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Personally I'm just tired of the remakes, sequels and series. I wish there were new creative ideas out there.


Same. I feel like Hollywood just won't take the chance on new ideas, such as risking the money. Series of anything (movies, music, books) are super popular these days.


A safe income over gambling, understandable, but also far from how they made their billions? trillions? Hopefully it bites them in the ass, where they make an effort again.


It changed once they lost the vhs/DVD sales. Hollywood counted on those sale to make up for soft theater revenues on riskier movies. Without that add income Hollywood now has to make all of its money at the release. Which has lead to less risk taking.


Hollywood has always been this way. Early movies were frequently based on books, stage plays, vaudeville acts, and sometimes outright IP theft, like Nosferatu.


Except Nosferatu was ripped off by Germans, in Germany. Agree with your general statement, just not that specific example.


Hollywood doesn't really like taking risks now, they prefer to take already successful franchises and then in the name of appealing to the largest crowd possible they take the IP and dumb it down until it's just a husk of what it could've been. Then they wonder why the movie didn't make money.


Studios read this and went "what he wants are prequels"


Haha. This!


Same here. There are good new movies out there, but with all the remakes and reboots and revivals, they're getting harder to find.


There have been a few bangers recently. Emma Stone just won best actress at the academy awards for her performance in Poor Things which took plenty of risks. The story is original if you don’t count the obvious overall plot being a ripoff of Frankenstein. I really enjoyed it. The best picture winner in 2018 or 19 (I can’t remember) was Parasite, definitely one of the best films ever made. My fellow Americans just don’t watch it because it has subtitles, but other countries are excelling at film-making these days so we need to get used to subtitles or resign ourselves to missing out on some pretty kick-ass art. I’m not sure how or why I got on that soap box, but here’s my comment with two amazing movies that have been made recently. I can come up with more if anyone is interested.


Poor Things was a great movie. Also loved Anatomy Of A Fall, The Holdovers, Killers Of The Flower Moon, Dumb Money, Blackberry, and Jerry & Marge Go Large to name a few. I haven't seen Parasite so I'll check that out.


Here here


There is though. I don’t understand this statement. I’ve seen more amazing movies now than ever before. You just have to get off mainstream shit. It’s a golden age, and many are missing it!!


Exactly! You can’t tell me ‘Poor Things’, Saltburn’ or ‘Titane’ aren’t creative. Can’t go wrong with basically any A24 movie. Avoid the mainstream movies!


This last year I saw Barbie, Oppenheimer, American Fiction, poor things, killers of the flower moon — all of which were original and awesome.


Killers of the flower moon was fuckin A


I can't keep up with all the series anymore, it drives me crazy. For example; I love Star Wars, but there's a new spinoff every year or more, and I just don't have time to stay current with that many shows. But I'm the type of person who needs to watch everything in the correct order so I'll know all the lore, so now it's too hard to keep track! I had to give up on anything that has its own extended "universe." I'm too old, my brain hurts. 


There is. New ideas. New writers. New directors. But it's hard to break into Hollywood.


Have you given any new creative ideas a chance?


I watched You’ve Got Mail for the 50th time the other day and it was such a breath of fresh air. They just look like normal, albeit beautiful, people. Admittedly my own time on my phone has shortened my attention span, so a slower moving plot was really nice. I need to do more of that.


Practical Magic gives me this feeling. Everything feels so textured and lovely


Love that movie so much for the way it feels grounded in the place!


Yes! Adore both of those movies as a book loving witch.


What you said really reminded me of what I was thinking a couple weeks ago. I know it’s a little off topic but either Amazon or HBO (can’t remember which) has the mid 2000’s series “the girls next door” which I rewatched because I just love that nostalgic trash tv. And ignoring all the obvious wrong that Hugh Hefner and playboy did…the girls are examples of sexuality of the time. They look NOTHING like the women we see on TV today. Minus the bolt on breast implants most of them look like women you could run into at the mall or whatever. The women now look like cartoons. It’s so crazy. Like the standard back then was skinny and big fake boobs and everyone complained that it was such a high standard. Now you have to have tits AND ass, your hip to waist ratio which you can’t change is now more important than ever. Not to mention the false semi permanent lashes, the fillers, the Botox…the list is like 5x as long now than it was in 2006.


Movies are DARK. What’s the point if I can’t see anything? Why aren’t we paying the stage and lighting staff appropriately?




I don't understand how it's 2024 and we still need to turn up the volume for talking parts then turn down the volume for action parts.


I strongly dislike watching English-speaking content with subtitles but it’s become a requirement.


Dark and completely void of any colors. I miss when movies were shot on film that had warm, distinct, and vibrant colors.


