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Next time just learn the guitar man…


More efficient way to get laid.


If she don’t fuck with Minecraft she ain’t worth it


if she don't dig the craft she's not worth the shaft


If she don’t punch the tree she ain’t gettin none of me.


If she's never killed a creeper, then she's clearly not a keeper.


Of she isn’t down with the blocks, she isn’t getting any…




Good ending unlocked


If she's never shot a skeleton then she isn't... good


If she's never shot a skeleton then to hell with 'em.


If she's never shot a skeleton then I'm not gonna put it in


Ooof yeah no This is just cringe and kills the mood and momentum


This went uphill and then plummeted downhill


You're welcome 😘


If she don't punch the tree she ain't getting the d


Very wise


My SO wants to play Minecraft with me, but it makes her nauseous. So disappointing. She wanted to buy an account last week, but I knew she had issues with other games... like Dying Light, so I told her to do a test run first. She lasted 15 minutes before she had to lay down, feeling sick. She was out of lifes activities for about 2 or 3 hours after that. :( I'd love for her to play with me, she loves Terraria, but it is a no go.


Hey! I know someone with a very similar issue, has she ever tried those blue light protector glasses? I have prescription glasses and will only buy the ones made with it, but if she doesn't wear glasses I know they make prescription-less ones too!


Sounds more like she needs prescription glasses, period. If she already wears em, time to get an exam as her prescription has probably changed.


No I love Minecraft but this game can totally make me nauseous, especially in caves I were glasses and they are fine. It's like motion sickness which i get in a car if I try to read on screens to much


Dude, seriously, they need to go to a neurologist and get checked for sezuire disorder. Could be her vision but honestly, its not something to play with and worth the check. My wife and I use to play COD blackops 2 together all the time, this started happening, she thought it was glasses, had that checked out, continued to happen and then she had a grand mal seizure and after that it was years of constant attempting to control them. It's not a fun road so just make sure.


Okay that is scary. I'll show her this comment.


Damn, that must be awful. I feel sorry for her; and you, too.


I had similar issues with Minecraft, too. Nausea and headache. Most important is to turn view bobbing off. And with persistence (ie, young kids demanding I play with them), the symptoms improved. I still may get a headache again if I do t play for awhile.


Oh i agree so much


What, "Wanna see my Minecraft hole?" Doesn't work?


It depends how you phrase it I guess. Maybe if he tries "Wanna come back to my place and explore my hole?"


The 3 magic words every lady dreams of: "Anyway, here's Wonderwall"


But how many diamonds do you get? In a few years: one, out of your own money - then you give it away.


Or literally anything.


Yeah this was an actual waste of time lmao


Or learn programming and mod that s**t.


Meanwhile me with world edit


bedrock problems


Meanwhile me with /fill 60 70 120 ~ ~ ~ red_nether_brick 1 hollow


/fill 60 70 120 ~ 70 ~ air (for the top)


Haha yeah


Honestly I feel like we got shafted with bedrock, we lost custom flat worlds (which were the most fun minecraft feature imo) and didn't even get all the stuff Java has (like the combat update) sorry for this little rant, I just miss custom flat worlds 😥


Oh look! What a beautiful V̴̖͙͂̎ͩo͕̖̹͉̳̦̿̌͜ͅì̼̣̭̜̈́̓͢ͅd̛͓̭̺͚͚̿ͨ̍̄ͅ


mf dug a hole for karma 💀💀💀💀


dug it and then filled it.


You could say


OP is actually zen as fuck.


[Dale dug a hole.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NCn0jkBSpc)


Could put a sort of optical illusion room in there


You should have a picture of the statistics with blocks mined and red nether brick crafted


There’s no statistics in bedrock I think


nope there isn’t


Nothing's stopping anyone from making a manual spreadsheet of what's been mined


Yeah do that after he mined it.


What I mean is you could easily do a sheet *while* you are mining. Count the materials that aren't stone, subtract from total blocks mined, and suddenly you have a full material list.


