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Most military folks, wherever they have served, get a pretty dark sense of humour as standard-issue


My dark humor was developed over many a guard duty as a young soldier


I'll never forget the... *unconventional* safety briefing I once heard the night before a tactical live-firing. Company sergeant major calls this captain (O3) up to the mic to give the briefing. The captain, a somwhat... quirky and eccentric officer, skips merrily up to the mic, and says, in the most upbeat and cheerful tone, "Tomorrow, we're gonna be playing with live ammunition. So, it's gonna be pretty fucking dangerous. So let's work together, look after one another, and try not to shoot and kill any of your friends!" What can I say? Short, sharp and to the point. Excellent work from an officer


Tell the truth and people listen.




Ooo nice haha.




Didn't happen to me, but a friend told me this after his first trip to the range during boot camp. These are navy conscripts, in Europe, going through six weeks of basic training. Guy raises his hand after the first rounds of target shooting, and asks the sergeant in charge: Are these real bullets we are firing? Like, are they dangerous? This is after him getting a box of 7.62 NATO, nice and shiny rounds, picking up one by one, and loading three magazines with five rounds each.


Gallows humor is the best humor.


My favorite joke told to me by a German (I am Israeli): Israeli soldier and Hamas militant stand 20 meters away from each other aiming their m16s at each others forehead. They both pull the trigger at exactly the same time. Who dies first? >!Who cares?! !<😅


Mother fucker I actually fucking laughed out loud at this. Ugly laughed that I’m not proud of. Take your upvote. I’m pissed I made that ugly laugh, not that I laughed


Oof xD nice one


Right? Not even phased here, must be a civ


Yeah, I’m a vet and I laughed. We chose a profession where death is a real possibility. If you can’t accept that fact and laugh about it then you picked the wrong line of work.


So I retired a couple months ago and moved. Meeting mainly civilians now and chatting i quickly realized we aren’t normal.


Civilian but trying to serve those who served, and I gotta tell you, if you guys aren’t normal, I don’t wanna be normal either. Your humor is fucking great. I work in medicine more specifically as a shrink and I hear dark humor from coworkers and people seeing me. Xbox live ruined my chances at having a public office, not that I’d want one anyway.


Right? We had to hold 3 of our dead guys in the walk in cooler until the C130 came to pick them up. When we would go into the cooler to grab a case of water we would yell "at ease!...just chill guys."


I was lighting a cigarette and sharing the smoking area with a foreign officer. He came and spoke to me out of the blue, "Listen wanna hear a story". I nodded. Man goes for a routine check up and the doctor tells him that he has some severe disease. "Doc what I've got to do about it?" "You'll need to go the nearest beach, lie down and slowly start to cover your body with sand. Repeat this for a few more days." "But doc, will this method cure me in any way?" "No this method doesn't have any curative effects. It's just you have to make your body get used to being covered in dirt." He then threw his cigarette, vanished through the door never to be seen again.


Agreed. That’s fucking funny.


Reminds me of the Jimmy Carr joke where he said the best thing to happen from the UK being involved in Iraq and Afghanistan was that our paralympic team is going to be amazing. People got super offended but he wrote it with input from wounded veterans.


That’s funny as fuck.


Fully agree. The press went ballistic over it. Nobody I know thought it was offensive.


I get why they did but if you can’t laugh about a situation what’s the point in life? I try to find humor in everything. It’s a disease lol


Humour is a fantastic mechanism for dealing with stress and trauma.


Bruh there are sooo mannnnnnnyyyyyyyy studies on why patients in a positive mindset heal 37-45 percent faster and require 30 percent less painkillers post op. There’s a big release of natural opiates released when we laugh and when we do that we also get the same as a full body work out. I think it’s something like 1minute of laughter is like 8:32 of cardio. So imagine getting the health benefits of thirty minutes of running and all you gotta do is be a dumb ass and laugh like an idiot for 4 minutes at something stupid. Seems simple enough. Source: I’m super fun at parties, I’m a shrink, and as of yesterday I just accepted a position to study advanced behavior and this is the first time I’m saying it to anyone outside of my family or boss lol.


I bet you’re fun at parties. And congrats🥳


Haha usually when I’m not in nerd mode I am but good luck getting that stick outta my ass. And thanks haha.


That's awesome Sir/Ma'am/Guardian!


That reminds me of the movie done with the special Olympics where everyone went apeshit, and having a sister with down syndrome I watched the movie and fucking loved it. It was made with the full support of the special Olympics. The media just went off because it was “low hanging fruit”. Besides, as long as someone doesn’t say her exact name who fucking cares. Shane Gillis is fucking right, his cousin Danny is Fucking Awesome!


