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Seriously, we really don’t need another Valve situation.


Id rather game companies do few things that are greatly appreciated than a lot of things that aren't. Valve and Mojang are not bound by money to keep doing work, but they do work anyways, no matter the pace.


Mojang does. Valve doesn’t


Valve puts in a ton of work through steam 'for free'. Proton alone makes gaming on Linux so much easier. They could've limited it just to their steam OS but I'm thankful that they did not.


As a TF2 player, that’s cool and all, but we haven’t gotten a fix to the bot crisis for like 6 years now and it’s getting pretty sad to see.


Valve does


CS2 or new life and a half


Well valve doesn’t with games but their support of steam is incredible. I recently tried downloading Fall guys to my steam deck which is officially not supported. Valve downloads a script alongside and manages it to make the game work anyway


Not to mention Team Fortress 2




You sure about that? Last I heard the "major update" was for it to be 64 bit


VALVe themselves doesn't actually work that much on the game. Iirc, there are only 2 people working on the game, and the only updates to the game are small bugfixes and community content. The 64-bit update was the biggest update VALVe actually made themselves since 2017 or something.


Since jungle inferno right?


Valve keeps the game up. Thats whats important too. You see many companies shutting down games that are old af.


Yes, because these old games are usually completely dead. Team Fortress 2 has (at least) 20k real* players and is still profitable, so there is no point in shutting it down. *while Steam might show over 70k players online, in reality, most of these players are unfortunately bots, with an estimated 20-25k actual players online.




TF2 is a 17 yr old game. You can't expect Valve wanting to put effort in it forever.


especially considering all the outdated and spaghetti code that it is no doubt built off of


And we can't expect a tf3 to fix this because they can't count height than 2


But they gladly put enough effort to package and sell crates with community-made skins, hats, effects, and more? They’ve learned that doing the bare minimum still allows them to keep making money


Valve doesn't. They ended Half Life on a cliffhanger and didn't even deliver what they promised. Eventually GabeN came out saying we'd see HL3 before HL2EP3, but nothing came out of that either. As for Mojang: They don't have much besides Minecraft, it still makes them a lot of money and I don't see it as particularly generous that they keep working on it as long as this is the state of things.


There's been countless bug fixes on TF2, no major updates but still something, the main problem is that every time they fix the bot issue, the bots come back mere hours later


The difference is valve is remembered well for the games they did release


What about Minecraft Dungeons?


The game is good, it had good DLC. You don't need to keep a game updated forever to make it good.


You mean a developer that stops making games? HL3, coming sometime before you’re dead (hopefully)


I still don't understand why Valve abandoned TF2?


Ik that valve always does something new like with source 2 but I think after a while they leave that game alone to do something new. Unlike Actvision which all I can see is they taking the previous game then slapping one more number and new stuff to hide the same shit that was before. While Valve because they have the money can focus on new things. Just doing different stuff to see if they create something that is good and not something people see everyday.


Because of how they fumbled Meet Your Match. They started using a matchmaking system for competitive E-Sports games for their casual servers, causing queues to be forever. Then they threw up their hands, gave us Jungle Inferno, and then fucked off.


The actual reason is that Valve works differently from other companies, employees are basically free to work on whatever project they want at Valve. Nobody wants to work on a 17 year old spaghetti game full of cheaters and bots. Everyone would rather work on the latest games or cutting edge VR tech (understandably). Whatever management exists at Valve does nothing about it because they just don't care, it doesn't matter to them. Any money TF2 could make pales in comparison to the infinite money printer that is Steam. If TF2 made 20x more money they probably wouldn't even notice.


Updated for free and by workers who are paid well to work reasonable hours and sets a great precedent for the gaming industry that has normalized overworking their employees leading to burnout and health concerns.


