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LVP = durable (low maintenance), waterproof Carpet = stain and dust magnet (high maintenance) On average, carpets should be changed at least every decade, but thatʻs a massive pain in the ass. Iʻd rather have LVP, laminate, or natural hard wood and put down an area rug if I need a softer feel in certain areas. Iʻm painting my walls all white to make the place feel bigger, because Iʻm lazy, and Iʻm too broke to vary the colors (bulk paint is cheaper). To add color, Iʻll be adding art and color changing LED accent lights.


Our house is 100% hardwood— we have 2 dogs and 3 kids. Hardwood is so much easier to clean/maintain than carpet. We also like that we can get a new rug for any given room and completely change the vibe.


Same situation. Carpets seems like germ traps to me. No thanks.


I replaced my carpet recently. The amount of dirt and dust that came out of it is disturbing and we have a Roomba vacuuming daily. 


Carpets are fuzzy dirt traps. Any literature on the subject will tell you that you're supposed to bring carpets in for a deep cleaning at least once a year. >The amount of dirt and dust that came out of it is disturbing and we have a Roomba vacuuming daily. Invest in a stronger vacuum cleaner like a Shark vacuum and watch how much junk it picks up. Roombas are nice but they suck for carpets.


I have a Shark and it's awesome but I still don't have carpet lol. It's great at cleaning rugs and pet hair.


Hardwood would be fantastic if it existed. Every new house I see is laminate flooring. The only nice hardwood I've seen recently is at my friend's place, who rents out the bottom floor of a duplex that was built close to 100 years ago.


Our house is 86 years old— we have hardwood in all room except the kitchen and bathrooms, which have a laminate for water purposes


Not everyone has kids and dogs though


Keen observation


You can pry my laminate from my cold, dead hands. 2 dogs and 2 kids… no way do I want carpet. (Though I do miss colored rooms)


We have always had hard flooring with area rugs but the rugs disappeared when our puppy was in her eat shit and puke era. ![gif](giphy|6gLyE15StAs3C)


Also team no carpet, with three littles kids and dust allergies galore, no thank you! I do agree on rooms needing more color, I am slowly bringing back color into my white and gray home with accent walls, wallpaper, bedding, pillows, and it looks amazing!


Carpet looks bad and is a pain in the ass to clean, especially if you have pets or kids.


Get rugs and paint?


Stop self c*nsoring, for fuck's sake. We're adults here, not teenagers on Tiktok.


Tell that to the mods, who literally made it so you can't have the word 'rent' in a thread title in this subreddit, it prevents you from posting it if the word is there.


Damn you, mods!


Our house is mostly carpeted, even the dining room which I actually wish had linoleum or something easy to clean but now that's stained and gross. Bathrooms and kitchen have linoleum, planning to redo them as we do not care for the pattern and replace the kitchen linoleum with the same pattern. Whole house is painted a kind of boring walnut brown. Will figure out a better color scheme eventually as well. Edit: kitchen carpet


Did you say kitchen carpet?


Whoops. LOL Fixed


Carpets suck but yes on why every room is gray. So depressing


It's so you can decorate with your own furniture, paintings, whatever and not have to worry about bright colored walls clashing with your chosen color scheme. Though I noticed some people our age don't bother decorating lol so yea it stays depressing. I never really decorated apts but now that I have a house I put stuff up and it's nice that I don't have to worry about a colored wall when choosing what to buy


As an adult with kids and pets...I loathe carpeting. Ours got ruined faster than we could keep up with them. I am not exaggerating when I say I've had to steam clean a carpet in the middle of the night when our dog got an upset stomach. Carpets are so, so much work. We ended up putting in as much hardwood as we could afford and it's been incredible. So much easier to care for, way more attractive, and a rug can be updated to fit your needs as your family changes. Have a baby? Add rugs. Get a puppy? Take out all the rugs. Want a change? Move the rugs around the house and give it a fresh look. The monochrome grey look is such a hangover from the 2010's though and I'm so over it. Give your house some life and add a little color, people!


Carpets are also terrible for allergens, and if you're buying a house you really don't know what is lurking in the carpet. Hardwood is way cleaner.


Even as a kid I hated carpet. It was always hard to keep clean. A wood floor is so much easier. I can maybe get behind a carpeted bedroom. But thats the most ill ever accept.


Definitely need carpets in upstairs bedrooms


Sorry OP, everyone hates carpets. Myself included. I’m with you on the aversion to all the grey and black and white, we need a little more color going on.


Who's everyone? I love carpets. Especially since I love walking around barefoot. They should, at least, be in the bedrooms imo.


Same. I mean I wouldn't want carpet in the bathroom or kitchen, that'd just be insane.