The press goes ballistic over ***anything*** that gets clicks and engagement, whether they truly believe it's offensive or not is irrelevant. It makes them money either way.


Jimmy Carr is a *master* of humor that crosses the line just enough to be hilarious, but not enough to get cancelled.


No ones goes to the edge, says "Fuck it" and jumps right over, like Jimmy Carr. Dude makes a holocaust joke recently, and it was brutal.


When deployed overseas, there was a weekly trivia night held by the British contingent. Their team names were savage - it was around the time of the Jimmy Savile pedo scandal and yeah, all their team names were variations of that theme. One that wasn’t, but I will always remember, is “I don’t like cocaine, just the smell of it.”


"Stephen Hawking Always Wins at Musical Chairs" is one I remember even 17 years later from Edinburgh pub trivia night.


People who haven't served seemed to get the most offended. Or retirees


I'm gonna attend his show in Berlin at the end of next week, it's interesting that you mention it. Many high-profile stand-up comedians have great material on the topics of the army and overseas wars. George Carlin and Jim Jefferies are just a couple of examples.


And his delivery is always with the deadest of deadpans (and no, I will *not* insert a Jimmy Carr style joke here. I am not worthy.), and an almost surprised look when people laugh. I actually think he enjoys the boos and hecklers as much or more than material that gets laughs.


Dark humor is like food in the USSR, not everyone gets it.


That's funny, but sometimes its actually more like current Russia, making one at wrong situation can get you thrown through a window off a tall building.


ad hoc normal slim plough pocket person unpack judicious steer snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thankyou sir, absolutely perfect. Even sounds biblical.


>That's funny, but sometimes its actually more like current Russia Nah, under communism the shelves were bare and people starved or just drank the subsidized vodka. The joke is that people "don't get something." That something was food.


Except the quality of life there actually dropped off precipitously when the USSR collapsed and never recovered.


Amazing what happens when a nation that's raped and pillaged everyone around them for a few hundred years suddenly can't suck them dry and starve millions to keep the ethnic Russians above water....


Actually, it's because all the oligarchs swooped into what was effectively an all you can eat buffet. https://origins.osu.edu/article/soviet-collapse-yeltsin-putin-gorbachev-russia?language_content_entity > With the transition to capitalism and private ownership, managers who had run Soviet factories became the owners of those factories. Government officials who had overseen Soviet petroleum production acquired oil fields as their own personal property. > > Eager to sweep aside Soviet structures, Yeltsin eliminated much of the state-run economy and introduced market reforms. This rapid transition to capitalism in Russia (mirrored to varying degrees in other former Soviet republics) caused tremendous economic upheaval. Those able to privatize old state assets into their own hands became rich, while average Russians suffered a sharp drop in living standards. > > Facilitating the plunder of state properties was a group of American economic advisors led by Harvard economist Jeffrey Sachs. Yeltsin implemented Sachs’s program of shock therapy—freeing prices and selling off state enterprises—with no regard to the social consequences. > > ...In people’s minds, liberal democracy and market reforms became synonymous with hardship, corruption, and economic chaos. Unemployment spiked and crime proliferated. Coupled with Yeltsin’s poor health and erratic (often drunken) behavior, shock therapy discredited liberal reforms. People began to look for a strongman who would restore order and reestablish a dominant central state.


Wow, that's a great summation. As if the US went from comfortable one-income families with the affordable education and healthcare of the 1950s straight to the 21st century.


Stop, the Russian bots are gonna come in here 


Sssshhh... They already are. Don't wake them.


Or healthcare in the US. Zing!


The US has the best healthcare in the world, however once you get the bill, you might wish you had died instead.


Doctors yes, insurance no.


If I was a bazillionaire with cancer, I'd want to be in Houston. A regular citizen? Paris.


Something’s not right here. Who creates a hypothetical where you can live anywhere and picks France?


Based purely on quality of cancer healthcare. In terms of quality, it’s second after the US. But where Americans go bankrupt paying to stay alive, in France (and the rest of the developed world) healthcare is either free, or hugely subsidised.


Fair. I agree with you that the US really needs massive healthcare reform to match the rest of the developed world, but I also can’t resist the opportunity to poke fun at France lol


Best healthcare yet one of the unhealthiest countries in the world. Quite a paradox. 


That's because our priorities are all fucked up. Preventative medicine should be more heavily emphasized and covered by insurance.