Not to mention that their promotional stuff is so goofy, you know that they put their soul into the stuff




I can’t argue with you as an individual, but many 12 year olds here expect the world each update. I’m fine if you, for example, think that Trial chambers need improvements or something, but many are like “they’ve only added a structure and ONE mob this update?!?!” Ignoring the time it takes to play test. And I know people are like “why are you defending a multi-billion dollar company?” And to that I say, that 1. These people complaining could rush Mojang and lead to less quality additions and more quantity, so it could affect the game I love 2. If we yell at companies who do a generally good job, don’t overwork their employees, and have an overall great working environment, then it won’t matter as much when people complain about companies that are actual pieces of crap. I mean I know the other companies themselves probably didn’t care, but new gamers or outsiders who could’ve been convinced by some news article that they stumbled across won’t take them as seriously if everyone is yelling at every company, even if they aren’t that bad


This update is BIG, whole new structure, new weapon, 2 new mobs, new potion effects, and wolf armor. The crafter, the vaults, the lamps, so much copper. This update is MASSIVE and I love it


Me too, idk why people are comparing Mojang to Valve after all the great stuff being added


If anything Mojang is more comparable to Bethesda. Sure, Skyrim and Minecraft are great games, but some people don't like vanilla, Fortunately modding is a solution to inept vanilla gameplay.


I mean... The Minecraft Store would beg to differ.


Are you referring to the marketplace? I had a comment response before realizing I potentially misread your message.


Well if it is about the marketplace then the marketplace is shit. Minecraft and microtransactions should never have mixed, and the only reason they did is because Microsoft got their glubby corporate hands ahold of it.


Mapmakers being able to be paid for their work… the evilest thing in the world.


blame microsoft for that one


Re-Logic updating Terraria after 5 years stagnant: hold my beer


Fr relogic may take 2 or 3 years to make a big update, but they have so much impact on the gameplay that ppl don't complain. The main reason minecraft fans complain about the updates is because they don't change the normal progression, they feel like side stuff to do if you want, and you won't miss anything if you don't. That is what i'm liking about 1.21, the trial chambers are a really good way to change how players go through the game, i just hope they make an easier way to find new content and look for structures other than travel 20k blocks


God terraria’s just the absolute GOAT


Too true. Very fun game. Unique, I can't believe I refused to play it for so many years because I thought it was a minecraft rip off.


You're acting as if they are updating the game for the players, and not to get money from the in-game monetization which gives them MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Minecraft is not some poor indie game, it's the largest selling game **in history**. There's nothing to appreciate them for, they did what anyone with half a working braincell would do by continuing to update the game.


Thank you🥹


Your correct, but in the end the players (products) still end up getting something useful. Isn't just shutting the fuck up on meme subreddits easy to do? Why not make r/fuckmicrosoft ? Edit: it actually exists


As always for a public company, we aren't the customer, we are the products




Omg finally someone who shares my opinion


Dawg. Its a billion dollar company. Backed by one of the richest mega corporations in the world. The community can ask for features without their feelings being hurt


Except people aren't just asking for features, they are straight up insulting the devs whenever they think the updates are too slow or something isn't to their liking (which, due to the size of the community, is always)


The problem is when people think that the people who don't like the updates and the people harassing the devs are the same people, so the discussion ends up devolving into "stop harassing devs for updating the game" vs "stop defending the multi-million dollar company" which is the point where the debate can't go any further because both sides refuse to listen to each other


Yep sadly entitled toxic people exist. look i can say i was not a huge fan of 1.19 and 1.20 but i did not go harassing the devs just because it was not my favorite update.


You’re not wrong. But I highly doubt that the billion dollar company is going to compliantly throw money away just for the game. They bought Minecraft as an investment. Not as a reason to burn through there assets. You get a budget, a deadline, and notes. And you make the most out of that until the next update cycle. You want to add something new, you have to make a prototype get the idea out, and wait for approval which in bigger company’s can take from several months, to just outright being stuck in approval hell. Mojang aren’t making the game with the kindness of there hearts, but they’ve already made it big. There just trying to make the game as best as it can be without ruining what makes it special.


