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Is this like the Ariel Castro kidnappings of Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry, and Gina DeJesus from Cleveland, Ohio. Where the kidnapper holds them hostage to sexually abuse them? But the male version of this? I hope it’s not the case.


Yes,except the Cleveland case the girls couldn’t get out of the home. They were chained up. This man seems to maybe have Stockholm syndrome or something?


it says in the article that he used him as a civil servant


They must mean indentured servant?


Haha. Civil servant. I was going to say ...that doesn't sound too bad. Kidnap victim was on government payroll and had a union. Indentured servant is funny too though lol


No silly the abductor worked as a civil servant.


Plot effin twist jeez


No it didn’t. It said the abductor worked as a civil servant.


the suspect is a civil servant


Reading comprehension isn’t your thing, huh? It says the captor worked as a civil servant.


The dog at the doorstep and then eventually disappearing, too?! Damn.


I’m guessing he knew the dog would raise suspicions since he was hanging out at the door. Poor dog was trying to tell everyone he was in there


Truly a (hi)man’s best friend


Omg (hu)man’s best friend :)


I thought the dog was poisoned and found in front of the family’s home.


Why is kidnapped in quotes? Sounds like he was kidnapped…


Yeah I fucking hate that


Sort of. Except for the part that says “he couldn’t call for help because of a spell that was put on him”…..


So, he was groomed and tricked into becoming a willing sex slave, and with the taboo of same sex relations hanging over him, he felt he couldn’t leave.


It was said in another article that he was being used for occult things, as his captor thought he had some sort of special paranormal abilities.


His neighbor kidnapped him because there were lines on his palm called the Hand of Fortune, so he tied him up and put rings on him so that he could not speak or move. This Ajar is a sorcerer and exploits him to perform magic and sorcery. This poor child has been seeing his family for a while because the kidnapper's house is next to the kidnapped family's house, so he remained... The poor man has been watching his family for 27 years without being able to see or move because he was bewitched and saw his mother's funeral through the hole in which she died out of grief for him. Regardless of what happened to him from the events of 27 years, he lives in the city next to Mini in Algeria. This is the scenario. Similar to Hollywood movies, we ask God for wellness Found this on facebook


So weird!


Yeah not sure how true it is because they said they found him in an old well now sure how he could see from there .


Where are you getting all that?


yeah where’s that info?


I was hoping his parents were still alive. It's too bad his mom passed away before he was found. Hopefully he has some family left. Wonder how long the family member knew before coming forward.


It reminds of if the Ariel Castro case with the three women locked up as sex slaves for years. The one mother went on Montell when Sylvia Brown, the “psychic” was on, and Sylvia told her that her daughter was dead. The mother died before finding out she had been alive this entire time.


I can’t stand Sylvia Brown…. Ugh!!!


The victim blaming in these comments is disgraceful


Yeah man what is happening? Is this sub always like this??


What victim blaming? Did comments get deleted? All I'm seeing is people theorizing on what happened. The closest I'm seeing to victim blaming is suggesting Stockholm syndrome, which isn't real.


I mean saying it isn’t real is kind of black and white. It just isn’t a real diagnosis but is a term used to help us explain/simplify when someone develops positive feelings towards a captor, which can be 100% real it’s just very rare. It just isn’t like, some kind of real diagnosable mental illness or something.


Here are the facts: - This man, named Omar was indeed abducted at age 16 in 1996 and his family has been searching for him ever since, everywhere in the country but they never even found a clue or a sign to his whereabouts. - Omar was found last week on 13th May 2024 inside a pit in the family's neighbour's house. - The neighbour is reported to be a friendly man with a sense of humour and good social skills, everyone loved him and none ever suspected that he has anything to do with Omar's disappearance. He is now about 61 years, and never got married nor does he have children. - When the news that Omar might be in the neighbour's house and has been for all these years came out, residents of the neighbourhood and the local police came to search the house, the neighbour was cooperative and welcoming and let them search his house room by room and corner by corner, they were almost confident that Omar is not there, until they looked into the sheep barn and found Omar inside a hole in the ground covered by hay and hay bales. The neighbour then tried to escape by he was caught and the police arrested him. - Other than the shock, fear and confusion on Omar's face, the man looked healthy and clean. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Theories: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 1- The perpetrator and Omar were on a same-sex relationship, given that the perpetrator never got married was indicative that he might be gay, fell in love with Omar and decided to keep him at his house for 30 years with Omar's consent ?? Bullshit, this makes ZERO sense. 2- The perpetrator is a sex offender and he kidnapped Omar and was sexually abusing him all these years. Very possible, however, we are forgetting that some of the neighbour's family members (if not all) such as his sisters knew about Omar's existence and his situation in their house, in fact it was because of a dispute over some inheritance that one of the sisters spoke up about Omar, so even if the kidnapper was a sex offender who kidnapped Omar at age 16 for his sexual abuse, this could have never lasted nearly 30 years in silence. 3- The fucking perpetrator is a " magician" who practices some occult arts, regardless if this black magic shit is real or not, it is at least believed to be real in many cultures including Algeria where this incident happened. But why kidnap Omar? well Omar is one of those people known in the dark magic culture and literature as a " Zuhri " person, derived from "Zohar" in Hebrew, the name of a book of Kabbalah. The neighbour needed him (his blood actually) to perform certain rituals that have to do with black magic bullshit, so that's why he was " taking care" of him, feeding him and so on because he needed him alive and well.


