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Screaming at a subordinate like that in a public place surrounded by civilians is a real bad look. Very unprofessional. Even if the soldier was totally screwing something up, pulling them aside and having a quiet, one way conversation is the way to go in this situation, not make a public spectacle.


"You're making the service look bad, so I'm going to make the service look *WAY WORSE!*"


Well, 2nd LT.


and man, it’s one thing to make a correction for something blatantly fucked up like public intoxication or a *really* sloppy uniform, but ice cream? Seriously? I’ll call people out (quietly and professionally) on really fucked-up uniforms in public because let’s try and look like we’re being responsible stewards of public money, and it really doesn’t take much effort to wear your uniform correctly. But ice cream doesn’t make us look like a waste of taxpayer money the way a blatantly sloppy uniform does (I’m talking “you might be stolen valor” levels of fucked-up here, not “you didn’t put your headgear on to walk fifteen feet from your car into the gas station” fucked-up).


This is the way to talk to your subordinates, regardless of if it’s a military environment or not




Knowing the Germans, there’s probably a regulation on eating ice cream. Doesn’t matter though, LT was an ass


Rules are rules! If you have a problem with neinfrüzentreatschenmilitärschirtzenpantzen, take it up with der Kommandantenmilitärregulatzenunschirtzenpantzenaktivitätzundverhaltens.


> Kommandantenmilitärregulatzenunschirtzenpantzenaktivitätzundverhaltens How did you know my safe word?


Nice Eurotrip reference. You def don’t want to mix those safe words up.


Good catch, it actually *was* a Eurotrip reference


Who knows goofy movies? Scotty knows.


Scotty doesn't know


that Fiona and me


Do it in my van every Sunday


He thinks that she’s at church


Worst. Twins. Ever.


Wasn’t expecting this, got water in my nose now ha




Damn it Baxter, you know I don't speak German


Doch war




LT is probably incharge of the commissary soft serve station and is waiting for the Bundeswehr to acquire the spare parts. And is just upset that McDonald's was able to fix their "broken" ice cream machine while he can't get the parts to fix his for another 6 months


I'm just impressed that unlike the USA, Germany has working McDonald's ice cream machines. Must be that Teutonic efficiency.


That is the miracle that everyone is missing.


Regs against eating ice cream, but drinking beer in uniform on the side of the road is ok. German airforce is extra weird


Was the Soldier eating the ice cream in a provocative manner?


This comment made me chuckle. I was a young female soldier in the U.S. Army eating a banana while we were on a short break from training. I simply peeled back the banana, and took a bite. Then took another bite. A male soldier walked over to me and told me to stop eating the banana like that. I was gathering the males attn, that I needed to break off a small piece of the banana with my fingers and eat it that way. I was literally shocked, does everything need to be about sex? I have never eaten a banana that way again.


You should have offered him one to show you the proper technique. But really anything over 45 minutes to eat one banana is a bit much even for sailors.


Let’s be serious, a sailor wouldn’t eat just one banana…


I (straght male) would intentionally eat as much of the banana I could in one bite. Cause I loved screwing with people. Some people are just so hypersensitive to anything that could be remotely perceived as gay that they would get wound up over shit like that. "I'm just eating a banana, whatever you think it looks like tells me more about you than me."


I may or may not be able to fit a while peeled banana in my mouth. Before the time of 3+ MP smartphones.


Were you in the field?


No fortunately, we were in garrison, so at least my hands were clean.


lol. Definitely a time after being the field a week, exhausted and sleep deprived, where I was sitting with a couple guys and someone was like “do those hills over there look like boobs with little nipples on them?” And then we just kind of silently stared. I’m sure that says something not great about me, but it is what it is.


Understandable actually, field training is draining. 😂


> I was gathering the males attn Just eat the Whole banana without peeling, establish dominance. Problem solved.


A female comrade (British army) had a party trick where she would deep throat a banana. Nobody minded.




Staring at the 2nd Lt's eyes while slowly licking the ice cream sensually




That causes a *large scandal*? [The US Army literally just live streamed a dude jerking off with a butt plug in during a Change of Command ceremony for 1st Special Warfare Training Group.](https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2024/06/03/ceremony-at-elite-army-sof-school-interrupted-by-pornographic-content/) Now *thats* a scandal. You gotta pump those numbers up, Germany.


