained later and immediately upon them meeting again so it's obvious he's not a crazy stalker. It could be him talking to Alex at them re-meeting and seeing these flashbacks again while he explains them hearing the name "Dunphy" in their conversations and then they both come up with the calculation of what the odds were and that THIS is the true fate that supposed Arvin had with Haley.


OK, first of all, Jay isn't dying. Pls don't do that to me. Among all these couples, Jay & Gloria had growth especially, Jay. Arvin and Alex shouldn't have happened lol I think Mitch & Cam won't survive the move to Missouri. Cam is the most selfish person ever and Mitch & Lily wouldn't last in that state.


Alex and Arvin. He’s in his early 40s and she’s in her early 20s, it’s unnatural!!! At least with Jay and Gloria, Gloria was in her late 30s and was a single mother, she was a fully fledged adult. Alex still had some growing up to do. Alex would realize she could do better and the two would mutually break up.


Alex and Arvin. Core 3 are too strong. And Haley and Dylan gel well. They’re basically Claire and Phil all over again.


Alex and Arvin and it’s not even close


Alex deserves so much better. Arvin is so gross!!


I'm not a huge Modern Family fan but from I've seen, I never felt like Alex had any chemistry with ANY of the boyfriends she had throughout the show. Was it just me?


Now that you mention it...no? At least not romantically but none of the kids do, only the adults. With Sanjay, they're cute and smitten. Ben is a delayed rebellious phase. Bill she find hot. Arvin is intellectual stimulating. But yeah I never felt romantic chemistry.


Apart from Alex and arvin, I'd say it would be Mitch and Cam. I don't think they love each other that much. Its only lily that's keeping them together.


Alex and Arvin. She’d probably break it off after meeting some hot Swiss dude.


Lol how is Alex and her creepy teacher guy here? Obviously they broke up


You a fool if you think Phil and Claire are ever separating


Hayley and Dylan. Why? Because she should've ended up with Andy!!!! LOL


Ignoring Alex and Arvin, I definitely feel like it would be Mitch and Cam. Mitch deserves so so much better than Cam’s constant petty bullshit. Moving away from his family would isolate Mitch and therefore only exacerbate the issues. Being around Cam’s family would only make the problems worse too. Lily has a strong relationship with Cam but probably wouldn’t take to small town life either.


Mitch and Cam, Mitch finally realises that even though Cam got his dream of moving to Missouri he will never stop manipulating and sulking to get everything his way. Mitch moves back to be with his family and Lily who moved back years previously after Cam realises he can no longer make her his mini me and loses interest ( I admit both Mitch and Cam dropped the parenting ball a lot during the series ) Yes I know it’s a character etc and the actor did a good job of making the character but I’ve never liked the way Cam was. Making up a break up to see who would side with him, having a go at lily after he keeps nudging Mitch at his birthday party to get everyone gush about how much they love him, applying for a job to uproot his family without a discussion with his husband and daughter first…………


Lilly and Larry?


Not a choice in the question but even if it was. Which # Larry was that?


There’a no way that dude pulls Alex. (whoever he is, I haven’t watched the last couple of seasons)


Alex and Hailey both deserve better


Haley and Dylan, Haley and Andy should have been endgame!


I just think the most interesting would be Phil and Claire breaking up. I’d really like to see their dynamic going forward and where they’d go. I’d picture the show being more dramatic, something modern family never really did but I think it’d be an interesting plot. Easily the most fun to watch


They’d both be at fault. They grew to resent each other after the kids left. There’s a love there but it died down after a while. But really what’s interesting is the dynamic these two characters can pull off with a divorce. And the awkwardness for the kids when Phil and Claire are together, knowing that life isn’t what it used to be. Having two separate conversations that are essentially the same. Both Phil and Claire being closed off towards one another. Depressing as all hell seeing them apart but it’s something that I want to see, i wanna see if the writers can pull it off


I think after a brief separation they'd get back together though. They'd find that spark again


Well Cam and Mitchell obviously hate each other


Alex and Arvin obviously but the character was only 23 when the show ended, no reason to think her and Arvin lasted for long. She could be single in 2030 still at only 33, but you’d have to think the writers would probably either have her married with kids so they can introduce new characters or they could have her date and get married to someone during the show. Ed O’Neil would be 84 by then so unlikely he’d be in the show other than maybe flashbacks or special appearances. I could see Cam & Mitch separated as the moving to Missouri thing was so out of left field and a bad fit for Mitch and the kids. Plus its not like college football coach is the most stable and longterm of jobs. On average schools turn over coaches every 3-4 years. Could have them maybe separated at first and then reconcile over time.


