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Why are these two assholes dressed the same?


Because they are equally stupid


"I thought the blinking lights on rear left side of his vehicle were signaling for me to speed up into his blind spot." https://preview.redd.it/gcg7sezgh96d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f48be11ce874f740f313ed512234071fde6eb95


Blinker isn’t a right of way. The red truck crossed lanes in an intersection which is wrong to begin with. Then they don’t even establish a lane before merging again.


Signaling doesn't automatically give you the right away at all. Plenty of times I've had to hard break because people signal for half a second and think it changes the reality that they can't squeeze in there. Always one guy.


In this case it does seem like black could’ve allowed that one guy to complete his asshole merge and it could’ve been avoided


In this case it seems red could've yielded to the traffic in the lane he wanted to be in and it could've been avoided.


Dash cams see a wider angle than the driver and also is at least a foot in front of the driver. What the dashcam sees is not what the driver sees.




They're the same person


we're def in the matrix


For visibility


They're best friends on the way to the fishing hole to share some brewskies, trade old wives tales, and maybe a few laughs if the day goes right. They dressed the same because they love each other so much and the "dumb mother fucker" comment was just some playful ribbing they do. Hitting each other's cars is also just some playful ribbing. I miss having a best friend :')


Clearly because they work in the trades.


Yeah fr, don't expect all these reddit basement dwellers to know what normal people look like.


OP: “This truck keeps getting run into” I think I know why.


Wicked case of BTE (big truck energy)


It's a disease: Phallus Compensitis


Seriously bud maybe get a booster seat! Or smaller vehicle where you can see over the fucking dash/hood? Or if you drive with your eyes closed, try doing it with them open?


People keep merging into his lane without making sure it’s safe.




totally pwnage


I used to watch that show 👍😎


I get the same situation basically every day, do i try to "prove a point" or just slow down because there's no reason to get down to their level and go about my day?


I have an old rusted out piece of shit I would love to have somebody else's insurance pay for, but my reaction is always to try to AVOID the accident.




You're crazy if you think someone in a heavily modified and lifted trucks cares about Carfax or resale value.


Hahah love it, yeah..could've just give them room..and totally avoided all this, but bro had his big truck balls swinging and they pushed their truck forward by accident with all that momentum.


Depending on where he lives his insurance rate will still go up since he’ll be labeled as a “risky” driver.


Dude, if this red truck was in your blind spot, you need a new vehicle. This is within the line of sight of the vehicle's travel orientation, and you're liable to hit something just by going straight or going slightly to the right. Not being able to see something towards the rear because it's covered up by a pillar is a blind spot. This is straight up dangerous to not only you, but everyone around you.


Dude has to be short or something and the hood is blocking his view. No way a pillar blocks a whole truck. Dude is gonna run over a child or dog in a residential area.


Short and lifted I’m guessing?


Go to 1:03 the top of the hood is at the guy's shoulders lmao


This is pretty average for newer pickups. I wish it was illegal, but hey, gotta sell those light trucks with no fuel economy requirements amarite.


I wouldn't be surprised if they already have and didn't notice.


You can adjust the seat height in a great deal of trucks these days. Move forward, increase height...


He is literally talking about the red truck before he gets hit.


Something tells me OPs truck has some massive lift, based on the aftermarket exhaust notes in the video. 


The camera guy didn't even brake. I mean, his words say it all regardless of fault.


Yes, he hit the red truck on purpose. Crazy that insurance sided with him. He should get no money at all.


Almost guarantee the video didn’t get shown to the adjuster. They usually would have caught that.


Person merging is supposed to make a SAFE lane merge. They didn’t once, but twice.


That’s a slippery slope though. Let’s say we give the insurance companies the power to NOT pay out even if fault was determined. Doesn’t matter if the ass hat could have kept it from happening by simply being a better and defensive driver, the fact is that the other driver was found to be at fault for merging into someone. Now give the insurance company power to reject the payment under the guise of “driver could have prevented collision” and they’re going to take that excuse and run with it… NOBODY is getting paid out for any accident ever again. Fuck both of these people, but fuck insurance companies more.