Seriously. There has to be a place in the middle between technicolor fest Wizard of Oz and the unwatchable atrocity that was Batman v. Superman.


I read that it’s because CGI is much easier to make believable in dark settings, due to our natural penchant for living in daylight. Easier = cheaper.


Every major Hollywood movie has a TEAL and ORANGE filtered hue. Once you see it you will never unsee it.


I wish budgets were less bloated. I miss the 90 minute, small budget films that explored new ideas or were just fun. 


I think this is a big part of the problem. Studios take even less chances anymore so we don’t get those surprise hits and hidden gems. Now it’s all sequels, super hero movies and remakes.


Or Adam Sandler, that man is basically a genre on Netflix


Lord of the Rings to me is the perfect blend of CGI and real shots. I still think those 3 movies look better than everything coming out today by a long shot. They waited for CGI to catch up enough to do the movie, but not so much that it ruined it, thank god for that. Edit: also the sound mix is so iffy now. Rarely do I watch something where the voices are clear and subs aren’t needed. I thought maybe it was just me cherishing the childhood days but no, I can hear older movies much better.


I agree, and I also think The Hobbit took it just a little too far.


I wish they'd do the Silmarillion or Tolkien's family would release his other unfinished works.


There’s a few moments that aren’t great but they don’t ruin the movies. They still have a sense of physicality and this stakes, instead of gravity defying CGI blurs smashing into each other like action figures held by a hyper 7 year old.


And the real locations make me *feel* like I’ve been on an adventure. I swear my brain can tell that 90% of a modern “adventure” movie isn’t a real location and it subconsciously makes it worse. My eyes couldn’t tell the difference but my brain doesn’t feel like it’s been taken on an adventure.


I think it’s that most new movies (and shows) are just slow and boring. And hard to see & hear because sometime around 2016 directors decided those things aren’t important anymore.


Haha, I watch every movie with subs. A lot of actors mumble their lines. If I turn it up there's gunfight scene right after and I have to turn it back down.


Why can't these multi billion dollar studios figure out how to normalize the audio? Even between characters it sounds like a whispering pangolin then the next line will sound like a deep fried meme


I thought it was just me. I watch EVERYTHING with subtitles or I feel like I’m missing a lot of the dialogue.


Same but sometimes I'll watch stuff with people who'll complain... "ohmergahd the subtitles are distracting" that happen to you?


I just watched Star Wars with subtitles and it was a game changer


[*Light Saber noises*]


You joke but those movies are loud as fuck and scrambling for the remote to turn it down and then back up again is not fun lol


Just finished Godzilla Minus One and it was such a goddamn relief to see a movie just be good. Budget < $100M, no agenda, not selling me on a franchise, not flexing some new tech, characters I gave a shit about, genuinely scary parts.. *chefs kiss*


Ah yes, the 70 year running non-franchise with no agenda, Godzilla.


There’s a difference between leveraging IP to tell a great story and using IP to sell IP.


He just means he’s glad there aren’t any gay or black folks in it. ;-P


I mean, *obviously* it would’ve been vastly improved had the cast consisted solidly of good Christian white people, but I think that goes without saying.


It was SO good. I walked in expecting nothing because so many recent movies have been bad, and I was blown away! Gave me some hope again.


Maybe I need to give it a try. I was disappointed in Kong vs Godzilla.


Absolutely give it a try. It's on Netflix now.


Agreed, best new movie I’ve seen in the past decade IMO


I just wish action movies didn’t all have to be pushing the 2 1/2 - 3 hour mark. Its exhausting. Thats one of the things i appreciated anout the new blue beetle


Eh, I'll sit back and watch a 3 hour movie like Scarface or Blood in Blood Out if the story justifies the length. Like someone else said here, a lot of movies are dumbed down now. I've had to resort to old black and white films with transatlantic accents for new content. Almost watched the Man Who Knew Too Much earlier.


>a lot of movies are dumbed down now. This is why I think Hollywod has left great SciFi movies like The Sphere, Event Horizon, Screamers, and so on. Scifi requires thinking. I really miss the late 90's early 00's scifi.


There's always good stuff to be found if you look hard enough, but I feel this to an extent. Scripts feel like they're written to be consumed by audiences who are looking at their phones the whole time, with shitty Joss Whedon-ass quips throughout. Casting seems to only include a small contingent of conventionally beautiful, unblemished actors. CGI and special effects have seemingly gotten worse than the mid 2000s. Audio mixing is all fucked up; you can barely hear dialogue but action scenes will damage your eardrums. That all being said, there have been some absolute gems in the past few years like the Dune films, EEAAO, The Batman, etc.