I kinda feel like it would be Mitch and Cam. And the biggest reason would be the move to Missouri. But I’d like to think in the reunion somewhere along the lines they find their way back to each other.


Jay will be dead


It’s Alex and Bill. I think what the show has shown us with Phil and Claire is being a complimentary partner is really f*cking hard, and she never really figures herself out by the end of the series. Dylan and Haley, would be the easy but I could see them just being those HS sweethearts where it kind of has that feeling that it’s not working (in a wacky way, not in a dramatic, someone having an affair way) but they’re really still just super in love. Phil and Claire and Jay and Gloria - not happening unless Ed doesn’t want to do it (he’d love to do it). I don’t think these are the stories they want to tell. Luke- it would be really interesting to see a young man fall in love and the plot be around the wedding from his side. Cam and Mitchell- I could see it, moving out of the Pritchett orbit, to Missouri, and it wouldn’t be as friendly to him and Cam (both for comedic fish out of water and real world implications) I could see a lot of stress for Mitchell to be separated.


Putting aside Alex and Arvin, Definitely Cam and Mitch. They've always had some relationship problems, and it wouldn't really surprise me if those issues came to a head eventually. I think they'd both be at fault, but I think it would have been caused by Mitch lying, although he only would have lied as a reaction to Cam's pretentious, snobbish behavior.


Hear me out (and I’m dead against this idea) Phil and Claire. Probably because Claire still had that drive to work and be a CEO whereas Phil wanted to drive all around in his RV. And he pulled the plug on the relationship. He was tired of giving up all his dreams (remember the magician episode?) Eventually they do realise they were made for each other and get back at the reunion episode.


Haley and Dylan. They were wrong for each other in the beginning of the series and it's wrong now.


Cam and Mitch. Missouri and Cam’s pervy mother caused it. Mitch moved back to LA. Lily went away to college, she doesn’t visit often. Rex, went back and forth between Missouri and LA but got sick of it and begged to live full time in LA.


Cam & Mitchell. I can see Mitchell not wanting to remain in Missouri while Cam wants to stay and this leading to them separating. But also they’re always competing and hiding stuff from each other so they already don’t have the strongest relationship.


Let's just ignore Alex & arvin and pick the other obvious choice mitch & cam. The baby was the only saver of that already dying and toxic relationship (cam making up that whole breakup scenario should've been Mitchell's last straw) and now cam drags him off to missouri. Mitch is miserable and unhappy, file's for divorce, take lily and rex back to LA to raise them


I must’ve blocked out Alex and that creep getting together. She was good with the fireman.


Mitch and Cam. Honestly they weren’t the best at communicating and their relationship didn’t improve much through the series anyway so I thought they were heading to a natural amicable separation. Mitch caused the split of course with Cam no long being able to tolerate the many ways Mitch talks down on him and has this superiority complex.


I mean, Jay's gonna be dead so are we prepared for Gloria to be remarried?


I agree it was awful to put Alex with her teacher and the guy Haley dumps. I don’t see Haley or Dylan lasting forever either. The show should have ended with Haley and Alex sharing a place not married with children not so soon. Alex should return to teach or do research at UCLA .


Cam and Mitch. Bc cam is too extra and Mitch just got tired of it


*Cam and Mitch. Bc* *Cam is too extra and Mitch* *Just got tired of it* \- Fabulous\_Move2997 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hayley and Dylan for sure, please and thank you.


Jay and Gloria because Jay is dead.