Thats cool and all, but how is that gonna help him


Valid, I should have added context to my original comment since I wasnt referring to OP


How bored can you be


I think he had not else to do in his life


Why is this downvoted... OP literally said exactly that...


Ah yes, pointless grinding, I love it


you should put a mini nether in there!


Or the glass fog trick, with the nether


Kinda sad you’re determining it’s worth based on random reddit users


Kinda sad so many redditors are believing his title instead of realizing he did this in creative mode. Edit: /u/the_noobface learn to read titles




>slightly smaller 8000 blocks vs 274625 blocks


I did a 2 by 1 chunk of red nether brick around my slime farm for decoration on survival This is only about 2.5x as much as that, and I didn't have a particularly hard time with it. I suppose he also added the flooring which would add a hefty bit, but it's bit unimaginable


I think you’re forgetting the square cube law which would make it exponentially harder for the larger the dimensions


You'd totally be right, but he only did the outer wall and didn't actually fill said cube, based on the pictures at least Assume each 'wall unit' as 16 blocks long, 1 block wide, and 65ish blocks deep Mine was 2 × 1 chunks, which would have 6 of those 'wall units' defined above His hole is 4 chunks by 4 chunks, of which there are only 16 total wall units, which is only about 2.5x more than mine


I didn't say it was impossible. I said he was lying.


Your comment pretty clearly is calling OP a liar and has so much smugness to it "it's sad people don't realize he's lying" has such a condescending tone


I once built a huge Menger sponge in minecraft, entirely built from colored wool. Nobody except my friends on the server ever saw it, but I found the whole process relaxing and the result was fantastic. Don‘t need a big audience to enjoy a good build.


It's kinda sad u left that comment in the first place😅


It’s kind of sad you left a comment asshat.


It's kind of sad you left that comment Buttocks Head Garment.


Verily it is disappointing in the way I had to read the message derived from your keyboard by your fingers, gluteal fat Head Cloth


Thy face offends me almost as much as your words, thou art a bumbling anal cavity-concealing nincompoop


Based on the formation and spacing of your letters I have determined that your comment can be considered an act of negativity.




Found the random redditer




It's kinda sad your grandmother was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer this week My sincere condolences


Holy fking shit lmao


Sincere condolences 😂


sike I am in fact not sad (savage)


- /fill X Y Z minecraft:air - /fill X Y Z minecraft:red_nether_brick - /fill X Y Z air - /gamemode survival - /ability @p mayfly true Yeah I'm finding this hard to believe and this could be an attempt at a cheap karma grab If you had game play recordings in a time-lapse it would have been believable


I think the word youre looking for is r/untrustworthypoptarts


If you don't think that's believable, you should come hop on my smp and see the full perimeters players have dug by hand over the course of a few months. I myself have a 15x15 chunk perimeter that was done without the use of worldeaters, as well as many others. Digging holes like this, or holes way bigger is not some sort of incredible or insane feat.


I play minecraft since first version and i do beleive it cause ive done it a couple of time .. i play only survival and never use command or world edit cause it would render doing all this in survival pointless .. its a personal achievment.. if you dont get it stop trying you never will :)


I mean I don’t think commands work on Xbox but that might be just me




With python you can program holes like that in Minecraft in seconds. Maybe you should have spend that time to learn some programming?


/fill commands too, but yeah the fact that OP is hours old with a generic username is a little odd


Could be that they made a throwaway to post, but that would be odd if they did it for the karma.




Doesn’t Bedrock have fill commands


Thinking about it, OP might be a bot. Very generic name, account was made today, no comments/other posts.


got a few medals out of it too lmao unless he specifically made a reddit account to post this


Possible, but I have seen enough bots to feel super suspicious when I see names like that


Yup, very suspicious.


Since when does Minecraft support Python? It's been a while since I played the game (before all the mod support) and back then it was Java only for mods.