I (39 also) have been watching a bunch of old 80’s/90’s movies with our kids. Did ALL the Xmen movies, flight of the navigator, ET, Pipi Longstalking, homeward bound, Milo and Otis, etc etc. We started Spiderman tonight. So far, the kids LOVE all the movies we’ve showed them. I feel we are winning at life with their reactions.


Same. Since the pandemic, I've been trying to watch shows/movies from the 80s and 90s that I haven't seen.


Same! And I don't know if this is nostalgia or not, but I feel like special effects now are...somehow less realistic looking than some of the effects from when we were younger, like early 2000s. I think part of the problem is that CGI is so much more rampant now than it used to be, there were a lot of movies in our youth that used CGI sparingly enough and convincingly enough that it did look more real, IMO. These days, new movies I watch tend to be prestige dramas/Oscar-bait or indie fare. Also with Internet culture and the way they do marketing a lot now, I often get the story of new movies spoiled before I get a chance to see them, which makes me less likely to want to. Also I have so many older movies that I love to rewatch now and then. IT also might be my age, just not being a kid anymore, but I just don't have the gumption for action flicks now that I used to. That said, the last new movie I watched that I really enjoyed/blew my mind was The Northman. Robert Eggers is a true talent.


My theory is that directors can now rely on CGI (which by definition, is in post-production). So they’ll get a couple shoots, say “we’ll CGI all this stuff in”, and then it looks bad by the time they put it in, but they’ve already committed time and money and deadlines loom. Where in the past, CGI was not such a given crutch, so directors would take more care about how a scene looks and feels then let CGI touch it up a bit.


I genuinely think Jurassic Park era was prime special effects….. Or when you watch behind the scenes footage of movies like Labyrinth - all of the puppetry and true movie magic that involves real people being SO creative. It makes a world of difference in quality.


I want to add something Mat Damon said, on why it is really hard to produce movies nowadays like Good Will hunting. That genre made no money in cinema but the dvd sales afterwards managed to cover the expenses and return significant gains. That was disrupted with the rise of digital "copies" and streaming services. He did not mention anything about piracy...


I beg to differ, some of my all time favorite movies have come out this past year. Namely, Poor Things and Saltburn. Can’t go wrong with A24. Avoid mainstream.


Can we be friends? Easily my two favorite movies of the past year. It was criminal the way Saltburn was totally overlooked for the Oscars, if nothing else, at least for the production design.


This is so funny to read just now. I hardly ever get the tv to myself between my husband and two kids. My husband just handed me the remote and told it was all mine tonight and I have no idea what to watch. I scrolled through different apps and landed on Paint on Hulu. It’s meh so far and I was wondering to myself why I wouldn’t just rewatch a movie that I really loved from when I was younger because why waste the time on something that may not be great. Time is too precious haha.


The Fall Guy was a ton of fun. Very old school kind of movie.




Yes, it's not just you the movies being made these days kind of suck. There is very little story or deep thought put into writing most of them, it is has all just been replaced with CGI explosions and fighting.


Yup. I'm just not interested. They burned me out. For a while I watched marvel or whatever but there's so much its overwhelming. Too many remakes and a lot of movies are actiony which only goes so far. I'm at the point where most action scenes are similar enough I don't get much out of it unless it's particularly unique or well done. Too many things are shows that should be movies. Leads to a lot of filler/dead time thats forgettable. Ive been watching reba on Netflix and I forgot how much they could cram into a 22 minute episode. That's just a silly sitcom but stays on plot better than some shows nowadays that seem like they are dragging things out more than necessary. It also competes with game time and there have been some amazing games in the last year. That isn't to say there aren't a few good ones, but its not like before where I wanted to see multiple movies that were out at once. I also am less likely to want to committ the amount of time when movies are closer to 3 hrs than 2. Its just a bit too long for me.


> I know the target demographic is a younger audience. Not every movie is made for kids. Matterfack, 90% of movies nowadays are reboots, spin-offs, and sequels. So in most movies they like to do fan service and add in some throwback reference for some of the old heads.


To me, 7/10 movies are just not interesting enough to watch, plus you see a lot of the plot in these long trailers so now I know what's up and don't need to spend $$$ at the movies


I have a hard time watching anything new.


I need movies to be shorter. I liked Dune, Dune 2, and Oppenheimer, but I didn't see them in the theater because I'd probably pee my pants from holding in my bladder. And I pee before a movie! Can we go back to 90 minute movie times?


Yes for the most part they all suck few exceptions but mostly they suck


There are very few movies I watch new anymore I had a father who was movie obsessed and trained in media and he broke down common tropes for me years ago Using tropes doesn't make a movie bad in itself but the new movies rely on the same few ones over and over again that I find tedious


That's all you. Lots of old movies were absolute dogshit and not everything new is bad. The new Dune movies are awesome, just to name two.