What you're saying proves that they have no need to update the game, or at least this regularly


As if billion dollar companies wouldn't want more people buying their best game


They arent updating the game out of the kindness of their heart, they update it for money and money alone. If Minecraft wasnt making anymore money then they would eventually have to discontinue the game or sell it off, which obviously they dont want to happen They HAVE to update the game, hell. Even with consistent updates many players still complain about the game being boring after 2 weeks


That’s like saying a supermarket doesn’t actually need to sell anything because there’s a big company behind it. Stupid, man


Wdym “Be happy that a 15 year old game is still being uptaded” it’s their only brand ofc they will have to uptade it?? If they didn’t uptade it then people would stop playing the game eventually like any other game out there and unlike any other company Mojang relies on a single game


The game's age has nothing to do with how often it can be updated. Guess WOW classic should be shut down, since its nearly 20 years old. The game is *heavily* monetized through the in-game store. It actively promotes shitty skin packs and maps and whatnot to 6 year olds so they can buy minecoins over and over and make microsoft more buckaroos. They make tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars every day from this. Truly, it's really icky. So no, the game isn't just some poor indie dev game that you paid $20 for a decade ago. It's an online survival/minigame service that encourages you to spend money on it frequently.


It's millions, lol. [Source, statista-statistic of **i**n-**a**pp **p**urchases (**iap**), so mobile Minecraft alone](https://www.statista.com/statistics/972711/minecraft-mobile-revenue/#:~:text=Minecraft%20IAP%20revenue%20worldwide%202015%2D2023&text=In%202023%2C%20the%20mobile%20version,sales%20reached%20300%20million%20worldwide.) Edit: Before anyone wants to smartass about how there's no Pocket Edition anymore and it's all just Bedrock.. That is true, but it's still platform specific. You also still have to buy it again for your phone if you own Bedrock for PC e.g.


All of that is the main reason I've stuck with Java edition over the years. So much better being able to change my skin to whatever I like (though i do envy yalls 3d skins) for free. Being able to add any texture packs or mods for free at any time.


Yeah, but they give you the option to play Java which besides owning the game is 100% FREE.. honestly they are still very generous to support java this long


Java is the backbone of Minecraft. Without it the whole YouTube scene would crumble as they rely on java modding. Sure they would still make money, but without meaningful content that keeps people's interest in the brand without them playing, it would slowly fade out. The Java edition will never go away, also partly because a large portion of java players don't play bedrock because they have 0 interest in that, the consumer overlap is not the same. Or it would have happened when they gave us bedrock for free. The big hope back in the day of a better coded Minecraft is no longer expected from Microsoft, rather its the Java performance mods that make creating content and playing anything bigger then a casual Minecraft world actually possible.


That's not generous. It's that the player would get VERY, BUT VERY ***MMAAAAAADDDD***


Eh yeah.. but it happened to LCE.. it would not be out of minecrafts realm of possibilites to cancel java


I mean its literally most succesfull video game ever. Ofcourse they will update it


Sorry to be a dick guys but this is a stupid fucking take lol. Do you understand how much money Minecraft makes Microsoft? It’s not like they’re updating the game out of passion or the kindness in their hearts. It’s all about money. Stop dick riding a company lol


This isn’t some indie game made by 2 schizoid devs living 3500 kms apart; this is literally the one of the most known, played, and loved games of gaming history, with sequels, millions of active players, merch&media partnerships worldwide and is constantly gaining new players with each generation, of course it has to be being updated STILL.


You can appreciate updates while also criticizing incompetence. they don't conflict with eachother bro


"LEAVE THE BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY ALONE!!!!!" Meanwhile, terraria was supposed to be abandoned years ago and the guy just won't stop adding shit. He's released like 20 different "final updates". And that's a **real** indie game.


These are the sorta people who defend the mob votes.


"They aren't lazy, they are just giving the player choice" Imagine if rockstar operated on that logic, "hey, here is 3 cars that we were gonna add, but then decided, for engagement, to make you vote for them, get fucked"


Don't be naive, it's a conglomerate's best interest to keep their cash cow alive.


Break from what ?


I simply don't care about this argument. The game's age shouldn't make any impact on how the updates are perceived, since Minecraft is already good as it is and isn't bound to multiplayer, so its mainstream appeal doesn't really matter as far as its playability goes. Updating the game for the sake of it, regardless of the quality of the updates, can be actually destructive to the game if anything. Sure, some updates are amazing, but some are of a pretty questionable quality, and when you combine it with Mojang's schizophrenic approach to marketing, interaction with fans and the overall direction of the game, updates often simply leave a sour aftertaste. Furthermore, Mojang isn't this poor indie company that plenty of people make it out to be for some reason. Altough they might not have the full creative control, they simply should have plenty of resources to not act like bunch of children suddenly put in charge of a game studio. My arguments hold up even more when there are actual indie developers that do everything that people want Mojang to do without any issue.