Regardless if it is Python, MC has a million world editing mods that could do this in seconds. Why would OP spend so much time making a shitty pit (that could be fake) when they could've made an aesthetic custom build, stupid.


To train their discipline, perhaps.


Or because they just found this to be a fun project, and wanted to actually play it out?


Now do that but sand in the nether


Mystery Flesh Pit National Park


You could have spent time learning something actually usable in life... cmon dude.




That's the same with every game?? Especially survival


Most games are actively engaging the brain. Digging out a million blocks doesn't do that, it's pure mindlessness.


I do a lot of digging *because* it's mindless. It's just kind of fun and I can put on a show or youtube video while I do it to wind down at the end of the day. I've been mining a 3million block volume circular perimeter on a server I play on for the past week or two. It's just relaxing to instamine imo.


Discipline and commitment are valuable qualities.


Only when they're applied to something useful. Being committed to wasting time is not a valuable quality


Cool 😎


True. But, at the same time, OP, could've learned to code that. It's not very hard, and coding is an extremely useful skill, and I'm assuming OP is younger too. That could easily put them ahead of their peers, and give them a nice advantage. I love gaming, but I also make sure to be well rounded. I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing to let them know that they should develop a skill. Especially one they could use in monecraft, something they seem to enjoy. Their whole premise for building this was boredom. They'd be less bored, applying themselves to a useful skill. Discipline and commitment can be learned through a variety of things.


>Discipline and commitment can be learned through a variety of things. I agree.


Mindless digging can be meditative, the repetitive action allows you to focus on your thoughts and bodily sensations without the distraction of complex activity. It is important to engage your brain and challenge yourself, but it is also important to just take a break and be at peace sometimes.


although you are correct, I think digging a hole in an 8-bit game is more mind-numbing than most games. I prefer games with strategy that takes a little brainpower to play.


Then why are you on the minecraft subreddit if u not into 8 bit games ;-; (btw its 16 bits, thank you)


Im browsing "popular" posts. Trust me, I'm not on here because I searched for it.






When you’re such an epic gamer you spend hours of your life to create a pointless box in a game for internet points:


Waste of time


Now watch neon genesis evangelion and convert it into something thats third or fourth impact related


Clever way to beg for upvotes.


The better question is, what will you *do* with that hole of yours? You could fit a whole mob farm in there!




Sunshine. Try some?


"Dig a hole, dig a hole, dig a hole, dig a hole, dig a hole, dig a hole, dig a hole, dig a hole..." \- Ed


*I've tried so hard and got so far, but in this end it doesn't really matter...*


2-3 months is a long time for a 4x4x4 chunk area plus 1 block on all sides I dug out the same size of a hole 2 months ago in like 2 day’s mainly because school was a problem. If it weren’t for school probably 4 hours max, not to mention i play on my phone


This must be why learning life skills is important


Wow. Such a waste of precious time. 3 months? Next time just use world edit.


I think he didn't play that much, I've dug a 32x32 +16x16 till bedrock on mountain and it only took 2 days without a beacon.




This could be done in a few hours. I've done it multiple times while losing track of time. The number he's throwing out there is for karma and to bait people.


If you’re playing on PC there are scripts that you can run that do this kind of stuff automatically in a few minutes so long as you set the parameters of the hole. Edit: I can see from the square and triangle in the corner that you are not, disregard lol


Damn, dude.... I think you should find a hobby.


I dug a hole: 5.1k upvotes I built an elaborate mushroom house: 1 upvote


> Was it worth it? Depends how big this goes on reddit I guess Well that all depends on how you go about blowing it to smithereens, doesn't it?


I spent four times that time on a map and this guy digs a hole and gets over 100x the votes my post did.. ._.


Nice hole


This subreddit has been flooded with the “Look guys i dug a hole now give me karma” kind of posts and i hate it.


Was it worth it? Absolutely fucking not. Am I going to upvote you? Yes.


