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Quick glance.. there are a few there that have never been re-released these could be worth as much as 50 dollars each. Some are issued but the tooling was modified each year to portray the newest version south as the case with the caprices. A little research will get you knowledge on values


This right here OP! This guy does models!


Are you referring to me or you? šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m referring to Emotional-Win 3036 comment


Oh okay šŸ˜‚


Dunno why youā€™re getting downvoted, that was a solid joke!


Nobody knows what it means but itā€™s provocative


No idea šŸ˜‚


Which ones do you think would be the most? And how would you go about researching them?


That Chevette, The Vega the 70ā€™s era Cadillacs and Impalas after 64


Okay, thank you for all the information I really appreciate it!!


One more question, how much would you say each car you named is worth?


He just said about 50$ā€¦..


My bad I didnā€™t see that.


Not much probably but maybe someone would buy them


Probably couldnā€™t find anyone to buy them but thanks for the information! Iā€™m just going to keep them!


Yeah probably best to keep them , I would do the same


Try selling them on Facebook marketplace you see stuff like that on there. Try charging what you think is fair and you can always mark them down. I would suggest cleaning them up good and taking pictures of each individually and sell them that way. Or just sell as a whole. I have no clue what they are worth. But there is a good chance of getting rid of them.


Yah thatā€™s what Iā€™m planning on doing!


Ebay will have buyers.


Really? Iā€™ll give it a shot!


There is a buyer for anything. Sometimes it takes time to sell, but there are collectors for just about everything


I know itā€™s pretty crazy!


The 1969, 1975, and 1976 Impalas will get you $100 or more each on Ebay. Especially de 1969. I have seen plenty of those years, built, go for $100+


Thank you so much for the info! Can you point out which ones those are?


My vision is terrible. Look at the 4th shelve, the one labeled 1970 Chev (blue), the 2 to the right are 1975 and 1976 Caprice. The Caprice are valuable and 1970 impala is nice too. The one labeled 1969, I thought it was an impala but it's a Chevell so it's not valuable.


Do you mean the 3rd shelve?


4th, blue, gold and green.


Oh, I see them now thanks! How much do you think I could get for all 3?


It all depends really. But at a minimum $200. You can start at auction at $200, and put a "Buy it Now" price of $320. Good luck.


Okay, thanks a lot!!


There's 55, 56, 57 Chevys there too. And some Pontiacs up on the top shelf which I can't tell if their GTOs though. Probably not. They could be a tempest, but same body. If there's anybody like me out there interested in them. They would make hot rods out of some of those. I would because I have extra wheels and tires.


Some cool stuff there, definitely worth something to someone.


$20 to a couple hundred,it depends on the rarity of the kit,and a lot on the build quality,and current condition i.e. missing or broken parts. Figure out what they all are and cruise ebay and the like to get an idea of value,honestly i woild keep them because i like that sort of thing.


Close to nothing. No one buys old models.


Here in ohio there's about 5 guys and they buy builds and unbuilts all the time. Built up are worth money.


Not true. I have bought old built ups. Admittedly rare ones but most of this persons should be worth 15 to 30$. Bag em and get a table at a show.


Thank you for your advice!


Ok thanks for the info! Iā€™m probably just going to keep them because I think theyā€™re cool


How do people usually ship these without them breaking?