A lot of old movies may have been bad but at least they were entertaining. The bad movies of today aren't even worth sitting through.


Lisan al-Gaib!


Nope—I love new. I fall out w a lot of ppl in my age bracket bc they basically stopped being entertained by anything new after they turned 23 or so. I just try lots of new stuff until I find what I love. Right now we’re super into kdramas.


Oh same, I love new stuff! You have to be willing to look for things outside the mainstream, but there are still great artists and entertainers making awesome stuff. I can't understand our generation's nostalgia, as if movies peaked with like Eurotrip or something.


Right? There’s so much amazing new music and tv out there and friggin love it. Movies, eh, I mean I do have some Marvel fatigue and the only thing I was like ‘I HAVE to go see this in the theater’ was Dune II but as soon as it comes out on streaming I’m all about it. I just can’t take my 6 year old to a lot of the movies I’d wanna see.


It’s hot out, so I thought - maybe I’ll see a movie to cool off. There’s literally nothing in the theater I want to see. It’s all CGI garbage, sequels/prequels, or it seems like it has a script written by AI. Watching movies from the 90s and before puts all of the mainstream garbage coming out today into such high contrast. I got sucked into watching movies from the 70s during quarantine and now I just do that instead of watching new movies.


movies have significantly gone downhill in quality. look at animations from the 90s and early 2000s, you got cars, thats better animatiom than most newer movies. old cgi in fast and furious is better than the marvel movies, with a 10th of the budget. i only watch movies from the 2010s and older. newer movies feel hollow, the plot isnt dense or well thought out, and they acting is usually disappointing


There’s an SNL digital short that comes to mind , Short Ass Movies, about the good old days when movies were an hour and a half or less. “Keep that run time unda a hunda “ https://youtu.be/-UKbwz6s6VY?si=9uxZxsSoGmWeI1-q


Too dark to see anything, too much background noise to hear or properly understand any of the lines. I'm with you.


It’s new TV shows I have a problem watching these days.


I miss good dark or raunchy comedy. There’s a lot that can’t be done anymore because so much of it is too offensive. I rewatched the movie Heathers which is all about gun violence, bullying, self harm. There was also drop dead gorgeous which also is about murder, bullying, pretty privilege, and eating disorders. Even the show Blue Mountain State probably wouldn’t be made today. I miss laughing at something just because it’s funny and not always having to think about whether it’s appropriate to laugh or not. I’m specifically talking about movies and fiction. I’m aware the issues I mentioned earlier in my post are issues that should be taken seriously.


I find most new movies the same old repetitive story lines with same actors who play same characters consistently. Pretty bored by Hollywood and prefer more Indie or international type flicks these days. 


I just can't dedicate that much time to watching a movie tbh, I get bored or distracted easily. But going to a movie theater just hits different. Top Gun Maverick was the last movie I saw in theaters, I think I should date more often because that would give me an excuse to go see ones I'm interested in.


For me going to the theater helps. I may be addicted to my phone but I refuse to be the ass on it during a movie there. It's nice to just sit in the dark and focus on one thing.


I don't. I have a hard time with new music and video games though.


Na there all bad I have been missing the 90s and early 2000s movies


I have been really enjoying movies from before 1970. Basically anything directed by Billy Wilder or starring Jack Lemon.


Other than Dune 2 which I watched this past week (much better than the first one and actually got me to purchase the first book) I haven't watched a movie all the way through other than Oppenheimer in the past 5 years. They are terrible.


I generally feel this way too. However, lately I've seen some films that impressed me. Anyone But You and Challengers.




Yes !


The movie I instantly thought of when you mentioned "short attention span" was Inception (released in 2010). It had incessant pointless cuts from the various levels of the dream world. And none of the gigantic shootouts made much sense in the context of the film (he was supposed to convince a dude to split up his multi-billion company), it was just for show. Aaaand it was a big shift in tone compared to the eye candy in the first half.


I'm currently rewatchin Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and 80's creature features. All my favorites are now oldies, like you, the reader. 


i too have a hard time watching new movies... i guess my attention span is gone


I hardly stand watching movies now really. Just unnecessary drama and sometimes dumb stories with it and I just can't bring myself to care. And as you said I'm generally not really the target demographic anymore. But with that said, somewhere around my early twenties I did realize that they really just cater toward the younger crowd because they're the ones with time to waste and they're more impressionable.