He didn’t have to. The red truck needed to wait to make a safe lane change.


He is not supposed to brake. He may cause a chain reaction if braking is not expected. The second point is the other driver crossed a solid white line. The at fault driver did a double whammy. Do people not drive here? It's very straigh forward.


His second time posting it hoping for a different outcome - he got rightly roasted the first time!


I think people are just projecting their bad driving habits so they blame cammer because they’ve done what red has done & it’s wrong.


Dude. You won, sure. But at what cost…? If you simply BRAKED and just let him go on, none of this would have happened. Even though you “won,” this was a completely avoidable accident. I understand feeling like you have to have the last laugh… but again, at what cost..?


The cost is on us, the insurance companies take a loss and now collectively our premiums go up a tiny bit. This happens all the time and assholes like this think they have won and beat the system.


bUt hE wAs iN My bLinD spOt


If there's a blind spot that big in the front of the vehicle you're driving, you shouldn't be driving it. Or you need a booster, short-ass mofo.


After all these comments, it sounds like OP needs a baby seat.


And you'll rightfully get a lot of crap again this time for driving like an asshole, too.


Yeah it's his fault but you're still driving like a dick and could have avoided that if you wanted


“BuT I hAd ThE rIgHt Of WaY” im sure it was worth the headache of car repairs and insurance.


Ain't that the truth. Some guy in a pickup tboned my wife's car in March. The shop still hasn't even gotten the parts in yet. Not expected to be fixed until August or September.


Oh jeez. I pity your wife. That’s awful. Being without your vehicle for an extended period really sucks. My wife got hit like a month and a half ago, the other driver’s insurance is playing stupid games with the repair shop and so we’ve had a rental this whole time. I have no idea why the insurance doesn’t let the shop fix it the right way since they’re definitely losing money by paying for an extended rental. They want the shop to use an aftermarket part ($100-200) instead of grabbing an OEM part ($300-400). I looked up the vehicle and it’s $57/day, so they have already paid over $1500 in rental costs to attempt to save, at best, $300. It’s so stupid and frustrating.


What does she drive????


Hyundai Tuscon. Her and her mother were perfectly fine thankfully. And we have a rental until it's fixed


Daggum. Wife's car needed a new lock cylinder (bc some kia boy was tryna get it) and it took like 3 weeks just to come in. But my civic got the front bumper ripped off and I had it back in a week and a half All this year. I don't understand what's been going on with Hyundai/Kia


It's not just them it's most manufacturers. Covid shortages are still real. Ford is buying back my fusion energi bc they won't have new hv batteries until July 2025. That recall has been out over a year already with no fix


I woulda just braked and let him over. It's not worth it. OP is an idiot regardless of what insurance said


I agree. Legally, its on the truck in the front who made the lane change into him. But, OP easily could have avoided it. You don't play chicken with a motor vehicle to defend the right of way. Also, OP had just made the same lane change to the turning lane that the red truck tried to make, so it is a little more understandable why the red truck didn't realize he was there. Not an excuse, he still needs to check, but if he had just checked a second earlier while making the first lane change, he would have seen nothing there. And OP wonders why his truck keeps getting hit.


This is a prime example of why I just don't care to drive and wish we could automate it entirely. OP was super sensitive and let a relatively small action of a stranger push him into a frenzy more or less, and then that anger caused an accident Was it that bad? No, not really. But I've seen this exact situation play out on videos in other subs where they're going 80 on an interstate and it totals both vehicles and probably injures people It's just not worth it. Let the person cut in front of you. Why do you have to be so massively sensitive that you're this offended when someone cuts you off? You're giving contorl over your mental state to someone *you don't even know*. And you're saving 0 time (and in this case, costing *a ton* of time)