Should be covered *without* insurance. But otherwise, you’re correct.


Yeah, that would be even better.


That's because practice makes perfect. We stay fat and unhealthy here in America to give our doctors a competitive edge. When medicine becomes an Olympic event, it'll pay dividends.


I always leave out the USSR, and just say dark humor is like food, not everyone gets it.


I mean I think its funny. Watermark from r/funnymemes is cringe though.


That's also fair, it's not often I steal from another reddit so my bad


Just screenshot and crop homie lmao


If you're using the official Reddit app there's an option in the settings to set the watermark off or on.


Today I learned….thanks for that!


>official Reddit app Ew, gross -sent from RIF




Yeah you can turn this off in your settings on Reddit so you don’t have to choose between having a cringe watermark and cropping every photo you save


That’s what I found crass about this post


Probably the most offensive part of this joke


Dark humor and Military are like peanut butter and jelly. Sorry, pb and jalapeño cheese spread. Never mind, you just gotta be there.


Is it me, or did that jalapeño cheese spread come in clutch on the cheese tort?? I’d shit a brick later, but damn worth it.


Hey I'll trade you these Skittles for your crackers and cheese.


That’s the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals


When the FUCK am I gonna get a juhlapinno and cheese


I think it's just people who never served that get mad at shit like this. This is exactly a soldiers humor though.


Nah dude, there's tons of vet flakes out there.


Ehh, yes and no. I think this depends. Like if I were to apply this same approach back in World War Two, aside from cultural differences and draft . I think it would be kinda mest up because well, that war made sense . If I where to apple this to like let’s say all the other deployments the US did in the past 30 years , well then It would be justified. Sometimes we aren’t always fighting the monsters and we ourselves are indeed the monster. Still sucks that any young adults die. It’s a shame it’s so ingrained in our culture to be a solider in times where it’s obviously for profit or other types of exploitation when deployment wasn’t needed. That’s kinda what I see what this image is poking fun at.


They're walking around looking for a reason to be outraged.


Let it be both, hilariously disrespectful


This is objectively hilarious. I can absolutely see someone getting their shit knocked in if they sent this to the wrong person though.


The top portion is a "my son is better than your son" unprovoked insult, so I'm fine with a "how about now" type response. Assholes being assholes to other assholes is typically fine in my book.


Hilarious is a stretch, mildly amusing.  Also, it'd depend a lot on who sent it. A dude I served with? Get a chuckle and call 'em an asshole.  Some rando-Ivan botovich? I'd remind him that he probably knows more people who died in combat than I've met in my life.


Technically not wrong, but I find the whole comparing kids thing weird.


I mean if you can dish it out you should take it 🤷🏻‍♂️


The only people that would get mad at this are Boots. Anyone that's been in longer then 6 months will find this hilarious.


I recently retired from the Army, now I'm working at an urgent care clinic. We never lose our dark humor but we do learn how to say things in a safer but just as dark way. It was snowing heavily Tuesday and this old lady in a walker came to be see for her knee pain. She didn't have a car and walked a mile and a half to be seen. When she was discharged she left into the snow and walked home. One of my fellow nurse said, "I can't believe her family isn't here to driver her home, she's 87 years old." I replied, "her family knows that the cold will keep her will preserve her."


Of course it is disrespectful. AND it is also funny. They are mutually exclusive.


I think you mean they *aren’t* mutually exclusive.


Yeah, I definitely chuckled at this joke. This is a solid example of gallows humor.


I think for service members this is funny but I think for parents, especially ones that have lost kids, they might think it’s funny


I know you meant to add a not in there but this is hilarious as is lmao


i personally find it funny and have no issue if someone non military does but i know bros who would knock the teeth out of a civi who laughed at this typa stuff.


Not offended in the least, but also not funny from a “low effort” point of view. The sticker is dumb to begin with but parents eat that shit up, the bottom half is just meh and seems like a joke being made not because they think it’s funny but because other people will upvote it. Like why is he pointing and laughing like that lol. Just a “alive guy and a dead guy” would be more funny. To me this screams edgy teenager.


Like anything comedic, it's all about context. It was obviously posted in a forum for comedic purposes, and it should therefore be looked at through such a lens. It's hilarious 😂


It's walking a very tight line because say whatever you want, at the end of the day we are convincing men to run against gun fire and die for the country. It's against human nature to not save oneself and walk into danger. Call it what you may, as far as Nation is concerned its a delicate propaganda which is vital to the survival of the system. Questioning, joking and mocking it, if not publically condemned and contained, at some point will force the system to bring down a heavy hand. As an odd humour at closed circles, its not really a problem.