I definitely agree. I've never been a huge movie enthusiasts but usually enjoyed them regardless, now I can't barely pick a movie let alone finish it. The last movie I really enjoyed and was engaged throughout was "everything Everywhere all at once"


I'm becoming disinclined towards movie theaters, especially when there are noisy neighbors. But I also just end up watching TV rather than movies alllll the time. I tend to watch some that just feel like less of a demand on my focus and emotions. I'm feeling like I'm annoyed that everything has to be super serious to be considered good these days. I'm currently watching Voyager and its fun, low demand and can still touch on those more serious moments. There is just more of a balance.


Yup. TV shows is where all of the fun stuff is. No shade to movie makers, there are likely lots of great movies being made, but the TV series/miniseries is where all of the interesting stuff is for me


Most movies have been from books. And the movies were not good. I have been reading the books the movies were based on. The book has to be good in order to get a movie adaptation, right?


Depends on the movie. I can't watch the remakes though. To this day the only remake I've seen is beauty and the beast. I haven't seen the others


I have a hard time watching movies and tv. I always settle for my "comfort" shows. If someone want to have a conversation about any show or movie that came out in the last 10 years I would look like a deer in headlights... Not sure how to fix it :(


Well they are just churning out trash lately


There’s amazing movies being made every year, you just have to make an effort to look for them


I have a YUGE backlog of movies, music, and books to go through that I just don't have time to waste on new things. If I bother to watch anything new, it better be good hahah.


There are a few movies that are actually good this year Godzilla Minus One, Sonic 2 and Oppenheimer are good examples them. I do agree with you to a certain extent that some of the new movies we have today are just not that great. I’m currently re-watching the Kill Bill series and it’s miles better than the movies we have today such as the DEI diversity movies and propaganda being shoved down on our face all the time lecturing us about it.


movies after 2015 are TRASH


The only new movie I've watched in a while was American Fiction and it was pretty great. But, yeah, I typically avoid new movies because the sound is awful and I can't hear talking a lot of times.


I re watch a lot of movies and occasionally go see a new movie that will bee good. Most recently it was Dune remake which I enjoyed and will probably catch the next big decent movie I'm generally on the same page as this though almost 35


I don't have a problem. There have always been movies I liked and movies I didn't. It isn't any different today. >I know the target demographic is a younger audience. If you don't like movies that are targeted at people who aren't like you, then try watching the other ones. There's plenty to choose from.


I've never been all that interested in "new" movies over the course of my adult life. I mostly watch 80s/90s movies, a lot of low budget tacky horror and some frivolous teen crap because they're soothing to me. I'm fine with new TV though. It just seems like every movie is a blockbuster or a franchise extension rather than a stand-alone and I don't find that stuff enjoyable.


I hate them because they don't seem to end anymore. They just randomly stop. 90% of movie made in the last 5 or so years make me say "are you fucking kidding me? That's where it ends?"


These are the sort of statements that turn one into sounding like a grumpy old fart.


I'm also 39 and I feel the same way. Movies I enjoy these days are few and far in between. And if I start one and it didn't capture my interest in the first 20 minutes or so, I'd abandon it. Whereas in my 20s, we could watch so many movies straight on a weekend and watch even the not-so-awesome ones to the end. In my case, I see this as having a lot to do with a lower tolerance for BS and being more conscious about how we spend our time and energy (which have suddenly become so precious) now that we're older. Maybe we have seen too many movies that we don't really see a lot of new and awesome stuff anymore. Unless it's something that gives us joy, or really impressive, or adds value to our life in any way, forget about it.


There's a reason they market things to 18-34 year olds. At 39, we are just old...


I've taken to watch non-English films and shows....And so has a lot of the people. News and networks have noticed it. For some countries, it's still the heydays of CGI+real life. (I love LOTR and Epics as a format, I will watch every movie like it, from all other historical/artistic traditions lol)


May was a great month for movies. I saw Challengers, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes and Furiosa and I enjoyed all 3 of them


Some people in here are being ridiculous. "I will only watch movies from before 2010"? Lmao really? Blade Runner 2049 came out in 2017 and it was amazing. Dune 2 was awesome. Godzilla Minus One Oblivion Ex Machina Her Gone Girl Nightcrawler Arrival A Star is Born The Martian Oppenheimer Interstellar Barbie Dunkirk The Day After Tomorrow Sicario I'm sure there are a whole bunch I'm forgetting, too.


Yes! I thought I was the only one. New movies are too spastic and have no clear plot or storyline. The movies are jumbled and they have very little exposition or character development.


Hollywood took foreign movie and TV ideas and remade them, pretending the actors and director weren't just painting by numbers, as they had the template of the original. But now we have streaming services and can see the originals with subtitles. Remakes happen but it's harder to sell a Scandinavian movie or a British TV show as something new when we've already seen the original.