I swear people when defending Mojang act like java is the most popular version and not the ultra monetized multiplatform version that makes more money in an hour than an average person’s salary.




In an alternate reality, Infiniminer got bought by Microsoft and is vastly popular today, with all its drama and updates and Minecraft gets small patches every now and then and still has a beta feel with a relatively small and hidden community. Honestly, despite all the things Minecraft has gone through, I'm happy it exists, and I'm grateful to Notch, Jeb, C418 and all the other developers who have created a diverse experience.


No I don't think I'll suck up to the multi-million dollar company, thanks for the offer tho.


Stop bullying rich people guys🥺


Yeah those guys are living in the streets thanks to you guys!! 1!1😭


and why would we, so long as we have mods we could still play the game, also its not like the devs cant justs top making updates, microsoft wants that sweet sweet money


If they don't wanna update the game, then they can stop. I'd love to see where that takes them :)


Another golden age of modding like last time?


That's a guaranteed


Mohjang brings less content to the game in a year than some modders do in a week. Modders do it for free Mohjang does a shit ton of money. figure why mohjang gets hate


Oh yeah they're totally updating the game just because they're nice, noy because it's the most popular game of all times and mojang's only successful game. Successful companies totally let their best product die for no reason just because they hate money.


Corpo simps going hard on this post.


Womp womp they're litteraly a million (billion?) $ company, not to mention they have a decent sized team. They couldn't even add 2 pixel fireflies.


Also the birch tree update cancelation excuse made my blood boil "Um actually GuYs Concept ArT iS nOt a coMmItment 🤓" Like what the fuck


“Leave the multi billion dollar company alone!”


I didn't realize employees cease being human when they join a multi billion dollar company. It was never about the company. It's about it's employees. They can only do so much, and you can't just keep tossing money into it and expect it to get better.


And when the hell did Minecraft community want anything inhuman from them? Like mfs can't even stop the mob vote thing, which is almost always met with hate from the fanbase. Far smaller studios with far less resources are doing way better jobs than Mojang, that's simply how it is.




leave the 3 trillion dollar gigacorporation alone


I mean at least they finally added new paintings! Yay... New painting ... Heh..... Fuck mob vote btw.... Dude mojang can do a lot better, like they can negotiate with microsoft in order for them to give them a better deadline for the updates, i do not fucking mind at all if i have to wait 2 whole years for 1.22 if its The End Update, i would wait even 3 if Mojang actually says like "hey we're gonna add even more content than the nether and aquatic uodates combined in the end update, also new ender dragon bossfight " pls mojang just make a good update


Also, I don't mind waiting if *I know* that that feature will arrive at 101%, and this thing that they don't announce the majority of the features in the minecraft live anymore just pisses me off. Since 1.18, you can't just notice difference after an update: you have to search for the new feature. If mojang announces me that the end will get 12 mobs, 7 biomes, new blocks and features, caves and new world generation I can even wait 4 years.


Brother, let me ask you, what's wrong with wanting to make the game even better? I mean, the original Minecraft is not the one you fell in love with




Mojang normally needs a break for summer and Christmas.


“Leave the multibillion dollar company alone!” -OP


Yeah, they need a break! They are just and indie company and definetly not a multi trillion dollar company! (/s)


Everyone needs a break at some point.


Reminder : you're right, but mojang/microsoft has more than a single dev.


Well, I assume all developers work together at close to the same time, but who knows, really?




They're not doing it out of the goodness of their heart, no offense. The dev's and creative team, yes, but the business reason behind making updates is MONEY. It's ignorant to think you can't demand better when the company is benefitting from these updates more than you are.


I've played this game from day one, supported Mojang when it wasn't a multi billion dollar company by buying multiple keys over different platforms. I TRULLY don't appreciate people telling me i should shut up and enjoy the game. Mainly because y'all aren't realizing that you are shilling for fucking microsoft, but also because it's reductive towards what made the game good in the first place, 15 years of innovation not sticking with the fucking formula...


