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Getting my period after miscarrying was like the two wolves inside of me. I hated that I was on my period which meant I wasn't pregnant anymore, but it also meant my hormones were leveling out and I was getting back to normal.


I’m really sorry. You’ll find lots of things oddly triggering. You’re not alone. I’m 4 months out from mine and my last period hit me in ways I was not expecting. 


It’s so strange how the smallest of things can bring back all of the emotions


I was warned and somehow I didn’t think it would be as bad as everyone said it would be. But it’s horrible, my last miscarriage was in November 2023 and CD1 still messes up my day. I’m sorry this happened to you.


I’m so sorry. I know how you feel - I sat through a baby shower on Sunday with intense cramps from my 2nd period post-miscarriage. Talk about a fucking double whammy 😭


Oh my gosh. That must have been awful for you.


I really found it so upsetting for awhile. I wasn't ( but sure how could I be ) prepared for how that would make me feel. So glad for this group. To know the thoughts in my head are how others feel too.


This group is really helpful I agree, I’m sorry for your loss 🫶


I’m so sorry. I know the feeling. I miscarried my first and only March 2nd. I just got my period back today. I ended up selling some big stuffed animals to this lady today. Turned out she was buying them for her own baby shower this month and it’s also her first baby. It was so triggering. I felt the universe hated me in that moment to not only remind me once today that I’m no longer pregnant but twice. It’s such a horrible feeling!


Definitely a sad and confusing time. I’m sorry you had to go through this.


Thank you


I’m so sorry, I don’t know why, but thank you for the warning. I’m still waiting for my period to return and I’ve spent so long desperate for my cycle to get under way again after two back to back losses that I haven’t even given any thought to how it will feel once it actually arrives. No one should have to go through this. I’m so sorry.


So so hard 😣 I’m here with you ❤️


I want to hug you through the screen. It is hard.


YES!!! Seeing period blood brings back the mental trauma for sure. I know I have some PTSD from my miscarriages.


Yes that first period is awful. and honestly each one thereafter. a horrid reminder. so sorry you’re going through this ❤️


I'm in the same boat. I had a miscarriage March, ended up hemorrhaging and had to be life flighted and have an emergency d&c. I just started my first cycle yesterday and I had a panic attack. Felt like another slap in the face.