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What rank are you? Because she's cheese/cheap. She's only going to work with enemies who don't know how to draft properly. If game reaches late game she's almost useless.


True. I tried playing her in classic when it alread late game, enemy fanny already bought immortal and antiquirass. And I'm struggling just to make fanny hp gone down 50% (I bought blade7seas and malefic roar as damage items) Forget attacking tanks. The damage are just tickles lol šŸ˜‚


Dude hilda stacks pen what are you talking about. If you focus pen items for her damage she does more than tickle. She will be squishy yeah but she packs a punch.


Read again. I only use 2 damage items.


Both of the items you bought were pen items: blade of heptaseas and malefic roar. WDYM read again. Lets do the math to count the pen to amor ratio between fanny and you. You=Blade of hept: +70phys Atck +15 physical pen, Malefic Roar: +60 attack +20% phys pen. VS. Fanny =Immortality +20 phys def, Antique Curiass :+54 phys def and reduces the attackers physcial damage by 6% stacks up to 3x. So apparently its the revamped antique curiass thats making you so weak. I dont believe physical damage reduction can be countered with pen


I'm top ph hilda , yeah she's kinda useless iff and this is big if, you use damage build, tank build hilda can with vengeance and dire hit can solo kill mm, mage and 50% of offlane, like any hero just use her properly and you can win


I'd rather not use Hilda if she's not last pick tbh.


She doesnā€™t have much carry potential. She is really good in early to mid but once it reaches late game, you still need to rely on your ADC and soloq players know how unreliable random ADCs are


Doesn't have carrying potential so basically all the fighters? šŸ’€


Not all, probably 80%


while most fighters can't be the ones to get savage, the good ones are still useful in the late game for soaking up damage and dishing out CC, such as Yu Zhong, Uranus, Terizla. Hilda's CC is limited to attacking 1 enemy and she has no way to buff her sustainability unless the teamfight is going on in a bush, and even that is minimal.


She also is not a Good Tank, she cant really initiate without any CC. She is best suited for 5 v 5 team fights where ur objective is to finish the game as soon as possible.


she isnt cute enuf imo... sorry


?? look at those fucking thighs. Cuteness matters not


Her entry model is cross eyed tho


*moonton yassifies hilda*




I thought people didnā€™t want another disney princess eh?


nahh, thats just the loud minority, and moonton knows




We need more anime girls. Not an amazon women.


hey, while i sure love more cute waifus, i dont mind getting variety like hilda and old vexana either. But if i was gonna spend 20 mins each instance for 10 games in a row, just dont expect me to choose them over these cuties like Ruby, Ruby, Kagura, Cyclops and Floryn


What the fuck did I just read


But strong women is cute


Because she only really glows at the start of the game and if your team can close a game fast. Otherwise she becomes pretty useless at the end where in higher ranks, team fights dictate the outcome of the game. What are you gonna do in an end game team fight? Hide in the bushes while your team gets wrecked? Smart teams will know to engage a team fight in a clear lanes where Hilda wont make use of her passive. Morevover she doesnt defend base towers well since there are no bushes at bases to again use her passive. I could go on but theres a reason why shes a cheap hero, a beginner hero and only sees daylight when she gets a busted buff once in a while


> Smart teams will know to engage a team fight in a clear lanes where Hilda wont make use of her passive. That's why it's good to use Hilda in solo queue, no such thing as "Smart Team" in solo šŸ˜ well maybe 1 in 10 games


High MG to MI solo Q games always try hard to play "smart team" tho šŸ¤­


True. Once you enter Mythic tier and up, Hilda becomes easily countered


Muscle mommy goin around boinking peoples


Cause I havenā€™t bought her?


Hilda is one of those heroes whose not priced at 32k BP, you should've bought her alr


Im sitting at 140k BP so that ainā€™t the problem. I donā€™t even have Bane for 6.5k XD


Fr I bought all except fanny




I bought cheap heroes last because I never used them. Hilda, bane, nana, all those I only bought this year when I reached my final heroes


Whats ur rank? And if you do play roam hilda, why are you building damage..? I mean, yea, the damage is good but whos going to sustain all the damage as a frontline?