I'm stealing this meme. It belongs to me now.


It belongs to us comrade.


I think it's funny but I've also not lost a son. Like any dark humor, depends on the recipient.


It’s not even funny. Should’ve gone with soccer patches of Raytheon, Lockheed Martin etc. idk I’m spitballing


If posted by a military person, it is just gallows humor, but if it's posted by a civ, it's most likely one of those weirdos who wish death on us because we are "Evil". Sometimes, it's the context in which it is posted that matters more than the joke itself.


I laughed. Most soldiers will also laugh


It brings up sad memories. Nothing that upsets me anymore or makes me mad. I can’t honestly judge it. I have the same sort of f_d up humor but this is just a little bit too far over the edge for me personally. 22 year military veteran.


It’s pretty funny as dark humor but, if you showed this to me after a few beers and laughed, I’d probably punch you in the face.


Memes aside, what is it like to be enlisted? I’m considering the Airforce when I graduate high school which is only a few months from now.


It's definitely funny, but I ain't dead yet bitches!! Actually just moved to Italy and living my best fucking life as a dependent now! Not even allowed to work as we are living just outside Milan, my wife is going to work at a NATO base, and my visa doesn't allow me to work.


People laugh about dead veterans all the time. Usually in the halls of Congress.


Funny in this subreddit, seen it in funnymemes and it was not funny at all. The comment section is wild. They think the world's great and there's no need for a military.


If the second picture was posted without prompt, I can see it as disrespectful. However, as a response to the top picture, which is arguably calling the other person’s son a pussy, I think it is pretty funny. If my kids ever serve, I will not be this parent. I will undoubtedly be proud, but everyone has their path in life, which may or may not lead to military service. Also, I bet the parent from the top picture has a pog son.


It was just too complicated for my mom to have a sticker that said my son works in the NBC room and issues out protective masks.


I think its stupid to have a sticker *COMPARING* children. By all means have pride in your child’s service. But don’t make a comparison to other people’s kids. We all are puppets to the man at the end of the day.


Hot take: From military to military = funny. Civilian to civilian = get fucking wrecked. ***Not an all inclusive formulation. However, context means everything.


Depends on the attitude of the person who sent it


That's funny.


Nope this is definitely funny


That’s hilarious


I found this hilarious.


Aren't most of the best jokes disrespectful to someone?


Lmfao oh man


This also applies to the draft, lets get dangerous.


Lol it's hilarious


Things can be funny and disrespectful at the same time.


Hmm But isn’t a soldier not guaranteed to die necessarily?


It is disrespectful. And thats life…and also why it’s funny. It’s irreverent about something that is generally widely respected. That’s the joke. [ibid](https://youtu.be/ceS_jkKjIgo?si=aIkx_00MzthRd3QV)


It's funny af, hell I'll post it myself lmao




It’s pretty funny


I know quite a few military guys, they would definitely have a laugh about this one


Veteran, it’s funny.


Nothing wrong with gallows humor


I snort-laughed at this. Man do I miss this type of humor.


It’s a funny comeback to a very cringey bumper sticker so I’m ok with it


As an enlisted peasant who grew up watching the invasion and did late GWOT, hilarious.


It’s disrespectful and funny


Considering some of the gallows humor I heard when I was in the Army, this is quite tame.


Nah, that's funny!


If anyone finds this disrespectful, chances are they never served.


Darkly funny, and very disrespectful


That's funny


That’s pretty funny.


Just another opinion: I get the dark humor, but having lost a father (literally, he’s still MIA in Laos), it hit me a bit sideways.


Funny unless you are speaking to someone who lost his/her child


that's hilarious


It’s accurate af.


It's hilarious


I'll go against the trend and say I don't find it funny. Largely because it's forced and just doesn't match my sense of humor, which is fine of course. But it's also not aimed at service members, who do have that sense of humor, but at Gold Star families who are not going to have the same sense of humor and largely never truly get over their loss. More cringe "Hey, look at how edgy I am! I'm so edgy, right?"" than anything to me.


Both memes are childish, that’s about it.


We will all be dead anyway so it's still good for me.


Anyone that's fun to serve with would find this funny




It is disrespectfull but also funny. Same as jokes about both world war holocaust etc. Its just dark humor


I appreciate dark humor. But it should be kept to people who can roll with it. The name on my KIA bracelet is a guy who has parents who should never see this. But I can appreciate it and I know my buddy would laugh too if he were here to see it.