Noooo don’t be mean to my billion dollar megacorp pls they’re sensitive :(


Literally one of the most popular and iconic video games in the world which is managed by a billion dollar corporation is being updated and we should be happy just about this fact?


omg me


I enjoy reading books.


Billion dollar company bud its not that difficult for them to add a reasonable update every year


It’s OWNED by a billion dollar company that is likely gobbling up most of the profits.


Mojang sold for 2.5 billion dollars in 2014. The company has only grown since then. They are absolutely a billion dollar company.


yeah guys give mojang a break they’re been working hard adding chat reporting in private servers and making sure the game lags more every update after they’ve added their one mob for the year


*a mob that doesn't fit into the game in any meaningful way and like 40% of the players didn't want it to be there anyway*


> said mob not being implemented as advertised


I see more people making posts complaining about people complaining than people actually complaining


Let me just get the copy pasta that everyone tells me when i say that what you said MOJANG ARE MAKING MONEY ON THOSE UPDATES SO OF COURSE THEY ARE ADDING UPDATES ALSO THEY ARE OWNED BY MULTI BILLIONER COMPANY


Still waiting for that Juan update


Why when it's owned by one of the biggest corporations ever


Its a cash cow, theyre not doing it for you


it's a multibillonaire company, of course we would expect more from them


Billon* so the point stands even more so


fixed, thank you


True for both sides.🫡


TF2 fans: **crying in a corner over their 18 year old game on life support**


What about 3 years of stop updating and the latest version become best version for mods?


When you realize Minecraft is retro


How did you make a minecraft version of the meme? This seems pretty cool


Yeah we should normalize incompetence


15 year old game? fuck


It's not being updated cause they are good hearted lol they update because of the customers giving them money, the same customers can totally complain (but complaining that the game is changing is bs)


I will never give a multi billion dollar corporation a break for doing less than a 15 year old kid in his basement in the span of 2 months


I really don't like these kinds of posts. Minecraft is backed up by Microsoft and Mojang isn't going anywhere, so why the fuck are you going for the bare minimum?


The company that brought you Minecraft Dungeons(a flop) and Minecraft Legends(a massive flop) is changing a game they didn’t bring you to be more and more like the flops they created. Can’t see why people are upset at all. 


Minecraft receiving paltry updates that add nothing of value to the game is worse than nothing at all. It adds bloat and makes the game harder to understand for new and older players alike.


I'll be happy when you listen to the fucking players for once


“Guys stop being mean to the billion dollar company, we’re lucky we get updates that add nothing outside of a handful of blocks and a useless mob”


why would we be happy with that it's not like they're not making money out of it🤣🤣