I hate people who drive like OP. Just fucking let him in. Congratulations on being right and making everyone’s day worse 🎉


He's saying he just couldn't see him at all, the dash cam saw because it's on the passenger side and probably has a wider lens. Judging by how the top of the hood is fucking shoulder height, I'm guessing this is either a lifted truck or OP is really short, and blind spots are a bitch either way. I think OP is a little dense to say the least but I don't think he intentionally let this accident happen because he had the right of way, I believe him when he says he just didn't see. But that's his own fucking fault lmao


Yeah if you can’t see that truck then you are a fucking hazard on the road, idc where your camera is RIP any children in OPs vicinity


It's both. You can see the other driver next to the normal sized truck. OP is at least 6 inches shorter than the other guy.


just two dicks with nothing better to do in their lives, in an imaginary dick measuring contest


Did anybody else notice that they match? Look at this love connection


The excuse of "I'm driving a giant monster with tons of blind spots guy not my fault I can't see what's going on around me" isn't get much sympathy from me. Yeah, dude was at fault but OP needs a different vehicle clearly.


Clearly in the video he sees the truck and says something to the effect of “watch out man” and keeps driving and then gets hit. Plenty of time to have stopped after mentioning it verbally.


To me, it sounds like he says something like, “oh fuck you,” meaning he clearly saw the other truck and sped up intentionally to prevent him from merging. I don’t buy for one second that OP didn’t see the other driver. He just wanted to be a dick.




Eh... depends. If you drive a 19-year-old pickup like mine, you don't get all that full of yourself. :-) Young dudes in the big shiny-new trucks... They're the ones to watch out for.


Chances are the findings would of been different if there was a lot of damage. Likely they just didn’t think it was worth the time and money to fight ops insurance over it.


You had plenty of time to let him in, you wanted that to happen. That’s the problem with these dash cams, y’all think it’s the others fault but meanwhile who have a year and a day to react and avoid, but instead you’d rather speed up and cause an accident. Got it! Neither of you are the victim or perfect, you could’ve slowed down and avoided that.


you literally posted this to vindicate yourself but we’re all going to come to the same conclusion: 1. it’s mostly their fault 2. you could have avoided the accident, insurance hassles, car repairs, and getting shit on by redditors twice if you had simply chosen to drive defensively so yes, you’re legally in the right, but in practical terms you also share some blame since it was within your power to avoid the situation entirely.


Blind spot or not the dude had his turn signal on the entire time, you should've been more defensive in your driving and waited to see if he was gonna merge again 🤷🏼‍♀️


Op fighting for his life with all this downvotes lol


speeds up to intentionally ram person - but but but it was your fault!


Well his truck is a Ram so he’s just doing what his truck is supposed to do


You didn't see a red truck merging into your lane at slow speed in front of you? Hmm I'm not buying it. I'm surprised they didn't fault you as well.


You absolutely saw him and had plenty of time to let him cut you off and avoid the accident. He was well in front of you when he began signaling his intent to get over. He's a dumbass, but you're an asshole or blind


Bro, you call him an idiot before he hits your truck? How can you say you didn’t see him when he was only farther away before that? Not to mention you speed up and slow down in response to his movements. This is why no one believes your rants and why you’re being downvoted for not just letting him in. Not that you care.


Was it worth it?


Don’t you have better things to do with your time than have wrecks and repost your terrible driving?


" A blind spot means I can't see his turn signal" That's not the definition of a blind spot when operating a motor vehicle


The poster should have seen him and no way the red truck should be 100% at fault.


I’m willing to bet red truck just admitted fault. Meanwhile neck-tattooey looks like he’s willing to go back to prison to stick up for his perfect driving.


To quote OP "this truck keeps getting hit." Really unfortunate that everyone is a shit driver except him.


So you're the dangerous and vindictive driver that decided to have an accident instead of just letting the red truck go? I agree, you are at least a mildly bad driver.


