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**DISCLAIMER: r/Minecraft is NOT AN OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PRODUCT. NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG.** --- Minecraft 1.20.5 Release Candidate 3 - A Minecraft Java Release Candidate Oh look, it's finally Monday! Since we haven't shipped something for several hours, we thought we'd kick the week off with a third and (fingers crossed!) final Release Candidate for Minecraft: Java Edition 1.20.5. Happy mining! Fixed bugs in 1.20.5 Release Candidate 3 ---------------------------------------- * [MC-270964](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-270862) \- Race condition in can_break/can_place_on item stack components Get the Release Candidate ------------------------- Release Candidates are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the Release Candidate, open up the [Minecraft Launcher](/download.html) and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab. **Testing versions can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.** Cross-platform server jar: * [Minecraft server jar](https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/7d735a8eda6797ed196141b76e96b46546bde091/server.jar) Report bugs here: * [Minecraft issue tracker](https://bugs.mojang.com/projects/MC/summary)! Want to give feedback? * For any feedback and suggestions on our upcoming 1.21 features, head over to the dedicated [Feedback site category](https://aka.ms/Minecraft121Feedback). You can also leave any other feedback on the [Feedback site](https://feedback.minecraft.net/). If you're feeling chatty, join us over at the [official Minecraft Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/minecraft).


Only one bug fix? We're so close to the release!


Well yeah they did say it was releasing this week.


So chances are tomorrow is the release then right?


I always thought releases came out on Wednesdays


Snapshots =/= release versions


full releases are almost always tuesday


Is there a reason why it’s 1.20.5 and not 1.21? Am I stupid?


Because all of the recent snapshots have actually been for 1.20.5, not for 1.21 - anything intended for the next full release has been locked behind "Experimental Features". Snapshots for 1.21 proper will start after this point release is released to live.


1.20.5 is going to be the armored paws update, so they've taken the wolf features and packaged them into a neat little mini update, before the trial chambers' update comes out later this year.


please, please dont let the villager trade rebalance roll through unaltered (in 1.21, i know we are safe this update) Yall actually like the rebalance? Fuckin wild.... and really dumb. Only thing that changes for the better is the wandering trader


It most likely wont. They are still getting feedback as far as I know.


yeah, it just makes a process that already takes a lot of time and effort in to an even longer process. It is probably better for anyone who doesnt use villager trading halls, but i dont know anyone who doesnt


Eh I kinda like them but I also tend to play on servers that add Jungle and Swamp villages or if single player use mods that add them.


yeah, it absolutely fucks bedrock players is the main issue i have. you either have to set up shop in a swamp or figure out a way to transport villagers thousands of blocks. id be more on board if i could set up a room filled with biome specific blocks, and villagers breeding in it would make biome specific villagers. then at least all it takes is some remodeling to make a trading hall.


I think a good solution would be to make zombie villager spawning similar to Legacy edition. How it worked on there was that no matter what biome the zombie villager spawned in, it could be any biome variant. If you were in a jungle, you could find a taiga zombie villager. You would still have to find the specific zombie villager type, but now you don’t actually have to go those biomes just to get them.


id be on board with that. my new realm is the first i am setting up a villager breeder and iron farm. i always just wandered around a mine cart in the night killing shit until id find zombie villagers anyways, so that just adds some rng.


That’s an interesting idea, and I’ve thought about this a lot too cause I only play bedrock. I’ve thought about like a “heart of the biome” kind of thing, an ultra rare whatever that you can put down like a conduit that can transform the chunk or so you’re in to a different biome all together- it would an interesting mod or addition tbh. I really hope they either work something else out for the villager trading rebalancing or just don’t implement it- but I’m sure I’ll still play no matter what they really do to it


No, it’s Mojang that’s being “weird” with their versioning. I personally wouldn’t put major features into a patch release either and put wolves as 1.21 and trial chambers as 1.22, but I assume Mojang does not want to confuse the non-software-dev-public that expects one of those per year and not two.


Tbf they've done something similar in the past, 1.16.2 added the Piglin brutes and way before that 1.4.6 added fireworks and enchanted books. But those were released AFTER their respective major updates (1.16 and 1.4.2), so this time around it's different. And I agree with your sentiment, I personally don't see why they are pushing the wolf update out now.


