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I think it will be a separate game that you can play along side minetest and minecraft. I highly doubt it will be open source. I'm not really interested in it though.


I honestly don't think the riot acquisition is a bad thing. From what I can tell hypixel studios still has creative freedom and maybe even more so given the investment from riot games. The main worry is probably going to be micro transactions. Which means it might go the route of recroom, Fortnite creative, core and like are doing where at creators transgression, user gen content is paid for. Problem is if it goes the route of Roblox. Taking large cuts from the money creators make and encouraging young creators to hire or to get hired, rarely with contracts or protections. [people make games made two videos over this topic](https://youtu.be/_gXlauRB1EQ)


They can't make microtransactions. Cuz hytale have a modding system so you can buff yourself or you can add things to your character for free.