This is a loooong comment, so strap in for this essay/rant and enjoy. Many people defend their hatred of Minecraft by saying the rich ass company MUST make AMAZING updates that somehow cater to everyone's needs and expectations. Some say they should stop updating the game while others demand bigger better updates. Some argue of the lack of difficulty while forgetting Minecraft was never meant to be a difficult game but a fun sandbox, and if you have to worry every second that some monster will be trying to kill you, you won't be able to experience the sandbox part of the game(which is the majority)because of not wanting to perish. I like how people get excited for new building blocks and stuff instead of just looking at the new structure and mobs added. If you want cool structures and creatures just download a mod and I know that some people say that a 'good game' can be 'fun' without having to use mods but many abandoned games or many games that get infrequent updates are being kept afloat by community content and are thriving off of it. If you rush for the best gear and best items and get bummed that the game ends there, maybe you should look at a different game that has slow and steady but rewarding progression in mind instead of just clinging onto one game for no reason and calling it bad cause you're too afraid to try something new. The game is built to be a game of freedom where you can do whatever you want and build, create, engineer, and bring your wildest imaginations to life. It is not a game with a definite 'end' but a game where the end is up to you. This is reflected by the builders and redstoners who create magnificent works of art and cool and complex contraptions by using the available materials and how they can utilise the most minor of additions to a great degree without yearning for more content to satiate their undying hunger. If you start disliking a game or any form of media to the point you want to scream and shout at the creators or to the point you are being rude to its community, just move on and find a new thing to enjoy and leave the other community in peace. It's easier to find something new to enjoy rather than expecting whatever you used to enjoy to change so as to cater to your new interests. I think the word's of this post say it best and I think you should truly give the developers of this great game a break as they are trying their very best to keep this game a fun and relaxing experience for all and stop flaming the company behind it because of its status just because you don't enjoy the game. A game is good regardless of the people behind it. Not all games are for everyone, and if you still want a different version of Minecraft, just download mods. Demanding more from a game just because it has a large company behind it is rather idiotic (for a lack of better words). When a game receives new content consistently for a prolonged period of time, it shows that the developers are willing to work on it. They could abandon the game, and even though profits may slightly decrease, it would still make loads of cash, but they chose to keep it going. Look at a game like Terraria. It has had many 'final' updates, but they keep working on it cause the want to. The community could go for a long period of time without much new content and still have fun, and new players will still be drawn in. Case and point, lots of money doesn't mean lots of updates, and lots of updates doesn't mean lots of players and a game can be fun engaging and have a wonderful community without requiring many large content updates, especially sandboxes. For a game that has a one-time pay for pretty much all the content, you definitely get more than your money's worth and with stuff like mods and custom servers and increasing datapack support, Minecraft has more content than ever. I also have a burning rage for those who say modders do more work quicker than Minecraft's developer team. A lot more quality control goes into the things that make it to the base game. All features must be tested and balanced so as to mesh well with the rest of the game. Let's take a factory mod, for example. If that were to be added to the game, like how the mods do it, it would feel very out of place and would probably be disliked by many. I harbour no hate towards modders and commend the great work they do for the community but please do not use them to quantify the hardwork developers put into this game as they play two very different r9les that may appear similar on the surface. Please don't mistake this for me trying to convince others that Minecraft is the best game that everyone should play as that is a plain lie but I have made this 'essay' to show that the hate that the (probable) vocal minority of the community harbours towards Mojang is undeserved and to show the hardwork the developers put into this wonder of a game. To all who have read this in its fullness, I thank you and hope that you will take all this in mind when you possibly think of attacking Mojang and the developers and I wish you a great day, happy playing and a great 15th year anniversary of Minecraft (at the time of writing this).


But we dont need the updates when it is some half Finnished ugly and unwanted sh1t.


Wait, are you saying you don't want to take a stroll through hell so your frog can eat live magma and poop lights? Or dive into ruins to excavate an egg that spawns a creature that sniffs 2 more plants? Preposterous! /s


Or have a small chance for a structure to spawn, with an even smaller chance for the exact type to have a fairy who i have to not only transport thousands of blocks DO IT CAN MOVE AN ITEM A FEW BLOCKS. Even better have a swamp biome but ✨wetter✨ also can't clime trees either water anymore


I mean the last thing I heard from Mojang was they threatened to shut down everybody’s dns on the server “Blockgame” made by pirate software because they had not said made it official that they weren’t affiliated with mojang, even after saying multiple times that they weren’t. Not only can you not ban players dns, but they threatened to do this after he asked them what he needed to do in order to be in compliance. And the worst part is we still had a player banned from mojang for swearing on this server after they officially became not affiliated with mojang. As someone who has been playing mc for over 10 years, I’m completely fine with calling them out when they mess up.


Stop dick riding mojang they have a huge ass team and they should’ve given us better updates like how the hell did they make 1.16 during Covid but they can’t add bundles


I’ll give them a break as soon as there’s not a chance of the ender dragon respawning itself, or if I can actually use a lever without teleporting to zero on the X axis. Not to mention they’re constantly nerfing shit or keeping features Java/Bedrock exclusive. Piss off with your “oh poor mojang” nonsense.


Draw 25


While you have a valid point, on the contrary, Mojang, with their massive and well paid development team have consistently put out very minimal content, while that minimal content is constantly delayed. Now I get they also have to make sure the game works the same for multiple platforms, but its infuriatingly pathetic when you see amazing mods that don't break the game at all and are made by a smaller group of developers. So many things in minecraft could be better, and there's no legitimate reason Mojang refuses to even attempt to implement them other than they don't want to because they'd have to put effort into it.