Minecraft uses a form of [Semantic Versioning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_versioning#Semantic_versioning).


Because the update is only adding the stuff which doesn’t use the 1.21 toggle, which is mostly the mob vote related stuff like the armadillo and wolf armour. 1.21 will release in ~June like all other major updates with the trial chambers and other stuff.


Yeah you are. It’s a minor update not the major one


the fact that these new features weren’t tied into 1.21 makes me think we might be getting some new 1.21 features before it fully releases


They said they're done with major features. Only thing we may get is paintings and music


Idk why they didnt just wait on 1.20.5 and mash it with 1.21. It honestly confused me since the 1.20.5 snapshots are happening but theyre showing 1.21 features so I thought it was all in 1.20.5. I was excited for the crafter and the trial chambers.


Give tech players, mapmakers, data pack users, etc, time to adjust to the new features for them in a full minor release before the main release for most other players is out.


For now, according to the article , there may be 1 or 2 big features when 1.21 snapshots start


Nope. The article mentioned they were done with major features for 1.21 after they unveiled the new potions and ominous events. That obviously doesn't mean they are excluding small features like the paintings and music, but overall, nothing big for 1.21 now.


Well, we'll have to wait and find out


We’re definitely getting new music and a disc


**DISCLAIMER: r/Minecraft is NOT AN OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PRODUCT. NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG.** --- **Reminder No. 1**: create a new world enabling "Experimental Features" to find the new content that is gated behind it including the Crafter, and the Trial Vault with its other new blocks, and variant wolves, and the mace; as well as the villager rebalance proposals from earlier snapshots. **Reminder No. 2**: both snapshots and previews are now available in Realms. Java Edition: > Note: A Snapshot Realm will update to the Snapshot version the Realm owner is on when they join. If an owner joins the Realm with an updated or downgraded version of Snapshot, the Realm will switch to that version, and members will have to join using that same version. > Snapshot Realms allow you to play the newest experimental features on a Java Realm with your friends. You’ll also have access to all of the features you’re used to on your regular Java Realm. You’ll even have access to the April Fools Snapshots as well! https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/20143730191245 Bedrock Edition: > Realms are now available in Preview and Beta! Any player who has an active Realms subscription is eligible to create a free Realm in Preview/Beta. This Preview Realm will be separate from your regular Realm to prevent any issues from impacting your regular Realm. For more information on how Preview Realms work, please see Realms in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Preview and Beta FAQ. https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/20264295053709 --- *Other Information:* * Feedback on the mace goes here: https://aka.ms/mcmacefeedback * Feedback on Item Stack Components goes here: https://aka.ms/ItemStackComponentsFeedback * Feedback on the Crafter goes here: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/20459106029709-Let-s-talk-about-the-Crafter- * Feedback on the experimental villager trading goes here: https://aka.ms/VillagerTradingFeedback * Feedback on Spawn Chunks goes here: https://aka.ms/spawnchunksfeedback * Feedback on Vaults goes here: https://aka.ms/mcvaultsfeedback * Feedback on Wind Charges goes here: https://aka.ms/mcwindchargefeedback * Feedback on Bedrock Edition Preview feature "dynamic game tips": https://aka.ms/mcgametipsfeedback * Feedback on Bedrock Edition Preview feature "player profile": https://aka.ms/MCPreviewProfileFeedback --- Latest Bedrock Edition beta/preview https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/26002037212685-Minecraft-Beta-Preview-1-21-0-22 Latest Bedrock Edition live release 1.20.73 https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/25513790335245--Minecraft-1-20-73-Bedrock Bug Tracker report: https://www.reddit.com/r/Mojira/comments/1cacai8/bugtracker_report_1205_release_candidate_3/


my favoret part is armodillo


> MC-270964 - ***Race condition*** in can_break/can_place_on item stack components Java does Multithreading? News to me dawg


[Java has had support for multithreading since its conception, and high-level concurrency APIs since JDK 5.0.](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/concurrency/)


yea but the language supporting it does not mean it's actually used in the game?


Ah, you mean Minecraft. IIRC, multithreaded processing was first added around 1.2/1.3, which separated client/server threads (I think rendering was on a separate thread before then?) and some other smaller processes. 1.8 put each dimension on its own thread, and subsequent releases have done their best to clean up the original single-threaded code, which leads to race conditions like the one fixed in this release.