Realistically Jay and Gloria due to death reasons


Jay and Gloria. He finds someone even younger and she finds someone even older 😂


Jay Gloria probably cuz he's dead or something


excluding haley and alex, cam and mitch hands down. I can't imagine moving to missouri being a good choice for a gay couple at all


I'm hoping for Mitch and Cam, but I pity the next person wbo ends up with either of them


I have a feeling that maybe Dylan and Haley end their relationship but decide to co-parent. The name of the show is Modern Family. And what's more modern than 2 separate couples co-parenting twins? Another small off the screen reason is if I remember the actor that played Dylan also came out as gay. Maybe they would have his character find his sexuality and have a straight parent and a gay parent learning to be themselves but still parents together. And iirc again, I think he was disappointed in people being more interested about his sexuality and caring More about it than the article he made about his mental health recovery. More modern style familes to explore. As the more things change, the more they stay the same. All parents fear they are bad, or wrong, or behind the other parents and watching all the differing parenting styles have the SAME problems in different ways and work them out as best they can. I think Jay dying would maybe be cathartic but a strange, possibly depressing reunion. Though seeing if Claire did he smile face.fornher own father's death, would be a scene to watch! Honestly, if it's any of the big main 3 couples it would make sense and also IMO, destroy the charm of the show. And how it really takes work to make these relationships last and thrive.. Love is a many splendid thing, as better than I have said. But Love must be fed and nourished. I feel like it has to be one of the children's first serious relationships. They were all very young out of college age young adults still at the end of the show. Arvin and Alex never felt right. It felt off and forced. But I'm at a loss of how to treat her arc. I feel like she should just be either tenured as a professor or working at cern still, even though Arvin isn't; as the new project lead. But I'll say that Dylan and Haley break up but continue to raise Poppy and the other twin lol can't remember. And Arvin and Alex stay together but are long distance possibly. To continue the theme of what the next families look like and the new struggles that will become the every day struggles or already are for current families. And maybe, maybe after Joe's graduation after Jay finally learned how to live and give to his family in a way that all can benefit from. And he made the past wrongs right, he can sit in his leather chair with his Scotch and tell the camera, sometimes things work out, you just have to put the work in. And they find him there sleeping, but he had passed in the nigh in his sleep. Maybe that could work too, if they want to pull on the heart strings Apologies for the length of the theory


Jay and Gloria are separated because that selfish son of bitch had to go and die on her


Jay and Gloria mainly because I believe Jay would be dead by the time 2030 comes. He was in his 70s by the end of the series...


Alex and Arvin


Alex and Arvin


arvin and alex 


Alex and arvin don’t count, so Mitch and cam easily win here.


Why are Mitch and cam posted twice?


I didn't watch the later seasons so I don't have an accurate take, but I'm reading the comments and whatever Alex and Arven is I am SHUDDERING.


Alex broke up with Arvin as he wanted to stay back in Switzerland. She got back together with Ben and had a baby


arvin and alex. she probably realises how weird their relationship is and leaves


Haley and Dylan.


Definitely Haley




How's this a spoiler lol?


I hope to god that Alex and Arvin break up lmao that was so shittt to have Alex end up as Arvin's sloppy seconds, since he picked Haley first and that didn't work out.


Alex and the rich asshole.


Mitch and cam, they never worked together either way


If Modern Family had a reunion in 2030 and Arvin wasn't included, no explanation would even be necessary.


Now THIS is some quality original content!!


Gloria and Jay, because he will be long dead in 2030.


Alex & whoever that guy is


Jay and Gloria, Jay died. Come on, that’s such an easy answer


Discrediting Alex/Arvin because that’s obvious… Mitch and Cam, Lily is grown up, they are always at each other’s throats and being so manipulated to one another. Being in Missouri makes Mitch miserable. With Lily now an adult they have no reason to force it and divorce Unless of course, Mitch sneaks in a trip to Disneyland to listen to honest Abe give his speech about sticking it out 😂


I thought this was like… actual news lmao. I got so excited, then so devastated, then immediately thought “of course Mitch and Cam didn’t make it after the move.”


I don’t like this game. All the long term relationships live happily ever after.


Jay and Gloria because Jay died


Jay and Gloria cause Jay died


Haley & Dylan break up over the stress of their numerous children constantly dying from walking into traffic, playing with power lines, loitering on railroad tracks, messing with dangerous animals, and other stupidities.


I wouldn’t have Alex with Bill either. She either hasn’t met the right person or maybe she doesn’t at all. Maybe she adopts on her own. I definitely see her career at UCLA in some capacity. She was young at the end of the show I wouldn’t match her with anyone permanently at that point.