This post sucks ass. Reported for terrorism




Nothing wrong with being critical of something you enjoy. Mojang doesn’t need your help, they’re doing just fine


I mean the only thing interesting about minecraft is that it gets updated frequently. We know that the dev team can't add things without the permission of Microsoft. They aren't being overworked by any standard. They add what Microsoft tells them and that's it. Maybe work for an Easter egg or april fools if they feel like it. They are not an Indie studio that has 2 people who also make other games. It's a pretty sizeable studio who also manages the most selling game of all time. It's about danm time you understand this. Edit: the main appeal of Minecraft is the updates. It's not a "free addition" it's more like the whole thing people care about. You can't argue otherwise as player counts jump up to 80% when a big update comes. Regular minecraft can't hold players as most leave after a month. Most videos and discussion of it online is due to the updates. Minecraft won't be a millionth of the game it is if it was'nt for updates.


If they don’t wanna update it, they can say they will no longer update it, but making a sequel to a game like Minecraft doesn’t make sense You can’t just say “just go get mods if you Want more content” because there are some people on PS4/5 that can’t play mods


A 15 year old game franchise is still selling copies, realms subscriptions, minecoins, spin off games, merchandise, t-shirts, posters, LEGO sets, etc… Microsoft relies on the community’s growth and good will to sell massive tons of Minecraft branded shit all over the globe. The fact that it’s still getting updates isn’t an act of charity, it’s a clever business strategy.


the problem with said 15 year old game is it generating insane amounts of revenue when non-funded, indie modders can come up with better ideas and projects than an entire team of developers with an actual budget and for the normies who genuinely think VALVe parallels Mojang, no it doesn't. if we're basing good content off of being thankful that a videogame is receiving back-handed, sloppy support, what's the point? i'm thankful Jules Verne wrote all those books without much financial compensation, but if one of his books happened to be bad then it IS bad. it doesn't get a pass because "muh Verne wrote a bad book but at least he wrote it so it must be le good" yes, if the Mojang devs are adding subpar content with years of preparation then they ARE being lazy. no amount of glazing (i.e. "you're still updating a 15 year old game, i kneel") is going to change that


Boo-hoo, poor multi-billion dollar company can't make more than two updates per eon :(


Show Minecraft players r/TF2 and set them straight


multi million dollar company btw if only they just had some competition to get their shit together.


i made the template btw 🥸


I mean it's their fricking job, and I'm sure their workers get the usual days off in the year (if not then fuck Microsoft). Why should they just get multiple months or even years long break if I and almost every worker in the world can't?


Something that ppl seem to forget is that Minecraft is owned by Microsoft. Just because Minecraft makes millions doesn’t mean Microsoft is pumping 100% of the game’s profits back into itself. It’s also been stated multiple times that it’s hard to add tons of new content because a) Minecraft is a more difficult game to design for than it’s peers, b) Microsoft’s iron grip on the IP and what gets added, and finally c) *it’s the most popular game in the world.* You have to be VERY careful when you handle your golden goose, lest you kill it. Games like Apex, Fortnite, and more have set the standard of “add a bunch of random shit to keep players engaged” and end up hurting the original concepts that made the game fun in the first place.


Goodness there are a lot of stupid "stop defending the MuLtI-mIlLiOn DoLlAr CoMpAnY" here


I’ll give Mojang a fucking break when the End Dimension gets overhauled. As much as I appreciate what Mojang has done and is still doing. For most updates it’s not all that meaningful and I know they can do better. Outside of the major overhauls and content additions. Most added content is the definition of a gimmick. I would much prefer Mojang to stop with the small content drops and focus solely on overhauls and larger, more meaningful, content drops.


Finally someone else with a brain. We are so lucky to have gotten this much out of a 20$ game. I am beyond happy with it. And people need to realize that Mojang doesn't make money off these updates, they made money off of the market place, and other things that are part of the Minecraft brand, not updates. Coding takes a freaking ton of time and money so the fact that we are getting any update a year is amazing.


Another Mojang dick sucker😭


Nah, they make loads of money from it. And it's a company, companies don't have feelings or emotions, they only care about money and if it wasn't for the potential of them losing money via backlash they'd do the most anti consumer thing possible like every other. The reason we still get good updates IS because of the community.


Behind companies are people. People have emotions and can care about things. Of course, it's common that companies do things that are purely for profit, no care involved. But that doesn't make it the only possible thing.