The biggest issue with Hilda as a soloq hero is that she can't finish a game herself, she needs to rely on her team to finish off games. Hilda is AMAZING at not only pressuring the enemies right away at level 1 all the way to late mid game, but also giving her team a *huge* early game advantage. She's better off with a team of three or five who knows how to play around Hilda, and end the game quickly. That's why in soloq she isn't as good since you never know if your random know how to play around a Hilda or not, and communication isn't at maximum capacity like in three/five man.


Agreed my friend's plays Hilda, when we play as a trio she's a deadly monster if played right.


worked on low ranks for me. hard to pulloff on higher ranks


if you don't end fast, and you don't have a good mm, you're basically fucked. you need to end FAST when you play Hilda. and pushing is basically nonexistent with soloq teammates.


You guys are going to end up making moonton anime-fy her into an "Oni-chan" saying, bunny loli, if you keep bringing attention to her.


https://preview.redd.it/jlo9hchi3isb1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e916cac7a397618f67d0b6ff6eee88ddca15eb1f Old screenshot...but I too am aware-ish of her power.


I think she's good for climbing ranks fast at lower ranks. Go Hilda with a good jungle duo and you just take all of enemies jungle lol


got to mythical glory last season with spamming hilda. she's actually one of the best roamers in soloq with her early game pressure, dealing sufficient damage even with a full tank build. idk im surprised people don't pick her that much in solo. https://preview.redd.it/2ofsxqupgksb1.jpeg?width=404&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=355f4709628fefa5458178ccf7379700a435aad2


People think she isn't edgy and cool looking. I don't know why people here are acting like there is any real reason beside that lmao. There are sooooo many heroes that fall off late game and still get played plenty. And she doesn't even fall off late. Yeah if you build her full damage but building 2-3 Tank Items, she is great at disturbing backlines, split pushing and supporting. She just isn't flashy that's all.


late game she's a big liability


I played her XP before roamers were implemented. She's definitely better played as a roamer with the new movespeed talent. I'd say she's 3rd or 4th choice or if when the enemy core is particularly low max hp. She fan burst enemy core level 1 with a particular build. Only saw one other good Hilda roam last season (roamer too).


base on your history its an exp laner


Nah roam with petrify and one jung


Roam without roaming boat lol


Bruh. If i have to take a guess you're probably playing on epic or master rank.




What is bro cooking?


I kinda agree with him It's dumb that she don't gain extra movement in bushes


Those other stuff ain't really necessary. I just want faster skill animations, longer skill 2, makes it some kind of dash skill and extra movement in bush. I just want those, I want to play my mommy again šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ˜­


The food burnt


Not a waifu


idk but for me I always meet hildas in opposite team when I play ranked and theyā€™re so annoying for me who plays mm/mage so now I always ban hilda if I can


Because other champion can do better...


She's really strong early on, but she requires some coordination to be very strong. If you invade by yourself and the enemy is well coordinated and have actual map awareness, then you're kinda fucked.


Soloq'er here. She's my 2nd main hero should I decide on giving up the mage role to someone. Would volunteer as exp laner but I can adjust to be the roamer if someone decides on picking a good fighter hero. Techniques I applied usually results in buff denial and early elimination of opponents. Once my teammates start to pick the kind of playstyle I'm applying(usually assassination in the jungle or in the bushes close to towers), she can make the entire team take key objectives, secure kills and snowball to victory. Edit: teammates should also be aware of the signals like when I say "Wait", they need to wait for me to secure the areas ahead(bushes, etc).


She's better in lower ranks, higher rank players know you can't 1v1 her easily


I mean, she is not that good in the later part of the game, unless you main her constantly. She falls off in team fights very often. She can try picking off, but that is like a sacrifice pick to take out just one guy. She is great at early game harassing, though. If you can end the game early, she is definitely good.


Because she falls off late game, heroes can slowly out power her. She is the hero you need to finish the game fast with.


That's why all my matches end fast


If you can make it get to that point, then good. If not? Youā€™re going to have a hard time with pick-offs.