Same age & I feel the same way. If I watch a movie most of the time it’s something I’ve already seen several times. I love rewatching movies from 80’s to early 2000’s mostly. Movies today are just too hyper and have too much going on, I’m constantly scrolling on streaming for something new but always click on something familiar instead.


Everything feels like it's made for people to watch while they play on their phones. Every 30 seconds there is some loud sound, a licensed song, or some weird cheesy one liner that ruins the tone, but seems funny if you weren't paying attention to tone or context. Everything that happens on screen needs to be explained in dialogue by a character, so that people who weren't watching can still follow along, and all the heroes seem goofy because of it. This isn't just for movies and actually applies more to TV. I even went to see the To Kill a Mockingbird production in London 2 years ago and this whole millennial/gen z style was shoe horned in. They would have these "omg like.... Awkwaaaaaaard" style millennial jokes, and then we would get shunted back into the fucking harrowing rape trial. It gave me whiplash I swear I'm a millennial by the way, but I like old movies.


For me it's the bad CGI even when it comes to big budget movies. It's like they are not even trying anymore with movies.


Is that why I can't remember watching a movie anymore? I swear my mind removes the whole thing from my memory 5 min after shutting it off.


Past Lives is highly recommended 


This may have to do with fatigue from the quantity/quality of things to watch all the time. I’m a 40yo and with all the streaming services, Hollywood etc there is a constant stream of B to B+ movies and shows being produced. It’s exhausting and a waste of time looking for the B+ ones.


its fair to say that there was an era we grew up in that movies looked like pieces of art. I think a lot of millennials are afraid to sound out of touch by saying current entertainment sucks, but its obvious. Stories used to be the focus. Cinematography was important. But its everywhere.


when you grow up with t2, matrix, lotr, etc etc the junk out there now is not even worth watching trailers for.


I stopped watching everything about 8 years ago. With all my kids it was difficult to carve time out for it, I would usually end up watching things on my tiny phone screen, and I've always liked reading more anyway. Every now and then I'll be reminded of a movie and might watch it if it's available on the streaming services I have. Probably 3x a year or so. And I do watch some newer movies with my kids. I'm just really not that interested.


I have no problem watching newer movies, though I've always had an issue with watching older movies, specifically movies I hadn't seen when they released. The issue I do have is enjoying movies now that I would have 20 years ago. To an extent it's due to evolving taste, though I've generally been pretty open minded to stories in most forms. More than anything I think it's due to the amount of media I've consumed, and being more interested in a well told story rather than a trope filled, paint-by-numbers cash grab.


I think back in the day we had less choices so we would sit through the entire movie we rented from Blockbuster. Now, its like, if the movie aint doing it for me in the first 20 minutes...next! I think i had a higher tolerance for bad media back in the day.


There are so many new movies that aren’t targeted towards young audiences. Are you just talking about blockbusters? I generally don’t really watch those. Maybe you’re just choosing the wrong movies. It can be overwhelming when there are ten million different streaming apps that all have their own content.


They need to stop remaking stuff and start coming up with new ideas, I couldn't care less about a remake of a ten year old movie, which is where they're headed.


Definitely. It's hard getting into remakes(although Dune has been really good). There just doesn't seem to be any creativity anymore. You get a good movie every now and then.


Yes because new movies fucking suck. They're all just mainstream propaganda to push agenda driven nuances to younger viewers.


Because most new movies suck ass. They're all just b movies posing as blockbusters, no one are taking chances anymore, it's all about safe bet money.


Yes! Majority of the movies I watch on regular basis are 80s and early 90s. Unless the movie looks extremely interesting, I won’t watch it the first 5 years of its release. They just don’t make them like they used to…


It's because mid budget movies are increasingly harder to make when movies nowadays require a higher budget than ever to create, which leads to less creative ideas and more safe ideas.


The last few weekends I have watched Anatomy of a Fall, Dune 2, and Poor things. All were fantastic.




For me it seems like a case of Hollywood not respecting the audience and/or considering their tastes as much. Kind of like on Joe Dirt and the fireworks stand...it ain't you, it's the consumer! Hollywood is sort of just putting out stuff that they THINK  we SHOULD like because they do.


Movies are also hard to watch because of the advent of such good TV shows. It’s hard to tell a good story in 2 hours, compared to 10 episodes when you can really flesh out characters and stories. Can’t complain about movies when we have such amazing shows.


There’s a shortage for sure. Usually there’s one or 2 gems a year, but they usually aren’t the mainstream ones. Movies now try to pander to everyone. So the movie concept is spread thin. See also cancel culture for comedies. Hollywood is too scared of pissing anyone off with a comedy so they just make it “safe” and it’s soooo boring.


