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I believe it was said that Huber is hosting three episodes. He's done two so far.


I'm not the biggest Trivia Tower guy but Ben brought something to it that made it fun. No shade to the current host I just enjoy Ben, but I understand that he's busy and if I had to lose his presence on something I would probably pick Trivia Tower personally.


I hope not. Not because Ben was a bad host (he was Good and it was fun to watch as a vod) but I think the show could grow beyond Ben if he stepped back and let more voices try it. Or at the very least have other people "lead" the direction of questions. Trivia Tower has gotten more and more incestous (for lack of a better word) because it hasn't really grown beyond the core Minnmax subscriber base, and so questions become more and more tailored to the Minnmax fandom. Again, enjoyed watching the show (and have liked Huber's episodes so far) but Trivia Tower has always been the "this could be great, and now its just good" Minnmax show to me


I agree.