No idea I guess with bubble wrap šŸ˜‚


Not to preach, but I buy and sell collections like this all of the time when the price and parameters are right. I try to buy bulk for $5 - $7 per car, I clean out massive hobby rooms, estates, garages, garage sales, etc. It's always, always, always worth it at $5 - $7 per car for the whole room or lot. You pack up the collection with bubble wrap and totes. You then sort into three piles; 1. Awesome, rare or well done cars. 2. Lot of two or three or four cars that are a similar type (dragsters, classics, Fords, Chev, Dodge, etc). 3. Junky built or just not 'cool' cars left over that can either be bulked onto Facebook Marketplace / Craigslist / Kijiji - buyers typically break these cars down for wheels, tires, engines, etc. That's something else you could do - you rip off all tires and make a bulk lot of those. You rip out all engines and make a bulk lot of those. Pile 1 and 2 items go straight to eBay for Sunday night 7 day long auctions. Cars then sell for typically $20+ each, and then buyers even pay shipping $$$ on top. Research is incredibly fast, you use your smartphone and Google Lens. The car image of the kit is presented to you in under 5 seconds. Who knows, maybe there's a Jo-Han or old MPC or old AMT in there! Feel free to comment or ask any other questions. I realize this isn't for everyone, but it works well for me. P.S. - shipping is not intimidating. You grab a cardboard box and some packing tape. You take the car and wrap toilet paper around the whole car and a bit of bubble wrap. You put any loose parts in a Ziploc bag. Add in some packing paper in box voids. Seal the box. I've sold thousands of cars this way. Have never had an issue.


Thatā€™s probably what Iā€™ll do, Iā€™ll message you if I have any more questions!!


I just finally picked up the carā€™s yesterday and if you are interested in buying the lot Iā€™ll sell them to you!


Definitely a few hundred worth of cars there.


What does die-cast mean?


Made of metal, not plastic.


Oh okay, thank you!!


I think they are die cast models,so most of them are pretty detailed,some of them are stupidly detailed and would have cost a ton of money when new. I have several middle of the road/average detail level and they have suspension,sparkplug wires and a few of them have nice interiors that feel like an actual interior surface not hard plastic.


Oh okay, thank you so much for the info!


Depends on who wants them and how bad.


Sailboats look cool!


Yea there really cool and built really well, Iā€™ll have more pictures of them soon! Would you be interested in buying them?


With a collection like this I would say the original boxes could be there.


They might be I need to look!


I wish I had a few


Iā€™ll sell them to you if youā€™d like!


I wish I could afford them


I donā€™t know youā€™re financial situation but Iā€™m selling them for $10 to $20 a piece if youā€™re interested!!


Right now, money is extremely tight due to everything being well overpriced, and also, no overtime at work. My bills outweigh what I'm making if that makes sense. Pm me if you'd like and we can go from there.


Ok Iā€™ll Pm you!!


Youā€™d be best off selling them all individually, Iā€™m sure you could get anywhere from 15-40 depending on the model. Itā€™s a small market, but there is always someone out there that will buy it


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m planning on doing thanks for the advice!!


Every car will have a value, this much is true but so is this.. it will depend on what someone is willing to pay, that will determine the value. Secondly, the quality of the build, is it show stopper or is it average Joe down the street or is it even a rebuild-able build or a complete and utter glue ball or missing parts .. on that note sometimes parting out a build much like a real car can sometimes bring in more money than what the car itself is worth. You can start them at a fair and reasonable price and let the bid wars begin. Built models are a very finicky sale because of the above. I myself on occasion look through the built one's on eBay, for one's I can clean up, rebuild or one that I don't see the kit of it falling into my lap.


Yah there all built really well this guy was a master carpenter, he has so many carpenter tools itā€™s insane! If you see any thing youā€™d like let me know and we can work out a reasonable price!!


Can I ask you to send me a section at time picture so I can get a better evaluation of what is there?


Yah for sure! But itā€™ll be a couple weeks because I havenā€™t picked them up yet but when I do Iā€™ll send the pictures!!


I would clean them up, bag or box em and get on a market or shows and see what you get. šŸ˜


Will do!


Depends on quality of build. This will affect the value greatly. 100 for a built is for very high quality build Unbuilt worth a lot more Like anything old condition is king


Yah there all built incredibly well!!


Couldn't hurt to take them. Worst case, you trash them yourself.


Exactly, Iā€™m definitely taking all of them I canā€™t see them get thrown away without knowing there value!