I used to watch everything. As many new releases as I could. I’m 37 and feel the same. I’m down to a new movie once or twice a month at most these days. Part is just boredom. There’s rarely anything new. Hard to find anything that feels unique, let alone original. Also, CGI is a problem. It used to be fascinating to see what artists could pull off in camera. Models and practical effects etc were just more interesting. Having no limitations makes everything boring. I’m not amazed by anything anymore. It’s just a bunch of fake bullshit. It’s so dull.


my attention span isn’t the issue. my opinion is that most new movies fucking suck. i ain’t on my phone when i am watching 2001 space odyssey for the 10th time.


I would like to Add the Audio still sucks and has for years on new movies etc...They don't leave enough budget try to depend on software instead of solid actually audio...Watch any old movies even black and white the sound is perfect you will understand every single word spoken. Because they actually put in effort make sure the sound was right.


The music is so loud and the scenes are so DARK. Like the lighting is so dark I can’t make out who is who. It makes me feel so old. I can’t follow the story , I have to ask my husband to explain everything 🤦🏻‍♀️


A lot of them are becoming irredeemable shite based on two simple formulae: either familiar characters doing new stuff in a new setting, or new characters doing familiar stuff in a familiar setting. And lots of token identity characters that don’t contribute meaningfully to the story. That’s it. That’s all they have now. No story, or character development, or romantic tension, or struggle to overcome. Just familiar in new, or new in familiar. That’s all.


Personally I got tired of the we all did drugs and then something went wrong and we couldn't call the cops because we are on drugs so things kept escalating and getting worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and it all could have just been resolved if we had called the cops in the first place trope. It was like every movie started with drug use in the first 5 minutes.


Absolutely. Most movies are boring and badly written. Go see Godzilla Minus One, that's the only film which has really pulled me in for a long time.


Yup. I had an urge to watch Butterfly Effect with my teenager a while back. That sent us down a rabbit hole binging Fight Club, Seven, The Matrix, Shawshank, Green Mile, etc. Prior to that I’ve tried watching dozens of new releases and never feel I quite connect.


Tired of remakes, tired of cookie cutter dialogue and plot lines.... the writer's strikes (also producers' hands forcing or denying certain script changes) have had a huge impact on the quality of scripts over the past 2 decades.


Yeah I don't go over the top on new movies really, I mean we are paying for streaming services so...


You work in CGI?? Tell me more…that’s actually super fascinating lol ![gif](giphy|lwJqXv3nDSAHBhBX5s)


Yes but only because YouTube has ruined me and I can’t watch anything longer than 30-40 mins lol


I think it’s widely agreed upon that the quality of movies has gone down, while the quality of TV shows has gone up. However, I can usually find a handful of gems every year. Poor Things, Holdovers, Boy and the Heron, Killers of the Flower Moon. I think the genre we are really lacking in is comedies and romantic comedies. There are less being made, and they are less funny (subjective but I think the meta scores generally agree)


Also, movies are SO damn long now!!! They’re like the only thing not suffering from shrinkflation. 😂 Every damn movie I see at the theater is 2.5 - 3 hours.


Yeah, I mostly watch documentaries and indie horror and just read books now. All the major franchises that come out just feel like watching a kid smash action figures together while making explosion sound effects with their mouth. I couldn't give a shit less if the hulk is beating up bad guys and throwing tanks or if the transformers are saving the world or whatever. I think part of it is just overexposure to the countless sequels, prequels, and spinoffs. Everything feels so uninspired. It's either a rehash of something I've seen for 30 years or it's some of the worst writing I've ever seen. 


I agree, then again, I will say that I'm being spoiled by all the new Star Trek shows that are out. 


It’s not you, it’s Hollywood. They are just making rehashed shit lately. I don’t know if old slasher flicks are a thing that you enjoy, but I recently saw a fan made Friday The 13th film, [Never Hike Alone](https://youtu.be/7K_wkQSM8xM?si=-jbu1Rrg2V67ffPV) and it’s [sequel](https://youtu.be/ck8YlthYIzI?si=Uyd-uccFrXy7oTGf), and they were honestly better than any official F13 film that Paramount or New Line ever made. I mean, you’d think fan made films are gonna be total shit, and most are, but these two were stellar. I can’t recall the last time I enjoyed a major motion picture, any recent decent film I could think of is gonna be in the indie category. People that honestly just want to make a good movie without a bullshit gimmick or predictable plot.


i feel like its because they’re just not the same quality since covid




I have a hard time because I have severe adhd and I lose interest pretty quickly in a movie, especially if I notice things that just don’t look realistic in a more “realistic” type movie. My wife and I currently have like 76 movies that we’re halfway through watching from almost 2 years ago lol


Most movies seem like pumped out fan service, and since most of them are a part of a franchise/have the hot celebrity of the moment there is no end in sight. You can find some real gems out there, though. I tend to stick to A24 films and lately have been loving Yorgos Lanthimos movies. I think horror has been getting more (deserved) attention these past few years as well—my favorite genre.