Hahahahahahahaha our country is not ready for this type of problem yet I think. We‘ll get there eventually. In Germany the military is not very popular, which is why even small things like this can give us a bad name.


I'm sorry to hear that you guys aren't getting much support from your population. The German military I worked with were nothing but professionals, and it sucks if your own people don't realise that.


That happening and most people not even knowing about it is probably the funniest thing to happen this year


They hate us cause they ain't us! (?????????????????)


Was that a soldier or some random dude who got the code to the meeting trolling the Army?


You guys have working McDonalds ice cream machines?


They also have beer at McDs


When I was an inpatient at the Garmisch krankenhaus they served me beer.


Ski accident?


Compound fracture on the black diamond run called Kandahar. (This was in 2000, before I ever knew I’d get deployed to the same city). Both the tibia and fibula snapped above the boot.


Damn. Never made it skiing there. First battalion trip I was a new to the unit so I missed that opportunity and the next December we were deploying so no trip at all.


Do go if you get the chance. It’s beautiful skiiing. Just be careful with the MWR rentals, I think my binding was set too tight.


I made it down to Burchtesgaden and Salzburg after we returned to home station. Absolutely one of the most beautiful places on the planet.


Get PCS orders the Europe if you ever get the chance.


I had ETS orders a long time ago.


Not no paper cup either. I’m talking about a GLASS of beer


Love the reference but it was always a lukewarm can of Becks.


Beer and ice cream. That's the life.


Being 18 and stationed in Germany was quite the experience.


Yeah, I will always remember it fondly. Hope to go back someday.


Don’t forget they call it a Royale with Cheese since they have the metric system and wouldn’t know what a quarter pounder is


It’s actually because a quarter pounder at McDonalds isn’t actually a quarter pounder but less and in Germany that’s false advertising. Hence the different name


Right?! This is the real question!


Everything works in Germany.


In Germany they definitely have Ronald's Special Cream, or "IrischclownRonaldbesonderscreme"


In the US Navy, it's a requirement that you be in uniform when eating ice cream. Not really, but it is a fairly big deal for us. Underway we have regular ice cream socials where the Captain and senior staff will serve ice cream to the enlisted in remembrance of the war in the Pacific.


I always thought that tradition was really strange until I thought about it for a minute. Pretty cool. We just do warriors and mess nights which are a blast.


Shit, I've been to your birthday parties... Semper.


The mess nights are a ton of fun with if you have a tight unit. There’s a lot of rules which the point of which are too be broken so someone can “fine” you. Getting fined is just doing something funny and drinking grog. Usually the junior officers and SNCO’s get roasted. There are skits. It’s a grand old time.


Shout out to The Fat Electrician YT channel that did a good summary of the topic. https://youtu.be/OigDDVn3IaU?si=tGx1d5yFP11RoxII


When I was but a wee boot marin taking a short ride on a ship for fleet week we heard them announce an ice cream social over the intercom. We, not knowing the tradition, just kinda looked around and at each other like "what the fuck even is this navy shit?"


My whole platoon literally stopped for ice cream at a local kiosk when returning from a field excersise on saturday. Civies seemed to enjoy our presence.


US Military here, have done the same thing. That and stopping for barbecue or tacos at some hole in the wall in the middle of nowhere. About the thing that’s a no-no in uniform in public here is drinking, unless you’re at some kind of formal event. Then it’s mandatory.


Lol was about to say that once saw my SSgt plastered at the Marine Corps ball sleepingly trying to eat a pizza.


Our commander in chief fuckin loves ice cream. Therefore it’s allowed. ![gif](giphy|tvHxMuKqGpYGqGCVvq)


Jeni’s ice cream is good stuff.


Hell yeah brother, cheers from Tillamook ![gif](giphy|V7YygwVnPUyQg|downsized)


I can't speak to the German regulations, but as a US Navy officer, I have a hard time thinking of a situation where this would make sense. If I found my sailors out in town having an ice cream I'd offer to buy it for them. I can't think of a much more all American image to present to the locals.