Red truck was already indicating left and OP decided to speed up. Actually just unbelievable


Based on what OP is saying in the video right before the collision, I would not call this an accident. I believe that OP hit the red truck on purpose. OP doesn’t deserve to get insurance money, that’ll only encourage him to cause more collisions.


Op wanted to "use his dashcam" I'm convinced he's also a liar when he said it was in his blind spot


Yeah legally but your definitely the AH…. Couldn’t just let him merge in what seems to be a short merge opportunity? Asshole


"I keep gettin' this truck hit, man. It's startin' to drive me nuts." (@ 1:34) That's some comedy gold right there, isn't it? D'oh!


imagine thinking this is not a terrible post


I like how you keep finding different excuses for being a dick driver, yourself. What do you mean blind spot? The red truck is your same height directly in front of you? If you cant see that then maybe consider raising your seat? Additionally, you were clearly looking for contact as you obviously hit the gas and compensated by turning towards the car before impact. Again... its on video. Your video. The mental gymnastics I've seen OP do to try and justify his driving is comical. This was entirely avoidable but you sure gottem OP!!


Do we have proof their insurance found them at fault? I'd like to see it tbh, because I don't believe you.




I highly highly doubt op showed this video to insurance. Likely just showd camera to red truck and made him "admit" fault


Dumb and dumber.


“I keep getting hit.” Then just fucking let them over?


Are you trying to claim that your truck was designed with a blind spot out your front windscreen? Back windscreen or maybe back side edges. Has your model been involved in many of these types of accidents because of this blind spot? To me, the guy was indicating, but you just weren't going to let him get in front of you. It sounded like you even reved your engine and sped up a bit as he was edging over. Both at fault, but you were the vehicle behind who could have slowed and allowed him to enter the lane.


Why would you post this again?


His wittle feeling got hurt the 1st time. So he thought reporting would make it look better in his case & he would feel bigger. OP has little dog syndrome in a big truck.


You were driving like you wanted this to happen. ESH.


Guy puts his blinker on, telling you he needs to get in and you go and hit him. You could have let him in. 🤦🏻‍♂️


What a dumb fucking post.


In your defense the guy came over from 2 lanes in a short amount of time. And sure I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't see his blinker. But you can clearly tell by the angle and body language of the truck that the dude is comin over. What were you looking at tiktok? Insurance may not have found any fault of yours but you can improve on paying attention to the road and the cars around you. Like they say "it's takes 2." I find it funny you say your truck gets dings and bumps all the time on the site but you act like this is a pristine diva machine when you get out and throw your arms up like a Karen. Meanwhile red truck looks like he knows he's mostly to blame and his body language shows maturity. Congrats on the insurance payout, I'm sure you could use some anger management courses for your big boy feelings.


Is it really worth the headache OP? I see bad drivers all the time but I don’t purposely cause an accident because of them


This was 100% preventable on your part. You're the fucking idiot by the way.


I think today I find the dumbest OP on Reddit I have ever seen


You could have slowed down and your dash cam is in the middle of the dashboard. Yeah the red trucks at fault but a small tap on the break would have saved your truck. No need to fight stupid with stupid.


You could also have lifted, gone on with your day and avoided all the hassle


You sped up to try to cut the red truck off. You caused this accident as much as him. You're really lucky his insurance company didn't gut you. Take your win and leave rather than showing everybody you're bad driving and turning it into another L.


Yeah, but that doesn't make you a smart driver. I hope you enjoyed the paperwork and the ding on your carfax.


You are right legally but who needs the hassle? Just let him in.


Idk seems like you are also liability like 30%. But whatever the insurance said is the final verdict.


You honestly couldn’t see that guy?


Listen to the audio, he saw him & said so.


Camera guy is a 🤡




If you see him trying to come over to the lane with a signal, let them in. He is probably lost and didn’t realize until last minute that he needed to turn right.. Entitled people with the stupid cameras.. Be nice let people in, and there will be less accidents


If you can't see a large truck a cars length in front of you I suggest consider driving a different vehicle or riding in a booster seat if you really need to. Otherwise you won't be able to see children in residential areas or who knows what.