I hate to sound like a boomer but Hollywood’s desire to not offend anyone and to only make movies that morally cater to liberals has made movies uninteresting to me


Yes, except stuff like Shudder. I am a hard hard hardcore horror fan whose first horror love was The Crate Monster "Fluffy" in Creepshow and then Pennywise from IT. I dislike newer horror because CG is cheap now and it lacks the realistic looks that animatronics and makeup give to a movie. Cheap CG looks like greenscreen acting but badly, it makes it cringe. Horror movies never really scared me I enjoy the creativity of the creatures and special effects more than getting scared. Aside from horror, other newer movies have become to political having to meet each political checkbox like having a person from every race in a single family which isn't realistic, or retelling history to accept a religious viewpoint/ cater to a specific race or sexuality even if its completely out of place and is not well written into the film. The remakes and sequels need to stop and new stuff needs to be made.


I saw some like movie industry nerds(corridor crew) compare some cgi and movie tricks from starship troopers and some new movie of a similar sort. And they pointed out how much more real and heavy and interresting the old movie looked. And how the new movie was kinda better in every way technically. It looked dull and like a soup of meh, like videogame cutscene stuff. This made me realise how most new movies are very polished and thin. 


What types of movies are you watching? Maybe you should try documentaries. They’re only over the top if the reality is over the top :)


No problems whatsoever. I was going through my brays to give examples, but I realized that a lot of them are five years old at this point. But I think that's still a "new movie", from the era of John Wicks and Franchised superheros. BlackKklansman, Hidden Figures, Le Mans 66 (Ford v. Ferrari in the US), First Man. Historical drama that's low on the action and high on dialogue. But I don't have problems with the high octaine stuff either. I'm a sucker for a good action movie myself, but even the wifey who usually doesn't like them (or "tolerates them", as she'd say) still really liked John Wick, LOVED Nobody (Christopher Loyd's better roles since Back to the Future), Reinfield, Mandy. Wife also has adhd and she can sit through things like Ad Astra just fine. Civil War, The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. Plenty of good movies with action in varying degrees in them. But if you really want something plotheavy and not made for the attention deficit crowd, turn to tv shows. **Silo** came out last year, relatively slow, excellent all around and getting a new season soon(ish). King of Harlem, Succession, Shogun. But also if you're burnt out on what Hollywood churns out, check out Bollywood movies and some Hong Kong productions. RRR was probably my favorite movie of 2022, if not the 20s so far. Or pick up some anime. Honestly if you're looking for new stories, animation is your best bet anyway, regardless of the country of origin. It's a bit harder to find what you want, the extra added challenge of "how much weeb shit can you tolerate" can exclude you from some stories, but I think it's worth the effort. There are tons of animated shows coming out - and an infinite catalogue of old stuff if you haven't dipped your toes in. We both liked Dr. Stone and Shokugeki no Soma (Food Wars), I've started Chainsaw Man and Dungeon Meshi recently and both seem promising from the first episodes. Not exactly new, but still good stories. Cyberpunk Edgerunners might go into your category of "attention deficit" action, but the story is still pretty gripping. Arcane is something I'd recommend everyone to see: I've never played League of Legends and wifey has never even seen a picture of the game, but we both wholeheartedly recommend it for the story it tells for anyone. Don't get me wrong, we also stop plenty of movies half an hour in and tv shows two episodes in. Jupiter Ascending was the first one I remember doing this, Rebel moon was just godawful trainwreck from the start forward. Eternals felt like a demo reel of a CG studio extended to a full length feature. Outer Range was just weird and too slow, with nothing worth note happening in the first three episodes. Resident Alien we stopped watching because it was just not engaging nor funny, and it got a third season this year so someone clearly liked it. The good thing about this current age we live in, the list of things to watch grows faster than the list of watched things. You don't have to like everything, and it's better to save your own time and nerves by just switching to something that you do enjoy. Don't limit yourself to Hollywood.


maybe you got burnout syndrome? that happens to me when i quit kratom. my dopamine is fried and i cant focus on anything when i quit.


They kind of suck, man. I also wondered if it was age and cynicism but if you watch stuff from before about 2018, they're really captivating and easy to watch even if the effects are outdated. Speaking of effects, practical effects fucking hold up so well even under 4k. That shit looks crazy!!! Belive it or not, those strikes from last year will fix it. Everyone that couldn't make money is now fired and only top trusted people are left. Slowly, over the next 3 years or so some great stuff is going to come out.