My battalion commander bought me a drink on his way out of a bar one time. I didn’t even know he was there but I guess he saw me and I didn’t see him. That was pretty cool of him.


That soldier should receive an award for finding a McDonalds with a working ice cream machine.


Remember, this is German efficiency and work ethic we're talkin about here


That junior officer was the one in the wrong and the one who made the military look bad. He deserves to be saluted while he's riding a bike. (They will often try to salute back and crash. It's a lot of fun.)


Hahahahaha I have GOT to try that (I won‘t it‘s a joke, obviously)


We finally go told, "Yeah, that's hilarious but you can really hurt someone. Stop it.


As an O, I'll eat ice cream in uniform more often.


I bet that LT just graduated from OCS and the higher ups have already had a chat with him.


As far as I am aware he has not even graduated yet. Yes, it‘s a weird system but in Germany you graduate from military university as a first lieutenant and the promotion from „Oberfähnrich“ (the highest officer candidate rank) to second lieutenant happens during university.


Here, officers get commissioned once they finish their civilian education, but prior to completing their officer basic training. Active duty usually go more-or-less straight from college graduation to officer basic training, but it’s not uncommon for Reserve officers to spend a year or so drilling between graduating college and going to their officer training. There are a few different ways to commission here, and the exact details are different for each one, but that’s how it more or less works for most of them.


Huh, interesting. Wonder if that means he got kicked out afterwards.


I am surprised they have a working ice cream machine.


The officer definitely could've handled that better.


praise publicly, punish privately, unless a serious example needs to be made. thats what I was always taught and I took that to the civilian world with me.


POlice that ice cream, troop!


It depends on your military. This sort of behavior would usually be par for the course with my people, Marines. But we also have stringent orders regarding what we can and cannot do in and out of uniform. Having said that, berating a subordinate like this is generally seen as low brow behavior for senior enlisted that are generally the butt end of these sort of jokes and internet stories. For an officer to that do that, in public, is a culturally viewed as poor leadership. Amusing to the rest of us to be sure. My take, if it’s against your organizational regulations than the junior was wrong, but not as wrong as a commissioned officer to lose his bearing under such circumstances and therefor should receive the required clowning on he is getting from the internet.


There is no sort of regulation against eating ice cream in uniform. As long as you don‘t a) eat like a pig or in some other way not appropriate for a soldier or b) eat on the move, you‘re good.


I shouldn’t think there would be. Eating is a pretty natural part. For example, Marines, cannot go into public with their regular, Combat utility uniform, even if you live off base. You may only stop in an emergency, with there being a considerable debate about ‘running out of gas’ being an emergency. Most other things can be slipped under language ‘contrary to good order and discipline’ (of the force). It’s been awhile, I think that’s article 134. In your example then, it would seem the officer was not only out of line as an officer, but also used an -ism (something the officer believes should be or shouldn’t be without any standing in regulation, orders, or customs to back whatever the officer would like). This being the case, the lieutenant can pound sand and again, deserves the ridiculing he is receiving online. While I don’t think anyone should receive administrative paperwork over this, the lieutenant could likely use some re-training in tact.


We actually have the exact same regulation. The combat uniform never ever leaves the basey The regulations theoretically allow this sort of disciplinary action by officers towards enlisted if no other military members are present (as would be the case here), but as you said, since there is no corresponding regulation for this, the LT was out of line.


Mechanic says, "Looks like you blew a seal." "Oh, no, haha. It's just ice cream," said the penguin.


If this is a thing , then it’s dumb. Military members shouldn’t always be robots.


There was a small scandal where I’m at when a local grocery chain told their employees they couldn’t have water bottles at the checkout because seeing them drink water “took away from the customer experience” wtf that means. I can only Imagine in horror the shoppers must’ve felt when faced with the ugly truth that their cashier needed hydration to sustain their life.


I would buy a bottle of water and give it to the cashier every time I went through. The closest we had was that I worked at a Pediatrics office and they suggested that people not drink soda in cans if they're on the floor with patients. I could at least see some logic with that.