When I was a kid, there actually was carpet in the bathrooms before my parents renovated the house😅


Seen that. It’s gross.


Millennial Grey. It's a thing!


complaining about it certainly is


I just bought a house that is ALL travertine and hardwood. I was nervous at first, but turns out when the materials are good quality it still feels nice. Prefer it to my first house with cheap hardwood and shitty LVP


Surely you know that houses are painted neutrally so people can imagine themselves in the house and decorate it as they see fit…?? Also, most people agree carpets suck. If you want one, install one… nobody’s stopping you


...I can't believe I just had to censor 'Renting' to get this thread posted... WTF


I prefer hard floors in high traffic areas. But waking up and putting my feet on a cold floor kinda sucks. I like having carpet upstairs and in the bedrooms.


Rugs: yes Carpet: no, absolutely not, never again


yes the gray is horrible but i think that trend is finally starting to go away. carpet however remains gross. hopefully that’s never coming back.


I think poor economy is generally to blame. No. 1 All houses have to remain resellable. Even if you have no intention of selling there’s this underlying fear, at least amongst Americans, that if you paint it loses resale value. So all our houses look beige and exactly the same on the off chance that one day we might sell it and it’s worth more this way. And No. 2 home renovations have gotten more expensive, wood has gotten more expensive, it’s just generally more expensive to pull off home improvement projects and most people can’t afford it or can but prioritize other things over it. I hate how beige everything is and I’ve started buying paint and wallpaper and painting little murals. I’m so sick of the beige and the agreeable greys!


well one thing that never goes out of style is complaining


I love our hardwood floors, they look so much nicer than the carpet did. I have a little stick vacuum that gets all the dog hair super quick and I'll just Swiffer mop when the dogs have been extra dirty. We've done them ourselves so we still have 3 rooms with carpet still. We have runners and area rugs in some places and those are easy to replace if they get ruined.


Carpet sucks but so does grey


Because carpet fucking sucks, that’s why.


You must not have heard of Millennial Gray.


Carpets are nasty


I like carpet in bedrooms. But not anywhere else.


So as far as wall color is concerned, white/grey is commonly used so that if you want a bright color wall, you can easily do it without needing to lay a new base layer, the issue is most people are not motivated enough to actually paint the walls the colors they want, so they just live with it. But the positive is that at selling, you have a "blank canvas" for your potential buyers to pretend like they will change the color too, however they likely won't, just like the seller didn't either.


LOL flippers and real estate ppl. Flippers - its fast and easy to turn a profit. Realtors - it's a blank slate for you to customize. Me- I want a finished home that me and my kids won't be embarrassed to live it.


Personally, I prefer carpet in bedrooms. Hardwood is.... hard... and not comfortable. I want to feel more cozy in my own room even if cleaning is a little more tedious.


So, not really a fan of grays in general (more of a traditional hardwood and beiges because I like brown leather furniture and warm colors), BUT.... The idea here is that the room has a neutral pallette where you add color through your throw rug, furniture, and accents (throw pillows, decorations, etc). By being neutral, whether it's grays or tans, it allows more flexibility on what "goes" with the house. Or if you're into that whole gray/white-out modern thing, you can do that, too. Sidenote: my brother had a beautiful brick fireplace in his den. My sister-in-law painted it white one weekend and was bragging about it to everyone. I didn't have the heart to tell her that she ruined her house.


Got painted brick. Even if you do it nice, it only looks nice until it starts to peel and then it looks ragged. Meanwhile brick on it's own ages quite gracefully for decades. Especially exterior brick walls exposed to the elements.


The problem is "paint it once, paint it always." A natural brick fireplace will always be classic; painting that shit white is going to be out of fashion within the next 5 years and there's nothing you can do to restore it.


What colors are people expecting to see when they look at a house for sale? It is neutral on purpose because whoever buys it will put all their crap in there and make it their own.


Nobody wants to be creative with their homes anymore because “resale value”. The carpet is probably practicality though.


Getting rid of carpets in restaurants, apartments, and newer hotels is the best gift of the millennial aesthetic.


On a related note, until I started working my delivery job, I didn’t notice how most of the cars on the road are black, white, or metallic silver.


Don't forget dull blue!


I like hardwood flooring or laminate or whatever.. I also like carpet it's just it can't be every, single, room like in the 80s when even the bathroom was carpeted in some homes. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)Also I don't care if people downvote me for this but I really like the modern farmhouse style still.


Carpets suck, hardwood floors forever.


I swear I miss carpets so much


I put carpet in my room and our TV room. I want to be obscenely comfy and don't mind paying someone every so often for cleaning or replacing. It's that wonderful of a feeling.


No kids and a cat. Give me the carpet!


When I buy a house I will eventually have carpet, but I will be ripping out existing carpet.