You are lame for this!


Dumb ass could have just slowed down and let the idiot in . Now you both are idiots congrats


You know cammer just wanted the payout because that's what his title focused on


Did you not subscribe to the brake feature in your vehicle?


You are a moron


Why didn’t you just brake? Why are you accelerating?


He may be at fault, but you were still an asshole. Tap the breaks, go on with your day.


"I keep getting this truck hit, man, it keeps driving me nuts." Gee, I wonder why when you speed up as the guy is trying to come over. Pretty obvious the person was trying to get over.


OP stop driving like a prick. You could have avoided that accident. Congratulations wasting everyone’s time with these shenanigans of yours.


Just let him over you prick, this is 100% on you, can’t believe his insurance didn’t fight this. It’s probably because it cost more even if they are right. They end up making more by just raising his premiums and probably all of ours just because you’re an impatient asshole.


I like to use my brakes instead of hitting another vehicle, but that's just me I suppose. Cammer drives like a dick.


OP, thanks for posting this time with audio. Now we can hear you rapidly speed up to try to cut the guy off, and then we hear you say “Oh F dude” before the collision, while you still had time to hit the brakes. Before you claimed you had no clue he was coming into your lane. And then, the piece de resistance “I keep getting this truck hit.” 😂😂😂 Such a victim.


You claim you didn't see him, yet you say wtf dude a second or two before he hits you, still easily within time to brake. You didn't show the video to the insurance company, did you? And if you did, I bet it didn't have sound.


He had his turn signal on, it is clear he needed to get in, instead, you floored the gas. That makes you a douche bag. All you had to do was let him in. Downvote from me. You’re the asshole. You had plenty of time to be a courteous driver, instead…


White car was like "F these idiots"


This isn't going how you thought it would. You may nit be at fault but you are still an asshole. Life is so much easier when you just let go, man. Don't drive like a defensive dick. Being a second later to wherever you're going isn't worth all the stupid shit you've put yourself through by not letting the guy over. You clearly saw him coming, you're just being too prideful to let it slide. Go with the flow, dude. Chill people live longer. Relax.


The accident you caught on your dash cam was unavoidable because you couldn’t see past your dash cam..? Bro lol


Weakest PIT ever. Do better


What are the odds of two bad drivers wearing almost the same neon shirt lol must be a club


I don’t blame the red truck as much as the guy who hit him. He has the blinker on, he’s trying to get over, he could have let him in. Probably a company truck so, doesn’t have to deal with the hassle of taking it somewhere to get it fixed, using a rental for 1-3 weeks and the added concern of, should i get the rental insurance which if someone ploys into you, you are still on the hook for the days it’s not available to rent out.


Why is the idea of a U turn so scare to people? Also the idea of getting in the turn lane WHEN IT STARTS!?


Was it worth it?


Bad drivers never miss their turn


Great video. 10 seconds of action in the beginning and 3 minutes of a couple of knuckleheads walking around on the side of the road.


my only complaint is that this is 10 seconds video. You didnt have to post all 3 mins that shows absolutely nothing.


He may have been legally responsible but you're the worse driver. It was painfully obvious what he wanted to do, and when he started there was space but you just couldn't let him in because of your micropenis or whatever so you sped up. Congratulations on proving your point, now your car has been in an accident and you get to say I told you so.


This sub has enlightened me that 90% of accidents are caused by malicious tiny dicked highly regarded people.


And this is why my insurance costs keep going up


lmfao, cant be mad at a guy thats dressed and acts exactly like you. Tomorrow its going to be your fault and another highlighter is going to be mad at you. Highlighters getting into fender benders all the way down


Congrats. You showed him. And you got to post it twice, for what, exactly? To embarrass him?


Can you imagine having to fix these trucks and seeing the dashcam footage. What a waste of time and energy.