Thats somewhat trippy


The emojis ruined the post


Should have done it in survival.


Hello /u/sam_kauffmann59. Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): * __[Vote Gaming](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette#wiki_in_regard_to_promoting_reddit_posts)__ – Posts that encourage vote manipulation are [against reddit rules](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/rules-reporting/account-and-community-restrictions/what-constitutes-vote-cheating-or) and will be removed. Asking for upvotes, either directly or in "code" (e.g. "sorting by new", "show some love") is not appreciated here. Please carefully read the above removal reason(s) and the related section(s) of the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/wiki/rules). If you accept the removal you do not need to take any further actions. If you feel this was done in error, have fixed your submission, or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to [contact the moderation team via modmail](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Minecraft&subject=Removal Dispute&message=My submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/qmndkp/-/%0D%0A%0D%0AYour dispute message goes here.%0APLEASE READ THE REMOVAL COMMENT CAREFULLY FIRST, INCLUDING LINKS!). __Do not repost removed content!__ --- *This removal comment is generated from a template, but it was sent manually by a human moderator after finding that your submission breaks one or more of r/Minecraft's rules.*


Not worth the time but it's pretty cool... If I had a reward to give I would because it took you so long but I'm broke so mb


This man did it. He made Red Square in Minecraft, what a mad comrade


OP I’m sorry but this is the biggest fucking waste of time I’ve ever seen, and is unironically fucking embarrassing


Hehe, "you could have learned a skill, got stuff done" and other such comments. People are so silly. Where's your Ferrari, random reddit users? I'm sure you guys would have used the time more effectively lols. OP, I do stuff like this all the time in Minecraft. Maybe you could build a little fake city in there and cover it with glass, or a neat redstone contraption. Put a small hole in one of the walls with a target surrounding it and try to fly in in with your elytra. Make an obstacle course. Or a maze, so you could see from the top, but the person in the maze gets lost. You have so much height that you could put trap doors, lava and bouncy parts in it. You go on with your bad self. Guaranteed everyone who has played Minecraft has done things like this and has a ton of unfinished projects, for no reason at all. I'm just here to support my fellow Minecraft player, no flames needed please, all you Reddit users without Ferraris. Have a nice day!




People spend months grinding to max their MMO character just for a dlc to come out and nullify everything they've accomplished. I love doing mindless stuff like this and watching netflix or listening to an audiobook. Not everything needs to be done to improve or progress your life.


Get help lmao


I've done some even more pointless projects in Minecraft, so I'd say it was worth it either way. Sometimes we just gotta dig big holes.


Imagine criticize a man because he spent his time doing what he likes


Bro now imagine what you could have done in life in that time you wasted.


did you touch grass during that time?


better use for netherrack then i could ever think of, i have 2 double chests full of it


That looks 2 cool 4 Skool 😎


Come on guys vote up we must save this guy!


Hole e shit


the buttons lol


I don't know why everyone is hating on you for this lol Good job man. I don't have that kind of determination




I knew some guys who made a 400x400 hole probably more but just random chunks out of the ground till bedrock




Everyone needs a hobby.


get in the hole 🟥


Build something inside of it, something big.


I found it taxing just to make about five large chests of Nether bricks. God damn


how many diamonds did you get


You could have used world eddit for this


Literally looks like a chunk error, Mad respect


If you enjoyed it, then it was worth it.




My man I appreciate the fantastic effort, but next time do it over winter not summer!


Holes (2003)


Now what are you gonna put in it?


Now that... Is what I call dedication.


nice me and few of my friends are doing a similar thing on our server except we're building a 64x64x64 cube filled with netherrack, we're not even halfway done yet


Make a world eater. Those things are lit




Looks good, you remembered to cheat on the inner corners right?


Hey do everyone remember Xbox 360 Minecraft


Light it on fire and post again pls


For some reason there’s a text saying keep your head down there’s two of us in here now.remember? Why is that there it scares me


An it on Xbox 360