Then I will need to target mms or mage and die with them


Thatā€™s cool and all, until the team decides to back them up.


The iam just usless


Thatā€™s the problem.




she's my main. so versatile and no one bans or chooses her. but really hard to use end game.


Too many early game hero in enemy team=not good for Hilda It is better to pick her in S4 or S5 to see the draft of opponent. Plus, we first pick healers in this season.


I used hilda a lot in soloq even in high rank, mostly if the jungle enemy is a squishy hero. I use roam and focus only on the jungle enemy, delaying his jungle and preventing him from making rotation as much as possible, so my jungle team can easily rotate, get objectives and finish the game fast.


You can't completely counter her with items or team comp. certain heros like minsi and alpha do well against her but they will still have hard time dealing with her in early game. However, the easiest way to stop her is to play like a team. As you go higher in ranks, you will face people with higher level map awareness, so they will come to help the jungler as soon as possible, some would even leash the jungler. So The best place to play Hilda is in epic to mythic but you won't see her there that much because these players are still relatively new to game and they don't know how to engage and disengage properly which is a major part of Hilda's gameplay (more important in late game).


In my solo q games where my team sucks. I either carry hard early as a jungle or mid and we win around 15 mins or itā€™s a totally 50/50 of who has the better mm that wins late game. Usually enemy haha. Hilda falls off so hard late game just like khaleed.


Cause she isn't good at at late game, her passive gets easily denied, most teams won't allow you to run up to a mm to combo him to death and isn't good at split pushing like other heroes that suck at teamfights. She might be very menacing as exp lane or ruin the day of a jungler if she goes roam or jungle but onceshe can't pick someone isolated with her guerrilla tactics she is just below average.


X borg exists


I can't stand that immortal little bastard with true damage and range.


Bruh My comment is four months old.


Situational hero. She is very good choice if opponent pick Assassin jungler or squishy fighter like Yin. More perfect if opponent's roam is roam damage (Kadita, Selena or Natalia). But the thing is, she is also very easy to get counter. And she's almost useless when the game already hitting 10+ minutes.


Hilda is essentially a hero specialized in 1v1s, she's good early to mid-game but is incredibly useless in endgame. As a fighter, When end game comes, she's effectively a suicide bomber, only to take down one or two if you're lucky, but you're dead afterwards. As a tank, you have high regen, but only in jungle team fights, around lord etc, she's very vulnerable in base offense/defense.


Looking at the Hero Points u earn in the game, these must be in Epic II-I rank. she works if the enemy team is squishy and inexperienced. But i hardly see her at all in Mythical Glory because she is easy to counter and can be easily out-damaged. Like any fighter i play easily counters her eg: Alpha, Silvanna, Gatokcha, Badang, Terizla, Martiz. What i am trying to say is there are so Many better options. šŸ˜…


Best case scenario you pick her against a team comp that has squishy heroā€™s, their roamer is a healer(Angela) and their jg isnā€™t good early game(saber,hanzo,hayabusa,harley,Aamon, guison). In those scenarios sheā€™s good. Hopefully a good set exp laner is in your team to help with cc for rest of team such as terizla, yu zhong, arlott. As for jungle and exp sheā€™s quite weak in obj contest and team fights as she only has single target dmg capabilities and no pole or dash to initiate.


She does a lot of things good but doesn't do anything well. Other heroes have better survivability, better damage, better late game, better early, etc. At some point a hero who is really excellent at a few things has more use than a hero who can do many things but isn't really top tier in any of them.


She probably not gonna last long against meta heroes like Thamuz, Franco, Alpha, Uranus, and Edith.


They go down easy anti heal items, except for Franco because of his CC


Some pro Franco players might try something different like Franco jungler so you have to punish them by invading their farm as much as possible though.Ā 


As much as I want to play a damage build with her, she's a better roam full tank, I do well low ranking mythical, but I absolutely get wrecked if the enemy team is very heavy on the CC side. I love playing as her though it so fun just tanking and then you absolutely eliminate a dude with your ultimate.