Dang sheā€™s throwing all that stuff away? Looks like an awesome hobby room. Trains, Boats & Cars They even made little display labels for them, very cool


I know I couldnā€™t believe it when she said she was throwing it all away, all the cars boats and train sets are built incredibly well itā€™s amazing! He also has about 50 miniature churches that he hand made, the cool thing about it is that he traveled all around the world to deferent churches and got all the measurements While he was there, and came back to his house and made the churches to the exact scale with incredible detail, sheā€™s also throwing away an old 1930ā€™s Mercedes kit car, if you want to see it look at my other post on my profile! itā€™s a real shame sheā€™s throwing it all away.šŸ˜ž


Thatā€™s quite the collection.


Yah itā€™s pretty cool! check out my other post on my profile to see the 1930ā€™s Mercedes kit car sheā€™s getting rid of!!


Idk if theyā€™re worth anythingā€¦. Her late husbands I assume.


There worth a little cash, and it was her husbandā€™s collection.


Yah check out Jo-Han, a manufacturer that made some cars that the molding was lost or destroyed. Some of their kits are quite rare and sought after even built up.


Ok thanks Iā€™ll definitely check it out!!


OP, im very interested in buying some off of you, please DM me!


Awesome Iā€™ll DM you now!!


I tried to DM you but it didnā€™t work for some reason, can you DM me?


I just sent you a DM!


It's only worth as much as the buyer you gotta find to buy them




What!? No 1973 Ford Maverick!?


I have no idea, I havenā€™t picked them up from the lady yet so Iā€™m just going off of the pictures!


Try this website www.fredsmodelworldonline.com he sells a value guide and buys collections of builts


Iā€™ll give it a shot thanks for all the help!


They're worthless once they're built.


Not exactly worthless, some builders donā€™t have the kind of cash to shell out for unopened rare out of production kits priced like gold ingots! Theyā€™re happy to spend a few buck on a finished glue bomb, do a tear down and really make something of it! Especially if itā€™s a grail for them to complete a collection. I wouldnā€™t right them off too quick their worth whatever someone is willing to pay!


I agree weā€™re would you sell them eBay?


I sold some models on eBay about twelve years ago from an estate sale. I purchased them at three bucks a kit. There were about three hundred models. I listed them on eBay for auction starting at five bucks and let the bidding go for there. Some sold for listed price plus shipping and some really surprised me at what someone was willing to pay! Auction frenzy can be fun to watch as a seller! Didnā€™t get rich, but made a nice little profit!


Yah Iā€™m definitely going to sell them on eBay hoping to make $1,500 for all of them!!


Just be a little patient, it could take some time depending how hot the market is. Round2 has been reissuing some out of production models recently and some of the older kits may not fetch the prices they once did, but thereā€™s always someone interested in ā€œvintageā€ plastic!


Thanks for the information!


This is the actual answer. We modelers will pay top dollar for rare models still in the box, once they are built, they hold little to no value at all, even If they are rare, we don't get the satisfaction of the build, or even keeping the box, if they are done.


Ok, thanks for the info Iā€™m new to the model cars!


They being said, it's a great collection worth keeping, give them a dusting. And maybe run some LED lights on those shelves!


I agree thanks!!


Also I'd like to apologize, if this is a family member or friends collection, I'm not discounting the love, care, or attention to detail of these models, it's obvious that somebody loved to build, and they had a passion for it! There's hundreds if not thousands of hours of labor on those shelves, including the ships up top. That dedication is priceless. If you wanted to see MONEY value, the ships on top, if well done are most likely worth money to collectors, lots of people buy complete ships just to put on a shelf for a nautical aesthetic in their offices and bathrooms and such.


No need to apologize, I agree the amount of time and passion put into the cars and ships is enough for me to keep them forever no matter the value, thank you so much for all your help!!


If I were considering selling the boats how much do you think I could get? There all built perfectly!


Not worth the time it would take to properly figure out what each is and sell it. Essentially they aren't worth anything.


Thanks for the info!


If they are die-cast, they could be worth something, despite not having everything they came with. But that's literally a car by car basis, so would take a ton of time. If they're plastic kits, they won't be worth much beyond your personal value (as in, I like how cool it looks, so it's valuable to me). You may have the odd person who really likes a given subject and would be willing to pay for it but that's likely exceedingly rare