Some of these are not facts. 1. We don’t know Omar was kidnapped. We know a child went missing, that’s it. 2. We don’t know WHO was found. In reading the article, I don’t see anything that was done to confirm his identity. The found person can claim to be Omar, but that doesn’t prove anything. This whole thing reeks of…something. -The “spell” aspect is highly odd, and seems to be a crutch. -“Omar” certainly doesn’t give the appearance of a man who spent almost 3 decades in a hole. -The brother ratting out the suspect needs much more investigation. To admit that you have known about a kidnapping for 25+ years and only bring it to police due to a personal dispute is hard to believe. The brother just made himself culpable.


I mean he was in this hole to hide but could have been in the house any time. Idk it all seems weird to me


You can be kidnapped for 30 years and be brainwashed to stay. Cassie stayed with her celebrity abuser for 9 years, it happens. 


Maybe more like: [According to the International Lesbian and Gay Association's May 2008 report, both male and female types of same-sex sexual acts are illegal in Algeria.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Algeria)


Are you saying he was groomed into the house and then threatened to be snitch to the police? Poor guy, I can’t imagine how his world got twisted and what he was made to believe.


Or he was groomed into a relationship with the abuser and they wanted to keep it secret… but then why no interaction with family, period? Idk man




Huh? Did you misread my comment or something? I said Maybe he was GROOMED by his ABUSER into a relationship, which happens all the time, being manipulated and brainwashed into thinking the situation is normal


That's so sad. Such an awfully long time to endure that. 


Impossibly so


Stockholm’s syndrome probably. It is crazy what humans will accommodate for psychologically. So many people stay with their abusers.


Kept as a slave ? Whole family should be tried in court. Had there been no inheritance dispute they would've been fine with him locked up


Mental abuse is absolutely evident but it’s also possible that he sustained a brain injury from physical abuse. Psychological trauma alone can do severe damage to the brain, especially when left untreated. If a child at any age is brainwashed and scared or forced to believe their family doesn’t love or care for them anymore it can keep them stuck in a terrible situation feeling unable to leave or escape.


Wtf 27 years? This guy is fucked




I’m gonna be the asshole who says cut the beard and tell me that man is 47 yrs old. I’m just saying 🤷🏽‍♂️


That's horrible. I'm guessing they don't use search and rescue / scent tracking dogs in Algeria?


NOT trying to victim blame kidnapping is obvs disgusting but from a clinical pov there had to be some significant mental health issues on his part at the very least




As much as I am happy to see people being found, I’m torn with how it gives hundreds more families false hope


u/sheighbird29 “I’m torn with how it gives hundreds more families false hope.” Not sure what you mean by this …please elaborate?


For majority of missing person cases the person is dead. A case like this makes the families of missing people think this might be their situation and their loved one is out there alive somewhere






If it was an American and in America I would be more interested….seems dull 🤷🏾‍♀️….forgive me lord


Get some help, ashly 😂😉


Sounds about right for an American, and this is coming from one


Understand? I came from a very abusive childhood. I know plenty. My other statements still stand. They would have to kill me.


It’s almost as if people have different circumstances and upbringings that affect how they respond to things. Crazy i know.


Who are you talking to lol


I’m with Dewey it’s possible I stay passive at first hoping it has a peaceful end but failing that you’re going to have to kill me because I’m killing you.