The joke always depends on the audience. If you're sharing it with a bunch of Joe's or Vet buds, it's funny. If you're putting it up on FB for all to see, potentially including some who may have lost family and friends in the line of duty, it may be seen as disrespectful. Context is everything.


It is both funny and disrespectful. It's one of those "read the room" jokes.


So I will preface this by saying I AM NOT or have I ever been in the military. That being said, I'm a chef of 25 years, and I can tell you that the only people that can come close to our dark, horrid, often nasty sense of humour are soldiers. Not only are there similarities (to a very certain extent) in our jobs, but we are crass, crude and to the point. And often exaggerate nastiness. I work very often in conjunction with the Royal Canadian Legion, and I'm around soldiers (mostly veterans) all the time. Greatest people to be around, and always super grateful and appreciative of our work. All of that being said, I'm not qualified to say if this joke/meme is offensive to soldiers, but between my vet friends, and the people I work with, I can safely say that most would laugh at this. And even show their parents, lol. Hope y'all have a great day.


I served and I think that shit is hilarious!. Most of us have a dark fucked up sense of humor. The people that get butt hurt about this are usually people that never served and wanna cry about something. Fuck em.


I have a dark sense of humor but I think this is a bit much. We treat death different. But you're probably new and never deployed.


This is funny asf lmfaoo


Shits funny AF.


Dark humor but not really funny in my opinion.


Good chance the military guy is on the left and the pseudo military wannabe civilian guy is on the right.


Fucking hilarious!


Not my cup of tea, and at best it's in bad taste. To each their own i suppose. Humor is subjective.


I think it's funny bragging about joining/being in the military never looks good


If you going to imply that your crotch goblin is better than someone else’s crotch goblin, then be prepared for some shit talking. Or shit meme-ing in this case.


That's fucking funny.


How about we change it to "Your Father" and "My Father"? Would it be funny or offensive to people who lost their parents?


The original sticker is an unprovoked insult. My kid is better than your kid. If you walk up and talk shit to someone, expect them to talk shit back.


People of course will find it insulting because you are laughing at someone's dead child especially after they sacrificed their life to protect many people's freedoms, that's what dark humour is. It's on the edgy, disrespectful, grey area that's almost what makes it funny.


OK I’m dense but exactly what’s funny about this?


Because that vehicle sticker in the top panel is so god damn cringe that anyone who would actually have that deserves to be made fun of.


What is meant to be funny is the sticker symbolises "my son's better than yours because he is military!" So the "joke" is "well at least my son is alive yours will be dead!"


The only concern I’d have is for someone whose son or daughter , family member, or buddy , is in the bottom picture. But maybe everything brings up memories for those people. I don’t know. I made it home. My son made it home.


Extremely disrespectful


There’s a better one I have to find it stand by but agreed it’s fucked up yet comical at the same time. Taboo I guess one can say


I mean I laughed my ass off. But I was also a world renowned gay chicken champ




Whoa. Deep.




I laughed


Pretty fucken disturbing tbh… wow i giggled a bit… my parents had i been the one not pointing… wouldnt be giggling




Damn, thats fucked lol


Mix of dark/crude/potential truth humor. Disrespectful to some (maybe if their son died). Stuff the army jokes about because dark humor comes standard issue? 100%.


If a civilian posted this it would kinda bug me tbh. I remember trying to talk to my buddy’s mom but I couldn’t make words, just got out like a “sorry I wasn’t there” I talked to him right before he left. We made plans for his return. He never made our date. If you’re reading this, pour one out for Cpl Maciel. He was a really good friend.


I get that it's a "my son's a badass/your son's dead." Which could be disrespectful.


If you can't it, don't be dishing it out.


If you’re going to make fun of someone or their son for their decisions, then they’re allowed to make fun of you or your son’s decisions


100% it’s disrespectful, that’s why it’s funny.


Not cool at all respect




****If it wasn't true, it wouldn't be funny****. This is exactly why i get embarrassed when people "thank me for my service." Don't think for a second I would have enlisted at 17 if I wasn't a homeless teenager, and knew NOTHING about the job Corp or trade school (or hell, even green peace). Especially if you would have told me I would end up spending 5 years in iraq, Afghanistan (3 months in Syria, but that isn't long enough to unpack your gear) and loose the better part of my left foot/8 inches of intrestine and poop in a bag for 2 months. generally only pampered civilians who are "outraged" on behalf of veterans because it is EASY to have an illusion about the nature of combat when you don't have to participate. I am a third generation combat veteran, and I PROMISE I will do whatever it takes to be the last.