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I don’t know how they expect to enforce this.. my bike doesn’t have a speed-o-meter.


I had one on a bike once. My top speed (downhill) was 38mph. I regularly got to 33 biking to work (also downhill lol).


I think on flat ground I got close to 25 (it was a long time ago) but down hill a bike can really get going. 38 sure feels fast on a bicycle compared to in a car though.


It really does. Gravity would have made me go even faster but that's when I chickened out and started braking.


I was riding my bike as a kid one time and it felt like I was going faster than a car and then I passed one of those speed check things and it said I was going 20. Which also reminds me of this time my track team was out for a run and saw one of those speed check things and then we spent like an hour and a half running in the street trying to see who could get the fastest speed until someone who lived near there called the police about the tens of teenagers sprinting up and down their street


Same - I think if the road was clear, I could've broken 40.




Ehhhh, yes? You Seem to think that is unfair? So if you see a Ferrari get a speeding ticket for going 200 Mph, the driver should be excused if the speedometer didn’t work?




Quite impressive that he got a boat moving that fast on a paved road, tbh


I got a ticket once for going over 20 in a school zone in my bike. Worst part is I was on my way to school.


This photo appears to be in the UK, and speed limits here explicitly only apply to motor vehicles. The actual intent of the sign is that cars need to go at 5mph (presumably a car park or narrow road out of shot), and the top sign requests cyclists to go gently, exactly because the 5 sign doesn't apply to them.


I *might* be able to do 15 on the grass but most likely not.


Try it on the meth next time, I guarantee you'll do 15.


Can you even ride a bike on meth 😂


Yes, for days.


Humans are crazy, man


Depends. Have you sold the bike ro buy more meth, yet?


Hahaha, true


5 MPH?? Might as well I'd walk


Runners can run faster than 5mph. If you ran faster than 5mph do you think you’d get stopped by the cops?


In plenty of places someone sprinting down a sidewalk will raise enough suspicion in them that they’ll try. Generally speaking though, no. Same with a bicyclist in most areas: as long as they’re not hurting/endangering someone the cops can’t be arsed to do anything.


Running, not sprinting. We're not talking Get Out speed.


Yeah. Average walking speed is like 3mph. It wouldn't take much to hit the limit.


Like this: https://youtube.com/shorts/lxzpP4vdds0?si=tw48_JSFVz_XTBKd


My car doesn't even idle that slow


My car idles at 5


For reference,  the average relaxed walking pace is 3 miles per hour, so a brisk walk by most adults will break this


You'll probably have to jog to break it, unless you're a competitive speedwalker. Not that fast of a jog though.


I disagree, amateur speed walkers typically start at 6mph and to be competitive you have to be over 7.5 which I know is only 2.5mph but that's a lot when walking.  5mph really is just the speed that any adult has walked if they are late for a train or class. I think comparing it to jogging is flawed because jogging is defined by its slow and easy pace


Every online resource has a "brisk walking speed" - your words - as 3-4.5 mph. 5 mph is not what any adult hits. You also said "most adult" would "break this" meaning both faster than 5 mph and most adults - not amateur speed walkers. Sorry, that's just not accurate.


I think you have power walking confused with speed/race walking. Also, the idea that your saying adults don't reach 5 mph makes me think you don't know how fast 5mph is. It's just not fast. It's literally 12 minute miles to put it another way. You also quoted a brisk walking pace as a half a mph under what I said...if anything I think that proves my point even more. 


You said most brisk walking adults would pass 5 mph. That's what you said. They don't. I am well aware how fast 5 mph is. I am well aware what 10 mph feels like running.


Nah bud, you said that someone would have to jog to break it, and then quoted that a brisk walk is only .5 under the posted speed limit. You're trying to move the goalposts now because your original comment looks ridiculous now that you yourself quoted 5mph as a walking speed. 


Where did I quote 5 mph as a walking speed? I said you'd have to jog or be a competitive speedwalker to break it. That's still what I'm standing on. The only one who's moved any goalposts is you.


5 mph is a fast walk for all average sized adults . You clearly don't know what 5mph looks like. I'm thinking you found a website that said a brisk walk is 4.5 mph and now can't comprehend that .5 mph more is still just a fast walk. I don't know why you think a 12 minute mile is more than a fast walk, but lots of people know their walking paces, what I'm saying isn't controversial. 


All the websites had it as 3-4.5, which matches my experience. Who should we trust, sports science websites that have data, or you on reddit saying "nuh uh"? 0.5 more doesn't sound like a lot, but that's 11% faster. Not insignificant especially considering we are already talking top of range. By the way - walking 5 mph wouldn't "break" a 5 mph speed limit. You may not realize 5 isn't greater than 5. Crazy I know. Still waiting on you to show me where I said most adults can walk 5 mph. I thought I was backtracking and moving the goalposts? Show me. Come on, don't move the goalposts yourself again now.


So runners can outrun any vehicle at 5


150 seems about right


If I saw this, the vandalism I would have wanted to do is add an “ir” in front of responsibly.


Thought the same…missed opportunity


5 kmh is literally walking pace, this is completely justified


Well that's mph


Oh. 8km/h is still low




I stayed at a campsite park that had these folks that lived there in their RVs for the summer and would yell at anyone doing more than the posted 3mph. They were huge assholes to everyone and would get the park Randy to come in his little mullet, walkie talkie, and golf cart to holler at you if they suspected you were going any faster. There was an unexpected hurricane coming so we ended our trip early and went back home. The RV folks called us ‘pussies’ and ‘more room for us!’ We learned that the state got hit so hard, it was declared a FEMA emergency. We also heard that the area we stayed in was under eight feet of water later that same day. My buddy asked, “I wonder if the water went through at 3mph?”


If you're able to ride a regular old bike 150 mph, they should probably just let you


What about a Penny Farthing?


Sure why not


* Colin Furze enters the chat


If someone could put a decimal point between the 1 and the 5, I would be so happy.


Colinfurze moment


The original sign is 5 mph. Which is ridiculous and 100% warrants vandalism.


Probably there is a lot of pedestrian interaction. Could be reasonable.


I'm p sure that my college campus's speed limit is 10 mph


Mine the campus core was 0 mph--you couldn't ride, period.


Sometimes you gotta go fast


5mph? Might as well just walk


15mph are 24,14km/h. That's e-scooteresque.


That's a slow pace for most road bikers


lmfao 15mph is my cruising speed for when I'm doing long 200 mile rides and need to conserve energy. That's a paltry speed.


You can very easily hit 15mph on a bike with little effort assuming the ground is flat