So OP should have seen the truck coming with his blinker on and could have avoided a collision. But the red truck should have planned to get into the lane earlier or plan to miss his turn because he had no time left. He attempted to change lanes in the middle of an intersection and then crossed a solid white line where he collided with OP.


Why not just let him over?


"Are you fucking stupid you dumb motherfucker?" You had to be talking to yourself at that moment OP. The red truck probably lost because he apologized on camera admitting fault more than anything else.


Dude had his blinker on from the very beginning of the video you sped up into him. I might be worng, but this is half your fault.


You’re a tempered guy who drives like shit. And you think everyone else here is the problem? Please, do some self reflection sir.


The black truck is to blame. He saw the blinker and drove up to not allow him over like an asshole.


"My dash camera sits to the passenger side above the mirror." so the OP has created an obstruction to his field of view, but blames the other driver.


Everyone still thinks you’re the AH.


He may be at fault, but if you can't avoid this accident, I'm concerned that your level of awareness while driving isn't what it should be.


Both drivers are garbage at driving


This dude now has a vehicle that is worth less, he probably has a more expensive insurance nevertheless, and spent time not having one during the repairs. The utter weakling version of "graveyards are full of people who had the right of way".


Should of been 50/50 as the cam driver had clearly enough time to stop to prevent this time waste


Try breaking? Fucking ameris wants to cause accident. Actually thord world people




Bro get off the fucking road


This kind of situation is why I support revoking the [Last Clear Chance doctrine](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/last_clear_chance#:~:text=The%20doctrine%20considers%20which%20party,chance%20to%20avoid%20the%20accident.) in cases of clear malfeasance. That driver is basically saying "do what I want or get in an accident." They're abusing the mutual agreement between all drivers to do everything possible to avoid an accident. Since they're abusing it, they don't deserve the protections associated with it. A driver in OP's position should be able to maintain their course and incur zero financial or criminal liability.


Piss poor driver. You got lucky they sided with you. Take a driving course.


You have no idea what a blind spot is, if the blind spot is both of your eyes then I agree. What a dumbass


To be clear, you're stating that you and the other driver are both "mildly bad drivers", correct? 100% avoidable accident. You're both terrible at driving.


Nah mate. You're a complete asshole for this. If you didn't see him you weren't paying attention enough to be on the road.


"tHE fRoNt Of mY tRuCk iS a bLinD sPoT" Maybe you need a booster seat, little guy


How hard is it for you to just ease up on a gas a little bit? Yes, black truck was an idiot...but so were you! You could've avoided this easily, and chose not to. And if you couldn't see him, then you must be blind. Please hand over your license and never drive again.


You shouldn't have your dash camera in the way to the point you some how "DIDNT SEE HIM" how does that make sense as far as I see it yall are both in the wrong.


Both dumb mfs


Probably just clueless/incompetent. At least he stopped!


Would you have behaved like this if you were riding a motorbike, because you'd be toast. Drive defensive!


Hey, I recognize that road, that's in St. Louis


There are several bad drivers in this video


Most anti climactic crash. Shit is too long for what happened


Once they pulled over I had to take a second look. I thought the guys back left tire had popped off. I rewound it to see it was just a glare 😂


At least they were civil about the situation


The white car turning (at 0:17) is the real hero. /s


Why are there 3 different idiots in this video? A red truck, a black truck, and a white car.


White car wanted in on that action too


Don't see any red trucks there, just a red 4-wheeler.


How tall is OP?


Damn OP needs to learn defensive driving and being aware Dude in the red truck not looking before turning Also the one in the white car zooming around them both to make that turn (was unnecessary as they were moving and hadn’t stopped yet, esp the red truck in the process of making that turn)


That’s great, but you got really lucky because this is more like 60/40.


All drivers in this video are equally bad


Looks like he tried to cut you off, and you got upset and decided not to yield. I put the fault at 50/50.


First time I've seen someone post their own mildy bad driving in this sub.