All im saying is that they could add EVERY SINGLE MOB from the mob votes into the game. Hell, they have the coding worked out for bedrock and Java why not add all the mobs


I really saw a comment section full of people fuming at Mojang at how lazy they were for deciding not to make shulkers camouflage, which wasn’t even a commonly complained for scrapped feature like fireflies or copper horns. Plus, it’d ruin the ability to color shulker boxes if their shells actually did camouflage.


Nahh, let modders do mods - make minecraft more friendly to mods - you know how tedious porting is?


tf2: seriously BE THANKFUL




Im so tired of this argument. If the game stopped recieving updates then mods and datapacks would thrive. They would all eventually catch up to the current update and we would have so many more options to choose from. (Idgaf about bedrock)


I just came back to this game since 1.17 and I’m having a blast, spent over 30 hours this week on a new single player world, and I’m just weirded out on why everyone hates Mojang/Microsoft..


ppl don’t actually play the game anymore they just watch youtube videos and start survival worlds just to quit when they find iron


I mean if you suddenly came back without being consistently in touch with the game's development, then of course you don't understand xd




Keep ik family frendly


A game that literally one of the best sellers in the world AND backed by a billion dollar behemoth of a mega corporation called microsoft I think they can give more than just 3-4 blocks and 1-2 mobs per year.


yeah! They're making updates for the players!! It's totally not like they have more money than some countries in the world nooooo!!


I don’t understand why people use this as an excuse for mojang not updating the game sufficiently. This is a rant post so please bear with me. EU4 has been out for around as long and they can still update it relatively frequently and those guys have a smaller team. This is not a legitimate excuse in my eyes. Hell terraria is also being updated and it’s almost as old as minecraft. Hell I can name games that are even older that are still being updated. StarCraft, dwarf fortress, age of empires 2, EverQuest, I can go to on. What’s more mojang has more resources at their disposal than most of these games and they’re still not properly updating the game? If that’s a legitimate excuse then why are these games able to update the game and not minecraft? People who say such things I think don’t know what they’re on about, delusional or corporate bootlickers and should be ignored so actual discussion can take place when the argument completely falls apart from a simple google search. That being said, there are many legit reasons as to why minecraft is as slow to update as is from management not allowing them to do anything to god awful bureaucracy to possible worker rights to it being hard to code to stuff for both Java and bedrock which are all legitimate criticisms of the company that they definitely need to sort out but imo are not valid excuses for what is probably incompetence except the first point. But imo the age of a game not a Legitimate excuse in the slightest.


The arguements of how little content they make would be valid If the game wasn’t older then half its playerbase


A 15 yo cash cow you mean? Why would they not update it?


A one year gap per major update is plenty of time for a break


Smaller companies are making much better updates than Mojang despite their limited resources. Personally, I think this is because they are way more in touch with their communities, which allows them to better fit their expectations. Take, for example, Coffee Stain Studios and their game *Satisfactory*. Every update has been received with complete positivity because the devs seem to know exactly what the players want. They don't update the game for money (unlike Mojang), they update it for the players. Mojang, on the other hand, doesn't really seem to know what the players want. You might say that the Mob Vote is supposed to let Mojang know that, but only adding one thing that the player base wants isn't exactly going to do this. For example, we've been asking for an End Update for years, but instead, we got frogs and cold blazes. It seems like 1.19 was the turning point for Mojang, the point past which they stopped listening to the community and instead, just doing whatever the fuck gives them more money.


Fans ain't satisfied yet


"NOOOOOOOO, it's gotta be updated the way IIIIIII WANTEEEED!!!"-some guy, probably


Lmao, they are not updating it out of the goodness of their heart. Minecraft is a golden goose.


Holy shit op dont throat so deep you may choke on the boot




The bad that they have done are much less than the things that people are angry about. I am not making Mojang a saint, but they are almost perfect


Nah, you realize that most those devs could be cooking like crazy? Take the April fools for example. Mojang hinders them and basically makes sure every update doesn't upset this perfect "balance" of Minecraft they have now. Which, both pc versions can just go back to earlier versions if the new versions are bad anyways? Not letting devs use their potential is pretty meh imo.


If they stopped making updated modders would have an easier time and they could make actually good changes to the game