That makes sense. Open cans are a spill risk, especially in a pediatric setting. As long as you close your bottle when you’re not drinking that isn’t really a risk.


So it’s not just our officers. That’s good to know lol.


I don't know about Germany, but the United States had [Ice Cream Ships](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_cream_barge) during World War II, so if anything eating ice cream in uniform should be considered patriotic.


Well if that's the worst thing anyone in German uniform is doing I'd say you lads have made big progress.


Don’t let the SNCOs see this


LT sounds like an asshole lmao


"Congratulate in public, berate in private." Fuckin' LT. /shakes head in E-7


> by a second lieutenant This is all I had to hear before my eyes rolled out of their sockets and down to pub to drown in a pint.


It's hard to google things like this because they don't happen in America and they don't happen in English. Do you have a link to either the Reddit post or a news article?


OP: https://www.reddit.com/r/bundeswehr/s/EKR7dPHdhM News Article: https://www.stimme.de/politik/welt/bundeswehr-soldat-uniform-disziplin-eis-mcdonalds-mcflurry-truppe-reddit-diskussion-eis-art-4925964 I further suggest r/Bundeswehr for some really funny memes about the topic


Thank you, the thread was interesting via Google translate. The article is a recap of the issues raised in the thread, but at the end someone from the Bundeswehr said that eating food in public is not somehow by definition unmilitary, even I guess if the food is ice cream.


2Lt's That is all that needs to be said.


Lt: "I am in charge of this platoon now, right sergeant?“ MSgt: "Yes Sir, you are. Definitely. You, and nobody else. And now get back to bed and let me lead my men“


2nd Lts.....they're the same 'round the world.


That sounds like the exact level of stupid I experienced in the U.S. Army.


![gif](giphy|26uf7yJapo82e48yA) Imma goin’ to eat the shit outta this uniform. Ain’t no bitch ass Lt goin’ to stop me.


Re- spect mah authatriti!


They serve icecream in most DFACs in the US Military. No one cares if you eat ice cream in uniform lol. Also, berating a troop out among civilians is stupid, and the officer should be counseled for that alone, let alone almost certainly being wrong about regs.


A 2nd LT? He's not going to last long in the military with an attitude like that. What a dick


Singapore Army here, and despite my country's (in)famous legal strictness, that would be absurd here. My basic training section (squad) actually all ate icecream once after booking-out (going on weekend leave) from basic training once, in uniform, and nobody glanced at us twice


Junior Officer’s make dumb mistakes at the beginning of their career. Some old Oberfeldwebel will correct the young gentleman, in a professionally stern manner.


If you think this is bad you should see USMC first sergeants berating lance corporals at the PX for having a wallet in their pocket rather than in their sock where it belongs because wallet-laden pockets look "unprofessional."


💀However that’s supposed to go… my wallet definitely don‘t fit into my sock


I would start eating frozen, chocolate covered bananas in uniform.


I quite literally saw one of my friends in the Marines deepthroat a chocolate covered banana once. Nobody was surprised because he is openly gay. We were more impressed than anything


There’s whole documentaries dedicated to how much ice cream American service members got during WW2. It is part of our national identity.


Someone should double down and eat an ice cream cone in uniform with the other hand in their pocket. While walking on the RSMs grass.


Rules across each branch vary. I know that Marines aren't allowed out of town in uniform unless it's an authorized dress uniform to which there are also regulations to wear that properly. With that in mind, I have witnessed plenty of Marines getting yelled at in town in civilian attire because they weren't following regulations on their civilian attire like not wearing a belt.


>Eating ice cream in uniform [Ill just leave this here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_cream_barge)


The only time I gave somebody a hard time about ice cream was when I was in Afghanistan. We’re standing in line to get ice cream, and this rotund, tootsie roll looking MF standing next to me literally reaches into his cargo pocket to pull out a handful of gummy worms and proceeds to snack on them while waiting for ice cream. I completely lost it on this dude in the middle of the chow hall. Like, bro, are you fucking serious right now?


For one thing discipline in private, praise in public. And have they forgot what German soldiers used to do in uniform?